-" reiasitnsiio BTO0 16 United Staton oie ho S30 TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: . we pac, 100 King West, > J. Crowley, | St, dumen Street, 3 Ba nerd Avene. ney . hamm-owers, lie, 19 1h La Salle Street. 0 the airor are published Over ihe Bel mame of ihe . cifeulation of The British Whig 4 i ienteq by the Audit Hurean of ns. ------ LABOR DAY, ~~ bor Day was not as propitious could have been desired, the later jars of the afternoon, however, i out fine and the Trades and ounci] pulled off a fine line on the cricket field to the hit of a"big crowd of people. All enjoyed the day. The fact . Labor Day is a governmental gave significance to the ev- er ------ have prevented the passing of any vote that the Liberals could have proposed And he might have formed his ministry protem, of four Senators, who 'would not have had to vacate their seats for re-election. TARR Sian A ih LOWE Commons would not have been pat into 'the very embarrassing position in which they found themselves on the last day of the session, At the begining of the session he Should have let Mr. Lapointe's mo- tion of confidence go to a vote. Sev- eral Progressives could hardly have voted for that motion at that stage, for the Government's policy was not yet announced. , It is required of a statesman that he be wise, not merely clever in lit- tle tricks that often prove vain, : Ss d---------- SEVEN CONSPICUOUS SIGNS. The Bell Telephone Company's summary of business conditions points out seven conspicudus signs of trade revival. These are: I. Bank clearings in July were up ag compared with a year ago In all the cities with clearing houses, excepting one. Montreal and To: ronto led with increases of $85. 000,000 and $32,000,000 respec- tively. 2. MacLean's = Bullding Reports show an increase of 42 per cent) in i buildings; 30 per cent. in residence building: 6.6 per cent. in industrial building and 21.3 per cent. Th public works and utilities. 3. Exports in June, the last month for which figures are avail: able, were £119,400,000, an increase of $25,100,000 over, June, 1925, and imports were $9)500.000, an in- crease of $16,0000000. 4. In June last the production of pig iron in Canada totaled 70.584 long tons. compared with 45,883 for June, 1925, and steel ingots and castings, 81,277 long tons, compar- ed with 63,140 long tons in June, 1925. Newsprint production in- creased 5,000 tons in June over the previous month. In June last 101,- 459,000 pounds of sugar were manu- factured, compared - with 109,437, 000 in June, 1925. For the first , The workers had & day off from ' half of 1928 the production of auto- ily tasks and they will be the bet- for the pleasures participated iu. jt is an 'interesting fact that the sta- the industrial worker has ma- incréased, in recent years. on they are enjoying pros- "happiness and contentment. 1 conditions may pertain ighout the year, and the next ersal will see the workers more &Bsured that Canada is finest couptry in the world for - Who wants to Wark, 18 the | hope ot The British Whig. AL GOVERNMENT. Mr. Meighen with great per- 6 holds that the tariff reduc- The people of Canada , do not think 80, The they find in their odie. as od taxation fs the mobiles was 83 per cent. higher than in the same periog of 1925, and the value about Fehon ono greater. The production gold in 1925 established a new high record, with a total of 1,735,735 fine. ounces, worth $35,380,826, against a value of $31,582,443 in 1924. 5. Commercial failures for Can- 'ada in the second' quarter of this Year were 497 and labilities $8.- 085,720. The number was the smal- LT any second quarter since 6. Immigrants into Canada for April and Hu numbered 36,118, an increase of 11,791 Svar thé same 217 a returned from the l® tention of remaining «7. Gross revenue of the two great Canadian railways were $185,041.- 000 in the first six months of 1926, 4s compared with $162.607,000 in the samo period In 1925. «This is an imposing array of facts relapive to the presperity of Jorots ha in i js the idea rs of au | to-day. a to ¥800 a he; hind last, the > reduc Sevenaing the type "they | re are more "cars Seing-made a than ever before. And x oF the purts entering 1 the ction are made * in 0 pe before. The manufaétur- } to build forty per cent. car in Canada this and) it to fifty per cent. "after 1st, 1927. This arrangement great importance for the em- it of more workmen in all of Canada, busily treating which are assembled at the les and the ear finished bution in Canada or for ex- of the Brantford Expositor. These 'and other similar' stateménts are so Himpressive and convincing that even the chronic pessimists with the ex- ception of a few who have not yet To- | £01 out of the gloom, have been com- Pletaly silenced. 5 -------- ~ RURE BUNCOMBE. : Under the caption "Canada Be- ing Bled" the Prosperity League in its amateur way,.tolls Gs the sad story ofa financial transaction. + It. says that when a man buys an 'American motor car. in Calgary tor the sum of $2,000 a bond is issued, and {hat bond is sold to the United States, in order to pay for the motor We have no idea why they select f motor car for the illustration, but in general to {an trade, it means that for every commodity that we' from the Unitad States, we 3 bod in paym@nt. bought we issuéd a (| 18 done with the United States, it must apply' to other countries as 'well, for the same general principle 'will. apply whether: we are or more : months a year ago. A total of 24-| April and © May en 42 Serge A 1 this process Of doing bustasss| TE Er - i: 3 phasis. OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: lable, not tha first. |! ness, WORD STUDY: \ DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH wo OPEN JISHSED; rion SRY BAL Se hv SLIGHT oFrect 'Umi "more." "Strictly" "may be "used for em- OFTEN MISSPELLED: Chautauqua; note fhe au, au, ue. SYNONYMS: bashfulness, idence, modesty, humility, ,coy- "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To-day's word: ENERGIZE; to endow with energy. . faculty of energizing thé men sround him." opponent. Accent the second syl- "He has the ------ amounted to , $401,000,000. We paid the igterest we owed by trans ferring a certains amount of our credit balance to the United States. But what about the bonds sold. in the United States? Part of these are refunding issues--simply a renewal of existing indebtedness. Part, on the other hand, represents vast in. vestments being made by Ameri can capitalists in the Dominion of Canada. It represents the develop- menp of our natural resources. Is Canada poorér because these bonds are sold and the money invested in Canada, Does a nation sink into i poverty from the development of itr resources? Would the establishment of a great mew enterprise in King ston, Halifax, Moose Jaw, Calgary or any other city, injure the city in which the industry was established? Is Canada going down hiil rapidly because a natural resource lying dormant, .becomes a productive in. dustry? The Prosperity League of Canada says that it is, but it wil} have a hard time making the electors believe it. ------------ EDITORIAL NOTES. The Germans, we see, are cheer. ing the Kaiser again. Why should they? He's the one man in Germany who really did well after the war. Wood products are to be utilized to produce cheap gasoine. Another raid on Canadian foPests and an- other reason for reforestation. Many 8 the world's greatest fine anclers believe the Canadian Natiofi- al Railways if continued under their present policy, will pay off Canadw's debt in fifty years. ---- Old historic buildings in Toronto beifig' raged without seériotis res flection. 'In after years this willbe |8 Togretted. Relics are good things | ve for youth to look upon. ' The people of this country are going to return to Ottawa a govern- ment with sufficient majority tc en~ sure sound and stable administra tion. And that. government will bé Liberal! \ -------- hi President Coolidge got a cherry ple three feet across, and at ones went looking for George Washing- ton's little hatchet. As thousands deo the president 'looked outside for the thing; it was shatchelryg the ple! Hoa: James A. Robb declares that, despite the hysteria fomented by paid advertisements, by city bills boards, and by rural barn signs, Cans ada, at the present time, was pros: perous. H.C. McKillop, the Conservative candidate in West Elgin, is another member of his party, who professes to approve the Robb budget. But he overlooked voting for it in the House, in fact he voted against it. Harvesters wil cross from the Unjted States to Western Canadas Fowtng to labor shortage on thie side. That is & new tame for the gioms sters to try on their 'fiddles, is the right chord from the Toronto Glebe. Ina Jesding editorial the Indian: apolis Star says Canadas must be badly. off for political issues whet leaders of the Conservative party ary ing to create prejudice against {ihe United States in the present po-| = litical campaign. "If Canada has noe |- thing worse to worry shelf" of literary classics. From the hundreds of thousands of homes and over," our Indianapolis contemporary, "than the fear that the e United States cherishes a dark design of crossing the border some fine day and annex- ing if, it is an 'extremely fortunate country." The slogan, "Vote as 'you like-- but vege," perhaps hardly meets the situation, but at" least it suggests what should be the general duty on election day. "Vote for the best in- terests of the country, in your opin- ion," should be the appeal. In Berlin police are experimenting | with a system wheréby criminals can be identified by their voices. The mechanjcal-means for recording voi- ces have long ago been perfected. By the German system habits of 'speech are tabulated just as the marks om & thumb are tabulated. Mr, -Meighen has been telling his audiences that he is going to. raise the tariff all round and then leave it alone, thus 'achieving tariff stability. Very well, Mr. Meighen, comments the Winnipeg Free Press, but will the people of Canada leave any such tarlif alone? The 'one paramount desire of the Canadian people, namely, tax reduc. tion, is being ignored by the Con- servative party. It is promising ev- erything it can' to keep up the costs to the people and to win the tranchise of people in constituencies where the national visfon does not extend further than the nearest mare keg town. Young men, be punctual; be al- ways on time and never keep others waltiing. To'be on time meant that you make an effort to do things ac- cording to order and method; the young man who observes no order shows that he is careless and lives not according. to reason and. common. ) oe ape, sagire unk | The ordinary run of folks «will best remember Dr. Eliot, of « Har vard, for his famous "five foot lterature of the world he made a selection that has found its way inte has been the instrument . through which millions have come to kiow the classics. To many it was the sole contact with great literature. Uv. 8, Under Mecsstary Wi hae logt no time in declaring the position of the Treasury to : sentative Madden's plan for devoting $150,000,000 of foreign interest pay. ments annually to tax reduction i8- stead of debt reduction. Thé coun try calls, says the New York World, for a clipping of the colossal debt |] while the country is prosperous. The national credit should be Kept ia tho bot possible. condition. The Budget Immensely Popular. Regina Leader: The Conservatives 106k for their usual g showing in Ontario, but it is evident that many This year a general slash was made in the Income tax rates. The former exemption of $2,000 allowed to a mar- . ried man was increased to $3, 000, and large groups of householders were made eligible for the exemption. A married man with three children is now exempted from paying an income tax until he earns over $4,500 a year. A single man now gets an exemption of $1,500, an in- crease of $500 this year. Under the old law a single man earning $200 a month paid an income tax of $56. 00. His tax is now $18, or 65 per cent. less than it was a year ago, Vote For Halliday AND Further Tax Reductions WITH A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. | Conservative candidates 'are having a hard time in ex attitude on the Robb 'Budget, wile | ON SALE AT BIBBY'S The appointed selling agents for King- g stofi and vicinity for ox ties celebrated Shoes. $10.00 20d $11.00 Try a pair and we will predict you will always wear Church's Shoes. ss They excel in Comfort, Quality and A OLUTELY OTHING BETTER THAN OUR EXTRA PICKLING VINEGAR "Underwood Babs A TWO MODELS 8 Banks of Keys ..... shite 4 Banks of Keys... ,. '$75.00 Terms to sult you. s Street Montreal. the city's | Is at a prémium. Not a hort "uds oF 1 the. treat for