Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1926, p. 8

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¥ . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS : ; or aa a . men's Institute for Frontemae dis- J « \ k i display of Hiakers of sawtral tinae YH : LIFE S I SIDE, ¢ | trigt, left for. Torande todas to sft... np RIA REA quantities, which Miss | : A SINS NAAR AL lio [tof tne CG. NH" = i | Mary McCallum whe asked to judge. gr ae SX < 2 - 0» PP : 5 She showed the members the ditrer- . - © Mrs. A. F. Chown and Miss Daisy Woman's Page Editor Phone 2618 visiting Her mother, Mrs. George Chown, University avénue, have re- $ Private Phone 837w. Dapking, 108 William street. turmed from Bigin House, Muskoka. . » , - . * . » . } Mis Honora Dyde, Centre street, Mrs. A.W. Sirett. "Haszeldell," | Mrs, Isaac Allen and ; Miss Lois! in Toronto. Portsmouth, left for Toronto to-day Allen, Victoria street, have returned | : 88 to. attend the C. N. B. in connéction from a trip to England, France, Nor-| Miss Mae Jaméh spent Labor Day | with the Woman's Institute Exhibit. {way and the Rhine, - } | enjryed by every one. The button in Toronto. > 0.0 . oe : { hole contest had to be postponed un. ; re 'n Miss H. L. Chown and Miss Mar-|, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and N { Ul the November meeting. God Save Mrs. Colin Hamilton, Barl street.| garet Hall have returned from a their family motored to Kingston for | the King closed a very successful on Saturday to spend time near | trip to England, Ireland, France, ithe week-end and were the gues's Session alter which a dainty lanch Montreal. ( Norway and the eitiés of the Rhine, of Dr. and Mrs. A. 'B. Knapp, John- { Was served by Mrs. C. Loney and ; fee iw. son street. f ; "| (Mrs. T. Bushell, ! Mrs. G. Beaudry and her niece, Dr. H. A. and Mrs. Boyee, with} - : : : rr ---------- 3% Miss Marie Murphy; Kingston, are | {heir little daughter have returned Mr. and. "Mrs. Charles Hanson, AUNT HEY ence between a cholee of coloring [ahd a Jumble of any colors and gave |: | many mové valuable Ritts which | wort much appreciated. after which «she awarded first place to Mra. J. Sleeth, Miss Agnes McCallum gave ia plana solo which was thotoughly visiting in the Capital. . to Deserdhto after visiting Miss Montreal, spent the k-end with ¥ ee . Boyce's mather, 106 William west. Col. and Mrs. C.F. stantine at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hickey, John« 3 . the Commandant's Quarters, Royal . Streef, have returned from » Prof. and Mrs, G. B. Reed, Albert [Military College. motor trip to Montreal. Street. who motored to Port Arthur, 4". 5 sone have returned home, bringing Mrs. Miss M. 8. Batley and Muss Anne Nour Grocer Sells i} E.W. GILLETT CO. LTD. : TORONTO, CANADA ] Mr. Charles Simpson, 53 Willism . Street, spent the holldey in Alexan- dria Bay the guest of his daughter. yy La or Miss Hazel Bulford, Athens, has ¥eturned home from a three weeks ¥isit to her aunt in Kington. * » i . 2 i Mrs. Alma J. Alkendrack returned | 10 Vars on Monday tc resnma her! Reed, Sr., with them from Toronto, | Bailey, Pittsburg, Pa., have left for - se their home after a visit with their Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Spencer | sisters, the Misses Bailey, Univer- returned to Syracuse, N.Y. Monday | sity avenue. After spending the week-end with "se Rev. A. L. and Mrs. Mc¢Tear, Tren- Brig.-Gen. W, B. M. King leaves { ton. London at the end of October for . ." Montreal, wheres he will be joined Mr. Colin B. Macpherson and his by the Hon. Mrs. Shuttleworth King, friend, Mr. A. B. Wadmat, Ottawa, who hae Spent the summer 'In Eng- E The Editor Hears | That citizens who use the street cars much say the motormen should receive medals from the city for sav- | ing the Nves of stupid, careless and GALLAGHER'S TAXI rors "@uties as principal of the public iwere holiday visitors with Mr. and |land. over-venturesome 'drivers of mo:or SERVICE 960 school. 1 - Mrs. C. A. Macpherson, University . ¢ es 9 cars and trucks. The street cars . ANYWHER} v 5b. avenne, Mrs. John Herald, a former resi-| have to stop frequently for motorists ] 25¢ IN " Col, Barker of Toromto and Mr. * eu dent of Kingston, fs again at St. |wng are not obeying the rules of the i " W. Kent, Kingston, Were recent Mrs, Fredgrick Carson, who has Thomas, after being - at Lake road. The 'other' evening two, ohne! "I Uke 16 s¢¢ men shived. The guests of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Ferguson | been in Goderich with her sister, |Rosseau, Muskoka, and at Winder. tried to Dash each other, one almost [only thing T ever liked about Pa's DAY OR NIGHT Inverary. | Mrs. Nan Lesslie, is now with Mr. |mere with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. getling on the track. A passenger beard was that ft kept his vest) § ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS J {and Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Romilly | Wiiltéside, usd Ber family. sald to the conductor: "They seem clean." . "i : h Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Leach mo- House." * Tio t to get killed." He shook hi fored from Grand "Valley and rpent * Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pepper, Chi- hor a ALE at is on ure - - the week-end with Mrs. Mitchell, Prot, had Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, cago, Ml. who were tha guest: of time this eve > m ning we have had ta} : Rideau street, | Queen's University, and tneir sone, |Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Sparks for the stop to save an accident." Is there 5 Fewer Beads. . TRE NEW NESTLE LANOIL AND The scintillating dress of beads is 82 "Phone 987 CIRCULINE PERMANENT WAV. , SNS who spent the summer at Prince week-end, left to-day fora trip down ~ \ : v Bot In evidence for fall, 'though a] See us for ali Ringe af Carpentry "eis $15.00.084 up. Mrs. McClymont and her daugh- | Edward Island, have returned to the St. Lawrence and the Saguensy | "NY Teason . that the street" 'cars 3 few jeweled models are still belng| work. Estimates &1ven on new fours er, Miss Mina McClymout, of Ottawa, | tows: and will return home via the Hud- Tesla the a oe aged Me" | shown. a. ave your hardweed Seers clean. RANK ROBBS Wa, spent the week-end in Kingston sie. son River and New York, ryt -- Y Tent vionplag ¢ rion] rns | 0d WIth Sur wow Soor 185 WELLINGTON STREET - With relatives. £5 Lady = Beaverbrook, known in * : ed iin reaching their destination by y : a oe Kingston as Miss Drury, is progress-| Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Taman, 318 the constant carelessness of drivers? Mr. and Mrs. D. J, Campbell, Far-|ing rapidly toward health and will Tar) Stree, jug aly Bon, Mr. ; N.D., have been visiting Dr. John [soon be able to leave the Royal Vic- |Herbert Inman, who spen, e sum- ---- Am in Kingston, a home |toria Hospital, Montreal 3 mer at Dundas, have returned to Tht Apsady joe Pumping tint from Arnptior. vie a town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Inman, | make x © Kind of ple "mother use "a a Misé Doris and Miss Mildred Me- (Ottawa, wero their weekend guests. | to ha e R hve appeared on +e Mr. dod Mrs. JB. Marcoux and |Cue, 497 Barrie street, entertained . i. Jar ot. - ump n Seri be their daughter, Miss Beatrice Mar- on Monday evening for their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham an. Satan any Lie. = won't have to Souk. Kingston, are spending a few |Miss Evelyn MoGIl of Toronto, who Sheir son, Alwya_4 or aires, Dr. (Walt. at ankagiving, =x ay. x erguson, and' Miss F. erguson, : io po gays in Otiawa, . Jretuined haine to-day nurse-in-training, Kingston Genera! ' nat She news Sat hare 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Wil-| Master Norman and Rogar Perry- | Hospital, visited Miss Ferguson's | Doss ¥ OF 'a rose show being hel Ham street, left for Toronto an Sun- man, Detroit; Mich. hav: returned | Parents, Lt.-Col. ina Mrs. F. 8. Fer. ov. Summer by the Kigaton Ho? day to spend a week with Capt. ard home, after éperfiling four weeks va. | guson, Inverary. He Ry ahaciety Jt Jailed with do. rs. Edwards... cation with their grand parents: My |- EEC : IEht. By those who love flowers and . ©" » and Mrs. John Calléck, Brotk strest.| Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bowen and | Were fortunate enough to see the 8. J, 'A. Todd with her son, has . « their daughter, Katharine, are Shlendid --~ OR emt owes i aE . 6. W. ; - {Spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. | Show uring R . ave ined to Indianapolis, Ind., after : Mrs. G. W, McNaughton Syden w Bowen and Mr. Charles Ir Bowen, Brock street, They have just . returned from England and the con- der the tinent, where they spent the sum- Horticultural Soefety would do much mer, to improve the appearance of the 8. city, Rev. F. H. Cosgrave, néwly ap- ---- pointed Provost.of Trinity College, | That various reasons are givin Toronto, was - married Quistly in {for the action of the pastoral session Grimsby on Saturday morning to Miss | of the Wesleyan Conterence at York, Leila Metcalte, daughter of the late England, in vetoing the proposals Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Metcalfe, and | for the ministry of women. One re- niece of Mr. James Metoalfe, Grims- lates fo theological matters rather by. than those of organization, another : ... . is that many Wesleyan ministers en. Mr. ahd Mrs. George Cottnam, | tertatn much sympathy with Catho- Watertown, N.Y., formerly of King: | Me order and tradition, and that thay ston, 'announce - the engagement of are aware the Anglican Chursh will their only daughter, Gertruds Lydia, | not tolerats the ministry of women. ttm iin WHEN USING WILSON'S LEV | ed Outerwear. For F all wear--the knit-to-fit make Dresses anc In a wide variety of styles and col- ors. All exclusive models, in all wool and Silk and Wool. 2 DRESSES from . .. | re . 910.00 up SUITS from ....,.... 8 9.50 up See our new Winter Coats | Ww. N. Linton & ~ THE IRISH LINEN STORE, § i : £ Bele £ ii ES g i to Frederick M. Cornell, B.S¢., son % of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cornell, Ome- - , Bae mes, Ont. The wedding to take place x ATs To Dt He | womEws INsTITUTE fH A . . » ? as o Mr. and Mrs. J. PF. O'Sullivan . 5 fey with thelr daughter Marcella and SUNBURY, thelr father, Mr. J. O'Sullivan, who ' An enjoyable entertainment wag have been he; Suests: of the latter's | eld Thursday evening, Sept. 2nd, nléce Mrs, I. Burke, University | 1a the community hall under the avenue for the past two weeks have | Ausplees of the Sunbury Women's feft for their home in Los Angeles, | Institute consisting of a very edu- Calit, cational 1seture given by Mr. Paul . s 9 Moreland, B.A, on his Mr, and. Mrs. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. ! during "the , summer, Service, Me. and Mrs. Varier and Mvteiand touched on many inte . Miss * Ma Carey, Rochester, emy his. lecture beginning N.Y., motored to Kingston to spend | with the Dleasures: of in ithe holiduy Wwith- Miss Carey's par.| from there ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Carey, at| glum, Holland, their summer cottage, "Fort Henry, land. ~The whels "WEE JReSerye vo re 5 ened to with rapt attention dy an : Min Flo > » . APPreciative andience, 3 : ra Sproule, estbrooke, uring the evening the Battersea Miss Helen Wilmot; Pittsburgh, Miss oreNestra supplied Rm : Dorothy 'Dixon and Miss Beatrice Voeal Handly, Sunbury and Miss Gladys A Robb and Miss Nettie Mandly, Bat. tersea, have left for Toronto to re. present Frontémae W. I in the ; Sls sing competition at - the! yy 1 «1 3 ERE ee . y hs TE _ Mr. and Mrs. Bowls, New Bruns holed m 2 ha rie nope sitter. nd george: their sons, [Vere served by thé ladles. | - - x x nd S-------- Laird, : ; i i if i 1 § i ifs 8 5 25E5E iif sh i Hh HE 1h i 23 i Ak EF +4 i ih | fives i d 3d man & Co, Catalogue, then come to

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