(--------====Founded 1847. -- THE JAEGER SHOP | ih v HERE'S --a gathering of Fall Suits and Topcoats that cannot help but elevate the fine reputa- tion of this store and its merchandise several notches higher in the esteem of those who know quality, appreciate style and realize values. A good test is our special value . SUAS AT $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 and TOPCOATS $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 75-79 BROCK STREET AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR ~- BURBERRY COATS d of Mixed Fruit arriving for the be. Regular value 80c, | RALLY ON SATURDAY NIGHT The final Liberal rally of the | campaign will be held .in the Mem- | { orial Hall on Saturday night, in the | { Interests of the candidature of Mr. {James Halliday, the Liberal caadi- { date. The speakers on that oc- | casion will be Mr. Vincent Massoy {and Col. A. T. Thompson of Ot | tawa, Determined efforts were mace | to get Hon. Jas. A. Robb for this {| meeting but Mr. Robb is bookea up | for 'three meetings a day till ele... | Hon day, and it was ympossidle for | him to yield to the requests. { Mr, Vincent Massey is a splendid i speaker and presents the 'issues of {the day fn a most scholarly and in- | teresting manner. Col. Thompson is { no stranger to Kingston. He is one { of the outstanding speakers of the { Dominion and has accompanied Mr. | Mackenzie King on all of his trans- j continental tours. Col. ' Thompson | will be able to tell his audience of { the prospects of the various parties | in the different portions of the Do- | minion. | Everyone is cordially invited to | this meeting. The hall should be | packed to hear these two gentle- | men.' : Mayor Proposes Big Celebration Of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation or July 1 Next. Next year will mark the 60th an- niversary of Confederation and in view of the fact that Kingston is one of the oldest places in Canada, | Mayor Thomas. Angrove believes that some steps should be taken in due time by the city, to hold a cele- bration to mark the diamond jubi- lee of this most important event. Mayor Angrove states that he in- tends to bring the matter before the City Council. 4 "I think that Kingston should take action along this line and in- tend to bring the matter before tha Council," sald Mayor Angrove" on Thursday morning. Mayor Angrove would like. to Secure the opinion of citizens on this matter and no doubt after ihe election is over and conditions ge! back to normal, the question will be ==,/ Local Briefs Gathered by Re- HEARD ON THE STREET ants Ire Ori P---- T. J. Warren, of Deseronto, is visiting in the city on business. George A. McRae is among the I} visitors in the city from Brockville. §| William Swame. plano tuner Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. | Lem Lung Dick, manager of the lj | New England cafe, has taken out naturalization papers and is now a Canadian citizen. 3 Many boats were held up on the lake this morning due to the heavy fog which made it impossible for them to proceed on their way. The shipping has been great! delayed this season 'owing to bad weather conditions. IR. J. Bushell Heard by Large Crowd at Enterprise Robert J. Bushell held a meeting n | on Wednesday night when a large crowd turned 5 to | hear the speakers. The kers wers Lieut.-Col. | F. 8. Ferguson Fred. Clo ® a fine appeal to the people, setting before t EW ano APE ; and Mr. Bushell. Cel | AILY BRITISH City and District | Schneider Damsons. Big baskets, 75c.; Green Gages. 80c., at Carnovsky's. om ting." At the regular hg Or rie Rotary Club on Thursday. A L. Davies spoke on "Printing.' Notity Principal. Candidates for Sydenham high school old boys or memorial schol- arships should notify the principal in writing by Sept. 15th. . Weld Up By Fog. Near Clayton, N.Y. on Wednes- day morning the SS. Toronto, of the Canada Steamship Line, run into au heavy bank of fog and was forced to lay to at anchor,for about an hour. At the YM.C.A. The Y.M.C.A. is beginning to take on the aspects of life so familiar dur- ing schoo] sessions, now that every- body 'is drifting back home again after the summer vacation. Every- thing is being put into shape for the fall classes and gymnasium work is expected to start about October 1st. Police Court Brevities. An enlargement for a day was made in the case of a citizen charg- ed with being intoxicated in a public place. The "accused pleaded "not guilty." A citizen 'who pleaded guilty to a charge of being intoxi cated was fined $10 and costs. Advance Poll. The advance poll for railway em- ployees, sailors and compiercial travellers-is to be held of the eve- ings of Friday, Saturday and Mon- day from 8 to 9.30 o'clock at the in- surance office of Mr. J. Driver at 352 King street. To vote at the ad- vance poll it is necessary to get-a certificate from Judge Lavell or Mr. McGuire, the rural registrar for Portsmouth, Drowsed in St. Lawrence. The body of Frank Garske, aged sixty-eight, a patient in the St. Law- rence State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N.Y., who escaped from that institu. tion September 1st, was found float- ing in the St. Lawrence River on Monday night. Garske came from Western Canada and was entered at the hospital April 24th, 1926. ¥t is believed he was attempting to swim across the river. Jailed; Dies in Hospital. A few days ago Harry Bookhouse, an aged man' from Deseronto, was sent to the BelWville county jail as # vagrant. He was taken {ll shortly after andl sen the local hospital, where he died 'on Tuesday~Tt was stated at the time of his appearance in Deseronto that the man came from Dundas county. An inquest was held and a verdict of death from na- tural causes wag recorded. . School Classes Filled. The public school classes are re- ported to be very full, bat the classes do not seem to be so crowded as they were last 'year, due to the use of the new Rideau school. Tle schools in the north end of the city have, the largest attendance. The collegiate has plenty of room owing fo the removal of the com- mercial department to the old Louise SC . The commercial depariaent will take possession quarters Monday. ---- © Married at Trénton. A wedding took place on Sept. 7, when Miss Lela May Hyde, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hyde, Trenton, was united in mar- riage to Stan. R. Thor , Hamilton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Mason: M. Thorpe, Brinston. Rev. Dr. Lorne Pierce officiating. The happy couple left immediately after the ceremony by boat for Montreal and Quebec. On their return they will live in Hamilton. of their new i y i ---- ¥ Roy Topping, who resides about a mile west of Algonquin, suffered a heayy loss on Tuesday _WHIG AAA AAA Adhd dh 4d 4 2 4 2 2 = a a 2 Auhdhdda 4 Adhd da a aa l= re Ce REEF 1 Laidlaw's Daily Store News -DA Sy INT For Friday, Sept. 10th 3 ge a RRA: Xa pu Fro RSI oT GE: a ba Y!! FLEXIBLE !! * The proper thing to wear 'under vour' ever new SMART!!! prettier-than- Frock for Fall, should be THE | ROSE MARIE MODEL CORSETS ' ' 'Perfection Made"? "Pp ; 'Rose Marie" Non-Lacing Corset--Saddle Back Model ~ An altogether new type of wraparoynd Corsét that gives smooth, unbroken lines, elegantly sections, tailored with peach colored elastic alternating with pretty, brocaded silk sections of Flesh, with slight boning, giving added support with perfect ease. Ask for Models No's 214 or 218. *8.50 and *9.50 The "Rose Marie" LACE FRONT MODEL The perfect fitting new model, Front Lacing Corset that will mould the well placed bones lend support elastic top completes the wel] tailored . 770, in flesh. Priced at more feminine contour, where needed, while the model style, No. figure into a *1 0.00 : A "Rose Marie" ~ WRAPAROUND GIRDLE The appearance alone will in- stantly appeal to feminine taste of beauty, «Adding the wonderful, well designed model, with its elas- tic sections set in where soft but firm support gives comfort; finish- ed with pretty, Brocaded Silk, in Flesh, in all sizes from 27 to 32. The style number of this model is 237. = 10.00 - To finish the 'perfect contour, \ We suggest with the above ¥ models a combination with tie