Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1926, p. 6

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~ "ITHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ments were served during the even- | LFES SOCAL SDE © oo + | 8Preads, table cloths and shawls that had been waven by hand many years | 880 were shown. Refreshments were served by the directors, Mrs. RB. Tay- lor, Mrs. Wm. Sly, Mrs. V. De Wolfe. and Mrs. J. Baker, brought the meet- ing to a, close; {a week in New Haven, Conn., the | 8uest of Mr. apd Mrs. A. Hemsley, street, and their family, returned to | having retinal: with them when they left after spending a few days |. on | with Mr. and 'Mrs. Hemsley, Brock Voman's Page Editor Phone 2018. : Private Phone 837w. the city last evening, after a holi- Te.» day at their . summer home Mrs. R. 0. Jollitte, Frontenac K: . Btreet, is spending a few days in Tor- onto, \ . » . , Capt. and Mrs. Hamilton Roberts motored to Toronto to-day for the 'week-end. ' . * * Miss Forrest, London, Ont, is | Visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Lind- say; Albert street. ci . pe ' 'Mrs. Harry Macarrow, Ottawa, is Wisiting her brother, Mr. C. Bir. Amingham, Barrie street, . . - "Mrs. Allan Harwood, who visiting Mrs. ©. L. Bruce, Bagot returned to Ottawa to-day, . * - Miss Hubbell, Winnipeg, is visit- ing her cousin, Mrs. Herbert Robip- - 8on, {The Bungalow," King street. * * * Mise Beatrice' Parkinson, Ottawa, Jeaves shortly for Kiugston, where @he will enter Queen's University, . . - Mr. and Mrs. Charles. McKay and Mrs. T. K. Chrissléy motored to Bath to spend the week-end with rela. tives. * ® Miss Reta Logan has returned to Kingston afler spending the past few weeks with hep parents at-Rock- spring. - + » Mr. Prestly McLeod, who was in town for the wedding of his brother. Mr. J. B. McLeod, Jr., has returned to Mantreal, 2 * 5» ~ Mrs. Fergus O'Connor and her family have returned to their Earl Street home from their cottage at Fort Henry Cove. , he . «9 Mrs. T. H. D, Hémming, Geovpe Street, returned to Toronto with her daughter; Mrs. G. 8. Bowarbank' and her children. : 5 . * . i Mr. and Mrs. Thornton-Disher, Brantford, who were with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mason, Frontenac street, have left for Toronto. { * 9 b Miss Jean Reid, ddughter of Mr. 8nd Mrs. Lyle' Reid; Ottawa, leaves his month Yor Kingston to enter n's University. La . Mu, R. 8. Waldrén entertained luncheon at the raqui Golf Country Club on Monday for RF Segswor LT : . W. H. Macnee and Miss Macnee; Union street, who h 'Mrs. HubertwNetison in « 'have Jeturned to town. . : . - aud Mrs. T. Callendar, Mait- street, have returned from Fet- rn, where they were Buests . and Mrs: Frederick ering. Dr. and Mrs. * HOWward, Broex 7 AAS Ae 5. | nue, has | Charleston Lake. . . - Mrs. M. Pilling and her grana- | daughter, Ina, have Peterboro, after 7spendi with the forme: Roddy. - ® . * Col. Hunter and their daughters, Mrs. Ogilvie's sister in British Co. Inmbla, are returning | next month, * 5 9 Mrs. Keith Hicks, Kensington ave- and her family have left for Toronto, to. spend the winter, and have taken an apartment at 19 Sum- merhill Gardens, . - -. Mrs. W. A. Sawyer and Miss Mar- fon Sawyer, University @venue, who were with Rev. Walter and Mrs. Cox, "The Y," Lakefield, have re. turned to town. + > ! . . . » Mr. Malcoln Mitchell, of the Bank of Montreal, Oshawa, who has been Spending his holidays with his fath- er, Mr. J. H. Mitchell, ~ Johnson Street, will return to Oshawa on Sun- y. * 8 9 Mrs. Joseph Hill, Miss Smith and Mr, Archie Pugh, Los Angeles, Calif, "who hgve spent a month in Kingston, left this morn; ing for New York where they will spend a month before returning to Los Angeles. Dorothy - » - Mrs. Henr| Panet, Ottawa, who is visiting her brother Mr. po. Ber- mingham, Barrie street, entertained at luncheon at the Cataraqui Golf | Who visited h and Country Club on Wednesday with bridge and mah Jongg to fol- low. The guests included Mrs, J. H. Blmsley, Mrs. R. W. Rutherford, Mrs. F. W. Hill, Mrs. HAI, Dawson, Mrs. 'W. H, Macnee, Mrs. WW. Ber. mingham, Mrs, Donald MacPhail, Ms. James Hamilton, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mrs. Halloway Wadde!l. Mrs. Arthor Cunningham, Mrs, Ww. P. Wilgar," Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Mrs. Hamilton Roberts, Mrs, Philip Du Moulin, Miss Hora and Miss Frances Sullivan, 8 800 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKay, Scranton, Pa., and ° Mr. and Mrs James Williams, Syracuse, N.Y. who are on a motor trip, visited Mrs. Donald Slesth, Battersea, and Mrs. Thomas K. Chrissley, Inverary. Mr. Dalton M. Williams, Detroit, Mich, sisters, Mrs. Sleeth and Mrs. Chrissley, has returned ome. ; ¥ 0» Miss Gladys Fairbanks, Barrie street, was the hostess on Wednes- day evening of a miscelianeons show- er given in honor of Miss Myrtle Bean, a bride of this month, Miss Irene Secker played the "Bridal Chorus" (Wagner) and a number pretty and useful gifts were given to the popular bride-elect. Refresh Oglivie, Mrs. Ogilvie Who are visiting to Toronto street, . . - A number of small teas j&iven this week among the are being univefsity dj1set for Mrs. J. F. Macdonald, who leaves for Toronto on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Mrs. Vernon Crotlers, Centre street ,entertained at the 'tea hour, and this afternoon Mrs. J. G. McKay, Earl street, is a tea hostess in her honor, - . . Dr. L. Dunbar Steverison and Mrs, Stevenson, with their son, Peter, will arrive in town from New York shortly and will be with Mrs. Steven- Son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon," until they sail for Europe, where Dr. Stevenson will spent some months in research work. . » . Mrs. R. 0.' Joffe, Frontenac street, was one of the many hostesses in the university set who recently entertained for Mrs: J. F. Macdonald, who leaves for Toronto shortly to Join Prof. Macdonald of Toronto University. The guests, about twen- ty in number, gathered in the draw- ing-room, . where flowers were ar- ranged in profusion, and after Mrs. Jolliffe had expressed the regret felt by the members of the college set at losing Mus. Macdonald, Mrs. J. C. Gwilim presented her with a hand- some silver bowl as a parting gift from her college friends. Supper Was served from the thble in the dining-room, which was effectively decorated with summer flowers. . * » A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraser on Monday. when Mus, Marry Bearance entertained at a miscel- | portant question to be siways kept in- laneous shower in honor of their only daughter, Lorena, whose mar- riage took place on August 23rd to Melville King, also of Elginburg. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers from their own garden. Mr. and Mrs. King received may. use- ful and beautiful gifts, including a cheque from the bride's father and mother. 'Games and music were en- Joyed until = about eleven o'clock, when refreshments were served. Be. fore departing for their home the young people formed a eircle around the bride and groom and 'sang 'For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Both Mr, and Mrs. King are ¥ery popular in their community, "A presenta tion also made during the even- ing, w Mre. John SiHver, on be: half of their neighbors and friends, read an address and presented Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Tolles, who have left to reside in Sydenham, with a beautiful cut glass water set and tray, also a cut glass fruit plate. WOMEN'S MEETINGS v8 ; Chalmers W. M. S, Chalmers Womans Missionary So- ciety held its first regulur meeting after vacation on Wedrdesday after- noon in the church hall, Miss May Ross, vice-president conducted the meeting in the absence of Mrs. A Laird, president of the Soaioty. Mrs. D. Macphail acted as secretary and Miss B. Driver as treasurer. The mdeting was addressed by Rev. Gy A. Brown, who spoke on the "WM 8. as a factor in the Home Constitu- ency," and congratulate! tle women on the increasing prograss of their work as an organizat.on and the efforts. 'As a factor in home life, an ini. mind is "How does the mambership of the Soclety compare with that of capture and use for tho advance. ment of missions all the the church. It is oclety to stir up misslonary ost in : : ie congregation as a success which was attaading their | lifts force of | the privilega of the | DISSOLVES GREASE AND DIRT Cleaning" for all th-wa shin aun ris Your Grocer Sells i$ WW. GI & W.SILLETT To tro ---- li f WOMEN'S theiTUTE | " The Bigin branch of the Women's Institute met op Thursffay after- noon, Sept. 2nd, in the community hall with an attendance of forty. The meeting opened with the sing- Ing of the Women's Institute Anth- em composed by Mrs. W, G. Towriss, Athens. A letter was read from Mr. Charles Taylor, thanking the ladies who assisted at the social under the auspices of the Orange Lodge. Flow- ors were sent to Mrs. Will Yardley who has been in the Kingston Gen- eral Hospital for some time. Tho secretary read a letter from her thanking the Institute for them. In answer to a letter from the General Hospital, Brockville, it was decided to make & donation. Ladies were ap- pointed to make a house fo house canvas. Miss Eileen Dennison and Miss Florence Taylor were chosen to attend the Girls' Conference at Kemptville, Qct. 19th, 20th and 21st. Mrs. V. DeWblite will take charge of the Girls' Garment Making Club. This club is for girls, between the age of ten and twenty years. The first meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Soper on Saturday, Sept, 11th. A committee was formed to take charge of'the booth at the school fair on Sept. 16th. The roll was called and answered by "My favorite recipe." The business part of the 'meeting being 'disposed of a 800d programme followed. The In. stiiute Ode was sung. Mrs. R. Me- Connell gave a paper on "Making The Most of Lite" which was much enjoyed. Mrs. R. G. Leggett, distric: president, was present and gave &n interesting and instructive address. She spoke on the different depart- after which she gave a talk oo "Diamonds." Each member possesses some taldnt or talents and Mrs. Leog- 'use those talents for the good of the people about us, Mrs. L. A. Mustard gave a demonst- ration on mat-making. Mrs. Mustard | Aug. 31st, WESTBROO! The Westbrodk branch of Wo- men's Institutes met on Tussday. at the home of Mrs. Hénry Macrow, Jackson's Miils. Twenty-five members sand visitors Were present. After the reading of the minutes and the roll call "sum- mer drinks," business received at- tention. Mrs. J. Morley and Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule were appointed to take charges of the lunch counter at Cata- raqui school fair on Sept. 10th. Mrs. Wilfred Sproule, district director, gave a report of the recent meéting of the District Institute. Additjopa! donations were at this meetiog riven to Mrs. W. Sproule and Mrs ~W Day, the committee to secure assistance for a bereaved woman. Mrs. A.W. Sirett, a recognized leader in Insti- tute work, gave a 'much-needed ani helpful talk on the exhibit of flow. ors to be made by all Institutes in Frontenac at 'the Kingston Indus trial Exhibition. Mrs; Sirett also ex- plained the difficulties of financing the district Institute, with the re- sult that five dollars was voted for this organization without which we could not hope to be effective. Mrs. Sirett spoke also of the work of the Junior girls who judged some do- mastic science exhibits 'at Ottawa and of the task awaiting the seven Frontenac girls who wil] judge simi- lar exhibits at: Canadian Nationa! Exhibition on Sept. 8th. Three floral table-centres were displayed in the dining-room of Mrs. Macrow's home. Mrs. Birétt was the judge and very kindly pointed out faults and good points in the arrangement Formerly of Vancouver, B.C. Teacher of Violin, Harmony, ete. Residence Studio: 65 West Street. Telephone 1412. Harold S. Packer Teacher of Plapo and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations. STUDIO: 840 Johnson Street. "Phonp: ments of work done in the Institute, | 2050-m. Daisy Johnson, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Violin and Plano, STs Oo Studio: 319 St, between Johnson and Eur! Sts. Phone 2330-w. KORINE A. NADDEN A.T.CM. Mrs. H. Hililara the winner and therefore is entitled to exhibit in this class at the K.LE. Al members are invited to, bring their flowers on Monday, Sept. 13th, in the evening to the home of Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule for &rrangement. The sum of $7 was voted to purchase a shield for com. petition in the coming ruraj schoo! fairs of 'Kingston township. Mrs. A.B. Saunders gave a fine reading "The Unappreciated Wite." Miss Nellie Day sang "My Dear Old Pal," and Miss Eileen Bootleman, a Raincoats and Umbrellas FOR THE RAINY-SEASON A very special offering of Slicker Oiled Raincoats--dark Red, Green and Blue. All sizes. Well made, with Belt and lined to the of the flowers. Berry was The collection amounted to The hostess 'assisted by. Mrs. freshments. Selves of the Recent investigations many honey-bees of the blossoming season. one ton of soot. Umbrellas, in Ladies at $1.25 to $2.00. Steel frames. . Amber Tip Umbrellas in different color bers, at $2.25 to $5.00 each. ese are in twelve ribs, Faney.Colored Umbrellas, amber ti , in plain colors and fancy edges, $3.75 to $5.00 i= Men's Umbrellas rang; from $1.25 ¢ $5.00. he anging from Jy | W.N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE fs Fi ; : 2 3 Day and Miss Magrow served visitor, sang "The Prisoner's sf $1.72, . Albert re« All who availed them Oobportunity of meets ing in this home of & new member were much pleased by her cordiality, show that are poisoned whe fruit trees fre sprayed at the heigh$¥. .- A hundred tons of coal produces i

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