a 1 : : __THE DAILY BRIT | te Founded 1847. 'PREMIER DEFANES |THE JAEGER SHOP | i H | City and District | + NAME OF THE DEAD---------------- : Attacks Him |, Sis) aliernovs, Sent. 11th, at -f00, Rot 40. hele ba Ere Nv Feavo nls; Log xr Py Boivin, Mrs, W. Mt --. ; ST RRC XR EE YOUNG MEN'S and Top Coats |. WITH VALUE AND STYLE E Here are Clothes that bring to you the _ best value of the season, styled up to/the minute and priced right. Top Coats $20 and $22.50 Stratford, Sept. 10.--*T cannot jtruat myself to say whet I think," sald Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King last night, referring to Mr, Meighen's Teponted reference to the late Hon. George Boivin. "It is but charity to say that Mr. Meighen is 80 over-driv- en and so over-wrought and his pres- ent condition ia such tha has lost control of his better ju. ment." In "Granby, Que, Mr. Melghen, had sald George Boivin was his friend. "I learned to-day," said Mr. King, "that in the course of his wild jour ney throughout the country, speak- ing at street corners, he undertook to defame the name of 'George Boivin @t Kincardine." Mr. King then read reports of the Prime Minister's te- marks In Granby and in Kincardine. The Premier had sald that George Boivin was responsiblé for the con- 'Are people of Canada going to condemn @ man who Mes in his grave 7" ---- Meighen's Reflections. Woodstock, . Sept. 10.--Speaking here yesterday Premier Meighen stated that be refused to allow Mr. King "to capitalize the death of a comrade." This was in reference t6 ithe death of the late Hon. George Boivin. Referring to the Montreal liquor eale discussed before the customs committee at Ottawa, Mr. est shareholder. The. liquor was sold for thirty-six cents a gallon. When the change was made by Mr. Stevens ,the answer of the minister 5 Anderson Bros. 1d 's every week. All this foodstuff d with care by expert buyers from New Brunswick lat ack on sale Saturday. None EF BEEF EL Dae. ery Butter (block)-- the churn", Tb, ) : meee be. ES % 5 Ny e---- Ingersofl, Sept. 10.--Premier The figures of the Kingston Bank- Week ending Sept. 9th, 1926, $637,- 670; cogresponding week, 1925, $781,229, ---- Doing Well. *, Fred nid the eight-year-old Par- ham boy, who was accidentally shot on Wednesday and who Is now in the General well as could be expected. -------- : Recovers From Injuries. Donald MacClement, son of nr. W. General Hospital since May 24th last suffering from injuries received in an automobile accident, will réturn to his home on Saturday. essen, Mr. Bfanle will take the place of Mrs. C. A. McCalpin and daughter, Shirley, with the former's aunt, Miss Carry Hillis, have gone to Toronto to join Mr.» MeCalpin and take up residence. Mr. McCalpin repently accepted a position with the General Motors Corporation in the 'Queen | City and Brockville loses 'a family of estimable residents. Seeley's Bay Ladies" Aid. Beeley's Bay Ladies' Aid was held at the home of the president, Mrs, Thook. After the reading of minutes of the last meeting and the roll call, to which a goodly number responded ,a business discussion ewists New Year. ers' Clearing House are as follows: Hospital, is doing as T. MacClement who has been in the | Meighen. closed .a crowded day with| Yesterday was the first day in the meetings at Ingersoll and Wood-| FoF 5687 'of the Jewish calandar. stock last night. He had spent «| The first and second day of the New Lb. 18. long day of constant travel and meet- ings, with scarcely an interval. There were daytime speeches at Kincar- have ever had. in the history of Can. | a Will exact their price," Mr. exclaimed, "at the cost of fundanreirtal Dd Year -are recognized ak high holy days by the Jews who refrain from all work om those days. The celebra- the M. T. wharf. Another tug is ex: 'pected to take her to Montreal with sdoad ob coal ori LTE Phe steamer Toronto is on the Preéeott-Toron in at Kingston this morning Sept. 10, Foote, 10 a.m.; City of Ot- wa, Tam = Bi Down, Sept. 8, Turret Court: 4 m.; Sept. 10, Aube, 1.45 a.m. ta of Hamilton, 7.30 am. = I Ee, MARINE | Sept. 9.8, 7. McKee, 8 pm: || Vv id adh - a Adhd ha Ah shih dh a FASHION AND TRULY FEMININE COATS FOR FALL Your Fal] Drapery Problems Eco. WEAR 18.50 to *35 Several models in heavy wool Coats stand for that'? = Are thers to be no| Rev. Harold 8. Clugston. He is a 4. standards in public life, no sense of | Queen's graduate, ing, in dark Heather Browns, checked decency, or is a mean, because he ie . 3 « . . calls himself Premier of Canada. to Locating fn Toronto. \ with tan rust and fawn with intermix- ed pin stripings, good-looking Coats of soft, piled Velours and Blanket Cloths with several English Tweeds complete the assortment, always with Fur Col- lars and Cuffs, often elegantly finished with Brocaded Silk Linings, 75¢. to 85c¢, pair BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED, BLACK 'GIRLS' FINE = | RIBBED SCHOOL Be worn under Sult Cost without added Heather, in all sizes from 86 to Brown Be | ALL wooL SWEATER COATS > BOYS' ALL WOOL - / a CIs Auaiuhukuhghdhd a 2 aa aa hada 3 5 : " of the next House. If, by any mir- : . RH ! 'we or- The steamer Jeskd cleared for Os- h Rx i : . acle Mr. Mackenzle King were re- ; : : i 0 : FH Fwo CARLOADS OF POTATOES, [litrmat'io ess. "o6ul 5s £5] were ci moving ron" Soman . $2.50 i i F which was entirely sold before arriv. SOT ort orm was. Bare Compton, which Ws A well4aflored, all pure wool Sweater 5 bet-: JS the goal 'of tres trade was Cénqueror on Thursday, is still at + Coat suitable for better wear, yet can . dition 'of the custome department. Extend Call to Pastor. tumn: there' ] This is sald Tr an imapartment. A unanimous call was extended A Swagger for Sty n; there's a of Canada of @ man who was "dea; | 1ast night by 'St. Cuthbert"s United sportive eeling mn 18 of low- 4 in his ve and unable to say a| church, Fairbank, Toronto, to Rev. . : . + word rh, defence." y James Binnie, M.A, Parry Sound.) priced Coats for Misses and dies, Th . EL 1 Melghen said: "Mr. Boivin sold that | Randall. The meeting opened with nomically Solv. ; ° liquor himself to Mr. Hushion, who [song followed . by the Lord's y ed by a Generous . bought the liquor for @ company of | Prayer repeated in unison. - The se of » » bootleggers, of which he was the lgrg- | séripture lesson was read by Mrs. | |4 p . don . Re the FV WYN ay was: 'That is true, but the liquor | took Dlace, followed by music. The 1 ; . ; Is still: in bond, and I won't let a meeting closed with prayer led by ] itable tor Slips, Covers or : : : gallon out until the ise ided | Mrs. Gilbert. Refresh t ere are { 1 Rf 2 by Jawer9.03 a ET ped served by the Hostess, Lary 1 Rendering nti, cn: atime GIRLS' PINK t That good defense, if it . motif, on of varying. \ hh : : I ON'S true, "Pt tre evidence showed ries In Military Orders, 5 Or dark as to taste. 30 inches wide, BANDEAU : h He at the time he spoke every gallon In the latest military orders re- ] Bo "All W 1 ¢ 5% o : : : Was out of bord. Indeed, it never ceived from headquarters, the ap-| | : J : [I 4 75-79 BROCK STREET, was in bond." ; points mt of ory Rev. Dean Seals 3 re ANCY 0 Brassieres : v . -- as clating clergyman of v p Church of England for the Kingston | !4 * AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR MEIGHEN ADVOCATES |cauien,ot Basiaoe tor tre appoint | | SPORT HOSE BURBERRY COATS \ sunt. 48 Sfsciive from August 17th. | |4 andveal 45c., 50c., 59¢. 4 ; \ PROT following sergeant Fron- Swagger mannish TRE : fH ECTION POLIC vertaificates of ines Yoo the in Bo a 8 He School Grls' assurance of If Of Your Route It Pays To Walk The Premier Has a Busy | Perasient School of Infantry held in. sma ot Proper form and grace of ap ' LE : bo roa Thursd y in W " oy pager camp; P, bliss RB. b cuff; decorated in colored de. pearance assured with one of ; Ontario. derson and D. Conway. Fv: Bas me In. Grogs Wises. . provesly fasmionad * ; -| tion continues for ten days and the : \ 3 ; EE S00 me A Ho Shy in To OCRINGS, STOCKINGS 13 EES Gia - > 5 larin, i T 3 at Y > LARGER MARKET SERVICE Of otestion, ASlaring ther, never | OB: Aiinost 8 sa puede ln c. and 50c. Pair : . 39c¢. to 50c. pair IakAl ho | \ & protective tariff. He urged that] held in the local synagogue. In the| | ¢ The ROCK Brand, Heavy Ribbed that onde of Black | Cotton Stockings J ER GS i a TT ' ; ; only by a return of a Sosa vaiiv Ma ase ihe Now Years ce. Stockings for Boys, as strong as their : Sombine 0d Appearance ita "EVERYTHING IN F OODSTUFFS"" et mens. S ub able, oo "| nan and is universally rao to NAME: may Sizes, : all sizes for girls, 4% 1 ei Spaiyie ALS oo "This time," he claimed at Blyth, | them 4s a holiday of great religious " : Carloads of foodstuffs are required b "we shall have the biggest represen. | Importance. : age : ; Hay a tative from the prairie provinces we Bon " 4 '