iN Read these Advertisertents and buy your, requirements from that, are making special announcements for Fair Week ' [Thompson Botting Co. CELEBRATED GINGER 'ALE ORAN GE 'CRUSH ROOT BEER YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH THE DELICIOUS QUAL. % AZ ITY AND GOOD SERVICE. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT THE MID-WAY AT KINGSTON Kingston indir Fair | PHONE 3100 INDUSTRIAL FAIR. #, {| Opens s Tuesday We are making a specialty of exipliing Velvet Ice Cream for teas, dinner parties, etc., either in brick « or in bulk. Bricks may be purchased at: Ward & Hamilton's Drug Store. Queen's Cafe. N Austin's Drug Store. ~ Hemlock Park Dairy, | Gibson's Drug Store. " in ny flavor, 1 AND ALLOW US TO LEAVE YOU A BOTTLE OF OUR | The Kingston Tod Industrial Exhidi- - | : Ii | tion opens on Tuesday with every in- P URE MILK ON TRIAL ' {| ication pointing to the fact that it IF 204 PRINCESS STREET. _ - TELEPHONE 304, . ff| ni taveins En | (K ¥ > | | the Central Canada Exnibition. The | ESTABLISHED 1867. : ijl | president, manager and directors ot | the Exhibjtion have been devotfig-a || great deal of time and attention to IL ia i we hie Attractions and they Et eee = ---------- Nn EN Tee are fled that their patrons will | . ' z | be highly pleased with the enter. i s talument 'features and educational |[f £5 McNABB'S EXOLUSIVE READY-TO-WEAR SHOPS, exhibits arranged for. | KINGSTON--BELLEVILLE «BROCK | i». Individual entries are this vear | ij : larger than ever before and althougn } | ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR STORE | the number has Increased, the qual- | > il | ity 1s quite up to the usual 'mark. i i el full line of the new- See our display of the original Kingston Exhibition has tof many pr in Pictu and . Picture genuine ' Gerhard Fleintaman | oi a S---- An I nvitation 9 ames, 33 att ctive prices for Piano, 2 flier. aster, automotive ana vetan [f dh i : : Rinave. wearee he eure waell - To Exhibition Visitors and Others GARTLAND AR T'STORE [EisiEd 23 Princess Street. 'Phone 21 16-w. I For the amusement of young and || : hi : old there will be a first-class mia- || : i 8 a We contialiy Invite your in soction andl coutparl Ji} | way providing entertainment of the || 4 : Autumn and Winter styles, quality vals {20er Bast Line ot hme" q] vee : hen. 4 va as Aung Sally, [I N t : h x y y/ 4 HG ® Lg : 5 gE a A of a seoreiof EE] £3 4 E a ay Ilestst 48 Shi tt wo every tat Canada apd. the United || . \ po je Ee a} the: CE ry wi ey tonable Woman and Miss 1d the-presentation of the new mode in Autumn and Winter Coats and Frocks, ats ais to Eifion had 40 Mtch to fey, Such Omen Bs