NEW FALL HATS The JAEGER STORE | WE'RE KEENER THAN EVER ON THE QUESTION OF QUALITY Suits and Top Coats FOR FALL We've built this store on quality, hence "| must zealously guard it. That's why qual- ity is taken for granted when you buy your clothes here. Come in and brouse around. SUITS $20 up to $35 al prices between ii TOP COATS $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 |LIVINGSTONS AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR BURBERRY COATS If OF Your Route It Pays To Walk MATERNITY SECTION OF THE HOSPITAL Will Bs as Complete as Can Be Found in Eastern : . Ontarjo. / PE rag The mew maternity section . in the remodelled Nickle wing of the Gen- | eral Hospital, wiht | in a week or so, prémises to be as | complete a maternity hospital as can | | } } | { ¢ ch will 'be oceupied | be found in Eastern Ontario. The four walls of the Nickle wing | are the only part of the old building which have been incorporated into | the new. The interior was planned | with a definite idea of the require- | ments of a maternity hospital, and as | & consequence the accommodation. is first-class. What \was formerly the | attic of the Nickle has beenicon- verted into 'a pi t, well-lighted floor by raising the roof several feet and at the top of the building will he the operating rooms, . sterilizing rooms, 'work rooms, etc., with double the capacity of the former maternity section. Am automatic controlled elevator carries the patients to this department. The fidors throughout the building are marble terrazo and battleship linoleum. ; The second and third floors are de- voted to private patients with accom- modation for sixteen, dogble the pres- ent capacity. Each room is equip-1 {ped with hot and cold water, dim and bright lights and an electric nurse call system. There is also a baby creche on each of these floors. The first floor is for the ward pa: tients and accommodates fifteen in five separate rooms. There is also a baby creche on this floor, electric call system, dim and bright lights, ete. The ground floor of the Nickle wing has been utilized as the admitting department for the whole hospital. Patients will be brought in at the back of the hospital away from the view of the general public and the office, waiting room for patients, waiting room for visitors, and ob- servation rooms will all be grouped in close proximity. The observation rooms will be for cases where it has not definitely been decided whether or not they are suffering from a contag- lous disease. When all the plans have been worked out and the new ad- mitting department in full operation, It is expected that it will increase the efficiency of the hospital very considerably, SENT UP FOR TRIAL ON MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Case Against Edward McAl- lister at the Assizes Next 'Week, - ------ A charge of manslaughter was preferred by the Crown, in the Po- " ee -- - Special Week-End Offer for the Kid- dies | Get one of these Balloons be- fore they are all gone. They float through the air like real butterflies. The Kiddies enjoy them and are carrying : them away in hun- WALITY SAUSAGE GETS BUSINESS imerick Sausage is a high grade pro- ct and will hold its own with other Meats. © one wants to eat Ham and Bacon and ti Sausage has its place on The Taste That Tell" lice Court on Thursday morning, in the case of Rdward McAllister, driver of the car that struck and killed Ex-Ald. W. J. B. White, on the night of August 5th. Through 'his counsel, W. M, Nickle, the accused waived a pre- Hminary examination, and was com- mitted for trial, and will appear at the Assizes, which open on Tuesday next before Justice Logie. Crown At- torney T. J. Rigney is conducting the prosecution. Arrangements 'were being made for bail on Thursday at- ternoon. FOUND BOTTLE IN BUSHES. ¥i ; Man Explains Where oung He Secured His laquor, 'A very interesting dialogue took place in the Police Court on Thurs- day morning, between Magistrate I, and a young man who was hailed before the court, on a charge of drunkenness. ; When asked where he had secur: ed bis liquor, the accused said he found it. "Was it in a tree"? queried the court. ; : : « The acused stated that he found a bottle half filled 'with what he believed to bé home brew. The young man was fined the usual $10 and costs. 8 Montreal, that despite | "City and District E Amniversary Services. Anniversary services are announc- for St. Andréw's Church, Fairfax, ed | and; Chalmers, Lansdowne, on Sep- tember, 26th and October 3rd. . On Relief Duty. ; Immigration Inspector Alexander | Fowler, Kingston, is on relief duty at the ferry termina! at Brockville, while Inspector ¥. C. Knight is on vacation. a Has Relatives In City. Dr. 1. D. Cotnam, Pembroke, the Conservative member-glect for the North Renfrew, riding is a brother- in-law of Ex-Ald. Enoch Godwin of this city. Hurt by His Horse. The many friends of ramsky, of Joseph Abramsky Limited, will be sorry to while out horseback riding burt by his horse and will up for a few days. At Summer Home. Thomas H. Wheeler, formerly se- cretary of the Standard Oil Com- Wau-Wi-Net Island, his summer home near Alexandria Bay, N.Y. where hie has passed many summers, ---- Vestments For The Choir. The rector, Rev. W. G. Swayne and congregation of St. John's Church, Bath, have recently been the reei- pients of the gift of vestments for the choir, the bepefactors being Mr. Nelson Booth, New York. In the Appellate Division. Rex vs. .LeBlanc--A. 1. Revelle (Kjngston), for prisoner, appealed from conviction of prisoner by County Court of Lennox ad Adding- ton for indecent assault. > Brennan, for the Crown. Order quashing conviction for lack of cor- roboration, Abrams--Robinson Wedding. A quiet wedding took place in St. John's Church, Smith's Falls, Satur. day morning, when Robina Belinda, daughter of Mrs. William Robinson and the late Mr. Robinson, was unit- ed in marriage to Capt. John Regin- ald Abrams, Belleville, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abrams, Gananoque. Addressed Rotary Club. Mr. W. P. Hughes, athletic direc- tor of Queen's University, addressed the Rotary Club at the Thursday luncheon on the subject of "Play." Mr. Hughes stressed particularly the benefits which could be derived from supervised play and the dangers which boys and girls were exposed to when they were given no guid- ance. ¥ an ' S-- Kiwanis Club: Activities. ; To-night at the Kiwanis Club the boys who eubered the boys' potato contest under the guidance of the local Kiwanis Club will be entenrtain- ed by the club. The speaker will he Mr. Walter Cooke of Cooke Bros. market gardeners, Cataraqui, and he will speak on "Some Difficulties of Market Gardening From the Stand- point of Both Grower and Consum- er." The boosters to-day will be four members of the ciub who are in touch with country affairs. h "Voice of People," Says Nickle. "Vox popull, vox del," was tha comment of Attorney-general W. F. Nickle, when dsked by the Toronto Star what he had to say about the results of the general elections. "Anyhow," he said, "Kingston gave a big majority." "To what do you attribute the Conservative losses in Ontario?" was & query. "I haven't given the matter a thought." he said. "What Is the | use of holding post mortems?™ Met After Fifteen Years. To have met his brother after an absence of fifteen years was the ex- perience of George Elginburg at the fair grounds on 8d1y aven- ing. While walking up the midway, Mr. Bliss happened to notices a man resenibled his brother, who left Bi part of the country fifteen years ago, and did not return. Upon ing him his name he found that it was his brother Mr. Valney Bliss, who was working in the midway. a3 -- pany, New York is seriously 4ll at}. AAhrrhAd de a a AAA Ah dh a a a ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ea Thursday; Septemb 16, 1926, | | _= Ee ---- : -- Th T&D ------ : w nd EXHIBITION SPECIALS For Friday's Selling Greater values, bigger bargains than ever offered be. fore will lead hundreds of Exhibition Visitors to this store to-morrow. Every item listed below is a money saver and repeated. . cannot be 75 PAIRS DOUBLE BED Flannelette Bl This offer "represents the biggest Blanket value offered during this sale. There are just 75 pairs of lovely, white, velvety finish Flannelette Blankets, with borders of Blue or Pink, with whipped ends. 11-4 size. 72 INCH BLEACHED SHEETING Your Fall Bedding needs can be filled economically by a large purchase of this unusual i dh 300 Yards 34 Inch WHITE FLANNELETTE Friday and Saturday Only 20c yd. Weavy and vel Night Gowns, 75 ONLY Fall and Winter Coats Richly trimmed with Fur Friday and Saturday Only 23.95 This offer will not be repeated again. Your opportunity to secure a lovely, Fur Trimmed Coat for Fall 'and Winter 'Wear, at a substantial saving of Dollars, ; Such a pleasi variéty of new, Fall shades ond from, excel- lently tailored from smart, piled abrics' of POINT, DUVETYNE and VELOURS, in all sizes, ranging from 16 to 42. Special for Fiy and Saturday only. 25 DOZEN, COLORED BORDER ' Bath Towels, 3 for $1.00 : <> Every Towel iis perfect, thick and : m A 3 excel : - i. br] : ; in of Fink Blue Maver Cold. An hi tion special ss or for $1.00 i Hays pA