x See Our Di lay of a ep) urs J Manufacturers of Fine Far Coats, Scarfs, | and Fur Chokers Your Fur Coat or Furs remade, re- | modeled, refined; good , workinans reasonable prices and quick despatch. McKay Fur Coats are priced in plain figures, much less than general stores so-called Sale Prices. : Comparison will convince you. Com- pare style, quality, workmanship and price. . You can depend on McKay Furs to be exactly as represented, If you live out-of-town, write Jo our 1926 catalogue of Fur Fashions ox. pert fur advice and. information you de- | JOHN McKAY, Limited 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON 35¢ Removes Corns, Callouses and Bunions in en Minutes. SEE OUR DISPLAYS ! Branigan's Drug (NI 268 Princess Street Phone 18 ee i Special Announcement! ; NOW IS THE TIME for you to buy an ELECTRIC TOASTER, or 'B IRON that is Call in and let us show our lines ¥ _&t prices $3.00 to $7.50. and place In rst class order all makes of Electrical appliances and guarantee our work, je Saunders Electric co. Buarantéed for service. Ps from which to éhoose. And will show you electric fixtures will meet with your ideas ot taste and utility. You'nn be prised how economical electri ' will help you to enjoy lite 1¢ Will but give it the OPPOrtiL. Everybody No mechanic consi- dersa job hard to per- ---------- Hi | open to ll | given under the following cond|- i | iH i 1 | dali any age, il | J the classes, | Bull, Sila A 1 | i [For Holstein Exhibit at lil ton Falr--Qattie and | Prize Awards, Hl | | |. H. FAIR WINNER Kings. Other -- | - H, Fair, Holstein. breeder. was if | the winner of Kiwanis Trophy which if | "as given to the. Frontenac Hol- i [stein Breeders' Association, and was all comers. The trophy was ; tions: That the trophy be presented to the best herd consisting of one one female any age, one female under four Yedrs old, one felnale under three years old, ome female under two years old and one female under one Year old. & | The Judging of Holstein cattle took place on Friday morning and there was keen cdmpetition in ail James Henderson & largest herd of 21, and v H, hat 16 head, { » 10: Bajer Bros., 1%; Sibbit | Bros, 10, and' Altreq Franklin, 1. | Son had the ll Among the grade exhibitors were || James McFarlane, Odessa, ana Al-| iH - bert Earey: THErs Were about ona hundred Holsteins shown. The following 1s the list of the prize winners: Bullaged--A. H. Pair, i { i Holstein Cattle. | James lf | Henderson, Baker Bros. Bull, 2 yoars--S8ibdit Bros. Yyear--A. H. Fair, C. C. | Rogers. & » Bull, under one year-- James Hen- derson, J. J. Wilmot. | Bull, born 1928--S8idbit Bros., J. 13. Wilmot, Baker Bros., J. Hender- ] son. | Champion bull--A. H. Fair. | Cow, aged--J. J. Wilmot, A. H | Fair, Sibbit Bros. | Cow, 1 years--James Henderson, |A. H. Fair, C. C. Rogers, 'Sibbit | Bros. " Cow, 3 years--a. H. Fair, Baker | Bros, James Henderson, J. J. Wwil- { mot, Sibbdit Bros, . i Dry aged cow--James Henderson H. Fair, J_J. Wilmot, Heifer, 2 Fair, James Sibbit Bros. Heifer, 2 years, dry--Baker Bros. J.J. Wilmet, ©. C. Rogers, Heifer, 1 year, senior ysarling-- James Henderson, A. H. Fgir, Baker { Bros, CC. Rogers. Heifer, 1 year, junior yearling-- Jameg Henderson, 8ibbit Bros. A. H.-Falr 3-3 Wilmot. Heifer under 1 "A. H. Fal, J. Wilmot, Heiter, born 1926--J. J, Wilmot, A. H. Fair, C. C. Rogers" Champion female---J. J. Wilmot. Best herd--a, H. Fair, Special "Qet of Bull" competition --James Henderson. J. J. Wilmot, Baker Bros., Alex. Troop. | W. F. MeBroom Special for best herd of dairy cattle, pedigreed--a. H. Fair. Kiwanis Trophy to Frontenac Hol- siein Breeders Association, trophy open to ali comers who exhibit-- Won by A. H. Pair. A. H. Fair Specia}-- Ball calt--A. Franklin, Bull calf,. under 12 - monthg-- | James Henderson, J. J. Wilmot. Heiter, nnder 12 monthe~--J. Hen- | derson, J. J. Wilmot. ---- years milking--A. H. Henderson, Baker Bros year, senior calf James Henderson, J. Heavy Horses, Foal of 1926--Rutledge Bros, | Sydenham. Draft team in harness, 1.500 pounds and over--Keill and Sons, Joyceville. Mare with foal dy side--Jamesg Pitt, Cataraqui Filly op gelding foaled 15 1934 J. B. Penny, Kingston No. 1. Filly or gelding foaled in 1925. R. B. Harpen Cataraqui. Filly or gélding foaled ip 19260 James Pitt. Horses, harness---D. B. Smith, Odessa No, 3: J. B. Pénny. Single in harness, mare or geld. in--D. B. Smith, J. E. Penny. : Mare with foal--George Sheppard, Elginburg; C. M. Simpking, Elgin- burg. * Filly or gelding foaled in 1924. J. B. Penny, F'. Smith, Odessa; Percy Smith, Odessa. Toe }! : Flily or gelding foaled in 1926- }| George Sheppard, J. H. Keyes. | . | i 15 1-2 hands and over. }i C- M. Simpkins, C. N. Stokes, Glen- ue: - der 15 1:2 hands--Aren }| Team, under | Hegadorn. Goi yo rE | + Team, DAILY BRITIS DAILY BRITIS THE DAILY BR OF KIWANIS TROPHY | . 'Best registered mare, 3 years old ~E. J. Metcalfe.' Best registered mare, § years-& E. J. Metcalfe, : Best foal of 1926---R. J. Metcalfe, Best Shetland--p, J. Metehlfe. Bes; gingle pony--Joseph Eves, James Grant, Thomas Burke. Best pony team---Joseph Eves, F. Davia. 2 | Single turnout, driven by lady Rutledge Bros. A. Hegadora, J. Eves, \ . : Pony, under saddle, dver 8---Col. Constantine, R. E James Baxter, ------ Grain. Spring wheat--Arch. Hegadorn, One peck béans, white--H. Sutton. Beans, any other--D. Coumbe. Corn on ear--H. E. Sutton, .N! Harpell, SH _WHIG ' Boa . . Aclearing ] lon tops or covering less than one-third th emi e value . . SHAS SATORDAY NIGHT SPECIALS "ARE ALWAYS WORTH Wi 'CUSHION. TOPS, 75c. ot of ch tember 18, 1925. a ' ' " Tapestry and Silk mixture samples, for Cush. airs. The balance of a big season's selling Fr «... To-night 75¢. each at Neville. Buckwheat--Rutladge Bros., Hegadora. } Clover sefd--Rutledge Bros, - Timothy seed, Hegadorn, D. Coumbe, i A. ---- Shea Exhibit, Wheat, pring or fall--J. B Pepny, A. Hegadorn, M. Lawless. } Oats, any white variety--R. Stat: ford, J. B. Penny, 8(bbit Bros. Field-crop oats--R. Stafford, J. D. | Morrie, James Baxter, W. J. Hunter, | J. B. Penny, | Ensilage corn--R. Stafford, James | Baxter. ! Fleld-erop corn--J. p. Morris, James Baxter, James Henderson, J. J. Bradden, W. J. Hunter. Fruit. tall--J. C. Bell, John E. Pyke. winter--J, 'C. Bell, John Apples, Cline. H. Apples, Cline. Apples, H. Fern. Apples, Northern Spy--J. C. Bell. Apples, Golden Russet--Percy Maxwell, H, Fern, John Cline. Apples, Talman Sweet--H. BE. Pyke, H, Fern, John Cline. Apples, Snow--H. BE. Pyke, John Cline, H. Fern. Apples, Wealthy--J. , C. Cooke Bros., Pearcy Maxwell. Apples, Ontario--J. C. Bell. Crab-apples-- John Cline, Mrs. H. Lawson, A. Jackson. Apples, Alexander--H. BE. Pyke. Apples, Mackintosh Reds--H, E. Pyke, J. C. Bell, Mrs. W. C. Gardi- ner. Apples, St. Lawrence--Mrs. diner, J. C. Bell, Cooke Bros. Apples, Wolte River--Mrs. Gar™ diner. -- Pears--1J. C. Bell WORK WORN PEOPLE Find New Health by Improving Their Blood. If you feel run down, it means that your blood is thin an watery, that your vitality is low. - ¥. donot sleep well and are tired when you rise in the morning. You find no pleasure in your meals and are listless and dis- pirited at your work. You have no energy to enjoy yourself. Thousands of men are run down by anxieties of work. Thousands of wo. men are broken down by their house- hold tofl, with tired Itmbs and aching backs thousands of girls are pale, listless and without attraction." It all means the same thing--thin and wat- ery blood, vitality run down, anaemia, POOr appetite, palpitating heart, short breath. Do not submit to this. Get new blood and with it new vitality." There is no difficulty in doing this. Dy Willams' Pink Pills build up and en- rich the blood, which brings with it new health and vitality. The man, woman or girl who takes Dr. wWi- Hams' Pink Pills 1s never rbn down. Their friends notice how energetic they are, what a fine appetite they have and low much they enjoy life, You can get these pills through any dealer ia medicine, or mail at 50 Gents & box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | | Ben Davis--John Clipe, Bell, Gar- Mrs. W. C. Hugo | Gardiner, ville; Mrs. ENGLISH pi Heavy Cotton. 42 inches wid e. To-night a PURE LINEN TO This is cloth selling in 7 yard lengths for WELLING 7 Yards $1.00 ° / Proving ride winner, be surprised if i otherwise, and we would Regular 18, .. $1.00 price, To-night .. IT AINT May be all ve Umbrella handy, W LLOW CASES, 50c. The world renowned Horrockses Genuine English Pillow Cases. big value at . . . . 50¢. each FOR THE GUID MON 240 pairs Mercerized dataty shades of 10 to 11%. win go SUK" Sid Wool Socks in » Grey, Navy, Tan. Sizes quick at this attractive . GOING TO RAIN NO MORE well to sing, but take our ad We have many extra good valu vice and keep an es. $1.25 up. Special To-night . . . FOR THE BABY 114 pairs, heavy Rubber Panties. Pink color. «een... 25¢. Tonight -------- A special buy at a Madeira Pure Linen. 1 MADEIRA SERVIE . $4.50 special price. Genuine . $4.50 doz. --_-- D. A. SHAW. L THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE mited Imported English Felt and Velour Hats clearing af $3.98 Parisian Shop 823 BROCK STREET LADIES DISSATISFIED OVER FAIR AWARDS To an Exhibitor Who, It's Claimed, Is Not in Ama- © teur Class. Thefe is considerable dissatistac. tion among_some of the ladies who exhibited fancy wark at the King ston Industria] Exhibition over a certain out-of-town lady who won many prizes on articles which they claim should not be placed In ama- tour class. The ladies in question have sent a communication to the board of directors claiming that they do mot think that amstefrs should compete against articles which are not in their right class. The mat ter willbe dealt with by the mem- bers of the hoard. 3 The following fs partial list of the prize winners and the rest will be published on Monday: Centrepiece--Mrs. 8. A. 'Lock wood, Jennfe Comnorsy Mrs. W. J. Bryant. . Table "scarf, embroidered-~Jennie Connors, . Mrs. Lockwood, - Kathleen O'Hara. i Table scart, any other trim--Mrs. W. C. Landon, Lansdowne, Mrs, B. R. Menzies, Mre. R. Candle shades--Mrs, N. Berry. Card table cover--Mre. Leekwood, Gardiner, Sofa cushion complete, embroider- éd--Jennie Connars, Mrs. Lockwood, - | Edna Berry. 8t set, 5 fo 7 pleces-- Mrs. Florence Storke, Belle- Ne Berry. OBITUARY | Mrs. Margery McFarland Nash. There entered into rest on Satur- (| day night, the 11th of September, Margery McFarland Nash, widow of the late George Richard Nash, C.B. Mrs, Nash was up and 'around the home of hee daughter, Mrs. Arthur 8. Evans, Gore street, on Saturday ||| morning, but was later stricken. 'j Her illness was of brief duration and she passed peacefully away. The late Mrs. Nash was born in + on May 20th, 18483, daughter of the lates land. Her mother was Amelia Keefer and her grandfather was the late George Keéfer, the first president of the Welland Canai Company, which originally con- structed that famous waterway which links the Great Lakes. She Spent some time in Quebec with her uncle, Ssmuel Keefer, a well-known engineer, sion over the Niagara river. In 1368 Was married in St. Péter's chureh, Brockville, to George Richard Nash, chief engineer of the Hoosac Tunnel in Massachusetts, this being the largest tunnel in the world. Her husband was later a rallway manager both in States and Canada. On ment in 1894, Kingston 'and resided first at the cornér of Barrie and King streets, where 'Mr. Cornelius Rerminghjm now lives, and later on Stice the death of her husband she resided with her daughter, Mrs. Ar- thur 8! Bvans, 103 Gore street. Mrs. Nash was a woman of the late Lisut.-Col. 8. Evans, Royal Engineers. who built the first suspen- i