New Novel--Perella --BY -- WILLIAM J. LOCK Price $2.00 R.UGLOW &C0, | {Established 1871) | ~ Steamship passages 4 - ked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports ed. -- Fhoough tickets tiled over all Frans-Atlantio Trans-Pacific. Alaska uda, West Indies. Mediterran- oan, Round the World Steamship Prepaid passages arrangea for esire to bring friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. » CP. & TA, ON Office, ~ Canadian National Station, corner Johnson and streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper it relatives or day and night. "Phones 99 or 283; | A ---- a gatas F Jecal and leag distance. All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires. . mtie 1 BRYANT 1758 PAPER HANGING, PAINT- ING AND GRAINING Walnut ang Mahogany Gralning a 8 nity. Firat class work.. Prices reasonable, FRED YO 108 COLBORNLE STRUET { | | | | | | | t { Pres Gruen bas now perfected the first wrist watch we can fully recommend at this price. This is made possible by the special Gruen struction greater size and strength of parts. $35 Gruen Wristlets are nohavailable in a choice of several smart designs in heavy white reinforced gold cases, JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. _ rs $35 Wristlets we can recommend Kifinear & d'Esterre ---- T Church Services on Sunday "1 was lad when the House of HE. | said unto me, Let us go into the |) he Lord."--Psalm cxxii., 1. ' . "St. Paul's Church--Morning pray- er 11 o'clock. Preacher, Rey. Canon FitzGerald; M.A. Sunddy school and Bible classes 3 o'clock. Evening prayer 7 o'clogk. Preacher, Rev. Canon FitzGerald. St. James' Church, corner Union and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 156 Barrie street. 8 'a.m., holy communion; 11 am. morning prayer and sermon. Ser- mon subject, "An Early Bishop." 7 p-m., Evening prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, "The Light of the World." St. George's Cathedral--Vexy Rev. William W. Craig, D.D., De and Rector. 16th Sunday after Trinity. 8 am. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Holy Communion, Preacher; Rev. John Lowe, M.A., General Semin- Ary, New York. 3 p.m. Sunday School at Cathedral and Mission. 7 p.m., evening prayer. Preacher, the Dean. Subject: "King of Kings." St. Luke's Church, corner of Princess and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D, rector, 311 Alfred street, phone { a.m. holy communion, 11 a.m. morn- ee ---- ' 'Phe opladon is expressed in Win- nipeg that Conservative strategists were and outmaneuvred by Hon. A. Dunning, whose fusbon campaign furnished the basis for Tuesday's rout in Manitoba, DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST £1 Princess Street. "Phone Gas for MFainless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT When He Is Away Fo the mutual use of two or more persons a Joint Account is a great convenience, . With a Joint Account, a wife may deposit or * withdraw money when her husband is away or cannot get to the bank during business hours. Our folder, "For the Convenience of Your Wife," explains Joint Accounts, Ask fo a copy of Roval Bank | Canada R. GC. H. Travers, Manager -' ------ oh LOW RATES FOR CHOICE ACCOMMODATION "Rey People who know the bracing delight of Fall travel by Cunard prefer this to all , ideal holiday trip, kly sailings for Plymouth, segsons. An from Montréal and Quebec od E o | and London. Regular sailings to Liverpool, Belfast & Glasgow JUST ARRIV o. | Buckwheat {lowing a brief iliness. The remains' 2973. 16th Sunday after Trinity. 8 ing prayer. 2.45 Sunday school, 4 p.m. holy baptism, 7 p.m. Evening prayer. Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices, Sept. 26th. Seats free. Strang- 'ers and visitors cordially invited to attend. . St. John's Church, Portsmouth-- Rev. A. B. Smart, rector. Harvest Thanksgiving Service. 8.30 a.m., holy communion. 11 a.m., morning prayer and holy communion. Spec- fal preacher, Very Rev. Dean Craig, rector = St. George's Cathedral. 3 p.m., special children's service. 7 Pursuing God," 7 p.m., "The est] by thé Gate." Primary Sunday school class 11 a.m. Main Sunday School, 3 p.m. Appropriate music. A cordial welcome to strangers and | students. 4 vy The United Church of Can Sydenham street. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rév. 'W. T. G. Brown minister. Morning subject, "Em- phasis." Evening subject, "Motives." | The minister will preach at both servifes, Sunday school at 2.45 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesday at 8] p.m. } 4 The United Church of Capada, | Calvary, the Friendly Church, cor- | ner of Charles and Bagot streets-- | Minister, Rev, Frank Sanders. Morn- | ing services 11 am. Sunday school, 3 p.m.; evening service 7 p.m. Rev. F. Sanders will preach at both ser- | vices. We cordially invite you to all | services. > -- | Queen Street Church, United -- | Minister, Rev. W. H. Raney, BA, | B.D., 30 Colborne - street. Pabite f worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morn- | ing sermon, "The Greatest of all | Parables," Evening subject, Disil- lionment and Return." Sunday | school, 3 p.m. Visitors cordially wel- | come. Mr. L. W. Gask of Chicago, | will sing both morning and evening | in Queen Street Church on Sunday. -- First Baptist Church--Rev. M. C. Johnston, B.A., B.Th., pastor. Ser- vices 11 am. and 7 p.m. Bible | school 2.45 p.m. Morning subject, "Home Missions." Evening subject, "Are Worldly Amusements Christ- fan?" Strangers wejcome. Bethel Congregational--Rev. W. H. Ebersole, minister. ~ 11 a.m., P.m., evening prayer and sermon. Special preacher, Rt. Rev. C. A. Sea- gar, D.D., LL.D, Lord Bishop of On- tario. You are cordially invited to the services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian--Rev. John W. Stephen, minister. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conduct- ed by the minister. Strangers cor- dially tavited. Sunday school and Bible classes 3 p.m. Princess Street United Church-- Rev. Jobn Curtis, B.A., minister, 11 a.m. subject: "God Calling ths Churches to Greater Faith." 7 p.m. subject, "What Can Happen When Christians Pray." 2.45 Church school. Seats free. You are cordially Nnvited. Chalmers Church of the United Chyrch of Canada. Minister, Rev. George Brown, M.A., B.D. Public worship conducted by the minister. 11 a.m., The W. M. 8. of the United Church. 7 p.m., "Divine Proprietor- ship in Life." "Enter into His Gates With Thanksgiving," Cookes Church, Brock Street -- Rev. H. W. Clift, M.A, B.D, minis- ter. Public 'worship, 11 a.m. "The| subject, "The Trail of the Infinite." 3 p.m, the Bible school. 7.p.m. sub- ject, "Heavenly Food." Monday, 8 p.m., The Y.P.S.C,E.; Tuesday, 8 p.m., Intermediate C. E.; Wednes- day, 8 p.m., subject, "Victory." Gospel Tabernacle, corner Colling- wood and Urfion stréets--11 am. Lord's Supper. 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class. 7 p.m., Gospel ser- vice. Mr. J. W. Clarke and. Mr. R. W. Hunter will preach the Gospel. Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer and praise meeting. Thursday, 2.45 p.m., Ladies' Sewing Circle. Everybody welcome. Christian Science, First Church of Christ Scientist, 121 Johnson street ----Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject, "Matter." Sunday school, 9.45 a.m: Wednesday, 8 p.m., testi- monial meeting, including testi- monies of healing through Christian Sciencg. Free public reading room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open every afternoon except Sundays and holidays, from 3 to 5 p.m. All are cordially invited to the services and room. GANANOQUE Gananoque, Sept. 18,--The Thous- and Island Association, accompan- ied - by supervisors of Jefferson County and their friends were in Gananoque on Wednesday last in goodly number and were entertained by members of the Canadian Club. They were first taken for a drive about town, and afterwards enter- tained at dinner at the Inn. wien M. Zoller, President of Alexandria Bay, Chamber of Commerce, presided at the dinner, and in his address spoke very flatteringly of our town and Mayer Wilson to whom he reterred as "Gananoque's perpetual mayor." Mayor Wilson extended the welcome to the visitors, and by special re- quest Mr. Clifford Sine recited some favorite poems for them. Mr. Fred C.-Mabes, Miss Ruth, Carleton and Irving, who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Mabee, réturned to New York a couple of days ago. Much sympathy is expréssed for Mr. Howard of the T. I. the passing of his mother which oc- curred on Tuesday evening last fol- were taken to London for interment that same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have been here with their son for several weeks, and have spent a goodly portion of each simmer here, so that they became very well known, and made many friends in Gananoque. The Skinner Company's softball team won championship honors -in the League this season, and will banquetted at the Provincial by the firm on Monday evening next, "Several members of the Gan- anoque Golf and Country Club mot- ored to Perth this morning to play an Inter-club match on the Perth Links, Mr. and Mrs, James Sharpe were unfortunate emough to lose their baby - a few days ago through whooping cough. Miss Loretta Kirk has returned from a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirke and. her sister Kathlegn in Toronto. Miss Mildred Delaney who has been visiting friends in Toronto and Oshawa returned home on Thurs- day, X Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keys are spending the week end in Oshawa, and will motor back in a new Buick Coupe. Mrs. David Gordon, Princess street, entertained at bridge Thursday evening for her daugh- ter Mrs. Edwin Warren, Syracuse, who has been visiting her parents for the past few weeks, Burton : Hamilton has been con- fined to bed for the pas: couple of months with inflgmmatory rheu- matism shows little sign of improve- ment. < Mr. and Mrs. Keys are spending the week-end in Oshawa and will | motor back in a new Buick Sedan. on |: Grice, | gyntback, Vanluven. ; Greenlegs, DAILY BRITISH WHIG CHAMPIONSHIP SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE WINNERS Announced at the Kingston Exhibition on Friday--LIst "of the Awards. -- . The following is a list of the championship school fair prize win- ners: , w Six ears of Golden Glow corn-- Donald Greenless, Frances Pillar, James Morrison, Ronald Gibson. Single ear of Golden GloW corn-- Donald- Greenless, James Morrison, Frances "Pillar, Ronald Gibson. 12 early potatoes, Cobblers--Gor- don Gillespie, Ross Donaldson, Ralph Gibson, Kenneth Campbell, | George Leonard. Peck of early potatoes, Cobblers-- Melville Hyland, Ross Donaldson, Gordon Gillespie, James Campbell, Ralph Gibsom, C. Kincaid, Single early potato; Irish Cobblep-- Ross Donaldson, Margaret Camp- bell, Dorothy Tucker, "Arthur Alex- ander, Norman Cochrane, Melville Hyland. 12 late potatoes, Green Mountain -- Florine Gravelle, Gordon Pillar, John - Scott, Freddie Dongldson, Robbie Patterson, no name. Peck of late potatoes, Green Mountain-- Florine Gravelle, Dor- othy Huntback, John Scott, Gordon Pillar, Robbie Patterson. Single late potato, Green Moun- tain--Robbie Patterson, Gordon Pil- lar, Ranous Pyke, Freddie Donald- son, John Scott. Five mangels--Borden Edwards, Douglas Binnington, Minor Babcock, Donald Kish. Single Mangel--Minor Babcock, Borden Edwards, Donald Kish, Ar- thur Porter, Douglas Binnington, Alvin Wartman--" Six Deets--Emily Thompson, Wil- liam Gooderham, Victor Rothwell, Gene Wartman, C. Kincaid. Single beet--Emily Thompson, George Robbs, Robert Cranston, C. Kincaid. Six turnips--Allen Carey, Gerald Bradford, Carmel Cochrane, Charles Fearn, Borden Edwards. Single turnip--Allen Carey, Ger- ald Bradford, Carmel Cochrane, Charles Fearn, Borden Edwards. Six carrots--Jack Chapman, Dor- othy Tucker, James Coombe, Victor Rothwell, Robbie Patterson, Charles Cranston. Single carrot--James Coombe, Ruby Shepherd, James Kelly, Victor Rothwell, Hpbert Dunlop, Jack Chapman. Six onions -- Verna Cochrane, Betty Dunlop, Mac Cochrane, Wes- ley Baker, Evelyn Bracken, Eddie Kincaid. Single onion--Verna Cochrane, Betty Dunlop, Wesley Baker, Mac Cochrane, Eddie Kincaid, Kenneth Joyce. Six parsnips--Maelville Hyland, Thomas Joyce, Helén Hewett, Flora Greenless. Single parsnip--Melville Hyland, Helen Hewett, Thomas Joyce, Flora Greenless. ' Loaf of white bread--Verna Coch- rane, Eileen Payne, Mayme McFad- den. Loaf of date, nut or raisin bread -----Doris Mills, Lois Stanton, Jean Grant, Wyona Horne, Eileen Hyland, Kathleen Steacy. Six corn meal mutfins--Lois Stan- ton, Reta Truelove, Verna Coch- rane, Jean Grant, Mabe] Spence, Muriel Gates. One dark layer cake with white icing---Reta Truelove, Ethel Patter- son, Reta Mullin, Frances Pillar, Helen Curtis, Goldie McMaster. Six fruit tarts or one fruit pie-- Jennie Ryan, Jean Grant, Betty Dun- lop, Ethel Patterson, Mayme McFad- den, Edna Nicholson. Maple cream half pound box-- Wyona Horne, Goldie McMaster, Veronica Kelly, Frances Pillar, May- me McFadden, Loretta Kelly. Two patches showing pateh work &. "it destgn--Ruth' Caldwell, Reba Multen, Mabel Spence, Thelma Mills, Doris Mills, Laura Cranston. Two patches, showing two apphi- que quilt designs--Muriel Gates, Evelyn. Langford, Allan Ducette. Jean Grant, Bessie Phippen, Mar- garet Cousineau. One guest towel, suitably decorat- ed--Evelyn Langford, Muriel Gates, Elsie Hunter, Anna Ducette, Mildred Long, Bessie Phippen. Model window flower box--BEadie Kincaid, Robble Burns, Freddie Donaldson, Norman Scott, Edward Smith. 1 Window! stick--Osborne Donald- son, Mac Cochrane, Hubert Joyner, Freddie Donaldson, Eddie Kincaid. Saniple of wood earving---Golden Craig, Allen Dermott, Harold Mills, Robert Burns, Earl Garrett, Ken- nath Clark. Collection of leaves -- Ranous Pyke, Courtland Maxwell, Alvin Wartman, Gene Wartman, Lillian Henry, Wilma Anglin. Collection of fifty insects--Wilma Anglin, Norman Scott, Courtland Ross Donaldson, J. Chap- Maxwell, Kerr, Ruth Gordon Gillespie, Ji : ames rd Paylite Evalyn 3 i of weeds -- Donald Kelly, Joh ABU Souk Gor . John Sei unter, od don Gillespie. RR Our Motto is Quality and Service. MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU ? HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US, Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Greet You! Meet Your Friends at Our Big Store "Fair Week." On all our floors will be seen "Exhibition Suites" the Furniture Exhibition displayed in furnished rooms on our floor, est creations in smart styles and finishes. Bring your friends; JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'PHONE 147 FOR INVALID COACH. AT YOUR SERVICES DAY OR NIGHT. purchased recently at Lat. SE = CAFE EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS STREET. Edith Hartman, Clifton Silver, Bes- sie Auld,. Reginald Gage, Pearl Cowdy. Writing, 2nd class, two writing exercises and four lines of poetry-- Thelma Jardine, Isabel Deline, Phy) lis Dwyer, Kathleen Dolan, Doris Mills, Ranous Pyke. Writing, 1st class, continuous oval, capital letters and one four- line verse--Dorothy Hartman, John Babcock, Phyllis Aylesworth, Percy Babcock. Writing, primer class, large and small letters--Frances Moore, Mary Harpell, Hubert Dunlop, Thelma Mills, Willis Trousdale, Victor Jar- dine. Drawing; 4th class--Evelyn Braé¢- ken, Charles Silver, Midred Long, Walter Donaldson, Earl $tanton, Mabe! Bennett. Four quarts of oats--Ronald Gib- son, Frederick Donaldson, Gordon Carey, Herbert Joyner. Sheaf of wheat--Gerald Hega- dorn, Donald Greenless, Melville Hy- land, Wyona Horne, Norman Scott, Ralph Shepherd. Four quarts of barley--Jack Gib- son, Norman Scott, Sheaf of barley--Donald Greenless, Wyona Horne, Jack Gibson, Jean Grant, Norman Scott, Morris Don- aldson. - Four quarts of wheat--Verna Cochrane, Gordon Gillespie, George Carey. Sheaf of oats--Gerald Bradford, Norman Scott, Jean Grant, Donafl Gibson, Howard Hyland, Wyona Horne. Six ears of Goldén Bantam corn ~--Mary Storms, Dick Murray, Min- nie Woodman, Florine Gravelle, Alice Wash, Single ear of Goldem Bantam-- Oliver Mundell, W. Warmington, Florine Gravelle, Diek Murray, Freda Hyland. Fine winter apples--Elsie Hunter, Ethe] Clobridge, Courtland Max- well, Jennie Webb, Charles Fearn. Fi fall apples--Ronald Gibson, Ralph Gibson, Jennie Webb, Dorothy McRory, Courtland Maxwell. 12 asters in bouguet--Ruby Shep- herd, Elsie Wash, Helen McDonald, Margaret Chapman, Mary Kincaid, Edna Nicholson, Salpiglossis--Evelyn . McDermott; Vina Truedell, Wilma Anglin. Calendulas -- Howard Hyland, Evelyn Bracken, Florence Long, Alice Wash, Doris Mills. African marigold--Ear] Anglin. Cosmos in bouquet--Frances Pil- lar, Margaret Chapman, D. Warm- ington,' Evelyn McDermott, Helen Hewell, Jack McCartney. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Ethel Leader, rt Fearn, Court- land Maxwell, Leone Bulls, Eleanor Crossfield, Bthel Cameron. ' Potted house plant in bloom---No joame, Dorothy Truedell, Elsie Hun- ter, Leone Bullis, Doris Mills, Mar: garet Joyner. Drawing, 3rd class--Clarencé. Silver, Veronica Kelly, Gordon Gillespie, Robert Lyon, Mildred Deliné, Edwin Coombe. Drawing, 1st class--Verna Coch- rane, John Aylesworth, Alfred Sii- ver, Dorothy Hartman, Marv Payne, Gordon Stoness. Si : ~ Best collection of vegetables from gr 0 tt, neth Joyce, Mary Storms. : Peck of Irish Cobblers, old seed-- Hubert Joyner, Ranous Pyke. : of wheat 'PHONE 201, tte -- WEDDINGS. Donohue--O'Hearn, The marriage was solemnized at St. Barnabas Church, Brewer's Mills, on Tuesday morning at 8.30 o'cloe of Gretta, eldest daughter of the J Mr. William O'Hearn and O'Hearn to John Vincent Donohue of Buffalo, N.Y., son of Mr. M, D. Donohue, Gananoque. "The bride, who was given away by her brother Dennis, Ayuioray the church to strains wedding march played Miss Deane. The ceremony was pel formed by Rev. Fr, Crowley. church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of autumn flowers, During the ceremony, a solo was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Seo! The bride was charmingly dressed in sandalwood crepe with shoes match. She wore a large picture and the groom's gift, a stone pn fur neck piece, and carried a. quet of sweetheart roses array with maiden hair fon. The was attended by the groom's si Miss Carnfe] Donohue, attired dress of oak brown satin faced ¢ with hat and shoes to match who carried. a bouquet of ye tea roses arranged with maiden fern. The groom was assisted: Patrick O'Hearn, brother of bride. The groom's gift to I maid was a lovely pearl neck and best man a pair of gold links. After the ceremony a sum wedding breakfast was served at bride's home. the immediate f ies being present. Following 'breakfast' the happy couple le the train for Buffalo, N.Y. the groom resides. The bride ling in a navy bine ponet twill with shoes to mateh. The happy ple received many beautiful ents and substantial cheques carried the best wishes of host friends, : oN Anansi Emm-Mosier, Tuesday morning at Churex Most Holy Rosary, Syn: Miss Irene Mosier and Frede Emm were married. The bride daughter of Mrs. Nicholas . Mo formerly of Wolfe Island, and bridegroom the son of My. and Morris Emm, x The bride was gowned in georgette and wore a. black vy picture hat, peach colored black. satin slippers. She o arm quet of Columbia Her sister, Miss Freda bridesmaid, wore pink 80] With matching hose, black hat slippers. Her bouquet was roses. The groom was ate his brother, Lewis J. Bmm, James Meighan: performed the mony. ; Following the bridal cere; reception was given to more thirty guests and the bridal ps the home of the bride's mot Malcolm street, : young couple left on an ae motor trip to New . York, J City and Philadelphia. : make their home in Cleartielg: