Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1926, p. 4

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with this statement: 'The Tliinois|to the north. The negro has found river devglopment project will bear| bis way worthward. His labor is watehing, The issue halls down -to| needed there as well as in the soul a ---- this=is a singly city or a single! and he gets better wages. The other]! The valet to Presidents Taft, stale to advance {fs own pet naviga- | cause is the higher mortality among | Wilson, Hardiig ana Coolidge in tion schemes to the expensé of other | negro children than among . white turn tas just died. If he left a book, states equally important, or of the | children. of reminiscences . recording. the | nation as a whale, or over the pro- | ed truth,» it would be more Sntecesting tests of a friendly. neighbor whose | 'OR i on | than the memoirs of maty a More co-operation 1s essential to any fur- THE OR EB GRAVE. important mag, ~ remarks the ther development of the Great Lakes| mgs Hamilton. Hema: w= ~~ Sl Al Mghuay for sonmpns'dn€ ul puiig Isiand, iying in the open The moon 1s to Alsappesr, but not 1 SOMreS of power? pn Now | Misatic Ocean madly miles aus, "5 Hors at People: genorally in Northern New South from the most easterly polat oF it is movi Mobas, PADI Sre York are alert to the seriousness of of Cape Bréton Island, has the po he n py yy 33 somé this water diversion situation, fe-|,, st reputation in the world for : a Rove, Trg A B44 marks the Watertown, N.Y., Times. the destruction of vessels at sea. It pot rin | 20 SF. ndls, Hapedially (Hose perséns at the! made 4p of sand, whieh is con a ares not n ng to grow. wildly Thouband lisnds and slong the SE! uunly Being shittod by the acim from {he earth 10° ADORE sovey toon Lawrence generally are deeply con- of ocean currents and tidal waves. 3 ow Auty) u wiingh : cerned. The natural changes of the Since 1763, when it passed from see ig Ar tesaiing ng BIBBY"S river level are serious enough at French to British control, its léngth 2 hy ' rp id tt » t . weary their best but they can be borne has been shortened from forly * or . al Fi 8 Zhe . when It is known that it is simply | mies to twenty, and its breadth has coin Of & Sedond- a century. he working of nafire. HoWerer,: hoi moneda) had Marbe Xe can sccustom. ourselves 10 The appointed selling\agents for King- when man's hand intervenes it is a s icin . has avs has y miles to about one; the sand hill at ---- ston and vicinity for these celebrated Shoes. one part of its surface is now Another farm institution is Tiss. eighty feet high, whereas it was two b 4 i } Ii i i li ! iF : | i | i = of lh ; lng--the threshing bee. A new in. Price : ¥ NA an ' WARFARE AGAINST INSECTS. Hundred feet within the historle vention which threshes grain as it ran nae BOP i rest nansss esi . cuts has-made hundreds of thresh FRE ORLIVERY Eta ORieey, $2.50 The United States harbors within| The ocean around this eurious is- ing machines useless. But it has 10 00 and ] 1.00 IQHT SPECIALTY TREPRUSENTATIVES, | 18 borders no fewer than 600,000|land is responsidle for Its fickle | us out one of the happiest of farm : ve . 45 Thompson, 100 King | Named insects and thousands which | changes, and for' its orginal forms | (nueien tions. The fatm folks anjoysd T 3 3 : iim J Aus1 Hoey pas Siatanse. Sie Tues. _. . have not been sufficiently identi-| tion as the result of marine currents | yn, bees and we can recall the big ry a pair and we will predict you will MH. BRYANT tied to be named. These interesting | caused by the "Gulf Stream" which gest and best meals the housewives ' oe facts are made public by Dr. Austin | sends one of iis great branches provided. For the youth on the tara always wear Church 8 Shoes. H. Clark of the Smithsonian Insti-| northward from the Gulf of Mexico. | ino threshing season was 4 cone ' . . tution, regarded as the leading pug | There is obviously so possibility of tinuous plese. 3 They excel m Comfort, Quality and uthority of the country. Hé says| making the vidinity of such an rvice. that new bugs are being card-in- | ocean sandbank safe for navigation. . dexed at the rate of 6,000 & year | Ocean steam vessels are quite able A Greet Lan guage 1 Church & Co., Northampton, England. and that in 500 years the task will| to keep away from it, but sailing not be complete, Yessels, on account of fogs and | . Dr. Clark points out that thé Storms, often in combination, 'are! | automobile has done a great deal to| still in peril in its vicinity. There| What is sometimes referred to as {one of the defeets of the English t the cloge of last year the seers | *Pread the bugs. Bugs are not capa-| ate not now any large safling Sea! Janguage i¢ possibly one of its glor- ty ble of covering great. distances un-| going ships, but there are sailing ies. It refuses to be bound, by hard We Offer New Issues iene Sr tha terrible stents der their own power. Most of them | fishing vessels, and as a matter of and fast rules Yor either amelitng 4 ' - 5 ----- . ake 1926, aiid much of what they | 27® Of the short-legged variety. But | course, there are still "perils of the [wr pronunélation. The people who Canada S Lines Limited i Jas. REDDEN & CO, sid tis "Gecurrod. The | the automobile fs thanging this. For | sea" to cause disaster and evoke| use it are & fres péople, and they not ; ' , + PHONES 20 and 990 scientists predicted a cool | 18stance there might be in Colorado | sympathy. For a score of years| infrequently show their independ- ' First and General Mortgage 6% Gold Bonds, * i a & bug who had no Ambition to leave | thete has been communication with | ence by disregarding Both the gram- . Due October 1st, 1941 hott sufimer, sud they wea his native state. But one day curios-|] Nova Scotia by wireless telegraphy, a nyere i ctionatiss. Price 97 and yrrdbeiy Interest uid have terrible earthquakes ly led him and his wife to climb in-| but to = appearanty the island will the Prince of Wales in a recent ad 5 " : | hurricane In certain parts of | 0 the rear seat of an automobile | eventually become a shoal, to be dress at Oxford put the stress on the Br -- & P Co Lid. rth. with great loss of lite, 4 Pearing a New York state license. | perhaps more dangerous than it is in first syllable*of "pursuit," spoke of ompton aper oy : sied aright, for several con. in & few adys ne is thousands of | Our own day. |" die-rection" and "acoosites," and First and Refunding Mi Sinking Fund ts have suffered. The Asores | Miles from his home, He Jas been . sed "laboratory" in one instance 6% Twent Yer Bonin fg id Japan were but recently visited | 6POrted. Bo he sets up Bousekesp- EDITORIAL NOTES. 0 the emplASiS en the "lab" and Due September 1st, 1946 ° wiul eafthquakes and tidal | 08 In New York state and raises a a 230Lhep hi . SSeons vu he 1 Price 99% and Accrued Interest and noW the coast of Florida | 1Amily which rapidly increases, The good luck of the League - of}. >: s Tiduired nis first ' interest in history from a teacher £ y : Deen devastated by a terrible Dr. Clark points out the serious Nations continues, Wilhelm of who talked a oy deal at Descriptive of both issues furnished on requests Ale that has left only horror | #1de of this bug business, says the | Doorn has been demouncing the | "Penin-soo-lar War," with the ge. \ ass dg puny 18 man be- | Watertown, N.Y. Times. The' loss Leagus. cent on the "800," and t was never J OHNSTON a WARD ornadd 'sweeping over sea |!0 crops through insect pests is % apie charged against him as & orime. m1. tl : hs SVE 2 at the rate of 130 miles an | ONOTMous, Millons of dollars' dam! An explorer in Africa tells of a forts have been made to standardize Cor. King and Clarence 86s. * Kingston, Lands are smitten with death | 88¢ 18 dons to wheat, cotton and | beauty show held in the heart of| "Sladioll" but Deople who put the ** Motabers Montreal Stock Bash ructioh as tle winds and {OTR Grops thraugh various insects, the jungle. Five Bundred young a a. os na Bush - Ee -------- ; beat unmercifully upon them. | The attempts to sheck them afe not women entered, and the winner was at OUAILR the 4 "0h nat: on ore it all, the Christian world | DOIng met 'with success. A Isrger Judged by the perfection of her fegt. It ia little wonder that foreigners and say that "God moves | %6r48ge is Planted {n order to make | Toronto, please note. find difficulty in masjoring the Eng- erious way His wonders to | BP fOF the losses caused by the lish language but those Who have : : % be Could they be checked a! The press of tire United States is been brofight up 'on it seem to de- ¥ : Smaller acreage' would be fieeded | already contemplating the release of Hight in the freedom It affords. and energies could be turned to| Loeb and Leopold, ' the two dé CT ee other chanels. 3 A '| generate youths of Chicago, who - dn" Man is in constant warfare with | were sentenced to minety-nine years AES y his insect enemies, no matter wheth- | in prison for murder. Jail in that : Wit and Hamor $ bile containg an in-| er he be the mosquito or the boll | land has no terrors iow. * by Robert A, Mac-| weevil. Some are harmless, some are ------ rie aL 18 Chicago| annoying while others represent a| A Garman metal Daron testifies he LPaw? Lakes?" The distinct economic loss. The federal|Daild a United States politician a oy pay oak noth i is sane, well| Bovernment and the state govern. |DFibe of $441,000 tor the release of when i wy ae oe oth has pre-| Ments are spending millions in this | seized funds of $7,000,000. They "You go to bed, young man." - WAT, -- upholstér thelr nests over there now, $ ; 4 1a | cotter J it 'seems, instead of just feathering "Mandy, what fo' yo' gdin' in dat \ i P- | ; M ials PROBLEM OF NEW LEISURE. them, gays the Hamilion Specta- beauty parlors" : i A A J emor : : v go tor. Go, 'long Big Boy; ah's goin' to : Al } 5 Before placing yous order for 3 5 : : : it me a permanent straight." ) Wal | HEY | ' ya cent. : ------ 8 yf A 1 : re r ty " ts ; : 1, Sixty pet "a x. ihe indnmsinl Bustiéss 18 #0 806d the Massey: : ; | | onuments call and inspect our employed on a schediile of eight] aris Company, Ltd, and the "You eall a matches!" oT vant oy Se aeiag & hours a day or less, though only Massey. Hareit Harvésier Oompasy. shouted the customer to the tere Sifteen years. ago: the. 'sighusnous Lice Rave called for payment by tot, | (Soir cp, SANTA IO The Store. : group numbered fewer than ten per| Ct 102% With fectied Interest, o8| ypiyqrn have little difficulty | cent. of 'the total, according to a Oct. 15th, of $400,000 of their ten- "Well isn't that safe enough for i by the | study of Prof. Novhida i. Richard] Yo8T 8 per cent. sinking fund de- you? "--Vikingen, Oslo. y 7 fo open. thelson, of Northwestern University, | Ponture bonds due Oct. 15th, 1930, mn Chicago. The notable change has| nu. Oswego Pailmdium Times in| "Mabel and upon decided that created a new leisure, the effective noting the destruction of everything| Our happiness is the b thing (utilization of which presents ome of old; enquites: Why must everything | In the world, sir," safd the atdém the foremost proMems as well as be brand-new? We have too much Suiter, : be a = ot. Spportunities of Samendss in our architecture, as we od How Shungeatile Jou are." repli. ! i. ] Sv 88 or, yesterda have in our 'dress and furniture told a Witited (0 marty her, styles. It is not so in the Old World. Pasting Show, London. " '| Whieh is otie reason why Americans : : a £0 abroad in such numbers. > Speaking of the retirement of | Ldeut.-Gov. = Cockshutt annd Mrs. op 'the Hamilton Spectal says they most graciou ¢ | the exacting duties of their office, | 1. _ | and retire with the good will, the at-| = fection and 'gratitude of the people] | nr

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