THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1 1 G NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS 7 hours@whers all is desolation end -- Mother, oan vieulize the dreadful scene. Cen- | » Where s i { pruces till are seen ada, with our tresdom from such, : To lift against the sky, visitations from ces of ~A And the yeung grass is green . tune; is indeed a happy land. : un . ] 'Tis there you le.' > neaster writing to " FOR them, has been la Tt. Su. Ancash ay "Tell the : Ah! long, long years agone spending a few weeks. Kingston people that we already love D I left my crib for Jas, . a0. Rev. W. BE" and Mrs. Kidd. Their ; When the first gleams of dawn Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Strachan, | kindly manner and the persbnal in- : My chambers knew. Brock street, have returned from a [terest they take in the people of St. d 1 visit to their son, Mr. Bruce Strachan, | John's parish has endeared them to 2 Now near the end of day, : ing Queen's University. in Ely, Minn. . : us all." - Rev. W. BE. Kidd was in- All travel-strained and sore, am... 8 8 ducted as vector of St. John's parish, 5 ' * My weary limbs I lay "Miss Helen Strange, Sydenham | Prof. and Mes. H. D. 'Caldwell, | Ancaster, by the Bishop of Niagara, By you once more. Street, has returned from England. [Union street, have returned from a lon Thursday, Sept. 16th. The fine ; : : ae. motor trip through the Green: Moun- old stone rectory has been restored ALL CLEANING Theugh early sunk your sun, Miss Mar gtuilie. Cardinal, tains and the New England States. lat the cost of 33.000, and sot bo and =AN |The best of all I know, has retur: to Queen's and is at a jarge garden, is one of the beautiful "She Sores 53 & hoon to. | The best of all I've done, the Y." Dr. D. T. Macglllivray, Port Ar- [homes of the district. the house keeping sex - To you I owe. LE thur, and his daughter Miss Char- i This bright lithe mad - " 'Miss Amy McGill will give a small | lotte Macgillivray 'are with r. and That the smartdooking young hat we call Jane Gillex"@ \ Though" you've been long away, 'meh Jongg party at the Golf Club] Mrs, Malcolm Macgillivray,) Univer- girls: with black frocks reaching e . And time brings faces new, 'on Wednesday. sity avenue. rd few inches below the knee and oir [ need not Mother's Day « ss . so» white collars and cuffs, whom we| Ew GILLETT CO To think of you. Mrs, Henry Dyckman, Willlam| Canon afid Mrs. Deaitry Woodcock, | meet on the street, are the pupils of EORONTS Sanaa '--Alexander Louis Fraser. street, is spending a few weeks {in Brockville, are visiting their daugh- |Notre Dame Convent. All the girls, Halifax. Bearsboro, N.Y. & ters, Mrs. John Hayward, Hamilton, day pupils and Sounjers, hte A nm or A 7 . . and Mrs. W. B., Kidd, "The Rec-|they ere Roman Cathol or not, |» X * g 7 t er. 5 Knight, Ottaws, has tory," Ancaster. wear the pretty, neat uniform { TOMATO SOUP FROM flour and butter creamed ie Mabel Thie her studies at Se. which 4s most becoming. At firet PARADE OF PASHION FRESH TOMATOES | Add one-fourth teaspoon baking soda & a 4 N yr Sturyed d milk. Serve Queen' versity. Miss ' the upils disliked the idea of and a quart of heated milk. Unt i.» Kent, en et oh anshe Se ay aside their" gay frocks even -- Is Tosive tor Faking Yomsla plain "or with croutons. Add more ay » . u TO! res matoes as c therington, who jand 'Mrs. H. J. Dawson, Barriefleld, {in school hours, but we feel sure ; Seasoning if necessary. oaerich. B will ror T@ Yo [will return to Montreal on~Werines- [that the first sight they get of them. Low oo istetats tor Womdh, wo. | 22d remove the blossom ends from | vegetable chowder with a basis bod day. ¢ day. selves in a long mirror will show 8 autuma fa enough tomatoes to make a quart of stewed tomatoes is also delicious. town on Wadnes ay, day. Oa sya thé Uniform' Bus y ad-| Men include the real, ultra-mascu- when sliced. Stew rapidly with one o- Muriel Longwell, Toronto,| Miss Fiora Sproule, Westbrooke; | vantages and gives a decidedly smant He hig Desienets have se -half tablespoon minced onion, two J 1 -r : os w € iCea for many years but|aag 00ns sugar, ome t alt 2 busi: like air to its wearer. p gar, eagpoon s 'will arrive in town this week and will Mie Nettie Haadles; Buplorss, Zoi Sal}. Susfuees Jive there is no pretense about the femi- | nq one-eighth teaspoon pepper. R 36 ot Dan Righ Hatt ¥om & prize for their judging at the| Thit the churches are being filed | PI0® Jaisteoat offered Re best many | Aen soft and mushy, about Afteen § Mrs. Graat MacLachlan, Barrie |Cenadian National Exhibition mn To. again for the holiday seekers who 00. It! SSA la tne bert men's minutes, rub through a sieve and > : street, with her. sons is visiting her | ronts, spent ithe summer in the country are Dn a _ ockets, the thicken with two tablespoons each TAXI PHONE 'parents in Vermont. : * + back in town amd are to bé found in ory od a and the | Aa 9 : 1 - 3 Miss Gwendolyn and Miss Doris (their places. Next Sunday the con- fascinating strap and buckle at the SERVICE Napanee, | Folger, * "Edgewater," will enter. gregation will be further augmented back by which most men (unless . \ ANYWHERE "se University | tain at the tea hour on Wednesday by the students , who oy alt i S| they've reached the safety pin stage) 0 0, «doll, '25¢ IN OITY aT jor Man. 1. Dunbar S1gvenson, row Sh yh a Da lu D "°| adjust thetr vests to a perfect fit. Teacher of Violin and Plano, s ou WAV. : A » rs. - Gordon ac- prea . ---- 1 Cy Srvassssasa Dr. Stanton. Fitzpatrick, Brockville, | kenzie, Toronto, Pulls Sravared for Torte Cone DAY OR NIGHT G $15.00 and up. servatory examinations, 0 spent the summer at Red Lake, . Ne That the long dangling earrings Ruffle to Replace Scarf? Studio: 319 Collingwood St., between F RANK ROBBS 0 town, for & few days. Mrs. Moscrip, Y.W.C.A., returned |beloved by our grandmothers end The ruffle is making a strong bid | Johuson and Earl Sts. Phone 2320.w, 185 WELLINGTON STREET ie sie from Hamilton on Monday, accom-|appearing now and then since their | 45 replace the scart in the English To | Miss Grace McCrea and Mies Laura {panied by her daughter, Miss Pearl days, are to be much worn this win- woman's affections. Already it is Kilborn are visiting their cousin. Moscrip, who will visit her uncle, ter. They are being shown in many deemed a successful rival. It is not BERT : F COUPER 5. Arthur Hudon, Ottawa. Major James Hamilton, and Mrs. designs, so the old-fashioned ONES | the- all-the-way-around ruffle, or oe .. ' Hamilton, Abendeed avenue, you have had in your jewel case even the adaption of the Medici con- Tew will come out once more to wear with Miss Catherine Wright will sing (smart afternoon and eveming frocks. «jat Dominion United Church, Ottawa, ently by the electric fan. Studio: 776 Princess St. "Phosie 1449, on Sunday at special reopening ser. 4 It is worn at the back of the neck, Mrs. Herbert 'Wood, Brock street, vices. While in the capital Miss where its fluttering "fans" of dia. |. --~ b has been in Ottawa, is néw with | Wright will have special auditions WEDDINGS. Rhanous tulle project a foot or more; p : { 3 \ or sister, Mrs. J. A' Macdonald, in | with several musical critics and One such ruffle seen in Mayfair was F M Cantr ] » labogie. 4 Ny music clubs, attached to a thick, twisted row of rances . ¢ 24 * . . . . . Campbeil, Fannon-Reid A forget-me-not blue glass beads, The|| of tne Shemield School of Musie, Dr. James , New York, is{ . M~ and Mrs, Richard DeLurry i" . ruffles fill & much needed ga in the A & few days with his moth- announce the engagement of 'their| A pretty wedding was solemnized gap Teacher of Plas, Singing, Theory Organist-Choirleader St. Luke's tribution to costume, but an essen- | | ~ Anglican Church. tially modern design inspired appar- Teacher of Voice and Plano, attire of women with shingled heads and Harmony, : Mrs. J. W. Campbell, Queen [dsughter, Winnie Alice, fo Mr. Al-{in t. Marge Cathedral on Septem. since they soften the outline when || 178 University Avenue. Phone 1752.m ||{b- P. retty colored Spreads, extra large : bert Chevalier, of Mr, J. Cheva-; ber 20th, when Captain the y gi ; e lor of Montrgai, tiie wedding to tars | Fathar Jlcholscn. united in. .mar.| VINE dross 14 worn sizes, in Rose, Geld, Mauve and Blue, place in Kingston on Oot, 158h. i e' Lillian Blanche, daughter of : 3 kL su Hats Tame sng pire Reld, of] o., alter ad he rethes, Pearl A. Nesbit, LT CM for $6.00 each. Mrs. Donald MacPhail anmounces|St. John's Newfoundland, , and Somewhat daring fashions Into which Kathanaeoment of ber daughter, (Thomas Vincent, eldest son of the | 0% English Rosalind has been led || O76"8ist aud Director Queen' Street Men's English Cash d Wool Katharine Louise; to Dr. Reginald late a anon sad Mi. Fan this fall. She wears a short. tailored Teacher of 0 8 and Plane en 8 18 mere an oo himd, ton. ride, 'dresse . TEan, Singlog . ry a crepe de chens with « hat, ors tn iol 8 0eover || yore ey ek ae man rr Socks in Black and colors and fancy; 'marriage take " tockings to match, was . : . ; . . . ore ID: Bites wrly mm Os Atlendon by Mise Lorotts. murs hh aiened helow the a eer Ra) sizes. Very special at 50c. and .. 0 who was also dressed in white. The ire and. rou aa Fiactical \ 1 75 » Dr. and Mrs. L. Dunbar Steven. groom was attended br his brother, Warm stockings, thick shoes and a C. a parr, son, who will sail for 'Europe short-| Mr. Charles Pannon. After a dainty Norfolk coat worn over a silk chemi. Formerly of Vancouver, B.C, ; ly, have arrived from New York and wedding breakfast at the Anglo- : orm ' . . i: with the latter's parents, Mr, and | America hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Fanon I vmpletan or Bach Reacher of Vidiin oh ange Ste 6: ? Men 8 Sweaters, Cardigan and Pull rs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon." |left on & short oneéymoon, after : : - Mrs. J. Gordon Mackenzie, Toronto, | which they will reside in Montreal. bre pot of mood or ne knee : Telephone 412. over styles; all colors and sizes, at A It Is interesting to note that the : = a0 with her paren x wedding. was ae on the] amend bu igs. at 4 are eh _ H Id S P ker } $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 each. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dyde, Uni- twenty-seventh, anniversary of the match. _ High, fur-trimmed gaiters aro . ac < { us, Sd heir Sani ghey marriage of the groom's parents. imcloth to match the coat is another A.T. CM. SEE OUR NEW WINTER COATS f Yaristion. Teacher of Plano and Theory < a 5 for & 3 | ' Hand Painted Footwear. Pupils srspared dota nations. u ; : | ' Hand-painted satin evening slip- "Phone 2050-m. ® ® on . ® pers combined with kid heels, straps i | and fastenings, are 'the latest " THE IRISH LINEN STORE achievement in English womens' footwear for autumn. They also are CATHERINE WRIGHT procurable in crepe de chine. 1 Hand-painted stockings to match Contralto : with rambler roses or Parma violets {| wim take a limited number of voice ¢lambering up their sides also are || pupils. "Thole 2478 for ment. being exhibited. They are claimed to have a thinning effect - on fat kl Other innovations includ ' : oe JOwelon shoe Boon aapont Include KORRINE A. MADDEN match. i : Loss in Short Skirts. y : A.T.CM. A ) © : German textile manufacturers Teacher 8¢ Plane and Theory, during the last year lost $20.000,- Studio 50 Ear teen "Phone 000 worth of business be Fash- | Lo - - ur alo' a perfect housekeeper, : --~---- " St owt 8 00a lo" | Ln aestibd short con 1 ote | SAL ES rape medicine bottles io 4,000,000. yards less of cloth wers vy x : 'tdemanded. © ? § > i here is nothing like ra