will find a complete stock of Text Books, Queen's Stationery, Fountain Pens at NLEY'S ; (Hatablished 1871) Steamship passages bogked to all parts of Pass. NN FP 2 a 1 TE ---------------- [WOLFE ISLAND SCH | CAPTURES HIGH HONOR In the Frontenac Contest Held at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition. Wolte Island, Sept. 11--The donor} {of the county of Frontenac 'in the {school contest cofhes to the Island) to No. 4 Public School, The lucky teach- er is Mr. Victor Croxtord, of the vil- lage school. - He was contesting with eleven different schools, that were Huneéd up at the Kingston Fair. . There are seven from: the High School here attending the Kingston Business College. Mr, Monsey, of the High School here, has twenty attending the "class: es that are very good. . Mr. Samuel Woodman, of San Francisco, fs here on = visit, after being away five years. Mrs. Thomas Moran ig here from Buffalo, visiting her daughter, Mrs, Arthur Cough. Dr. Bert Hunt is here from Brooklyn, N. Y., on a two weeks' visit. Harold Cosgrove is home trom Rochester, af- ter spending & week thers. M#. How ard Staley has gone to Buffalo to attend college there. ; Mrs. Thomas Hogan, of Muskegan, Mich., Bas spent about three weoks on the Island visiting friends. Mr. Vincent Moran is home from Ro- chester on & months' visit. Mrs. Rue- ben McFadden is home after spend- ing a month with her parents, back of Kingston. hao Mr. Olivet Hawkins is Home trom Syracuse and Watertown, where hs attended all the fast races in the above places. Mr. John Hall and sons have purchased a steam threshing outfit and are busy these days oper- ating the same. The Keyes Bros. have a gasoline tractor threshing out fit and are very busy operating. Thé Island has no less than sixteen thresh. ing outfits, and if the weather stays fine it will be short work. . Mr. Jack O'Brien's new blacksmith shop, is coming along fine. It will be up-to date. Melville Watts is doing the car- benter work. Archie McDonald is do- youthful vigor of car- be fitted with a pen nib your liking. . ' be the quiet dignity of THe Barrel of every Waterman's pen is .. made of the finest "Brazilian rubber, which "gives perfect balance to + your pen and does not tire your hand. Waterman's car- supply of ink, with an even flow for smooth writing. And all Waterman's nay exactly to ing a fine piece of sidewalk work in lower town," which was badly need- ed, * Miss Gieen, who had charge of fhe village school two years ago, paid the Island a visit. She stayed with Mrs. Robert Horne. Mr. Thomas Briceland aad wife, of Watertown, N. Y., and Mrs. | Brice- laid, and her son, Clarence, wers the Suests of Mis. John Laughlin over the week-end. William Laughlin is here on a visit from Watertown and his brother John will return with him. Mr, Henry Duffy and wife, '| Watertown, is here on a visit. Mrs. Ed. Wright, ot Syracuse, and her daughter, is at James Lyons. Mfs. Geo. Whitmarsh is hottie from Water. towh and Syracuse, where she was visiting trends. > 3 Thomas Casey and Stanley Keil have ireturfied: from = Ottawa Mr, Henry Fargo and wife went to Water town, visiting relatives, iss Dillon is in charge of No. 1 school for this _Bva Gravells, . of -» and Miss Driver and Will Gravelle, of Kingston, are at M. J. O'Connell's, ~ " of ed musician, recently had an inspis ration while riding on a London bus he. began Bumming the theme, but Was interrupted .by an old lsdy who 'offered him her seat, saying "You fool Lil; don't yout" The German commission houses Practice of buying toys ia other countries," stamping them "Made fa Germany and reselling them ia for. eign lands, is causing a protest from competing toy-produsing countries. DAILY BRI Wh LATS WX i Kingston on Phseed ay in Fridey ot, and Whose funeral took place at Tamworth on Monday. \ THE NAPANEE SCHOOL BOYS DID VERY WELL At the District Athletic Mept-- Paving Work Is Progress- Ing Well. Napanee, Sept. 30--The boys of the Napanee Collegiate who attend od the district meet in Kingston on Saturday made a very credible show- ing. X ' Juator-- - 220 yrrds--D. Conway second. Shot put--D. Anderson, Ind. 100 yarde--D. Anderson, 2nd. Running broad jump--D. Andeér- son, 2nd. » Intermediate-- . Pole vault--W. Vandusen, 1st not equal to standard. High jump--R. Cowley, 2ad. Sentor-- High jump--T. Breese, 2nd. Pole vadit--F. Ballard, 1st. Public School-- Relay race--440 yards, first. 100 yards--C. Harrington 2nd. Mrs. Henty Creighton who was | operated on in Kingston General, is | progressing very favorably. Miss J. Cleale, who is in the King- ston General Hospital is recovering from an operation. J. J. Hughes and two daughters, Margaret and Edna, of Huntingdon, Que., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. EB. J. Corkill. : Mr. McKinnon of Renfrew paid a hurried visit at Mrs. W. C. Scott's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norris and daughter Marian left for Rochestér on Mon- day. The High School inspector is in- tending to visit the Collegiate this week starting on Tuesday. Miss E. Carmichael, Miss B. Smith, Mr. O. Frisken, Mr. A. Walters are fetursing te Queen's on Tuesday. Work is progressing well on the laying of the new pavement. The as- phalt surface has been completed on East street and & good start has been made on John street. ------ Shippers join with railways to rec: tity ratés in middle west. Toke Your Corns oF I ------------ When Sir Bdward Bigar, the not-1> In Hot Foot Bath The hot water removal of corns is the surest, quickest way. It takes only a minute to apply a covering of Put- nam's Corn , and it soon frizsles the corn or callous so that a hot foot bath shells them right off. Get Putnam's Corn Extractor: it's a ISH whi KINGSTON KIWANIANS 10 VISIT GANANOQUE As Quests of Canadian Club Keller-Roes Wedding at 'Orange, N.J. Gananoque, Sept. 10-Announse ments of the ReespCangtan: B. Rees We, and Mr. Law- rencd Keller, at Orange, N.J., on Sat- urday the 18th, instant, have been received by friends Here. Besides the. Mid Surana, Mrs. W. B. Mudie, Cousin of the bride, was in orange for the wedding. The children's eholr of Grace Chareh hss been re-organised after the sumer holidays. Next Sunday will be rally day ia the adove church Miss Mary Donald, Oshawa, who has been the guest of Miss Mary LaQue for the past couple of weéks, returned home ay. Mrs, George Scott, and Mrs. 8. B. Heasilp, Dulcemaine, who have been the guests of Mrs. Mabel Keating, 'University avenue, Kingston, tor the past few days, rejurned home Satur day afterhoon. Kingston Kiwanisins visit Gananoque as the Canadian Club. welcome, ot Mr. will shortly guests of the 'hey are always and certainly infuse a lot Jolly meeting is anticipstéd when the Clayton Board of Commerce visit us, 'which is also slated for the near future. Fred Gratton and daughter Miss Elsie, Ottawa, spent the week-end here with friends. Gananoque students of Queen's are preparing to leave within the next few days to. resume their studies. » few days in New York, having mot- ored down in her néw Buick Coupe. Mrs. Welsh: has had an extremely busy season at the Inn. This bostelry is still accommodating a large number of tourists motoring through and is in capable hands dus. ing Mrs. Weish's few days absence. Mrs. A. W. Taylor is spending a few days in Toronto. Wednesday evening several of George R, Webb's friends will tend- er him a smoker at the Canoe Club. | NORTHBROOK of pep into the gatherings. Another |i Mrs. Arch Welsh is spending a ili Northbrook, Sept. 20.~~Two aue« tion sales are billed in this locality, that of Mr. Henry Ellis, on Sept. 30th, with Auctioneer J. Flake will include stock, implements and houde furnishings, and that of Mr. Bert Cassada, Oct. 5th, with Auctioneer C. C. Thompson includes the home, and complete furnishings. Mr. Seédore passed through with his threshing outfit, some farmers baving a fine turnout of grain. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lowry have movell on the Robert Arm- Strong fatm and are welcottied here. Many Were snrprised to read of (the death of William Young, in Kingston, 'This family kept hotel north of us for many years making Many friends who sympathise with the bereaved family, > : Mr. Aubrey Benn has purchased the fine Wesley Kimmeérly tarm on Perry Road and will move shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cuddy, of Mar. mora, motored through to Cloyne calling enroute. . Mrs. Charles Ruftan is home snd in fine health after a few months treatment in the Kingston Hospital, Mr} Monty Spider spent Sunday at "Wonderful antiseptic corn softéner. It costs little and is absolutely gure to give you the desired results for corns, thickened foot lumps or sore callouses. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 47 = | being able | this district, | Rev. LO. Wiekware will ng harvest 1 church will be suitably decorated. Mr. B. Lowry's. Mp. and Mis, M. Wolchuek and Mr. A. B, Fletcher motored to Buffalo, N.Y. in Mr. Wolchuek's new Star Bix. Miss Por. rit, decretary Ore Chimney . mises, Spent Sunday with Mrs. Wye. Mr. | and Mrs, Robert Irvine, ot Belleville, eek-6nd with Mr. J. Robert Armstrong has returned to Toronto after Spending the summer hers, Many were disappointed over to attend 'Kingston Fair owing 10 the. rains. Russell Sedore has gond to Buf. falo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. James Cur. tis are renewing acquaintances in this being Mr. Curtis' locality in Boyhood. - in the Rally Day will de heid United Chureh Sunday school, 36th; and 'immediately following deliver a sermon. The Mr. Thankagivi Mr. Roy Watson, of and family ' | Ming the Furniture DAY OR ¥ Tools Any kind of a tool a Westport, Sept. 21. --' Miss Bridget Grant spent the week-end with Mrs. P. MeNamee, Narrow Locks. Miss Doria Rowley is visite ing friends in Syracuse, N.Y. Miss Alma Watts, of Athens, is the guest of Miss Marjorie Dier. Miss Ulara Young is attending Brockville Col légiate Institute, Miss Alice Taylor, Burridge, has taken a position - the ie company's store, and Mrs. Gor: don Tobin snd children, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end with friends in town. Miss Blaseh Van Denburg and "Mr. Ralph , of Memphis, N.Y. and Mr. Raymond Cooper, of y , N.Y. are the Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Kil: patrick. Mr. M. Helen Porter, Brockville, spent Tuesday at their home here. The Westport school air held NIGHT, Plain and trimmed, Rich appearance, Gorgeously styled. Meet Your Friends at Our Big Store "Fair Week." On all our fioors will be seem "Exhibition Suites" purchased recently af displayed in furnished rooms on our floor. Late €8¢ creations in smart styles and finishes. Bring your friends. ¥ 0% JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER ; 'PHONE 147 FOR INVALID COACH. AT YOUR SERVICRS ~ W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK STREET, ders a job hard to per- form when his tools work right. And re- member that perfect tools are the only kind we sell. t reasonable See window display | was a great success. prices, ) cooking, taney work and school was wonderful. worthy The children great pralee. Harold Guire and Hatold Fraser were in Tonto last week attending bition. the Mrs. Graham fs seriously fll 4t hoine of her daughter, Alford.. Miss Helen M turned home after three weeks with friends e. . } a Friday bread decorator within the past ye