12 et -- :Founded 1847. LIVINGSTON'S _ QUEEN'S -UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS Clothes of no Regrets No man is as particular about his clothes as we are. He cannot afford to spend weeks and months selecting the fabrics, patterns, styles, buttons, linings, that go into his suit. "We do." t's our business. Those things eliminate all chances of regrets in our beld in Washington, D.C., on Qotober | 15¢h. ' CITY AND DISTRICT » To Be One of the J Principal R. Bruce Taylor is to. be one of the judges jn the international competition of oratory which will be > ohm ¥ Board of Works Called." p A meeting of the Board of Works was oalded for this afternoon et four o'clock, to deal with a request from the Ruddy Company for permission to erect signs. The Latest Varieties' of Plums Now coming; season drawing to a close. We offer Pond's Seedling, Grand Duke, Damsons, Reine Claude, Montmcrencey, Yellow Egg, ete. novsky's. Girl Ts Missing. A neightoen-year-old ?Ringstoh endeavoring to get trace of her. To Make Visit to Kingston. Plums in baskeis a specialty at Car- !gistrations are time. 1 girl bas bem missing since Saturday | Winnipeg are visiting the former's Digit and' it is believed that she sister, Mrs. J. BE. Jones, Albert street. werd wert with a' member of the | Mr. Graham is a well known passen- Midway at the fair. Her.parents ame | ger engineer with the Canadian Na- { tional Railways and he has been | with that compiny for twenty-five { years during which time he has ren- Ottawa Conclave - No. 4 of the dered excellent and efficient service. Most Noble Order of -Crisaders are| He.is a former Kingston mgn and to visit Kingsion in thé near future! was for some time connected with for the purpose of visiting Frontenac | the Kingston and Pembroke Railway kept busy all the ---- Long in Railway Service. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham of | teresting from every angle. A glance over i Conclave. Anmauagements are being | before going to the west. made for the visit on or about Oc- . tober 2nd. Suits, 'Models for Men and Young Men. *20 to *35 (All prices between) WONDERFUL VALUES - Rotary Club's Bazaar. * Nominated for Moderator. The Kingston Rotary Club is pre- Rev. J. W. Btephem, of St. An-| Paring in the form of the Rotary drew's Presbyterian Church, Kings-| D8sasr the biggest surprise that has ton, has been nominated by the Pres- Deen given to the people of Kingston byilery of Barrie for the post of ID a long time. Strong committees Mcdecater of the Syrod of Tcromto | have every\detail of the work under and Kingston, 'which meets in Torong way 'and the stage js set for the to on October 20th. snappiest, jaszziest, funniest, nois- lest, and best all-round night's en- tertainment than could be imagined. Welcomed by Congregation. Amusements will be provided for Rev. J. M. MacDonald is pastor of | young and old and all the proceeds the Grace-St. Andrew's United | will go' towards the Rotary Club's Church, Arnprior. He is a fine! Welfare Work. When is it to be? preachur, a man of en'imable attain-| Thursday night, September 30th, and ments and génial and pleasant init is to De held on the Market manner. He was a former assiotant Square: ONTARIO FAREWELL [{ nine porios coun | T0 BYNG OF VIMY ® Ao "With No Mether to Guide Her" Canada's Popular Governor= ea cory bh gh or Senor Quem B» Banquet Count on Wedaesda oi . he Polite young girl was charged with se- Toronto, Sept. 23.--Ontario bade ol Siu, tuise Ar SLES; LEVINGS I ON » farewell sad god-speed last night 19 {ing the sory. Mepis to + _- tone), rose bloom (of / 75.79 BROCK STREET the retiring Governor-General of Can- | manded the ginl for a week, and her the bois de rose fam. : ada, Barou Byug of Vimy, and Lady {case will be turcher investigated. : ily), Mchen green (a If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk Byng. |_|. Tie goods taken bythe girl con: ght reseda. : ; Iu terms bespeaking the affection |sicted of wearing apparel, and she of all Canadiaus for the individual secured the same by calling at a local who has represented his Majesty the | Chinese laundry and securitg laun- «ing in Canada during the last five|dry the property of another party. Years, Premier Ferguson, on 'behalf | Tae goods were produced # count nating colors, in the Jf the, people of the Province, in the and were taken in charge by the various fruits and flow. preseuage of a d.stinguished gather- [rightful party. . Sand; Sea Green, Grey, French iug at the King Kdward Hotel, ex-| Attended by the police matron, Rose, 'angerine, Biege, Wild v-es8td his reget ut the impending [the young girl, breaking imto tears, Black, Navy; all full 36 tnches departure of i(ueir Excellencies. In {told the court that her father and 4 $2.25 & $2.00 J sv d@eL, spate lusiion his Homer [Mmoihor wee dead. Col. Rear; Cocschut, Lieutenant- ; The Dress for Sports or Street Wear should be of SVErLOr OL Lu.ativ, aid Right Hon, [Kingston two months ago, in an en- Colored Dress Flannel oir Witkisa hintock, Chiet Justice of {deuvor to secure employment, as a the Supre.ie Lourt of Untar.o, added domestic. However, she had an- £ ~ . Dress Flannels are just as important for street and all occasion wear as ever, For Afternoon Frocks and Evening Gowns : Flat Crepe Is still the Popular Fabric Nothing can oust Flat Crepes from ' the mode. Paris, London, New York, all continue to feature this lovely ma-. terial in their best gowns. The color dis- play is rich. : HONEY DEW HENNA ed Colors Claret Red Spanish Raisin' Jungle Green Rustic Brown Steel Blue Mauve Castor All the 'wine reds are very fashionable. Black and dark green, browns and navy are shown extensively, . In lighter tones come suntan (a golden sand Fall Topcoats $20, $22.50, $25 GET THE RIGHT HAT SEE OUR $3.95 SPECIAL POWDER AUTUMN BROWN CHESTNUT COCOA LUE BUFF JUNGLE GREEN SEA GREEN $2.50 & $3.00 Stunning Taftetas For formal or informal wear in pretty shot effects or plain weaves, Taffetas, says one great authority is one of the high lights te evening wear, and every variation of new color is 8 da AAA AAA AAA AAA Ah ddd ded dh ed hb dod bd 2 2 st 2 aaa There are also end. less tints and modif. cations of the predomi. Ret 2600 Wholsdle 1767 Ofice 365w ki ierson Bros. Lid. their adieus to tiat of the Premier. |SWered several advertisements in the When the victor of Viniy rose to|local\newspapers, and had been ut ceply decoruri was flung to the 8bie to land a job. A friend hud taken]. winds, and sgain and again ths[her in, and, while she had not been {| cheers of the brilliant assembly broke |®MPloyed, she had 'Delped out in work forth; * Lustily they sang "For He's|2Tound the house. + Jolly Good Peilow," and the guest | According to the stories being told of homor was compelled to stand [0 Magistrate Farrell from day to silent while the praudits rose and|3eY: there must be a lot of home died away. It was a str king mark of | Te¥ 'hidden in the bushes in the or this reason we are showing a | tribute and affection to the distin- | ICH4tY of the fair grounds, so if you ! NE happen to see a lot of thirsty fellows || cumbea Sia.er ana ateaman, Shivaty Soiiave _ large range of all the newest vs Ply Paria. : Toronto's Farewell. be looking for something, you wili ey are: « ns ger know 'that they are on the trail of Black, N Henna, Rosewood, Sand, Buff, Castor; His fal rie. 33 Tarente aia some home brew. For the second Biege, Powder Blue, Jade Green, Rust, Byng this morniAg when they were time this week a drunk told the Steel Grey; all full 31 5 magistrate that he found a hottie Zi 85¢ yard ORANGE PEKOE PEKOE | ' CEYLON PEROE | 3tompdnied. to the tala Lor Guawa hidden Im some bushes near the fuir coy vs : Fancy Floral Printed Fuji Silks CEYLON Lb. 95¢. Lb. 75¢. Lb. 65c. §| dred citizens. They'sail from Quebec} terns and col Models That indicate style trend _ Some of thel| points of the new mode that clothes emphasize are «That bloused effects are fashionable. : That the 8 plece semble still prevatls. That the batesu neck is new. Re That afternoon | Sleeves, oF Ro son ¥ That ved is ve - very fagh- No matter what way you t al look at it you get only 1B 4 what you pay for. Our y y : | Spices are selected with < v = p sources. There no musty With that real aroma. The finest | gooma from them. Full Spices available. assortment. ; " Blue Bonnett Blue Bonnett Hevsle too Tea Téa " Blen "Who put it there . for you 2 queried the Cadi. 5 "I do not know." came the reply : ; for home on September 33th. a ai, P.&G. i R ufibie 25. | Sg 1 : : . rom the pri: wer jn the box. Meoaa, cach... 30. Qo) of py | Hed Hox Peppees, BARON BYNG UNVEILS Ma nowet Mit aber costs peek Lio, ke 406 White TORONTO MEMORIAL was imposed. 5% = Bar Se " veka 800. : Steer Beef gt ----,. ,...p i ?