Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1926, p. 11

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TE ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG [The Whigs Clase Page Is a Public Fre and a True Market BY WILLIAMS. ACK om 3 iy' 21st, deze. BLACK OB uly st, Rev. J. A Marion M. k to Samuel Edward Hitver, of OUT OUR WAY. Agents Wanted s \ Chicago, Ill » ane 39 1: DEATHS. OF re hr sakiy, Jn Siribhung » re- i u ant : AML mr i Be SE dre aa ES : at . ant] and commission besides. & per Une ov consecutive hs ve Hamiiton, M.D. and MPS! spare or full time. ERperioace uns 25 conis. Jamis on, SATA, Ont, aged § mos. free oo For particulars and nd 33 da rT Fureral Trom 2) Lower BagoteStreet. RP Friday om 11 1 to Bt. Mary's Cemes tery. Help Wanted BE ore write Mr. Conrad, Spadins ees Rd SALES We offer Mead employ- LIS ; 1. ¥ilu.-Automabils and mg to sell our Slt. » y -- ve lines of % "Phone 1748-0 Ro nmi a Ihe. : Strange. o tablished YT Lin sgl Bis « Boothe Nurseries, Montreal p ' Clarence Street, op, end d aintances respectfully ; A A a ¥ _,-------------- Fiala aid, dcquaints Positions Wanted 6 2 \ : WILLETT -- Died on September 23rd, o 1 GE ) 3 Decorators 1926, at the residence of her daugh- | Jo Os FARM---AS manager of fore ; " gi ter, Mrs Thomas Corcoran 31 James| poi oCOuUM start work 1 Apply \ ; Finis Street, Mary Mason, widow of the x , Whig Office. a = iste Arthur Willett, of Pittsburgh, ox 5 \ \ ) § an A one Sas ToL 5 Real Estate For Rent bs 7a) i 7 ; 2 GET YOUR wATNTIN Friday morning at 8.45 te St Seer \ OR G s : ow. _r cs is Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn Apartmients and Plate 7 \ Op LL) for i paper 3 on, requiem mass will be sung at § o'« 4 7 E> ood Invited to attend. ». Lost and Yound - A * {hLARS--Found Apply 106 Barrack reet. SPOO In Kingston, on Sept. Ind | Ment Bev i "Boonen aged 87 Plate 4 § month a ity, w ale root, fresh: neral rom. Bis "ate residence, 16 T tress he Attractive, William Street West, Friday aft noon at 3 o'clock, to Cataraqul fon Cemetery. opportunity. od 17 years. Funeral will leave the above address 'Phone Ie clock for the repose of her soul. IN PARKVIEW ARTMENTS «= 133 : Ke A PAINTING AND FAFER WANGING= Friends and acquaintances respectfully King Street 4 gg Bieber de suites, WR 5 y ' Shing § and all repair bacaelor suites, also very suitable ac- & . , . Earl Son Frompuz Wen leor: 210 3] Sori: Hany Jono cers. Short. ai ; ng accep PPly x G 8 4 5 . 7 SIGN PAINTING --3. = AINTIN Office. fo 2 : SBN 3 dager Brest, T ovinson, SIV the Sight 10 Sa Ct oe 5 ran : Business laces ® SOLD BROOCH Found outside Lin- ton's store, Thursday afternoon, OWN: | CORNER SUFPABLE--For butcher shop er may have same at Whig Office, ~--will make alterations to suit tenant. ENT SOCIETY -- loourpo _Apply $9 Patrick Street. 1861 President, A. D. Cart GOLD BRACELET--Band of gold links, Toas-biealdent J. M. Farrell F lost Sunday afterpoon. Finder please Farms and Lands Sa city and oF None Financia) FRUNTENAU LOAN AND INV leave at Whig Office. Reward, ¢ . 4 BY bos £¢ joan on -- » ARM--21% miles west of Ee RR | Ee a Se . 88, new Caretaker Sy ham Street uray? Easy terwns.- Apply Percy Wartman, "| PAIR OF GLASSBS--Tortolse shell rim-| Bath. fopng., Owner may have game at ray. dunimum mont, posits received a Aithgaat | va i Cartwright, manager, 7 Clarence bt : Storage 20a. ouses #70 a RAG or furniture, an; dry, os : Siry rooms and spaces; sud key. Frost's Ci rorag 399+ 36s Stsen St. 'Paone 536 ten ew, med, Public Li PAIR OF FAWN KID GLOVES-Trim-| 7 ROOMED HOUSE--Sixth Street, new- med with orange, found on Albert St.| ly decorated, electrie light, 3 piece Owner may have same at 11 Sixth St. bath and furnace. Rent $25.00 per month, also house on Cowdy Street, § SMALL BLACK PURSE--Lost Monday| rooms, electric light and toilet. Rent QOLBOBNE| : ie gai? ANCE ORE 1880. TR 0 night. containing sum of money, most-| .§16.00. "Apply H. ¥. Norman, Patrick J ial BOYD'S STORAGE WARBMO USE-ifor us by American bills, Jost on Montreal] Street, tC furniture or any me JOHN OCOXNELI glan or Bagot Streets. Finder) J. Rwllia proot building. ae 1000 or 11177, © Undertaker and Kmbalmer plesise retufn to 17 Corrigan Street. EE A A : Parlors: Streot ter.. Oumveniently located. HOt water Miscenancous WRIST WATOH-Found in main build-| heating. Rent cheap to Sarefyl ten in \088 BY NEA soe J ing of Fair Grounds. Superin- ant. A 232 Johnson Stre ele - : 5 HSC tandent'ys Office, main uilding phone §. ply PN w 2 T ASHES el ae Su bi aT, MacUr WATOH .~ Blue enamel strap watch, | HOUSE--297B = Division street, six Real Estate For Rent. - ' Articles For Sale Business Services YL Rissell bifeer" Stode 2265. found. Owner enquire at §2 Riitam Toms. ewiy 4 ge ited, hot air, Rand eC SIRE hei SHES---Rentoved from yard and o vors, urnace, ' Tele. . a il 'phone 1agbem. TT § Real Estate For Sale - Miscellaneous 1] Dressmaking 20a. : UNE! Dek: Slane 4 or Ma » Muckley Transfer, 143 __Help Waniea SEVEN poouEb u ISE-- Newly dego- Farms and Land 12 4 GENTLEMAN'S SUIT = And heavy FRIAR Ey Het and fur| 'Phone 391 and 3316-0. Male Help Wanted 2 ated, dary and Ta lpt, North Als "overcoai, in first class condition, rea-| Soot relinlhg. T ing Moderate. Work Feld: D Hoya. 'Faong st | FARM=-100 acres, § miles fram Kings-| sonable.' Apply 363 Johnson Street, | Suaranteed, Ev isan, 41 Bagot Br is SR YC Ell Bovs WANTED--To sell waek-ond pa ton, 60 acres under cultivation, Filla] Tm - Da0T aay oF night. Seta sorsins i Special features. Apply Harold TO LET-Small house near cf: y park, Apply" to" Leonard Gordon, 30 hens everything for Raess re Partridge piles. Canada Radio Stores. : Smith, Barrack Street, city. Ja cor, to, Cunningham, real es- Wire and Iron Works, plating in sile . MAKE MONEY AT HO . . MEM and a: Toe oi ver, nickel, ete, King St. 'Phone 350. ~ Bee ac v share Hime welling showtarde No can: | tacsmny nouss: 438 Wellington Street, | on" a fives e7, 13 milos from Kingston, A, NUMBER---Of Boys' and Girls' Used ha Bosisterea WUr2 vassing or soliciting. We instruct you! eve a * n 60 tilta 1e, ie Bajacce pasture and hard. cycles; 90 tires $1.76 and tubes and supply you with work, Fite tor | ae TaimIante Rome Lossassion. Al- w bus ew brick house, good| $1.v0. Abbly Muller's, 371.378 King FURNISHED HOUSE---To let for win- rrotessionas | 21 Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. a 1-w. Hours 3 Bie Phone 1564, free, 1+6, 6-7.20 nn tation TWO USED FORD CARS---In A ater and tion, Snap for quick © aveite 1 ARTISTIC FLO : C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED 'S buildi Well and! Street. "Phone 1961-w, "KIRKPAT SY on aenhenitt Company, Limited, 'tion, in' best: location. Yapply at 53) pain and other bulidings Wel i =F po - Gd Pairs 4 ete UPROLSTEIN 'AND FLOWER STORE 21 Dominion Building, Toronto, + Clergy street. WAR ptock and implements. autre BARBY CARRIAGE ~ Fur sale cheap, Pivressioun ing Leave oidera at Sieh and] AR hones 46% 1 45% and 1218-J. SMART MAN--For clerk in meat store : LesHe Wocds, Joyceville. : English style. nearly new; also a baby fo F. W. Herold, 104 Clergy Hireet.! Sn Saturaaye. Apply Martin's Ltd, 270 Rooms 10 A bye oY 218 Johnson Street, or MarR tener Saris: ing - Ved 'hone 1600s]. ee rincess 8 Houses 14 rai 3 « WESTINGHOUSE RADIO--§ tube di. FURNISHED ROOMS-- And g BRICK-=Stoc Rustic, | wen thetd l Eo i AIRFIELD EAST Female Help Wanted 3 board, to male students TonIy APPIY | S4000--BrIck Bungalow, § rooms, mods wie cut, Bullafne® & le 1 adi ale n he Bitte Ris iia ADDI tn SYERINE Betws 1 and » + I rn, ohnson ": . ATTEND RURAL FAIR ANYONE SELLIN r wanting to sell set. $4.7 00--<Bick, 7. roéms, modern, central. one EVenlies v's ours Fil sm. | Gluck, aT 104 Joanson street, Cards sho S68 Or Wild us| FURNISHED ROOMS Good locality,| - See lst at office. CHAIRS -- Combination range, hall} phone b32- nee 'phone sine -- tely. Can ohrrigd' with! hot and col running water, in each, 3 farms, would exchange. stove, pipes, baby's carriage, bed. high Automodiies ; Service Next Sunday--| other lines or sepa Will In-| room, well heated. Reasonable terms.| Insurance. Money to Juan. chair,' sleigh, gate, linoleum, medicine | SKIN BLEMISHES -- RR AR a EE ; {reass your sales §500 to $1,000. Week- | 92 Johnson street, corner Frontensc| Houses and fats t to let. cabinet, lines, carpst sweeper, other| Warts, Birthmarks, Cancers, Auto Accessories - » E. Pyks Exhibited at faolifer. Master Crate Gréoting Card] ohne 881-3. 3 351 Princess Birest, EB Articles. Apuiy 12 Cadhiorine St.f Ts sto, relioved parmanen: ' hs, - sases = fitted KINGSTON AUTO BODY 0, Kingston Fair. Co. Toronto. , ROOMS --. Unfurnished, bright oi rast Phone 1110-2, BLUCTRIC DRILL -- 3%" Black and| furnished ter PT have hve, olalied ag a of Autor (i : and warm on bath room. flat. Gas and BE. W. MULLIN Decker. Barga'n for pick sale. © Ap~| Goitre cured axlhgut 0) and | 3 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES..Want-| electricity. Hot water heating, Pos-| Real Estatd and lusurance Broker ly Halliday Electric ore Sxpyrience. Dr. Bl Coupe Salen California To, Falrtidld Bust, Sept. 22.~Mr. Ful-| od Apply Hoter. Randolph. fession ctober 1. Apply 55 William "Phin Jha and Division Streets 2 FOR SALE-Two Fox. Tenier Tu Be. Bar ose. Th gh ne 204] Boineting. AWRines ana ry ; : stadent-pastor of he Lans- EXPERIENCED SO0K-GENERAL--No : . . age male Spaniel Pup. Colle Pubs. Boston Sne 301. Heiss 14383] 347 King street. 'Phone 3045. hure was | washing or iroming ust be LARGE, FRONT BEDROOM NEW, SIX ' ROO BUNGALOW w. 12} Terrier uller Boarding Keunels, 37 . . sbytetian ¢ n cook. Good wages. Ap with) for light housek keepin $ cour Suitan Torcnto Street, pressed brick, oak{ King St. "Phone 1981-we Y 312 Iastruction 5 rain 21a jkér here on Sunday na ine references to Box G-10, Whig Office, for Di cou Evers conveni- fsor, strictly ern, for sate. "Apply (To hE a Th = = . Auto recking Co. i ence, * DhvaeeC + 3 t, having exchanged ate Nex: | 00D: GENERAL SERVANT Wanted - es 3 he 357 Bagot Street Na is elite 0g, raot ORS th rant ro | ow! ned APply 4b Ming pe ene: of Re, | Pupils eARNE--Teacher of {| gue tom hurd Fruek. day with Mr. B. Sm e Apply 140 Frontenac Street, TWO Oi OOMS--. For light| for sale Elm street. third house south Conagivatom 3_pré pared for Toromty Also ail Jinds Second y communion will be observed GOOD, RELIABLE SIAL --I0n pe on enn Avenue. | Of Alfred. Apply 382 Victoria Street. nD vos hingmend LAprient. walnut! [Qu IQueeh St, Yphone Tissow Studie: 37 [1 Auceniobtie vans or all makes > is - ie instr! t Cars, b Rey. A cQde uta of Brock Sa Shtidnar Apply Rg Ey TB 9. Gan, electri NEW BUNGALOW---Besutifully situat- au beginmer. Price 175. Terme BC Barmialin ana suticnes n pre. sion e unningham, real es- é br nd- 21d nat voren sah say - EE hae wpe | FACED, Ton, Novem Er | Nin Ere em ii ier So int visi ors 0 too Poly ne use of gas ran t| OVERLOOKIN: The water, e will ren . 8, Col¢, Maitland. The thresh- isaac: Club, house oping. Apply nh ad 8, yh house In good condition. Cu hug fh, Piano at six dollars per month raat io 1oh n Street sag Fobiiee 3 a lg: in the neighborhood. | Male or Female i. real estate agent, 79 Ciarence Stree Sipiration of six Toner will aflow ! 1 a GHA Barri t Ah Buoy Hayes, Athens, were or Relp Wanted 3a ; | OVERLOOKING CITY PARK -- Brick PArelass price, © W. Cindaay" mies 'ae a ren Sizes Hoary A BIG a AAT Ce a6|' © Wanted To Rent 11] dwelling in fine condition. ed, 121 Pringess Stree B. Cunningham, K.C. tors of her mother, ing card sample book foe; 'men Furnace, hat Neos Daoring. Quan ing Corll. amin. _ Barr, on Sunday. and womens alréady making five dol-| FARM -- With stock and mp) n Tenge Furniture DAY AND REVELLE--Barr 'majority of the A i. néve snc uw dehy. Tn Soars time: aD "aS Or ol) share SHE RESIDENCE---Brick veneer, § room Apa So tore, $9 Clarence Mires Apply Teeple aod i Hal's Ga overjoyed with the. mean Brantford: On IY Tots Radon a0 On Seices Sop hot water heating. electric' light snd | CONTENTS--Of an hoiias all sto E age, 473 Princess Stre » : wdy Se ges. 3-5. Jn cast' side. Clieap for | abe RSE Frnt Brinew ok Gran Monsees Sreaapid MOOM--In private home, wanted. bry Ba B Cook. Bank | aphone. vill sell ata saceifics. Leav. REYNOLDS, 3 Ge-Barris bg fg om de Re RT gtically all the aridia at Classified Display ft dvi, BoxiN-12, Whic Foront ing the city. "Apply 300 Quer Street. tor, § a Stray fo 1s Solel dont ning Sohdition, Only rural school fair held . SEVEN ROOMED--S0lid brick house, in : I gnce waa terms if desired. the Tincap. A splendid cro' D. i ; ED. good pr [modern conveni: Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. Pune shu ston _8 splendid exhibits - were Thpprias, W. KENT MACNEE!}! 1 Axo! barn. poly 16 8: Catherine Be. © Ambros, "Ea Barri - rooms, bly vi fre. hy G. 8. EAD st for atielion co making the fair "the best so far iu || » as - ln. dn vest or Brow aw Of in Fae of King Leeds." " Mr. B. F. Nort = Mr. |} writing All Kinds of Insuratiee. Sr.apariment bia bidek: Ar Phe HL ~ Lar Rx inden n Batred a, Sing he od an over Si Mone Lozo lost a v e grey horse ' estate agent, 79 Clarence u tna week owing to acute indig en Brock aud Wellington Bts. B 38 per Or Jease far on nin , OR WY arpaue] Jager Halr Parior ; use of anniversary se se. w hie 8, 3 pieces bath . 'Algonquin United church no ser [4 hwy =a ies ok et. Kes RE . Sie rate or age: | Ford Towing: 1922, was held here on Sunday last. emis - TO = FE De "ado. EE, Wis : ra ang Feed 18 I WAVING tp car troshly palited. 5 Next week Rally Day will. be obserw=|| Ld % For Sale or To Let fia] mash trees © i $1 Su, ean Heense and starter. at the Sunday school and anniver- RATT oo Soaps wr 5.00. NE : a service held on Sunday 4 || mom mane 208? 1 LET-t81 Johnaon Aart UE URY Ford Tudor, 1924; *l awe erinth B. 2 In Al condition, § tires, meter, license and starter, 3 "Moone 3015-3. E. Pyke showed 'an exhibit of || rugs. : : omy ae PTs Oked. APBAY ie 150 pe truit, flowers and vegetables. ! WF : ry a. os nd lopation wih ling wood on Ea 490 load. Dryl | Kingston Industrial Fair week. This week he is show- | fat Lansdowne. he story is told of 4 local Scoteh- | {DRY MA Overland Sedan, - : A real good, family car with 1 tense and starter. & 3 who walked ten miles to see a 11 game; then was too tired alimb the fence. wir These are cars a person patient spital, Hamilton, escaped on E: ake pride In owning. Thostay a the pienic of the in- off a wo-yesr old! a 'made for ae oitain EERE 6 'ALBOT'S 1

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