abinet Not Yet > z " Fe KINGSTCN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 Re ---- Meighen Cabinet Has Not Yet Resigned Ottawa, Sept. 23.--The Meigh- Oficial Conservatism Is Understood Against | Opposing Cabinet Ministers in Bye-Elections FOR KNOCKOUT. ~~" ~ -- AT THE ST ART Special corfespopdent at Ottawa : wires i If any one of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac ~ ---- kenzie King's ministers is opposed in the bye-elections necessary for re- of last session shall de proceeded with and appropriations passed for the country's needs. It is also ap- parently the desire of the country that Mr. King shall attend the Im- perial conference in October and shall not be prevented from doing so en Government will not resign to-day. Following to-day's meet- ing of the cabinet it was offi- clally 'stated that there was no announcement to make. Another session of the council is sche- duled for eleven o'clock to-mor- SJ Progressive Meeting in Winni- ~Last Minute Change or Two "whether he would accept office May Be Addition of More Winuipeg, Sept. 23. -- Robert Forke, leader of the Progressive party in the House of Commons at the last session of Parliament, and Liberal-Progressive ~~ member-elect for Brandon, will accept the port- folio of Minister of Immigration in the new Mackenzie King Govern- ment in the process of formation at {This announcement was made last night following a meeting of Mani- toba Liberal-Progressives attended ' "Mp. Forke came to Winnipeg from Ottawa expressly to meet the Mani- toba Liberal-Progressives and place in their hands the decision as in Government which will, come into power at Mr, Forke will leave for Ottawa to- Mr. Forke declined to make any te after the meeting, that sny announcement come fom Mr. King. "Was announced by others pres- however, that Mr. Forke had informed the conference that he had been invited to emter the Liberal say- : must Government, that the office offered was that of Immigration, and that his acceptance depen attitude of The . depended upon the those at the confefence. con Was unanimous in giving Mr. & free hand to take wer the portfolio. . Mr, Rowell in Ottawa. wa, Sept. 38.--A considerable h the arrival . Newton Row- ed last even from Toronto of Ministers Without Portiolio. ell, who, it was stated, had come on an invitation. It was also confidently stated in some quarters that he would be offered the portfolio of Customs and Excise. Mr. Rowell stated, how- ever, that he had come on an invita- tion to consult and not to take a port- folio. Another rumor was that Charles' Magrath, Chairman of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission and the International Jaint Waterways Commission, had resigned th¥ latter position and that Mr. Row- ell was to be his successor. It was learned, however, that Mr. Rowell's arrival would in no' way alter the line-up of the King Cabinet as previously intimated unofficially, Three Developmentsj of the Day. The three developments of the day were the settlements of three out- standing problems, 50 far as out- siders are concerned. One was thst of the post of Postmaster-General, which, it is now understood, has been settled upon Hon. P. J, Veniot, former Premier of New Brunswick. A second was final settlement of the problem of finding a strong man for the Customs job, and that has been assigned to W. D. Buler. The third was the exchange of portfolios be- tween Hon. Mr. Elliott and Hon. Dr. King. It is learned, too, that the question of Manitoba's representa. tion has been solved amicably an that Robert Forke will represent that Province in the Cabinet with the portfolio of Immigration and Colonization. x +A possible last-minute change may be the addition of one or two more a without. . portfolio. -- Whe these appointees may be has not vet]. been disclosed. 5 4 TL Crh, 'The big Dempsey-Tunney fight starts tonight at Philadelphia at 8.30 o'clock and the British Whig | _will, from the time the fight starts until it is over, have a bulletin ser- vice made by speelal 'arrangemea \ Those who are unable to attend th bulletin. will be advised of the pro- gress of the fight by calling 2612 or 2613. ; Rg } ' {Palm Besch and Miami. _itime, grave fears were expressed re- SET ABOUT THE WORK OF REBABILITATION Against an Epidemic at Miami, Florida. ' Miami, Fla., Sept. 28.--Recovered from the first shock of Saturday's de- vastating hurricane dazed residents of Florida's storm stricken area, dided by Red Cross and other relief agents, to-day stoically set about the work of rehabilistion. As surgeons and nurses hent their energy to the relief of the Injured and homeless, especial- ly drafted forces of men began the task of clearing the 60 mile wreckage strewn coastal area between West At the same garding the sanitary. conditions, and officials of various health services , | were prepared for whatever measures are necessary to prevent an epidemic. 'Casualty reports from a score or more cities snd towns levelled by wind and sea still varied widely, but B) | rescuers placed the total loss of life * [Stood at 100, with 900 in above 400. Miami's death list to-day § hospitals, 4265 of them serious. 3% : ~ Graphic stories of heroism, ter. {ror and conditions of suffering and, destruction have come 'into Miami : Waste. Trustee Calls Canadian Women hastily recruited forces of volunteer]. TOW morning. Worst Cooks In the World London, Ont., Sept. 33~~Are the ples that Canadian housewives are making today less delectable to the palate than the pies of yesterday? stee Dr. Thornley Bowman ap- Dears to be of the opinion thag they are. Yesterday he informed the Board of Education that the culin- ary art as practiced in Canada is be- fow the standard of any other civil ized country. ™ "Indifferent cooking is respon- sible for dny amount of sickness in the country today," he added, mak- ing a stand for the continuance of the teaching of manual training and domestic science in the collegiates. The board divided 8 to 4, deciding to abolish immediately the teaching of the subjects. Fire Destroys Homes Of Sixteen Families Three Rivers, Que. Sept. 23.--The town of Nicolet, some fifteen miles from here, this . morning was swept by a fire which destroyed the homes of sixteen families and buildings adjoining them. There were no injuries but a sick woman had to be rescued from one of the houses. Fire broke out in a garage following. the explosion of a gasoline tank. ' * * * + "Canadiin Big Markets. Ottawa, Sept. 23---No changes are reported from Canadian egg mark- ots today. Toronto-- The marke; is steady and firm on fresh. Dealers are pay- ing country shippers delivered, ex- tras, 43c to 45¢; firsts, 87¢ to 40¢c; 1 seconds, 29¢ to 33¢c. Prices to re- tallers of fresh are, extris, 49¢ to §0c; firsts, 43¢ to 4Bc; seconds, 35¢ to 36c. Montreal---Dealers are paying for ungraded eggs, delivered, extras, 46c to 46c; firsts, 40c to 44¢; sec onds, 31c to 35c. Prices to retailers of fresh eggs are, extras, 0c to 63¢c; firsts, 4B6c to 47¢; seconds, 37¢ to 38¢c, and of storage, extras, 43¢ fo 46e; firsts, 38c to 40c; sec- onds, 34c to 36ec. . -------------------- Beaten to Death. 1 Trefton, N.§., Sept. 28. -- Thomas McCool, aged 35, was beaten to death here with an irom pipe in the hands of James Clow it is alleged by the police, shortly after "mid- night, and Clow was arrested shortly | after and charged with murder. Heavy rains have done extensive damage to Bran; County roads, and have interfered with construction. Baby girl. wrapped in blankets, was found in a garage at Niagara Falls. C2200 0002000000000 * - : . 4 ® KILLED IN FRENCH 4 Be FFP 0 044 200,000 Spectators L222 2090000000 > 4 \ PLP ELIFL2PP SS 4 dp to See Fight in Phila EFFORT 10° STOP IT Was Disnissed by 1 Three in the = Jags ---Tunney Is Confident. INJUNCTION DISMISSED. Philadelphia, Sept. 23.---The- application for ati injumction to SEPP 499%449 Pleas Count. * Philadelphia, Sept. 28.--Jack Dempsey, champion, and Gene Tun- ney, challenger, two modern gladi- ators, were girded to-day to fight for the beavyweipht champlonchip of the world and the richest prize in the sporting world--- §650,000 --before '| &d the grade. election official Conservatism - will renounce responsibility for the op- posing candidate, as # did for the candidate who opposed: Premier King in Princé Albert last spring. It is the desire of the country that parliament shall be summoned at the earliest possible date, so that the business held up by the sorry affair through the bye-elections. nounce responsibility for any con- test which occurs, 'but certain that if ministers are opposed the country will hold official Con- sérvatism to blame for the delay in- curred. necessity of holding Official Conservatism may ve- it is fairly NEARLY ALL WHEAT IS CUT IN SASKATCHEWAN News In Condensed Form Off the Wires Winter Fodder Will Be Scarce in Some Parts--Oorn a Fair Crop. Regina, Sept. 23.--Practically all the 'wheat has been cut, but a small percentage of late coarse grains and some flax still remain ¢o be cut, according to telegraphic reports re- ceived by the Saskatchewan Statls- tics Branch of the Department of Agriculture! Threshing has pro- ceeded very slowly due to dull showery weather. The best pro- gress has been made in the south central part of the province, where over 60 per cent. of the crop is threshed, but in other parts less than 20 per cent. is completed. Cases vf ' sprouting are reported in various part of the province, but on the whole the damage from this cause is not great. Bleaching in some parts 'may cause & loss of one or two grades and there are a few plates where early frost has affect- |, In some districts in the west cen- Cc Nicaragus. in the cabinet. of chickenpox. the Imperial Conference. conference for October. for relief. It is estimated 25,000 are homeless. Cory, of Belleville, was rearrested for alleged forgery. tracted for an air service between Seville, Spain, and Buenos Aires. at Los Angeles, Calif, McPherson occupied a cottage with Ormiston. beer after a long route march, and one n.v.o. Was killed in a mutiny as day counvoeation of the international \| disarmament spring of 1927. United Church, Ottawa, has accept ed a call ~ Tremendous seas are reported to be pounding in coast of Cape Breton without any wind behind them. A revolution breaks out in Robert Forke is to accept a post Stratford reports'a mild epidemic Premier King is expected to go to Conservative headquarters calls a Miami city appeals to the north On bail on a charge of fraud, Chas German Zeppelin works have con- A dozen persons ready to testify that Mrs. Soldiers in Holland were refused result. but Tuesday night and yesterday ing. Calgary, Lethbridge, Edmon and Medicine Hat reported a st fall of snow. In central and north Saskatchewan it was also. snowing. FROST IN NANITOBA Col Wave: Alo Hs Not aon 1 Gop lo Th Winnipeg, - Sept. 23.--Winter ox tended its chilly presence over the whole of Alberta and Saskatchewan yesterday, bringing freezing temp atures and heavy snowfalls ranging ia depth from a few inches to more than a foot. : It was the second time within & days that Alberta has been b ed with snow, and wntimely of winter has once more halted vesting operations, whieh nave bei delayed continuously by weather. The snowfalls also prevents ed beet pickers from starting o ations. The snow was of a light character, Was continuous throughout Manitoba up to the 'present been without snow, but light Were general in the province night and predictions are for France is expected to demand to- | /1ATT1e8 In several localities the b - Rev. W. A. Whiddon, of the First conference in to St. Andrew's United hitreB, Sudbury. tary on the southern Annual united thanksgiving col- veloping 'the prairies. beaten by another man. Jndge Duff Approves Agreement Preshyterians. lection totalled $15,720.75 at the Dominion Board of the Anglican Women's Auxiliary in London. Windsor authorities will conduct an inquest on the exhumed body of T. 8. Lambier, alleged to have been DIVISION OF MISSIONS. With heavily here once again laid its icy Northern Ontario. Word ceived at BO Neak of the Dominion reau offer no hope of immed Further interruption of ing operations, it is Teared, "Will & sult in lowering of grade values delay the movement of grain s threshed. These alre days have grade. Heavy Regina, Snowfall in Regina. Sept. 28.-- Snow yY morn yesterda the distriet, putting a stop to Yesting 'operations.' A distl higher temperature now however, and the snow is d ing fast. report from two to three inche ------------ Cold Wave in Outarlo. North Bay, Sept. 23 --Wintet |