-- Vis Dik Foxes Silver, White, Black, Platinum, Blue; Rob- | in Brown, Taupe, | AGAINST THE CITY j landerson Bros; Lid., Given Judgment Over Flooding of Their Cellar. Judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the case of Ander- AT AMHERST ISLAND land Has Taken Over This Charge. from Scotland, was inducted into the Pointed, and all the son Bros. Lid. vs, the Corpepagh--r + ' 5 the City ot Kingkton when it came before Mr Justice Logie at the fall shades in Browns. = ' assizes of the Supreme Court of On- tarip on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. hai invited. Write for Catalogue. : Your comparison ¥ 5 Saas - ° A. B. Cunningham acted for the 8 ] M cKAY Limited Plaintiffs and Mr. T. J. Rigney for y ¢ : % the' defendants. : . MANUFACTURING FURRIERS ; The plaintiffs proved that in July, LE ARIO 1925, again on August 'Sth, 123, | 140.157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONT and several times this. summer the = cellar of their store on Princess street at Division had been flooded with water because the sewer backed up and the water came in through the sewer trap in the floor of the TEarge of St. Andrew's Presbyterian afternoon. Rev. R. Simpson, of Stirling, newly appointed. modera- tor of the Kingston Presbytery pre- sided and inducted the new min. ister. Rev. R. G. Stewart, of St. Andrews' alleville, eonducted 'the service and preached. Rev. Mr. Cralg ot Demorestville, clerk of Presby- tery narrated the steps leading: up to the Gall and addressed the con. gregation. Rev. Mr. Simpson ad- dressed the people, and also fndulg- ed In reminiscences saying that in the past fifty years he had been PASTOR IS INDUCTED Rev. J. V. Laughland of Soot- Rev. J. Vist Laughland, recently Church, Amherst Island on Tuesday RUGS ew Arrivalsat Shaw's Coatings that are pleasingly different' Our new range of Coatings for Fall is now complete and ready for your inspection. The materials include all pure wool Blanket Cloth, Bolivia Cloth, Velours, Chinchilla, Airedale, 'Marvella, Char. melaine, etc., in all the popular, plain shades and fancy plaid effects. The prices range from $1.39 per yard up to $3.75 yard. collar. They also called Mr. George C. Wright, a civil engineer of this city, to testify as to the condition pf the main sewer into which the Private sewer of Anderson Bros. Ltd. empties. , Mr. Wright said that the main sewer was of antiquated con- struction and had been doing service for many years. Owing to the fact that the part of the city which it Serves has build up to a great ex- tent during the last twenty-five years, it is now inadequate and it was because of this that the water backed up into Anderson Bros. cel- 1 Y our Home Should [| se sms we ue {| Rigney contended that up. until the present at all inductions at St. An- drew's Amherst Island except one. There- was a large congregation present, Shaw's Irish Linens | + Offer Jou a wide range of beautiful Linens at e $1.20. iH SUPPLY EVERY WEEK. FOR SALE IN KINGSTON AT STORE LIMITED prices that are un- Napkins to match ate herein ree pattern, Peacock or Phea- d, Queen of the May, also beatable. new pure Linen Cloth and PICTON py age ; such attractive Picton, = Sept. 23.--On Saturday aftornoon Mrs. H. B. Bristol receiv- ed in honor of her nephew's wife, Mrs. Gordon Nichol, at her beautiful home, "'Inglehurst." The bride, who received with the hostess, wore her wedding gown of fvory georgette over Pink with silver lace and a corsage of ophslia roses, valley ¥ly and maiden 'hair fern. Mrs. Bristol wore 4 beautiful gown of grey georgette and carried pink roses, while Mrs. Nichol, mother of the groom, wore black lace over silk crepe and carried pirk roses. Gladiolia in the living- foom and mauve asters and yellow dahilas "were used for deGoration fn the diviag-room. Mrs, C. Hart end Mrs. Dwight directed the guests to the dindng-room, where Mrs. Currie and Mrs. R. -Davidson presided at the tea table. The tearoom assist. ants were Misses C. Tobey, Bernice Woods, Hilda Relston, Naomi Mc- Donald, Jean Nichol, Mrs. Calnan, Mrs. Gordon NE vs oh. ry sonable prices, | New Cluny Linen Lace Pieces specially priced. Wonderful values in Madeira Linen pieces. D. A. SHAW, Limited : WAYS : OILCLOTHS| isfsife |LINOLEUMS . | night of August Sth, 1925, the city || had never been notified that the ome 1I'S sewer was not discharging its func- tion properly and he also called evi- dence to show that the amount of rain that fell on the night of August 5th, 1925, and the morning of Aug- ust 6th was, an unprecedented | Amount. The city; he contended, had made all possible provision 'as far as they had dny knowledge to work on. His Lordship in summing up dis- missed Mr. Rigney's contention that the city had taken an precautions as far as their knowledge went because, he sald, the city should have taken notice of its own growth snd pro vided for the same. The plaintitt had produced evidence to show that the sewer was not adequate and when the city engineer md been called in defense he had.not denied this. The amount of damages was left to the local master. cn store held their fashion pareds om Thureday evening, when all the new- est styles were displayed. on Hving models. The show rooms had been artistically decorated and prétty shaded lights, with eeats in every avatiable nook, gave a most inviting welcome to the patrons. Those who acted as models were Misses Loretta afternoon reserved judgment in the Bona. -- et, ta corte & Rusars Fire Insuryl pioiN Steiuben Gwilliom sang, sev- Ace Company against John True.) sal solos during vening, accom- dell. Tha barns belonging to John panied % ga) Shr by J, Batten. berg. Trudell were burned several months A%0 and it was claimed they were . prague returned to Set on fire fra sparks from somie of iin sands Sp ky a visit with the county road machinery. Dr. and Mrs. Whiteman. whe Globe & Rugers Fire Insur.| 7, Md Caskey, Miss Helen Caskey ante held the policy on . the pro-|. 30 Anna Way mototed dows perty destroyed and they paid Mr. from Madoc Tuesday for the funeral Tsudell's claim. Then Jointly the] oe Inte Mrs. J. P. Blakely. Insuranee company and Mr. Trudell Mrs. 'W. T. Harrie of Madoe a guest on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Miler. Vou ats at $3.98 Parisian Sho , 8%2 BROCK STREET ° RR |: SPORT | Local Junior Team Is Out | Defeated by Toronto MoOor- All Woolens and Silks washed 2 Yes- by hand. y i micks in Juiced Gy oc yor You Ms $1.00. i 25¢.; 49c., 75¢., $1. Ye New Hats, New (Special to The Daily British Whig.) "PHONE 302. Shirts, New Tin Oshawa, Sept. 23.-<After hurling i he on wetkumg | 8006 Ai singles by Vins and 8. [fl * Let ua supply your Purgps: Judgment Reserved. Mr. Justices Tiogie at the Fall As- sizes being held here, on Wednesday Sa a 18th -- CHESTERFIELD WEEK -- 25th Your rtunity to get a genuine Sny- Sani-Built Suite at a big savi i worth $250.00, for ...........$199.00, With every Snyder suite we give absolutely FREE ONE SOLID WALNUT END TABLE. Ld Moth proof absolutely, A written guardntee with every Suite. 30 styles of Suites to choose from. . Easy deferred payments if desired. . Service to Meet Your Need ROUGH DRY SERVICE Just ¥ We Do: "We eall for your work. We wash it. We fron all bed and table ERA tntered a suit against the county. Out of the amount of damages asked H 8 Tor in this claim the tire insuranee} Ray Carmen has returned to his company was to be reimbursed for in Toronto after a visit with the money paid to Mr. Trudell. Be- Nome in town and county. fore the action came to court Wow- Brock Kingston, Toronto, is aver, Mr. ' Truedell compromised Fyne of ber daughter, Mrs. Gil- without the consent of thé Globe & more, and ciher friends in town. {| Rugers Company for a less sum than Frank Spencer Miss Speticer i] that stated in the claim. The com- of Foxboro, wore fh attendance nh or pany is now suing Mr. Truedell for funeral of Mre. Blakely on Tuesday. $348, the amount which they Cyril Minaker of the Standard claim they lot by his compromise, Bank staff; Cobourg, is home on a Cunningham and Smith acted for the two weeks' vaostion. , ' plaintifts and Rigney and Hickey ; for the defendant. = | LANSDOWNE Lansdowne, Sept, 22.--The Wo man's Missionary Auxillery of Grove o---- invineible ball*for six frames, Jamie- éd in the seventh and by walking : three men in a row, together with a couple of errors by his team-mates, allowed his opponents six runs en- abling = MeCormicks to win from Kingston here yesterday 7 to 2. Mc- Cormicks will now meet Guelph in a semi-final home aud home series to deeide who shall meet Coniston of the Nickel Belt League in the final for the Ontario title. 3 For the six frames the handful of fans who attended saw one of ths best games of ball played on a loesl diamond this season. Until the bréak came it was a brilliant pitch- ory' duel between Jamieson and [O'Neil with the Li nes threat- ening on severa] occasions to break) into the scoring eohimn. The crash tedly because the East- ou <Q Gilchrist, ss . 'Baker, 3b .... Marko, rf Barton, 1b... Flake, ¢ Nichol, ef .... Higgins, 2b ... Braithwaite, if. Rural School Fair Prizes. There seems to be some. misnnder- Standing Soh teuping the tual Has un of the county schools at +t ing k ston Industrial Exhibition. ®jeven United Church 18 to Hold an oven schools competed, aud three off mestine on Wednesdsy evening, them, Wolfe Island, No. 4, Glenbury/ Sept. 29th in the ehureh. Mri. Joi- Jil! ni¢ and Joyceville, No. 8, tied for] life, president of the Kingston Pres. | first honors. In order to treat an byterial, will give an address. "She Hl 1st0y. the juages decison 1 total | Will also tonduct a questionaire, the firat, second and third prize mo-| Miss Cochrane, Auburn, N.Y. i8 a ney and divide it equally * among | Fuest of Mrs. J. B. Cochrane. Rev. these three schools. Then Battersea, | Cecil and Mrs. Winter are visiting No. 6, came gacond obtaining fourth | in Belleville sad vicinity. Mr. and prize money, and so on uni} the | Mrs. Davis, Ottawa, are guests: prize money had all been distribut- | 8nd: Mrs. Geo COW IANOSD HOHMOHMDOO MOM POMOC Sw o SHOP Vines. tt ...,. §. Gibson, 1f .. Pennoek. ¢ Boyd saa s Cosco my coowool of the game was registered by Me- ¢ | Cormieks in the third when Braith.| HE or Gray's hea d. arsnank DOOD theo ST | ohunooaass ld . | sése i 3 Sek 382 Tu _ aAlbértson batted for Stone in the iy wl Coaow ol Soc cm