Ba R15 QTY FTE AN 4 This new combi- 5 of yeast vit- with vege- PL Somes in Eoncen i, was: it possible to 10 fron in the right pro- ; to build up weight. _ Vegsiabie "Iron" when combined with yeast is quite easy to digest. therefore Bette: for she system. Ang twice as beneficial as ordinary fresh un weight, do not enjoy health, lacking in energy an "fronized yeast" tablets will you right up, and if they fall, your money back. by Jame. B. McLeod and all druggists at $1.00 for a large package or sent direct from " Iaboratary on receipt of price. Ironis- 'od Yeast Oo., Fort Erid, Ontario, Can- erent We sre Bow fiking orders for Sersufon 8nd Virginia Anthracite Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Black Gem and Bontas Semi 1 Our Com {3 411 weighed om Fre RVI On the front porch of the little bungalow among the cedars and the Jarches sat Margella Figld, and at her side, on a sort of swinging couch or settee made of ~'riped cap- vas, was Miles Holdén, an old ani much-loved pipe between his lips. "peaceful countryside, isn't it?" he remarked, puffing sway, and placing a hand wpon Marcellas. "How would you like to stay hers always?" She turned to smile at hint. 'Home' is where the heart is, and if Miies wanted her to stay out Here--with him---there 'could be mo possible question of a refusal, espec.auy gince her father's heaMh was so much better. And everyone had been so kind-- so very kind and sympathetic. "You know it rests with you." she very softly sald. Down at the bottom of the garden sang the - crickets lustily. Bees hummed among the roses and sweet-scented stocks, 'The air was full- of fragrance of gréen, growing things, (and life--young life. Young life and progress seemed the keynote of this tremendous country. "A great with, . ." murmured her compan- fon, drawing at his pipe. Marcella felt peace stealing over her. This hour of quiet--this heav- en----seemed so wonderful after the stormy passage she had just come thromgh. The ghastly ordedl of the inquest! Miles in the witness box, the web of evidence against him growing stronger, more convincing! 'I'neées Leonie Day's accusing eyes! A vision of herself, facing the coroner and the crowded court! She sihivered at the recolléction. Then the woman called Deirdra--her con- fession--and the thrill it caused! "Poor thing!" sald Marcalla, Lturning towards the man she loved. He smiled in faint Surprise. "Meaning--me? Darling, I could never be poor, when I have you? She gave him back his smile. Then her face sobered. 70 YRS. YOUNG country to grow up Many Folks ta Early Lite Olek Thas | others Past 70 --In Which Class Ave You 7 Just hecause you are near or past 1 50 years old, and are handicapped by 11}-Health, Nervousness and a lack of former str on't makes the mistake of thinking your case is hope less or that you must now submit to old age A prominent doctor recently said: Old age is not always a matter of yéars. Weakness, disability, wrinkles, dimmed eyesight and gray hairs are frequently due to lack of vitality and nerve force, as a result of worry, speed living and overwork!" For conditions of this kind--laek of strength and energy; sleeplessness, despondency, depleted nerve foree and signs of premature old age--the re« cent Erbac discovery has brought joy and satisfaction to many hundreds. One business man says, "Erbac has certainly been worth a jon to me. At 51 1 seemed prefty much "all in," and had felt badly for years---now, ks to road, 1 feel like a boy rapped and put up in convenient tablet form. for easy home fise--the genuine Double Strength Erbac can now be obtained from Jas, hv. OR 40 YRS. OLD?| od in. his ows way, great a 1eVital Flame | A Stirring Serial - byMayChristie ma ATER of Was tumKing of Deirdre. WE will happen to her. Oh, I'm @0 afraid " [3 pw: wy "You needn't be. American juri~s are tremeadously sympathetic and blassed, where Women are comcers- od. The unwritten law, you know. I shoulda't be a bit surprised if she 'wot off, scot-free, and every md sending her bouquets, and making her a sort of heroine." "She is a heroine," said Mar-ella softly, tears in her eyes. "She--sha aid it for my sake. She knéw how unhappy you and I were. She want!- ed to show her gratitude because I 'was sorry for her, and ones kind to her" ¢ Miles interrupted, wisely: tive, too, Marcella, Tremin had been & brute to her. He had married her and cast her off. Revenge must have been simmering in 4s heart for a Jong time." "Perhaps. But if he hadn't plan- ned to marry me--"' "The same thing would have hap- pened, if this woman and he had met. He couldn't have bought her off. She's not that sort. She has very strong affections and emotions. Remember, I was allowed to talk with hér In the cells, after the in- quest was over." J "Was--was she terribly upset? Théy wouldn't let me see her," falt- éred Marcella. (Poor Deirdre! What a contrast that life was, to her own! Deirdre had lost her husband, then her lover. .and her health. She was now branded as a murder. ess. . .) Miles hesitated, then he said: "She wasn't unhappy--or in the least repentant---if that's what you mean. You know, don't you, what's the matter with her?" Marcella's gazé widened. "You mean, she's 111." "Well, yes. Not in the ordinary sense." "I don't understand. - He moved uneasily. "She's not in a normal eondition. When you first met her, several months ago, didn't you notis? that? BExcitable, and queer." "Are you'll implying that she's wrong in the head? 'Will they put hér in an wsylum? Oh, poor Deirdre! !" He hesitated, then he" said: "She drugs, Marcella. She's what they call out here, a "dope victim!" And the habit has got such s hold on her that I don't suppose she could ever give it up." The girl beside him shivered. "Drugs? How terribler" + Her thought winged to her first meeting with this woman, in her cabin of the ship. Deirdre had been sad and dull until she'd lit a ciga- rette. Marcella: had wanted one of those cigarettes, but the woman had at once withdrawn hér case, re- fusing to lot the girl have one. That had seemed gueer at the time, though since Wad forgotten it, And Deirdts, puffing at her own cigarette, had suddenly grown live- lier, and those strange eyes of hers had glitteréd, and her odd, shrill laugh had rung out queerly. Dtugs! "She wasn't the sort of woman Treman could have bribed. She was a child of nature, ruled by her emo- tions. She either loved. . desperately. She had a strong feeling about you, Marcella. Shs wished you well. The love of her life, after her fon for Treman had turned to hatred and revenge, was the Jose De Costa who, rotter, or evan greater. But rather 'than have him murder you, she tele- phoned the police Marcella shivered. "That swiul night!" 3 "He mistook you for Leonie Day, prrdghd ry dg and when he doés "But she had her persomal mo-|' JOF Jiat- | ZAL LY BRITI SS ------. } ROYAL YEAST WE ial £! DEATH MYSTEKY CLEARED. Youth Shot Companion Accidentally When Gun Caught. Brandon, Maa., Sept. 22.--The mystery surrounding the death of Ertiest J. Adams, eighteen, of Strat- ford, Ont,, has been cleared up. Adams was killed while buggy-riding with § companion, Bertram Berry, fifteen-year-old nephew of P. Gray, of Nesbitt, Man. Young Berry has admitted that he accidentally shot Adams, according to a statement given out by the po- fice. While riding along & country road, the youths saw a mabbit. Berry at- démpted to puM his gun out of the back of the buggy, and it was dis- charged, the shot emdering Adams' right lung. Stole Alcohol. Hamilton, Sept. 22.--~The [Lana- dian vinegar works here were last night broken into and 35 drums con- taining 2,300 _ gallons of alcohol vahied at $21,000 were stolén, The thieves gained entrance by ein a hole in the door. Narcissus bulbs growa ia vs. can to another unless they have been fospected and found free of bulb files. After turning out ha lights in a dance hall at Fisch Mills, Wis, thieves stole $1,000 from the cash register and escaped. The Dunnville flour mills, erected in 1813 were destroyed by fire. can not be shipped frém one etate' SH WHIG | EXPORT OF oHEESE - LARGEST OF SEASON Shipment of Cheese Over 21,- 000 Boxes in Excess of . Previous. Week. ; . msn, Montreal, Sept. 22.--The exportd of butter from the port of Montreal last week were 8,923 packages which show a docrease of 8,520 yackagis, s compared wit rss Tel A oe 491 package with the same week last year, witle A Oak Flooring. the total shipments for the season to date have been 180,893 packages | {less than the same period of 1935. The movement of cheese for ex- lt port account last week was the larg- [|i est of any previous week this séa- if - son to date, the shipments being 75,- 551 boxes, which showed an increase | of 21,027 boxes, as compared with | = the previous one, and an increase of! year, but the total for the season | to date shows a decrease of 143,973 boxes with the same périod a year) ago. CHARLESTON NEWS BUDGET. House of Providence Sisters Make Their Annual Visit. Charleston, Sept. 21.--There wers| many visitors to the lake on Sunday, | the day being very fine. Mrs. C. H, Mangham and little daughter, Betty, have returned to their home in Mont- real and Miss Aurelia Conaerty, nurse-in-training at St. Viacent de! Paul Hospital, Brockville, has re-!| turned to duty after a much needed réit, 'They were guests of thelr, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Coh-' nerty, at their summer home camp, | Ivanhoe, on Breezy Point. \ The little Rogers boys, who have | been 'with their aunt, Mrs. Jesse Webster, have returned to their ! home near Perth. While on a visit | to Syracuse, N.Y. Mrs. T. Hetfer. | nan also visited Governeur, spending! a few days with Rev. and Mrs. V. O.| Boyle. T. Foster, Brockville, spent a couple of days last week at Cedar Park hotel with his brother, R. Fos- Married Woman Eats Only Bread and Milk "I could eat only bread and milk, everything else soured and formed gas: Since taking Adlerika I can eat anything without causing gas." (Signed) Mrs. J, B. Manning. ONE spoopful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Excellent for obstinate con- stipation, often removing surprising amounts: of old waste-matter you never thought was in your system. T. H. Sargent. hat wn 5,405 boxes with the same week last |} ---- - | Hardwood Flooring We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and - Only the best hve. ales S. ANGLIN CO. am COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, AS caron, ONTAKIO Private Branch Exchange 'Phone 1871, Tools F orEverybody No mechanic' consi- ders a job hard to per- " form when his tools And re- member that perfect tools are: the only "kind we sell. work right. Any kind of a tool at reasonable prices. : bi See window display | -- Stevenson & Hunter $5-87 PRINCESS STREET. ge ------------------ p------ {ter. Mr. and Mrs. J."A. Spence and children, Mallorytown, were week- end visitors at L. Halliday's. Miss | Maggie Findley, nurse-in-training at the General Hospital, Smith's Falls. spent the week-efid at her home here. 'W. Latimer has returned to Syracuse after a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Latl- mer. . The Sisters of Charity of the House of Providence, Kingston, are on their annual visit to this section. A oablegram was delivered to a firm in Akron, Ohio, five minutes after it was filed fn London, Eng. Twenty oonvicts overpowered guards and escaped from one of Polk county gangs In Florida. r TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. TS9s0400030400 40 AN APIAREST DIES OF REE STINGS "Lindsay, Sept." 32.<~ Mals colm McKinnon, of Balsover, near here, died last night from bee stings received when he was extracting 'homey in his aplary. He was rendered wun. 4 conscious by the stings, and all medical attention proved & futile, $EIITt2101 1 PPP P Sto bP Mrs. KN Od 'W N BE T 8 WwW OO kK LL :D