= Private Phone 857w. » - », Mr, and Mrs, H. D. Harling, To- , will spend the week-end ic . » » Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac it, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 'J: Ho» Howell, Galt. oe - -. . Mr. and Mrs. ¥. ¥. Richardson, Puart street, have veiurned from a gruise in thefr yacht, » . . Mrs. Hy W. Richardson, "Alwing- ton," and Mrs, T. A. Kidd, Stuart street, have returned from a motor » - » Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Lucy are in Toronto attending the chiropractic convention being heid there this week, . % x » - . Miss Jean Wilton, Arch street, "Bpent' the week-end in Carleton Place with her sister, Miss Margaret 'Wilton. i 0 te * . Mr. P. D. gLyman and Miss Ly- man have taken an apartment on Earl street, and - will occupy ft Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Queen's Biversity, who has been in Syra- fuse, N.Y., will return to town on Saturday. * = Mrs. O. C. West, Los Moche's, Sinoloa, Mexico, was a recent guest der uncle, Mr.. W. H. Ormsbee. Mr. Roland Devlin, Winnipeg, ar- in town today and is the guest "Mr. and Mrs, Peter Devlin, Wil- im street. + - » . Garnet Saunders, 'Frontenac has retumed from Peterboro, 8 abe was the guest of her sis- 78. Dainard. . - . . Grace Wood, University ave- deft for Brooklyn, N.Y., to special course in library work, ood # graduate of Queen's 5 pa | LIFES SOCIAL Page Editor 'Phone 2613 SIDE TE 0, ard ARI fg J 23 University and was for some me on the eal of the Kingston Public Library. » . * Miss Nora Macnee, Union street, will entertain at bridge om Saturday afternoon for Mrs. L. | Dunbar Stevenson, New York. . v . Dr. A. P, Knight, Alice street, and granddaughter, Miss Spencer, Momt- real, spent a few days with Mrs. Archie Smith, Renfrew, . . - Rev. E. OC. Currie; Lindsay, was a visitor it town this week. His daugh- ter, Miss Mildred Currie is a fresh- ette at Queen's University, a » * Mr. W, K. Macnee has returned from Toronto, Mrs. Macnee will re- man there with her sister, Mrs. Jack McMurray, for a visit. = - Mrs: F. B. Pense, Albert = street, with her little daughter, returned to town to-day from a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'W. Valleau, Toronto. . . LJ Mr, and Mrs. William Filtz and their daughter motored from Clif- ton Springs, N.Y., and are visiting the former's brother, Mr. Philip Piltz, Elm street. a * - - Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Haycock, Adolphugidwn, who spent the last few moliths in England with their son, Mr, Joseph Haycock, Jr., sailed for Canada to-day. . . Ld Prof. and Mrs. Humphrey who have Spent the summer on Mae- kenzie Island have takem Dr. and Mrs. Hendry Connell's house on King street west. - » tw Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Tice and Mr. and Mrs. George Tice, Belleville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Pybus, Earl street, on Wednes- day after the ball game. - » » Dr. and Mrs. L. Dunbar Steven- son, - New York, who are with the latber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbeil, "Glen Lyon," will leave on Sunday for New York and will sail at once for Europe. Dr. Steven- son will spend some time in research work in Spain. ' Theirs MNttle Peter will remain in Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. a a CE RENEE RR Lady Aikins held a small recep- tion at Government House, Winni- Peg, last week, when officers of the Nursing 'Associations and nurses were invited to meet Dame Maude McCarthy. z * * 9 Mrs. Donald MacPhail will enmer- tain at dinner at the Cataragui Golf and Country Club this evening for her sister, Mrs. Philip Gilbert, To- ronto who is spending the day in town, * Ld . A y Rev. F. H. Cosgrave, D.D., who will be the epecial preacher at the harvest thanksgiving service at St. Paul's Church on' Sundey, will spend the wesk-end with Canon and Mrs, W. F, FitzGerald, Brock street. RM . . Mrs. W. Morgan, Barrie street, who has been at "Fettercairn" with Mrs. Frederick Etherington, return- ed to town on Wednesday and Dr. Morgan, who has been at Ste. Mag- guarite, Que., wil return home on Friday. -. * » Miss Myrtle McCabe had returned to New York, after visiting her sis- tor, Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, Montreal. She was eccompanied by her niece, Miss Kathleen Donoghue, and Miss Mayme Eves, York street, who will spend some time in New York. * . » On Tuesday eveming a jolly corn roast was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Brash, Pittsferry, at which about twenty-five Kingstonians were present. The grounds were illum- inated with Chinese lanterns and with the big bonfire end the silver moonlight on the" water, made a charming scene, The guests mo- tored back to town after a delightful Bishop Williams and Mrs. Wil- liams, of London, Ont., entertained on Tuesday evening at a reception at Bishopstowe for the delegates to the Dominion annual meeting of the Anglican Women's Auiliary, which is being held there this week. The Kingston ladies present were Mrs. Havelock Price, Mrs. C. C. Abbott, Mrs. A. N. Lee and Miss Winnifred Burns. ! - * . The entertainments arranged for Dame Maude McCarthy, who is a noted visitor fn Kingston to-day are a tea given this afternoon by the nurses of the Kingston General Hospital and, the Hotel Dieu in the Nurses Home of the XK. G. H. and a dinner to be given in her honor this evening at the Cataraqui Golf and |" Country «Club by -the nurses. overseas . * At All Good Grocers € W.GILLETT CO.LTD TORONTO, CANADA That the Y.W.C.A. is shortly going to start an appeal for funds to carry on their work. Kingston would be poorer in many ways if it hada't "The Y," that fine comfortable house on Johmson street where women and the city, where travellers arriving by motor, as So meny women do nowadays, can got a meal or atay the night in comfort. The student girls use the "Y" during both the winter and the summer term at Queen's, end already the rooms are early filled. What then, you will eay, does the. Y.W.C.A. want of money. ? 'The prices at the "Y* are reasonable and while the money received from ¢he boarders may keep house going, it doesn't leave much for mecessary repairé and leaves nothing for the work of the "Y" clubs for girls and women, The secretary, a Kingston girl , end Queen's graduate, has done much to increase the interest and real value of these clubs. There are clubs for girls of all ages where they can learn mummy things that will be use- ful to them and develop em interest in the real amd vital issues of life. Girls coming to Kingston from the country find there is for called t Lady Blair Thornton and Miss |I2%: Anne Thornton have arrived in Montreal to-day from the Fiji Is- lands, where they have heen spend- ing some time and are staying at the Ritz-Carlton for a few days Ve- fore going to Kingston, where they will visit, Lady Thornton's son, Cadet J. W. Thornton who is at the Royal Military College. They will afterwards leave for the United States prior to going to England to reside, ---------- i ty fy t il iis 1E2 H fh Ii i : Ee fans , Ki ; i : i i f i : i : ; i ! oH ¥ i i Fi i 1 i : : ! i 2 byez | o i i i g ; i: i ; i fl 1 i g § 3 | pom Be tig A Laundering NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS O ture of the programme will be a candy contest. "roe Séhletiver meeting of oT Women's was held at the home of Mrs. C. D. York. The roi call was responded 40 by fifteen fail dH gh § fH; CANDIES All Old Time -- Home-made | The Editor Hears ||'oms 'planned to have e Studio: 319 Collingwood St., between Johnson and Earl Sts. Phone 2339-w. BERT. F. COUPER -Chofriea St, Anglican Church. 5 Teacher of Voice and Plano, Studio: 776 Princess St. 'Phone 1440, Frances M. Cantrell Of the Sheflield School of Music, Teacher of Piano, Singing, Theory . and Harmony. . 178 University Avenue. Phone 1752-m Pearl A. Neshit, L.T.C.M. Organist and Director Queen Street Teacher of Organ, Singing and Plane Studio: 400 Brock St. "Phone 1147.J. MISS EDITH CRAIG Formerly of Vancouver, B.C. Teacher of Violin, Harmony, ete, Residence Studio: 65 West Street. Helephone 1412. Harold S. Packer A.T.CM. : Teacher of Plano and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations, STUDIO: 340 Johnson Street. "Phone 2050-m. * tas, Contralto a A ER KORRINE 4. MADDEN, AT.CM. Teacher of Plane and Theory. a ---------- permanent wvilion | for evening come 1 grounds Pe jut broidered or beaded, and are fin- ner. Al the Guides of the in readi-| ished about the edge with deep silk [pany are expected to ness to begin building in the early] ITinge. girls find a home when coming to |shring. . Another Rs Girl Guide Notes. The| The first meeting of the Sth com Many of the new capes and coats in velvet, em-|the meeting closed in the GALLAGHER'S SERVICE 960 25¢ wom DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS "EMETONE" Tooth Paste FRIDAY Men's Sweater Coats, Cardigan style, in a big variety of colors; ~All sizes, for $2.50, $2,95 each. Women's Pure Wool and Silk arid Wool Sweaters for $2.95 each. Women's Flannel Dresses, pretty styles and colors for $5.95 each. ° Silk Stockings that give satisfactory wear; Luxite make, for only $1.00 a pair. ; - SEE OUR NEW WINTER COATS | 'W. N. Linton & Co. JHE IRISH LINEN STORE °