N 8 Funered » will eave above address ; M RELIABLE ~= General servant, ; DEATHS. : NORRIS-.On Sept. 23rd, 1926, at his late rostience. 46 Clergy Streét, James En mass will be sung at $0. clock for the repose of his soul, 45 and -aoquUEintancer yi invited to attend. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Keech and amity wish to thank their many friends in Kingston, also In Tamworth for their extreme Kindness during their trouble. a. per Lost and COLLARS--Iougd Street. - GOLD BRACELET--Band of 1d Hnks. lost Sunday sfterncon., Finder please leave at Whig Office, Reward. PAIR OF GLASSES---Tortolse shell rim- med, found Owner may have same at Public Library. WRIST WATOH--Found in main buiid- ing of Fair Groumds. Anply 8 Superin~ tendent'y Office, main building. WATOH ~~ Blue énamel strap watch, found. Owner enquire at 52 William Street, Found 1 Apply 1068 Barrack WATOH Lady's gold bricelet and watch lost Thurse ay. Initials on watch F. M. 8. Finder please return to 7 ~ Division Street. rd. "Help Wantea Male Help Wanted 2 ANYONE SELLING=Or wanting to sell Greeting Cards Should gee or Write us immediate] gr he ried with other lines or Will ine crease your sales S00 & to Hi 000. Week« ly pay. You deal direct with manu- facturer. Master Craft Greeting Cara Co., Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT HOME-~Men and] women ean earn $1 to $2 an hour in $ time writing showeards, No can- vassing or soliciting, We instruct you and Supply you with work. Write to- ¥. The Menhenitt Company, Limited, ¥ Doni Building, Toronto. SMART MAN--For clerk in meat store on Saturdays. Apply Martin's Ltd., 270 Princess St Rewa Female Help Wanted 3 EXPERIENCED W AITRESSES Want. ed. Apply Hotel Randolph. GIRL '70 ASSIST With housework and eare of child. Apply 85 Gore St 'Phone 953.) GOOD, RELIABLE GIRL---One experi. enced with children. Apply 97 ivi sion Stree, or 'phone 2639-j. MAID--General. References required. Apply i182 Earl Street. mme- diate) references ig Street. | RELIABLE MAID- or general house éferences required. A 249 "Brock Stree, near Clergy St. kd BE phone A760- -m. Classified Display required . d in an' sc gn WE time to got ckbum, was united in. a Wiltnid Nelson Lawrence, som of KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Weuington Sts. 'Phone 2081 oni, f hardy Red Tag N Sr Sn Apply TO 'Hels Wanted Agents Wanted # GENTS.Get in a profitable, all.year commisgion business of CWh. Every property owner is & customer Or prospect. Nine hundred varieties AMR EVery week. Complete ment and {instructions Iree. Dominfon Nurseries, Montreal Positions Wanted 080 ON A FARN--AL rt wor Pox P23, AE Office. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats 7 IX PARKVIEW APARTMENTS « 133 King Street Bast, housekeeping seites, suites, also very suitable ac« commodati an for officers, short leaves , Deine & accapied. Apply Box G-23, Whis Write anager or fore- Nov. 1. Apply Business aces CORNER SUITABLE--Vor butcher shop =will make alterations to suit tenant. Ply 69 Patrick Street. Farms and Lands 8a 100 ACRE FE miles west of Bath, slong of Quinte, citys to Eh hd 0, house. Wartman, Houses Percy rooms, electric Jiu and toilet. hs. 48: Apply H. ¥. Norman, Patrick PURN HED HOUSE-To let for win- vendently located. Hot water heating, Rent cheap to careful ten- ant, ne Sh y_ 233 Johnson Street. Tele- pho FURNISHED DWELLINGW~In Good 10- cation, furaace, electric light, dah, sun porch and garage. Rent m trata to desirable tenant. Apply J. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. HOUSE---297TB Division street, glx rooms, newly decorated, hot air, hard- woed floors, ght, gas, furnace. Tele- 'phone 1326-m SEVEN ROOMED HOU SE-Newly deco- Fated, barn and large lot, North Al- Zred. Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 2784 SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE 42 Conces- sion Street, bath, toilet, electricity, all SPnveniences. Possession at once. Ap~ ply W, C. Jenkins, 15 Quebec Street, or 'phone 1708-w. TO LET-Small house near $20.00, noPly tate agen 9 city park, to Cunningham, rea) os- Clarence St. ouse, 138 Wellington Street, ewly decorated; modern in every way. Immediate pussession. Al- 80 furnished Rouse in first class congdi- tion, in best location. Apply at 3 Clergy street, Rooma 10 FURNISHED ROOMS Good locality, "and cold running water, in each Dr well heated. Reasonable terms. 492 Johnson Street, corner Frontenac. "Phone 997-4. FOUR ROOMS and warm on bath room flat, electricity. Hot water rer thrg 8. Pos f8esion October 1. Apply 55 William Unfurnisher oXright $ and 3 Jefrigerators, 4 Perfection oll cookers Also ¢ oongoleum Turk's Store 'PHONE 105. Ee OHECKING UP DAMAGE BY STORM IN OMIO - A---- , | Loss Under $250,000--Some People Injured and Some Fatally, Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 24,~~Ohio to-day began checking up the dam- age done yesterday by the tornado in Sandusky and Erie counties, by a storm of cylonic. proportions in Columbian county, by water spouts in Lake Krié off Lorrain and Huron, Land by the steady downpour of rain which inundated fields throughout the 'state. The total damage was estimated to-day at between $100,- 000 and $250,000. No lives were Jost in any of the storms, according to mn early check. Some were injur- of | od, probably fatally. The tornado at Sandusky swept over 25-mile Pah, at no place more than. 100-y @ | wide, beginging south of Clide ps utheastarn . Sandusky | So ity "to 'Huron in North Contras Br! county. Knowles Ii 3 Sept.' 24. Toronto the receipt in Toronto LARGE, FRONT BEDROOM Suitable for light housekeeping: could be used for married "couple. very oconveni- once. 'Phone 2850. 357 Bagot Street. TWO OR THREE MS. For light housekeeping, it Panes a! on Uatvers y Aranus. ater. Gas, "Photie. Wet he LARGE FRONT FURNIS! R Ground floor, with or without Ro rd, of gas range for light housekeeping: Apply by phone to city, Wantea To Rent FARM -- WHh stock and impl wanted to rent or on shares. Can Ae references if required. pl Badour, 110 Cowdy Stieet, Ingeron ROOM~=In Student; k fice. SHALL, FH 18; APARTMENT w Peaired by Hagel JEN man or two furn shed So0ma, id privase with fire. Pi Private bath, aa block. Ar Offic VaLé home, wanted, PPly Box N-22, Whig A ply E Box Roar w wD A w pel, To te A , We ca i Kineton ply Box M-21, Whig Of. | For Sale or To Let 11a FOR SALE 0) TO LET--653 Johnso eat. new Brick Er [@vate an piece bath, hardwood floors. Ligh es. garage. Phone thm Nivtori wa AN up tos oh a iy ahaid Heat 8, or : Mi _ 'Phone 1s igul on oy Rr equip- 2 I THOT HOO A TRAMP, as IT COME. IT FIND A POCKIT BOOK WITH 1200 DOLLUHS WI | ITs WHEN T™M ROLLIN UP YORE BEDDIN'? LOOK ME SQUARE IN TH ENE, AN ,MOUNG E} £51: Sup <= WELL~1- IM GONG "10 SEND BALK WHERE 1 GOT IT AS SOON AS 1 CAN. EXPLAN ORESELF. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEM ? 3 yt gewith Real Estate For Rent. Articles For Sale Real Estate For Salo Miscellaneous 5 Farms and Land 12 FARM~-100 acres, § miles from Kings ton, 60 acres under cultivatioh, rune Business Services Dressmaking 20a. ANDIRONS -- Fenders, fire gereens-- everything for fireplaces, ne in sic Wire and Iron Works, siotine In in » Sg ver, nickel, etc, King ning water, hen houses for 200 hens. Apply to Leonard Gordon, Gleuvale, ont al FARM FOR SALE--100 acres in village A NUMBER--Of Boys' and Girls' Used DRESSMAKING--Coatmaking and coat relining. Terms moderate, Work Sraranteed. Eva Mada fur igan, 41 Bagot Bicycles; $1.00. Street. also tires $1.75 and tubes Apply Muller's, 371.373 King 'Phone 1961.w. on highway, 12 miles from Fingstond] Ba 80 wifable: Valance pasture and hard- wogd bush: new brick house, good barn and other buildings Well "and spring watered. Will complete with stock and implements. Inquire Leslifé Woods, Joyceville. 1 Houges 14 $4,000--Brick bungalow, 5 rooms, mod~ ern. $4,700--Brick, 7 rooms, modern, central BABY CARRIAGE -- For sale cheap, PRICK --Stock CHAIRS w Comb! treat. style, nearly new: also a baby {aply 218 Johnson Street, or walker" Nar . ied; Rustic, Wire cut, buliafng tile ay rain tile. . Neal. 624 Johnson St. 'Phone 3041. tion ange, hall stove, pipes, baby's carriage, bed, high chair, sleigh, gate, linoleum. medicine cabinet, Mines, carpet sweeper, othe small articles. Appiy 12 Covering st. oRuG cess ments, mass See list at office. farms. Jrotld esohange. Insurance. Houses and Rat to let. O'CONNOR, 351 Prine Street, MULLIN Real Bitar and lusurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets 'Phone §39-w, See Advi Page 3 NEW, SIX ROOM BUNGALOW wo. 12 ronto Street. Sound brick, oak far, trietly m on, for sale. Apply 1d &180 one to rent October .st, No. 10 Toronto Street. One to rent or for sale Elm street, third house south of Alfred. Apply 382 Victoria Street. NEw UNGAL 'We~Baautifull situat- Wet ALO Cun ham, re eal ng es HP agent, 19 Chai Street, OVERLOOKING---The water, small house in conditioh. Cunningham, rear cola at nt 79 Clarence Stree. OVERLOOKING CITY PARK -- Brick dwelling in fine condition. Hot rater furnace, hardwood flooring, tng hem, real estate agent, 79 Fiurense 8 RESIDENCE--Brick veneer, ni hot water heating, laste, lone at gas, 3-p. bath, east side, Cheap quick sale. y J Coole Bank ing. of Toronte Bu SEVEN ROOMED--80114 brick house, in good et Baie Mi modern conveni- uit garage and var a Kens a. Onthert 8st. ye and Sc oi oo. Lares €. ca one, Cun» ngham, rea} Suttle agent, is Clarence he etic t a ar St Ares iL Ror je \ Geo. Sten for ting. ELECTRIC DRILL we 34" Phone 1180-3. (FOR SALE-Two ONE SHED--Can be used Jor, D2 or PIANO «~~ Brinsmead Sprig. walnut Fo Black and| Warts, Decker. Bargain for quick sale, Ap- ply Halliday Electric To. » Fox Terrier Pups, | Goltre ollie Pup, Boston uller Boarding Kennels, 373 hone 1961-w, male Spaniel Pu Retler fowl shed. Apply 46 King S case, ivory keys for a be cash an ay. Just th ner. Price ji7e, Ta 7 per mont Queen PIANOS Pp SOLID OAK--Hat WESTINGHOUSE RADIO.-3 tubs, and BED $10. 2988. * kL al SH the a TO RENT--We will rent iano at six dollars per month a expiration of six months will dat all monies paid as WAL 3s ar purchase price. Ys CW ed. 121 Princess Street." Stand, w irvan, axcellent condition, alse ie) = r Abd gus stove; both ohea Sydenham Street. 'Phone "AY n RCA, loud ¥ Apply in even edker, for sale between clock, ng 7a At 104 Johneon street. na Furniture 15a FOR SALE---In good cond Apply 300 Que St or Sition-} eA ABYNOLD LR "Phone 40d Bro Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. 1-5. $-7.20. Maree! Sth tion fee. Hours Pine Smt. ne Tare nareriyne ah ose, Bags Street. Phone ARG ARET KE. FEARN HERRIN tor and Notary ® ton Street. CUNNINGHAM & 8 and sign 408, Soh ah in DAY AND REVELLM--Bar deliglion. 8 Siarescy Th aud Horiganss £ Balada Fhe 7h Bolleion La pid Sens Frotessionar an LUOYw=Geo. ¥. and J SoSltered Seg, Hi Sant #-1 Consultation 2 Frovessioual an RATHI 2 Fed treets. ad} electric reat or Xray 7 spel abit eld hmar Scars. Pits, ete, -~ raished aft Say wi Theos Toat, S| 30lw, House 1138 Instruction 21a 'sacher of Dar prepared Cuniservarly sek anidations. tudes St. "Phone 3495-w. Barristers a8 SOROS ITY --Ba Ta lia. ast ith + aw: Olin: Lr Clare M -- Barriers unaninghem, KS] ISR sorn "0% King as. 1999. A nd Ladtes' Balr Parior a fiss, ase a whines, fade 'is, Fuel ang Feed hE COAL--=Deliverst EE Fuel ans reed Ba FiRE--Automobile and Et EM Crumley, Phone 1783-M ie, GR BR TRANG The. re) e, established in 1860. Offie Sirens Sirvec ponds Foot Decorators A. ANDERSON--Painter and D Tice 203 King Benes Phone 1 eo) UR PAINTING hd Rod Sion othie Morte "higng SP FATES, ) Earl nd hn Fr Se pyres Reade a EEE ee FRONTENAC Loax AN sou 1n: . ught and Bouits received and interost 'itm monthly balance: ® © sht, man 87 Clarence St. . STORAGK--For furniture, A rooms and nd spaces: gus 0¢ 305 Simeon 8 "Phone bry TAR : or BOYD'S STORAGE Ww. . furniture or any me. proot b 'hone at EEE 34 seoll t. ee ASHES--Rem #3ne yh t aL RE Buckley 'k rial on 143 ok 291 and 3316-M. BATTIRY SERVICE CE out of the city orde \ prices on your wants. Stores. © FURNITURE Antique and furniture Said Lought. M. incess t. Successors 1 Lesses Antique Shop. Expert Plage Tuning, Player-Plano adjusting, Phone 1544. | GC. W. LINDSAY, Bein ad senerdl adarold 10s Tisrey. p-- a TOP AND ET TT 935 naa EERE Rn 2 Ford Tourings, 191 Ford Touring, 1922. This car Jnng Painted, 5 license and starter. . F ord , Tudor, I 1924, E