of -- x AH 3 i 7 Shoulder Chops, 1b. .... 20, w-- " rm---- UNIVERSITY sweaters, Queen's University | sweaters, - corrmor | Gy CORRECT cotons | Students Headquarters Rae! | Something for the for the Football Football: Van Fan Complete Complete College College 'Football Football Schedule * Schedule for for 1026. 1928. Ask Ask for one for one Fall Topcoats * The Top Coat you want at the price you're glad to pay is awaiting you here. 'While price may be a big inducement it's the quality of this clothing we want to empha- i < size as loud as type can talk. You may scour the entire city but we doubt if you can duplicate these Top Coats at $20 $22.50 $25 ~ The Right HAT For Fall Ligoestor's $3.95 INGSTON'S : 75-79 BROCK STREET Mf sd Your Route It Po To Walk a AL ORK Fiestas aaa, S80, uel Rod x Young: +28 Sa Eg LTE Ribs, Ib. Ww amie 28 g A Ca AB ime ger vx lae Se > S . Six aie ot re , Ib OT ar Ie & ere, i | Tea and Sale. Opening Tea and Sale Saturday, Sept. 25th, 3-8 Pas at YMCA. Auspices Mothers' Council. CR -- To Speak in Napanee. Prof. Johu Matheson, of Queen's University, weitk ra 20-255 he Yonng 'People of St. Andrew's Church, Napanee, on Monday evening. At St. Paul's Church, Sunday. Rev. F. H. Cosgrave, provost of Trinity College, Toronto, preaches at St. Paul's church harves; thanksgiv- ing services on Sunday morning and evening. . Kingston Bank C The figures of the Kingston-Bank- ers Clearing House are announced as follows: Week énlling Sept. 23, 1926 $1,155,833, corfesponding week, 1925, $749,734. - . Trinity College Alumni. THe Dean of Ontario has returned from Toronto, where he has been staying a; Trinity House, and deliv- ered the fifth sermon of "Dean Starr Lectures" to the staff and graduates of Trinity College. Pupil Rewarded. Master James Purvis, a former pu~ pil of the Junetown public school has been awarded the county scholarship of $5 given by the Women's Institate to the pupil who obtained the high- est number of marks af the entrance examination. In Juvenile Court. Two lads were before Magistrate Farrell, in the Juvenile Court on Friday morning, for not attending school. The parents have been notified that the boys must attend school, or further action will be taken. "Y¥" Gym. Classes. The gymnasium classes at the Y. M.C.A. are expected to start about Oct. 4th. The swimming tank and the showers, which have been tinder- going slight changes are again open, and will likely be kept quite busy from now' on. as the outside swim- ming is over. Returns to Queen's, - John A. Saunders, of Cataraqui, has returned from a successful sea- son on the American iron-ore freigh- ter Harvey H. Brown, of the Brown line. He has been sailing on the upper lakes for the greatér part of 'the season. He has resumed his stu- dies at Queen's University. : _THE DAILY BRITISH CITY AND DISTRICT : i day. r. Loucks painted of the new community hall. He has been a reader of The Whig for many years and takes a keen interest in the events of the day. ' Science of Healing. Our' Maste}, Christ Jesus, proved through his life and works that he understood this science and taught it to the twelve and the seventy. That this ivity of heal- ing belongs to the present age will be clearly shown in the Christian Science lecture at the Capitol Thea- tre. Sunday afternoon, at four o'clock. A Motorboat Burned. A ' motorboat ' was practical ly ruined by fire Wednesday at Gan- anogue. While near the foot of Orm- iston's Island the Jaunch owned and driven by Mr. Joseph Pullaw, son of Councilor Pullaw, caught fire when thé engine backfired. . The decks were burned and the' engine ser- fously damaged. The boat sank in shallow water, but was later in the day raised and brought to town. The boat was about 30 feet in length, and had Been used for charter pur- poses during the summer. No insur- ance was carried. Had Fine Dogs. Some of the finest dogs in the dog show at the KingSton Fair were those shown by H. E. Thompson, Napanee, and which were successful in winning several prizes. His Ger- man police dog won the special in that class. The police dog, "Pett of Wallon," was imported from Eng- land by Mr. Thompson in April, and three of its geheration have been champion dogs. This wonderful brad female is being bred to the Inter- national Champion of Toronto. Mr. Thompson also showed a small Bos- ton terrier, which won the cup in the toy class and also took several other prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Gates Wedded 60 Years Mr. Gates Is 82 and His Wife 80----8even Children Are Living, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Gates, 214 A) fred street, will célebrate the dia mond jubilee of their wedding, Sat- urddy. Mrs. Gates is 90 years of age, but is still in very good health, and very cheerful, with a clear me- mory. Mr. Gates is 82 years old and is In fine health, being able to get around anywhere. It was just sixty years ago, « September 25th 1866, that at St. Mark's church, Bar- rietield, Rev. Edward Bowers, then the rector of St. Mark's performed the ceremony. Both the bride and the groom were of Pittsburgh town- ship and they lived there for eigh- teen years, moving to Kingston in 1884 where they have lved ever since. : Mr. Gates was a very well known business man of the city being a wharf builder and contractor. | He built and re-built practically all of 'the wharves in-the Kingston har- bour and at Wolfe and Howe Is- lands. 'There were seven children, all are living at present, and all with one exception will be at the family re- union and wedding supper to be held at the home Saturday evening. The Wisconsin; Joseph W., PROF. KENT ACCEPTS THE PRINCIPALSHIP Of Queen's --WiIll Arrive in Kings- ton in October; -- Rev. George A. Brown, chairman of the board of Queen's Theological College, this morning received a let- ter from Prof. H. A. Kent of Pine Hill College, Halifax, N.8.. announe- ne his acceptance of the position of principal which was offered him a week ago. Prof. Kent expects to take over his new duties here about 'the end of October. The 'theological board will make arrangements for the installation of the new principal during the big re-union week early in November. family are: William H., Albertville, Professor Kent is in middle life, being under forty-five. He will be ac- companied here by his wife and six children. His eldes; son will enter the arts faculty of Queen's. -- | Reaches Century Mr. Jobn W,. Martin, to-day. is celebrating his one hundredth birth. day at the home of his daughter, Miss H. Martin, 349 Brock street. He'is receiving congratulations from his many friends, and is spending the day very quietly. There is no large function for the day, 'but 3 family party to which a few friends have been invited has been ar he' Ahura da Adhd AAA dd 4 4 2 2s a a as A arth PURE EARLY MORNING SPECIALS Cd eT A BARGAININ PURE WOOL BLANKETS 25 PAIRS PURE WOOL BLANKETS $7.50 pai $ JU pall 25 pairs offered for quick selling. Heavy, fleecy, all pure wool White Blankets with whipped ends and colored borders; in pink or blue. Saturday Morning Special . $7.50 pair 50 DOZEN : Horrocks Hemsiitched Pillow wees 45 ea. Slips, neatly hemstitched. will English Striped not last long at the low price ask- Flannelette ed. There are 3 sizes: 40, 42 and 44 inch widths. ; FULL 36 INCHES WIDE. \ Gowns, Kiddies otc, comes this offer of 700 ler yards at a real bagels pn offered includes color combination and would be good value at / LINEN TABLE CLOTHS REDUCED TO CLEAR 20 ONLY--REGULAR $6.50 IRISH LINEN TABLE (LOTHS $3.95 ea. The savings on these Table are sold a : ble Cloths There are just 20 only offered, and each one a lovely, imported pattern, slightly imperfect in weave or de- sign, but in no way marred holo, R or rion a $6.50. To clear Saturday at . . $3.95 each SIZE IS ULL 72x72 INCHES, Fashion is Faithful to the Mode IN THIS SHOWING g Lo ing of our id v 5 Adal he TY VY rn