ma i gga Write for Catalogue. Foxes | Silver, White, Black, | Taupe, Pointed, and all the # shades in Browns. Your 1s on fnvite&. Fel: Platinum, Blue, in Brown ' - MANTFACTURING 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO JOHN McKAY, Limited es | THE By L. M. England. The country of whir and stir and | radios and ali gew notions takes the i | eye of a visitor to, Uncle Sam's do- Hl | minions. These are i more familiar 40 Aréquent travelers, than to the ob. | j casfonal, but to both alike the little || §T0UDs of Canadians one meats are il | most Interesting. their disappointmen iy. : 16 Conirast (Sag, SL SE nd I} the south of line 45, is striking. Their success, "On the 'Way to New York City, the Watertown @tandard had no word from Canada et all, and the elections just over! The . Syracuse Herald did give Canada a little place on the map and the recent €x- citement and prospective political results were noted to some extent, And rightly so for Capadians scat tered about over here do not for- 'Refreshments were served and a soc- ; « PICTON Picton, Sept. 23---Rev. J. K. Hol- land. before leaving Picton Baptist Chpreh was tendered a social even- ing in the school room of the church on Friday last. A programme of read ings and music was enjoved after which Mr. Helland was presented with & purse of money in %enalf of the congregation by Mr. Alfred Fos- ter,.chairman of the Deacons' bna=d. Jal hour spcait, A busi ake ns Wid held later. Rev. Mr Holland 15] being succeeded by Rev. BE. O. Dap- fels, B.A, B.Y.H. of Vancouver, B.C.. who takes over the work on Oct. 3. The funeral of the late Mrs, J. P. Blakely was held from the family home Ferguson street, on Tuesday afternoon apd was very largely at- tended. The officiating clergymen were Fev. Dr. Alfred Brown of Co- bourg, a former pastor, und Rev. J. J. Miller, present pastor of Picton ---- DAILY BRITISH. 1 24 Flannelette Bl United Church. - "The pall-bearers: were Messrs. W. H, Williamson, Richard Payne, R. D. Milford, Jas. H, Porte, A. E. Calpan and John Earle. Interment was in Glenwood. Mrs. afd Miss Rutherford who came from Australia to attend the Huff family reunion and who have been. spending some time with friends in town have gone on to Montreal, Mrs. Kemp, who is of the ocolates sei their native land though absent : for a longer or a shorter time. , , ons at have you been doing up Pa OR me?" said an Ontarian of some 1 Se + ' rw POR = GSTON AT years here. "You had an election not long since and just now another 2 9 STORE Branigan's ' one." LIMITED 268 Princess Street i" And the reply had to be given. Phone 18 HANLEY'S "We are more of party politicians in (Established 1871) the houses of parliament than you are, When a government is defeat- Steamship passages booked to all parts of ed and we haven't brilus enough te | SIME party §& remaining for a long- {talk the matter out we go to the|er visit and wilt join her friends in country and fight it out." the city later. * "My!" was the reply, "It would G. W. Lockyer is leaving, today |} bankrupt us to have two elections in | for England where he will spend 5 the world. Pass- *° portsarranged, Through tickets tssusd over al Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific. Alaska, -_ nds, West Indies. Mediterran. Lt $- Ae 71.98 pair : Presenting the largest size White Flannelette Blankets at the lowest. price ever seen in Kingston in years! These are of splendid, A 4 tw heavy quality, their only imperfection being a very slight soiling. Your Choige of Pink or Blue borders with a limit of er. Regular $2.75. g 2 pairs to each custom- Friday and Saturday | BUY WHERE YOU Sve White; mealy Potatoes, pk. 33¢. || Absolutely pure Lard 2 bs. 85c¢. | Finest Creamery Butter, Ib. 37c. | 'White Beans (choice) 4 Ibs 25¢, Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 tins for 85¢. |i Fresh led Oats 53% lbs, 25¢c. [i Bine Rose Rice . ...3 Ibs. 25c¢, | and Ginger Cakes poun | 5 1b. pail Honey (Clover) 69¢, 4 Ib pail Raspberry and Apple | am Finest 3 one year, Onch in four is all we can| some months in immigration work |: stand. You gave Byng.a black eye, | for the Salvation Army. didn't you, on the so called con- Mr. and Mrs. Ethen Palmer ars stitutional questiony offering their home on Mary street "Oh, no, gennerally the blame is| for sale, They expect to go south put on Mr: Meighen for his over | again for the winter, optimism, but of course Britain's Demorestville Fair is earlier this big daughter is growing more and | year being held on Saturday, Sept. Round the World Sveamshi Propald passag 10 : pa 08 arranged for you desire" te bring tive. or friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to. or} write J, P. ey, C.F, & T.A., CN. Oftice, Canadian National more independent.' 25th, Station, corner Johnson and SATURDAY AT SHAW"S ..... $1.98 Pair "What about the Kingston M. W. Reive of the local Branch o streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper i Canadian Sardines. .5 tins 25c, | Ne Whig?" was asked, "I knew Mr.| Bank of Montreal is at the head of- _ day and night, 'Phones 99 or 283% OUTSIDE. MARKET | S 1 Pense, years ago editor. The sample | fice in Toronto for several weeks. li Z |= | Week-end Clean-up Sale | All Fruits up a splendid fight." recovery. "How is Dr, Rdwards?" asked an- Mrs, (Captain) Thomas Heffernan othe?. "I always thought him a has returned home after spenfling |[i preity square man though we were] two months with her husband on on different sides once in politics. I board the John Holloway. would have voted for him anyway in ; this election. I think he is needed in Ottawa. They used to call him 'volcanic' but volcanoes are needed "THE HAT STORE" a ou; e is an Orangeman i A Lap N Y and - jek de Drago - New Hats i SATURD Y 25¢ each be a fine dey when mutusl friend. | Embroidered Pillow Pure Wool Hose | Cases, $198 mr. | G5cpair. _| liness come to thess societies. Tarift and reciprocity are better subjects An extra value in Irish Embroid- | "A mill clearance of Women's all ered Pillow Cases. These have | Pure wool, fine Ribbed Hose in'a of discussion." "But," said another, "why not , wide range of pr shades. All scalloped ends, and are full size, sizes, with Aw values to and each pair is in a neat box. blot out the customs line altogether, Between our States and betwean $1.25 pair. SATURDAY ... $1.98 per pair | Clearing Saturday . . . . 65¢. pair 'or Your Fall Dresses! | toms houses but absolute frees trade. It would work well between our two countries if we do mot yet want to A wonderful display of the very latest fabrics, which Dama F ash- ion decrees for Fall wear! New materials, new shades, and all a Shaw's well known low\prices. These cannot fail to please you! coples of recent election issues were Mrs. G. M. Hicks ig ill in Prince If 25 JC ea pretty meaty. The present editor] Edward County Hospital where she (|i was evidently on the job." finderwen; a serious operation. Here f oO Large size, pure Linen Tea Towels in White with Red or Blue borders and hemmed ends. come stamped with neat designs "Yes," I replied, "the Editor put | many friends hope for her a speedy I abe, Clark's Peanut Butter, 1b. 28¢, ready to embroider. Regularly 35c. each. A Grand Exposition of New Fall Styles, for go-+ -- a ~of our own manufacture and gathered from the world's best makers, we have a collection of Fall Hats that for variety, style and value can be equalled by féw stores in all Canada. one." On®€ interesting feature of the great city of New York is the fre quent faces of colored people. They © very much at home this far north and are welcome without distinction in all conveyances. This Is quite in line with a yecent sym- pathetic editorial in the Whig, Which all interested in the color |® line discussions were glad to read." One finé colored man said he knew the late Booker Washington and Saw the fuss that was caused whan Roosevelt ententained him at the Whitehouse. 5 a All tourists gravitate to the Wool- worth building, the highest sky- scraper here, 54 storeys of offices and a high tower above for a look out over the smoke beclouded city. A deep haze covers the city eves when the sky is clear. It is provi- dencial that the wind blows, and hard too, at times to fan away the fumes 4nd viciated air of streets and lanes. From #his tower, cringins At the vision from such a height, built up by a little mite of the profits of 5-10-15 cent purchases in : an ses continent wide industry, one looks 'Windsor Bacon. . 50c. down ob the wee-looking street run: E> Fin 3 i! ; ways an on w t seem to be toy Our Tea . ses. 83c. Hi vehicles and midget people, Ike 3 SR | 3uts, on the run, ' CANADIAN PACIFIC eg 2 CAMPBELL'S Autumn Stove News med Hats, Tallored Has, Felts, Velours, ete., are hero in big HB \variety----all at reasonable prices & | _ NOW 48 ALWAYS-- and every Hat marked fn plain figures. Popular Felts 3 Felts lead in popularity right now and our styles ave excin. | Sively our own, Note our prices: $2.50 to $4.95 % D. A SH. Ww. Limited: RUGS | bsisi | DRAPERIES | BUSY §10RE - KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE