Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1926, p. 13

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DuapHS QLAXTON--. midnight, Sept. 182s, "Chglatina a. Sharp. of Mr. Fuheral from 1d 7| ANYONE SELLIN 7 ul Mole Wanted winting to sell iq see or ite us aarxied with Sp to in- eal dipsot OUT OUR WAY. William Street Greeting Cards Shan afiernoon at 2.30 immediately. © other ines --- at 2 scauaingamces respectfully frease yo invi to attend. TX 4a 26¢h, 1926, John ANT San, A WORD T' HER MA = NES 1 HNOW och b-rerin OF YOU! HE WNOWS JUST HOW TO MAKE Dots HE HAVE TO oT RIGHT THERE TO WAIT 1, 008. Weak Pe ter Craft Rirsciine on HY MURRAY-On Sept. 2eh Funeral "ios piace from hs late weal I2 dence, 146 Bay rest, eet, thia after goon at 2 30 to Cataraqui Cemetery. . 1936, aN 28, Mary's Cathedra nifred, dsughter of Ernest or Kingston, ram Freder a. Frank Frederick, King- ston. IN MEMORIAM, In 'loving memory of my dear ter, tember 28th, 1924. ey Missed by mother, sister, and brothers and two dear children Oft we think of you dear Bdna, And our hearts are sad with pain, Oh, this earth would be a heavy Could we but hear your voice Just two Years ago you left us, How we miss your loving face, But you have left us to remember Nome on earth could fll your place. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Dwe. GG D. Corkey, Canadian Divistonal Ammuni- ton Column. Gave his life for his couns try, September 26th, 1917. Buried at Faubourg d'Amiens military cemetery, Arig, but forgotten." one not for g ---Anna M. Corkey. + Lost and Yound 1 BLACK AND eating heifer, strayed from H. Bauder pasture, Collin's Bay, around second week in August. Reward. Apply H. Bauder, Collin's Bay. 00 BOYS WANTED -- To well wesk-snd Pola"y. Sonam Bl aE" Ki ber MAKE MoXEY AT rs. David Lyons, who passed away § HOMB--JMén and to $2 an hour in Bhare spare Hime hodile] od rds. No can- Yaauna day. , Limited, 21 Dominion Buliding, Toronto. Female Help Wanted 8 GENERAL SERVANT--ADply 240 Fron- tenac Street. MAID--For general house- HE: Brock K Sheet, srendes Toguired. St. RS whole MANee For Bait part ie ed eration. Per. Xk later: Phone 17477. eon HELP « Wanted for ho 3 Apply, Mrs. Goodwin, 138 Street (near Park). between 10-11 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. Male or Female Help Wanted 8a A os Ey AND Be $10 eas. made wee spare tak orders or oo, irs Wellington West, Toronto. Sn HOUSEKEEPER -- A yo marsied woman with one small ehfla "demir desires FOUNTAIN PEN--Found Monday even- ing between Mack and Princess Streets, . Owner may have same by calling at 448 Albert street in the evening. GOLD LOCKET AND CHAIN-Found on Princess Str. ot Ssturday nikht. Owner have same by proving property at Tos Rideau Street. Prince 'County in 1864. i A wide and ond Soff ant ous dang? overy of the the coat, hat and ar oar Niagara emi near the cataract in- GOLD BAR PIN LOST---Set with topaz. Valued ag a keepsake. Finder please retur to 36 Division Street or Whig MeLAUGHLIN CRANK--Found on Bare riefleld highway. Owner may have same at. Muller's Bicycle Works. SMALL MARKET BASKET--Containing sum of money found in Island market, left in place of another basket. Please communicate with Box 23, Cataraqui, TWO KEYS-.On string, found. Owner may have same at 27 Nelson Street. WATOH + Blue enamel aon, found. Owner enquire at 52 Ha Classified Oispiay W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wemington Sts. a & it cookers eap ocongoleum HE Turks Store "PHONE 705. which resulted in the death of Hrn- est John Adams, of Stratford, Out. Adams was accidentally shot by Ber- tram Berry, of Nesbitt district, when a gun he was pulling out of a buggy went off. An unusual case of lead poison fig was brought to the attention of Deputy-Coroner Prince, at Montreal, year-old child, Elizabeth Frances Bathgeb, had gnawed the edges of its freshly painted crib, and had thus absorbed enough lead to cause its death a few days afterwards. A verdict of accidental death was re- turned. oF For New York. New York, Sept. 28---Representa- tive Ogden L. Mills was today nom- to oppose Governor Alfred E. Smith, for' state. Governor Smith was nominat- 6d by the Democrats today. The Re- | publicans are esting here and the as housekeeper. Roly Mrs. * Travers ol elo. Mrs. Batis. B en. Del., WASHING Wanted, to do, at homes, by hand; S3pitionced 8s. Apply Box 8-23, Ottis. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats 7 IN § TARKVIEW APARTMENTS «= 133 Ring Street Bast, housekeeping uites, ba elor suites, &lwo very suitable for officers, short leaves bung ¢ Accepted. Apply Box (23, Whig UNFURNISHED * APARTMENT w For "October lst, Sroitnd floor, garage, gas, vicinity Albert and ag Ue Stroets Tei al nion ele~ phone 1355-7, se : Business laces Bs CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher sho ~will make alterations to suit tenan v Apply 69 Patrick 8 iat 8a 100 ACRE FARN--3% miles west of Bath, along Bay Quinte, ok Sto school, good being, new Olive. ay terms. pply Percy Wartman, Howes ° when it was revealed that a two- Xt 'governorship of New York]: BRICK HOUSE. Ji Wellingion St. noe 0! noeess, i © io A of OA Ay ly 401 Ye "Phone $74 ipl 3 ir deoraned inated by the Republican convention [Kisses FORME PAPER? RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME ? HE'S JusT |. DOIN "THAT TO MAKE ME HURRY UP WITH 178 TLL WT LITLE SNIP, 1S WHAT ILL oo! ln WHY 'MOTHERS Real Estate For Rent JUS SETTN HERE ~ AINT ENEN LOOKIN' AT HER --=JUS WAIT MN 15 ALL: PAYSHUNTLY, WAITN 1S "ALL + GET GRAN = SHOU SQUAWK THE LOUDEST | You LIKE TO BE ALWAYS SQUAWKINGT AND? HE LIKES TO HAVE HOU SQUAWKING } q-° \ Real Estate For Sale soranlliaue, Mie. WY MEA SERVICE, tac: Articles For Sale. ; NEBRS-- EXPT a, ees We EL Jurrays Sion Rooms, uare D. all eae foe 3 (3-w, FIRE 4Ntomobile fu 25d Gas Phone Teta INSURANGE--Only Strange. estab, in 1880. C Clarence Street, opposite Post ANDERSON Painter and hop I ange fice" 283 ! ; and > sabe Boron 13 Horton, Ns © Col work done promptly. Re 1 wood Street. 'Phone 3984-J. Earl Street, near LR Shingling and all kin St Houses ® FURNISHED HOUSE-~To rent for the winter, all modern, near college. Ap- ply 201 William Stréet. 'Phone 1894-w. FURNISHED HOUSE--To 18 for win- ter. Oonvenient! Jocated, all improve- wood floor. nice, Bas, Slectricity Cheap so cagerul tenant. Apply 294 Queen "Phone 1995-w, SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE-- {2 Conces- sion Street, bath, toilet, electricity, all A ces. Possession at once. Ap. Pp Cc F3pkins, 15 Quebec Street, or 'phone 1708-w. THREE ROO: Hght Univeraty vat t "Gas, electri "Phone 457-£ TO LET--House, 138 Wellington Street, etently newly decorated; modern in a" 3 Furnished house first Jot crane soil: best loca tion, 1 AR Apply at 53 oity. Business Fiaces 13 BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Mod« ernized house being conducted as suc- cessful boarding establishment, is for sale. Deceas linquishing sabeth e business. Ap Sanningham, rock of father cause of re- ply Miss Eli- Bireet, Furniture , 15a FURNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Street, successors to Lesses Antique 8 Shop. Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. A Houses 14% 6 BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED-- 1,100we5 TCO rooms, frame, terms, 1,600-Frame, five rooms, moderk, gar- e. ble frame, Rent. $3q Der month; centra. $3,800--Bric Tn, Ce Farms for sale or exchange. Houses and farms to Feat. Insurance. Money 351 to T. GCONNOF Princess Street. hone improvements, K, Sent bungalow, 7 rooms, 1189-7. FURNISHED ROOM Some Good hot and cold ihe house -- of Ra tan private fame Apply by 'phone 1301.w. 0OMS--On Beth. NISHED R She: room suits! Also one large fr hdr ness > sy 3 Jrotking ae men ton, Wanted To Rent 11 al gx X:) ham liam Watema er Real Estate For Bale Fam ad Lae Farms and Land 12 0 } ACRES- Fart] "dian en and. cultivation, 1y good timber, which a 80] separat Pinan, Seis Apply . John Ne cut vatE vatio Kinge- any A hen houses for inns | a} Struck on he head By & ower box, which fell from a neighbor's verandah, . Dorothy Latham, aged |smrox nto: Street. - One to rent-or for sale Elm street, third house South of Alfred. my 382 Victoria Street. RESIDEN Bot San sale. of Toronto put =P ha 2 eS coo I han pa, ole Nght and Shea. fo Jor and New A sale, rock Street. city. coms, 8 FRAME electric 5 stable an decorat, Avply Geo. sce bath gare ge. >A bargain for time- Bateman, 111% [Rooming House Stone, 14 large Foams, Ban, on mortgage, Would sell 5 part cast, ll would ex 6 7. roomed. house fe bargain for quick nd Apply: T, WHIG OFFICE. ANDIRONS wn * everythin Wire and ver, A ADI Or i id Fenders, fire for fir Taree. nickel, ete, Bays' and of Girls" auilerd § 1-w, Works. plaging a in Teens in St V3 oR i The BH ole ue $3 R50 4 Eons 3: Value Ao sti, cut, a tiie eal, 634 Jol ph on e080 G, PAUL--pecialist for new or re- aired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, Se~ n_uphbolstefing and decking, winds shield and body glass put in Whi'e you wait, linoleum and edging for rune ning boards, waterproof tryck tarpau- lins and awnings made to order. 393 Princess Street. 'Phone 1640-3. Fuele and Feed 18 ANTHRACITE COAL-Btoke, Ohestnut spLpea The nut and stoke at 1 Sval at " 1.50. ta Apply W. Neville, 159 Collingwood Stieet. Foone 2362-m. HARDWOOD-$§4. load. ' Dry By Siubs, $3.00. Hara cokes stove size al0.s0 gD pea coke, $7.00 ton. Tang $13.0 'Phone 2440-w. W. C, Bruton, 390 Wellington Street. TALBOTS YARD street, Tor a A! at e "thousand, 1 Conces $35 new lumber and shingles," lowest price Rossible; hard i 1a Phone for Fi Phone $7680, a8 ' Business Services rotesstonar 21 Jeunie A. Chiro sistsrea Nurse, ' Bagot ras | Bw. Hours ¥y a prtaora. § k i 30. PAINTING AND PAPER H GN PAIN Gt. S Ee Tom KRONTENAU LOAN AND UERT SOCIETY -- In 8 A. vestment. posits eceived § aa in minimum monthly "baie Cartwright, man 87 Storage STORAGE--Fop Jurhitu clean, : airy rooms ahd spaces Spaces. own and key. fies 405 aan ot ehh Sodas or 1933-4: BOYD'S BW. Turmivare of way, _bullding. "phone ASH Ee out. of SUE Russel} i wish. Open . night S07 Canada dio" tore Expert Plano "Tuning, ¥ Player-Planio Agung. é UPHOLSTERINGewAnd , Te ing. leave orderg at Shares. to F. W. Harold, 104 4 'hone 1600-J. DRUGLESS PRACTITION Marcells, corner of Parris amd Yon cess tree Chiropractic adjust ments, electric treatments and hand- Ton Tres. Hours 9-13 fr ~ 1-6 p.m. Beales Li Jee a A Samant Toy A BLEMISHES atta piithmarks, Skin Cancers, Pits, ete, removed permanent: Birniaed thes _-- tre' cured without" oper . Ione sxXperience, ry Nose, Instruction we Nn ereachar of MARGARET E. Fiano. Pupils p ed 1 Toronto Conservator, rep : Queen St. "Phone aioe Studio: 7 Barristers ana Solicitors 5ib EET BV "ray service. Consulta~ : kt AUTO TOP ers a Co {Supe bien, aig 347 King stree!

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