nN. BRITISH WHIG THE DAILY reese sre horn, w.s.e. hen, 1, 3 and 3, J. H. Donovan. . Leghorn, w.s.c. cockerel, 1, 2 and 3, J. H. Donovax. sc. pullet,1,2and 3,7. HH. Donovan. { Leghorn, brown sc. cock, H. E. Pyke, Robart Jack, H. BE. Pyke. Leég- 2 years oid, Henry Guilds. Heifer! horn, brown s.c. hen, H. E, Pyke, A calf, Bilis MH. Foley. Rober; Jack, H. E. Pyke. Leghorn, 5.in splits of the gloomy brown or 2nd 3 HB. of somes of the people wholl Specials. 'i - "F Poke 5 : En aii 1 HT Herd of cattle any breed. W. R. 2 id dansetutive year. The gate |iSmith & Sons, Bradley Bros. Herd on oF, brown s.c. pullet. | R, Jack; 2 apd 3, H. B. Pyke. An- receipts vere larger than any prev-{lof pure bred Holsteins, W. R. Smith year; the trials of speed the ji & Sons. cona, hen, P. R. McVeigh. Pair Ban- {tam fowl, 1 and 2, J. H. Donovan. best ever held here, and that is say-|{shires, A. 10g something. - libel, Herd of pure bred Ayr-| Pair Bantam chicks, E. E. Johnston; Wesley McNeil. Holstein L ¥. R. MeVeigh. Eggs, brown, Joseph i any age, registered, Bradley A. Lappan, J. H. Donovan. Eggs, The prize winners were as follows, || Bros. Holstein bull, 2 years or un- white, J. H. Donovan, P. R. - Me- the nathes being placed in the grderj/der, W. B. Smith & Sons. Pair heifer Vaigh. Turkeys, bronze, 1926, F. H. of merit: - ? 5 calves, W. R. Smith & Sons, Jersey | Barle. Geese, Toulouse, old, Urban | {cow, | D. Grabam. Holstein COW, | Warren, F. H. Earle. Geese, a.0.v.,/ jdairy, F. Doak. Two cows, F. Doak, | o'd, Urban Warren, Charles Ralph. | |W. R. Smith. = Holstein cow. pure | Ducks, Pekin, old, H. B. Pyke, J, H. bred not - more than 6 years old, | Donovan. Ducks, Pekin, 1926, J. H, eral purpose, O. G. Cornett, David { Bradley Bros, Ayrshire Cow, A. Wes-{ Donovan, Domestic pets, P. R. Me- oO m. - Colt, 1 year, general pur: | ley McNeil, Dairy heifer, 2 years Veigh, 8. C. E. Dixon. 'poss, Gordon Graham. Brood mare, oid, W. R. Smith & Sons. Holstein | general purpose, col by her side, R. heifer, grade, F. Doak. Yearling Specials in Poultry. Shields. Colt umdér 1. year, draft, { heifer, A. Wesley McNeil. Beet heif- Largest exhibit of barred rock Joseph A. Lappan. er, Bradley Bros. Jersey heifer calf, chicks, H. BE. Pyke. Pen of barred Roadster rocks, H. BE. Pyke. Pen utility fowl, Ellis Foley. Ayrshire bull +2 years or n in harness, Ray-|under, A. Wesley McNeil, J. H. Donovan, H. BE. Pyke. Pair mond Murphy, R. Shields, 0. Rutile. ma me turkeys, F. H. Earle. Geese, Urban - Team, general purpose; W. C. Sher SHEEP. Warren. "Pekin ducks, H. E. Pyke. field, Lyndhurst. Carriage mare or Leghorn chicks, J. H. Donovan. Pair 'Belding In harness over 15 1-2 ducks, H. B. Pyke. Bantam rooster, | hands, Byro.\ Moore, George Hender- Pair aged ewes, raising J. H. Donovan. Ea ® mare or gelding In| Fred H. Earle. Barnes 15 1-2 hands and under, D.| Fred H. Earle. of v NS : i Shropshire, Rani, with pedigree, William . J. Webb." Yearling ram, with pedigree, 1 and 2, William J, Webb. Ram hh Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Great Values : Featuring Highest Type NEW COATS IN THE SMARTEST COLORS AND FABRICS nsdowne Fair Prize Awa hd Sept. a5, == Lans- FIalr proved a PRO . 5g \ 3 5 Horses, Roadster stallion, standard bred, George R. Peck. Colt, 3 years, gen- in the Season's Furs. Large Fur Collars and Cuffs Most Fashionable : '35 a A 'superb collection of ultra-fashiomable Fall and Winter Coats In richer variety than ever before--inodelled in those | pile fabrics that are so stylisl and Autumn Brown, C Hlustrated-- Three Styles-- Blue Coats with large Collar and Cuffs--Grey Fur. ! South Down. lambs, - Pair yearling 'ewes, > Grain. Spring wheat, F. H. Earle, Bar ley, 6 rowed, 2nd, F. H. Barle. Bar-| ley, 6 rowed, 2nd, ¥. H. Barle. Oats, White, Alexander Steacy, F. H. Earle. Flaxseed, D. Graham, Alexander lamb with pedigree, 1 and 2, Wil- Chisamore. Collection of grains and liam J. Webb. Pair aged ewes, rajs- grasses in stalk, J. P. Lynch. ing lambs, 1 and 2, William J. Webb, ' Pair yearling ewes, 1 and 2, William Specials, J. Webb. Pair Ewe lambs, 1 and 2, Spring wheat, F. H. Earle, William J. Webb. Pair yearling : ewes, Oxford Down, D. Graham, Pen | Sheep, 1st and 2nd Willlam J. Webb. I » EA Roadster on trial en track, Walter 8, Clarence Ruttle. General team, W. C. Sheffield, Lynd- Farm team, W, C. Sheffield, ihtirst. Heavy mare and colt, A. Lappan. Halter hrcken under 1 year, Joseph A. Lappan. year-old colt in halter, David m. General purpose sucking ; 8. Sucking colt, draft, Lappan. Sucking colt of Ruby, Joseph A, Jap outfit 15 1-2 hands an 16 Be, Lady driver . G, Surplls. Lady William Brown, Miss Carrfage mare or geld- | and over driven by a 0 to lady, Mrs. G. Sur- Straightline Back Blouse Effect--$35.00 Silk Vegetables. Irish Cobbler jotatoes, H. BE. Pyke, Bruce Griér. Green Mountain pota- toes, H. E. Pyke. Any other kind, H. BE. Pyke, K. Chisamore, J. P. Lynch, Red long carrots, H. E. Pyke, 0. G. Cornett. Red short carrots, H. BH. Dresses Z. Pyke. "Blood beets log, H. B. ON SALE TO-MORROW ! Pyke. Turnip beets, Joseph A. Lap- hoe s--straightline two. pan, John H. Allen. Sugar beets, F. $ 1 5 Plece tucked effects, smartly braid trimmed tn . ] i : Doak. Mangolds, ¥. Doak, H. E. trasting colors for Misses. Necks can be Values to $25.00 con Pyke. Mangolds globe, ' FP. Doak. worn high orlow. Sweet corn, P. R. McVeigh, J." H. Allen. Bile corn, F. Doak. Par- &nips, H. BE. Pyke. Celery, H. E. ke, N. Peck. Onions, white, H. B. Pyke. Onions, red, H. E. Pyke, M. McDonald. Onions, silver skins, H. BE. Pyke, Onions, yellow, H. E. Pyke. Beans, large, A. Chisamore, N. Peck. Saving on new Fall Dresses when the season ; is just commencing is hardly believable, but as it happens Jackson-Metivier, Limited, were fortis. Bate in making an 'unusual purchase of new and Pyke, Mrs. W. C. Landon. Squash, 2 a H. B, Pyke, K. Chisamore. Toma. i Much-favored sample trocks--the kind that ave toes, H. BE. Pyke, N. Peck. Musk- * selling right nowy; Every one a brand new styte; melons, C. Ralph, H. BE. Pyke. In the lot are AL a Ww lection of vegetables, H. E. Pyke. TAM new Claret and Wine shades. | Lh ---- x 3 Specials in Shecp. Butcher lamb, William J. 'Webb. Pair ewes, William J. Webb, ---- Swine. Breeding Sow, Berkshire, Byron oore. Breeding sow, Chester, Ken- neth Chisamore. Boar, aged, with pedigree, Yorkshire, D. B. Johnston & Sons, K. Chisamore. Boar pig of 1928 with pedigree, Alex. Chisa- more. Sow pig of 1926 with pedi- gree, D. B. Johnston Alexander Chisamore, Carmen Grier, Breed- ing sow with pedigree, Carmen Grier, {D. B. Johnston, D. B. Jopneton, oo Cloth Frocks Trimly Tailored Styles ~~ {§ $10.95 Sizes from 341048. «| Specials. Pair of sow pigs, 1928, Johnston & Sons. Pair bacon hogs, 1926, Carmen Grier. Pair bacon hogs, D. B. Johnston & Sons. Brood Sow, Carmen Grier. Brood sow, D. B. Johnston & Sons. Brood sow, bacon type, Carmen Grier. Aged boar, D. 'B. Johnston. Exhibit of swine, D. H. Johnston. Exhibit of Swine, C. Grier. Litter of pigs, Car- men Grier. Litter of pigs, D. B. Cabbage, white, H. BE. Pyke, J. H. Allen. - Apples, harvest, J, Allen, C. | Ralph. Apples, 'any 'kind, Miss K. Johnston, P. R. McVeigh. ¢ Grapes, J.P, Lynch, Cauliflowers;, H. B. Pyke. Pumpkin, H. E. Pyke. Pump- kin, white, H. BE. Pyke. Citron, H. B. D. B. Plymouth Rock Barred cock, H. K. Pyke, H. B. Pyke, H. BE. Pyke. : Ply-|; * hen, 1, 2, and 3, by H.B. Pyke. Plymouth Rock Barred tod BEY kis cockerel, 1, 3 and 3 H EB Pyke. Mountain potatoes, H. B. Pyke. Irish Plymouth Rock' Barred pullet, 1, 3 Cobble: toes, H. E. Pyke. oa J: HE. Pyke. Plymouth Rock | CO0bler potatoes, H. E. White cock, 1 and 2, H. &. Pyke.| . Plymouth Rock white hen, 1, 2 and i. Pyke. Plymouth: Rock white Rev. I. N. Beckstoad, 2 and 3, H. B.[Pyke. Plymouth Rock white pullet, 1, 2 and 3, H. EB, Pyke. Wryan- dotte, white cock, Myron Kyes, H. B. Pyke. Wyandotte, white hen, Myron Keyes, H. E. Pyke. Wyan- dotte, white cockerel, Rev. I. N. ] ead. Wyandotte, white pullet, i Rev. I. N. Beckstead. Rhode Island Red, rose comb Hen, 1 and 2, Rev.'L | N. Beckstead. Rhode Tsiand Red, | rose comb cockerel, 1 ang 2, HE Pyke. Rhode Island Red, rose comb pullet, I and 2, H. E. Pyke, Rhode Island Red, 8. C. cock, H. E. Pyke, {Rev. I, N. Beckstead. Orpington, * | white hen, P. R. McVeigh. M {bse cock, 1 and 2. HB. Pyke. Min- Wilson. Pillow slip, &mbroidersd, Mrs. Wilson. Tea cloth, Mrs. Well. Landon. Bed linens, Mrs. Jack, Mrs. Well. Landon. ' ¢ Mrs. McVeigh, Mrs. Kaiser. « D 1 Sweet peas, Mrs, Beckstead, Mrs, hn plis. House plant in ol Armstrong, Mrs. Dixon. plants, Mrs. 8: C. B. Dixon. A ; Steviien. winie crochet, Miss Ralph, Miss Hagerman, Tatting, Mrs. Pen- nock, Mrs. G. Surplls. Thread lace fine, Mrs. Pennock. Thread ' work fine, Mrs. Pennock, Mrs. J. B. Wil- son. 'Thread work: coarse, Mrs. T. McCrea, Mrs. EB. Hand - Farming Implements, Single buggy, rubber tires, George R. Peck. Double sleigh bobs, George R. Peck. Plow stubble, George R. Peck. Self binder, George R./ Peck. Sulky or riding plow, Geo: R. P : v Specials. Home made bread, Mrs. Nunn, Miss K.-Johnston. Home made bread, W. C. Landon, J. P. Lynch, Ari and Flowers. Home made bread, Mrs. J. P. Lynch. Oil painting, Canadian scene, na- ture, Mrs. Nunn. Oil painting, ma-} 'rine, Mrs. Shaw, Miss A. Shaw. Of) painting, any original subject, Mrs. Pennock, Mrs. Jack. Water color landscape copy, Mrs. U.. Warren. Water color scenes, nature, Mrs. Nunn, Mrs. U. Warren. Water color, fruit or. vegetables, Mrs. Shaw, Miss A. Shaw. = Sepla, Mrs. Nunn, Mrs. Shaw. Pastel, Mrs. E. B. Johnston, Mrs. Shaw. Crayon, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Dixon. = Pencil drawing; Mrs. Pen- B. Johuston. No rd Mrs Nuun, Fried cakes, upon: pibratasrny. ia i Cornett, Mrs. Dison, Apple ple, Miss : Pennock, Mrs, Hagerman, Smbroid. K. Johnston. Cake and pan of Bis- | gro isk heunact, hg Wile of stoves, Haig & Burns. Coll. of cuits, Mrs. Beckstehd, Mrs. Nunn. fon mre. Pennock. Embroidered Hause factory, Halg & Burns. Coll. | Fr cakes, Mrs. A. West. Layer : h,rdanger, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Pen- -jcakp, Mrs. Humphrey. Kldndyke nock.. Bmbrofdered Bulgarian, Mrs. Churn, - | pickles, Mrs. Beckstead. Preserved Pennock. Mrs, Wilson. Bmbroidered Petk. Washing maghine, Pinghpple, R. Jack. 'Canned fruit, Swedish, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. West. Burns, Geofge R. Peck: 4 Mrs. Beckstead. Candy, Miss Tay! prhroidered initials, Mrs, Pelnock, lor, Miss Warren, Miss Jack. BCH; yneheon sot, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Pen. ---- * Collection of Specials, : paintings, Shaw, Miss Hagerman, } water colors, Mrs. F. ing in' water colors, . Painting in ofl, Mrs, A. lection hand painted ching, [ E. Shields. Penman : Jon Manufactures. a Lumber harness, George R. Pack. Single harness, George R. Peck. Ex. hibit of furniture, A. J. Sly. Exhibit Lynch, Thelma Hunt, shots, Mrs, B. B. work, Miss' } house 5 Three ° potted . Baked beans orca, bse. hen, H. EB. Pyke, Min. grea, bse. cockerel, 1 and 2, WH, ®. Pyke, Minorca, bs.c. pullet, 1.5% and 3, H. B. Pyke. Leghorn, w.s.c. 'eock, 1, 2 3, 1. H. Donovan. Leg- - NA. tt im ing. y and Other Crock ter, farmers, Ben. Josh. Humphrey. Butter in B, Cook, J. Humphrey, Chester TH- Cook, prints, | G. Surplis. ton. Whey butter, Duncan Warren, W. R. Kaiser. iar) white, W. R. Hater a Shade, Slorsd, W. R. . Honey mb, Myron Kyes. Honey - in "section, fancy. quilting, Ralph. a eam fe cake, Mrs. Beckstead. Ladies' Work Useful. | 'Mrs. Tilton, on Sie Perey LW, 0 Lane} on, Mrs. ock. , ero-| Dees: | cheted, Miss Ralph, Mre, B. B. Jone. | ston. 'Woolen socks, s. P. 'volen M:! and wash tov Jack: nock. Luncheon set crochet, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. W. Landon. Tea cloth, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. W. C. Landon. Tea cloth, 'erochet, Mrs. W. C. Landon. Mrs. Jack. Tray cloth, embroidered, Mys. Wilson, . Mrs. W. C.' Landon. cloth, crochet, Mrs. W, C. Lan- don. Mrs. Well. Landon. Buffet set, Mrs. W. C. Landcs, Mrs. Pens nock. Centre plece, - Mrs. Wilson, Jack. Buffet scarf, Mrs. Shields, Mrs, kK. * Serviettes, Mrs. Pen- nock, Mrs) Wilson. Hand Towels, embroidered, Mrs. W. C. Landon, Mrs. Wilson. - Guest towels, Pennock, Mrs. . Wilson. Bath towel nock, Mrs. Shaw. Simple plan of kitchen, Mrs. Beckstead, Mrs. Wes- ey Foley. Wood carving, 8. C. EB. Dixon. Basketry, Mrs. McVeigh, Mrs. Johnston. One pisce hand painted china, Mrs. Jenatek, Miss Shields. Realistic design, Miss Shields, 7? Mrs. McVeigh, Figure work, Miss Shields. Sandwich plate, Md ennack. Salad or.punch powl, Miss Shields, Mrs. Pennock. Asters, i blooms, Miss A. Armstrong, Alex. 'Steacy. Asters, 4 varieties, H. EB. Pyke, Mrs, s Hanging teri yo he Miss Hagerman, house tion of saucers, of giadiola, rinnias, Byron lection of Dixon. lies; -