women of retirement of the Rt. further and by an amendment to its) b hs Palladiom-Times that # 13 the male suthorities of Kansas who should tremble if they tried to 'enforce that law. : SCOPE OF TARIFF BOARD, "The guestion of the Taritf Board has been more or less under discus- &lon during the past campaign, and the lenders of both parties have agreed on the principle of such 3 board, says the Brockville Recorder- Times, Mr. King's idea of what a board should be is made clear in the | present organization, which has Rt. Hon. George P. Graham at its head. The "functions bf the boa: i go mo further than being advisory and its chief work is to gather information #nd compile data for the use'of the g| finance minister. : i It is not going too far to say that never in Canada has this work been so thoroughly done. Tt 1% 'true that prioe to the revision of the tariff in 1897, the late Sir Wilfrid Laurfer's Governmeny sen; a tariff commission composed of members of the cabinet; through Canade . taking evidence aad which ionumerable = séts of opinions that were of vialuacle assistance to the Government in com- iny to conclusions. Sir Henty Dray- { iso headed a Hke commission through: Canada. but the public has never been. given the benefit of this fgvestigation: There has been no con~ [siderable revision of the tariff since it was made, However, a Tariff Board does not confine itself to compiling opinions. It ransacks the ktatistics of Canada 1 and of other countries to ascertain, it possible, what influence on trade cériain mehedules pf the tarifl pro: duce, particularly 'through the ex- port and import column. _ The United States has gone a step fr + 'statutes has given the president power to alter the tariff on the re- Republican nationsl committes, ures as the president's spokesman. in fhe upper house of Congress, and it's in the président's { own birth state hat he's running. Butler was renominated, but that | was a foregope conclusion. He had no opposition. The job sow is to elect { bim---n0, mot re-elec; him. He's | been serving - hitherto by appoints jmént, as 'the late Senator Lodge's | successor. Now he goes to the vot ers, which is entirely different from being named By"a governor. The 108s of any other state would be about the same (hing as a slap on the president's wrist compared with a wallop from a pair of brass knuckles, if he loses Massachusetts. 'Butier has a Democrat, My. David 1. Walsh, as his opponent and he is a fighter with al: the = popularizing qualities. He is the antithesis of Butler. Walsh is a red-hot speaker, # spell-binder, a scrapper of the first | water, a political fire-eater, aggres- sive, magnetic, § liberal, a wet, high- ly popular, enthusiasm awakening: Butler is cool, cautious, a ruler and a scholar, a cast iron autoerat. The fight will be the sensation of Novem- ber: compaigns. EDITORJAL NOTES. The Belleville Ontario is of opin- ion that election Ilfbel svits will dis. appear as completely as straw hats have. 3 Water can be a deadly enémy to monetary hopes. It has sonked up millions of gollars in Westérn Can- { ada. Too bad! Baler is at the seat of customs. A fine man he is. - His name is pro- nounced Ider. We see stirring times ahead with his probe. There have been twenty-two grea disasters due to climate in the South- ern States during the past twenty personal | My conducted a campaign in favor of absolute prot bition. We refer to Mrs, Biriin Murphy, pelice magistrate and stent of the Juvenile Court of Al- berta, and membér of a number of women's organisations most of the abuses which were the subject of complaint - before have Dow disappeared. There is less @®un- keangss and a greater respect shown for the law. Juvenile crime especial iy Bas diminished. "Whatever the partisans of abso lute prohibitions may say, Govern- ment control of liquor has proved its efficiency. In the province of Que- bec, dnd wherever else: it has been adopted it has brought about greater temperance amongst the people: and its influence Is continuing in this be- neficent direction. The experiment Was made here, and Alberta follow- ed in its turn; and the same good results will Bs seen in Ontario dir. ectly the province decides to follow our: example. This decision will not be much longer delayed if one may indge by the eurrent opinion which Is constantly becoming stronger against the wltra-dry conditions that Setuatiy Prevail under the Ontario pent } Mr. James Robb ttt ted (Ottawa Journal Announcement thay Mr. James Robb will continue in Mr ; . Kin Cabinet as Finance Minister will be \Y/HEN YOU HAVE A PRINT- ING JOB, DO YOU THINK OF THE BRITISH WHIG COM. MERCIAL PRINTING DEPT.? a Fine printing -- good service "reasonable prices att 7 Che House off .ommandation of the Terit! Com- mission or Board. From the investi- . aad gationg that have taken place and = "1 the eriticism offered, it would appear '}that the Canadian method s more in ne with democratic government. Without the consamt of Congress the i president and the Tarill Board can ig a Inaugurate what is really a policy on A oftered a) .p. tarier. and thers Is something in {the conténtion that this is assuming House of fat gould be the prerogative of Wiha viet | she people seting through their re- in public life whose characte } r com- Dels the respect of political oppon- ents, and Mr. Ross is one of them. Re iz not of the lashy, Style of politielin, bu: rather the slow, steady type of mind, endowed with common sense to a0 uncom- mon extent--a m : and to hank u . ® Sank win In the elect Mr, Robb wi tower of strength to his party, He had not that often fatally facile elo- uen The United States can afford to] reer. Fuh irises easily. above an authetic note, s cancel its war debtors' obligations. | realism, and og: vearf, There are some consolations in living In this neighborhood even it the coal bill is high. ---- Gommerrial Frinting Bepurtment British Whig Bldg. Phone 2614 Kingston, Ontario Since it is eliminating liquor from its advertising columns, Punch should go the full Jength of consist- sncy, and 'change its name, says the Toronto Globe. Make it Punchin', Punchean or Pun-gent! tern, 'authority that in- wd présentatives in Congress. The Can- adian board can advise the Govern- ment and provide it with data, dbut ther the board nor the Govern~ inaugurate any taritf po. the approval of parlia- It misht or might not be good busi- ness, or good policy, but the nation is rich 'enough to stand it, even if it were 'a nistake, is a comment of af United States writer. , a -- Archbishop Tharnlce, Sault Ste. Marie, steps aside, after a notable to express | velopment of the Alberta min career. He was a cnltured scholar, a christian gentleman. He contri- { Buted much; says the Cobalt News, to the development of Northern Ons tario, and the influence for good) 'that : far beyond the confines of his ae- tivities on behalf of his own church. There are four formeryprémiers of provinces: in the néw Dominion house. 'Néw Brunswick has two, Flemming (Conservative) 'and Ves noit (Liberal). Saskatchewan has Dunning (Liberdl) and Alberta has Stewars (Liberal). Ontario slipped a cog and missed fyling @& former | premier----Drury. oc Fen % The movement under way for years past to make Canada independent of foreign coal supply, means (he de- vel ning in- | dustry on a large scale. Many times Spired confidence and respect. Un. Questionabdly,. too, the Robb budget was a ous factor. in the poll- . Spain Puts Up the Bars. Gacéta de Madrid: A royal decrée es | Bives loglalative effect td" the recom- 4 | mendations of the Council of Na+ » an , the com try ave Mm ered ra A any event, 'men like: Robb are heeded in : ke James ha has exercised. has hden felt} teat . " (Ottawa Journs A convict accused ote 8 murder of a guard in Kingston penitentiary Was put on trial yesterday four Jury waa selected, the evi: dence was taken, the lawyers made their addresses, the Judge summed up and gave the case the jury and the verdict was retafned. It was a tribute fo RU tistoncy _ | market tional; my {un regard to meas- ures to be adopted for the immedi- |! ! ate protection of Spanish industries, | Under the decrees in: question tariff protection and other asaistance will be afforded to agricultural, cotton, iron and steel, and other manufac. turlag companies. The importation for foreign wheat is prohibited. A committee is to be set up to control the production and exportation of | cotton yarns and textiles, and assist- ance will be given to the export trade in these goods by means of long-term credits and cash subsidies, the funds for the latter being pro- vided for out of an import tax on raw cotton, Fy -- Protects Steel Industry. Hamburger Fremdenblatt: Nego- tiations in international iron and production are an itievitable re- 1t of the cartel movement in. the German heavy industry, in so far this movement with its extinction of competition on the Germad Irom -------- ae R YOUR LAUNDRY WORK SKN US. Ter WORK AND FROMFE ERVIOR. | whys txb tmapactigy