T ATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd the gentl fro b % It blesseth him who es a hi wht saseives: os tebeaoath, Fain tom heaven : oy Merchant. of Venice, ESTABLISHED 1874. {roc | [8 ATRICK Art and Flower Store | "oes 'PHONE 1841. #8 BROCK STREET Pa i [MeKELVEY & BIRCH, Limited | [=i-mma g Bring your pina WATCHES _ particularly § Quebec Heaters, Quebec Cook Adorn an Oil Burners hose With @ithéElawsep or small seconds hand fa S : Stoves, Happy Thought Ranges; | give perfect satisfaction. Buy Seetaty s M ITH con oO s are the best values in Stoves that | yours to-day, Ne Morg shoveling. JEWELERS, LIMITED your money canbuy, « « = ofcoal. . . . iw t 1860, 350 KING STREET 4 65-71 Brock St. | Kingston, Ont. Carload of Basket F ruits at AMODEQ' 3 . JOHN LAIDLAW SON = D ependable Stoves 4 Peaches, Pears and Plums. FURNITURE and : Limited ; A : and Heater S "Phone 776 and we i : UNDERTAKING 170 Princess Street ST is ECRLUGNT STOCK. : PRECIATE THES® SPLENDID VAL IN TOR~ ly First Class Motor Equip- KINGSTON + ONTARIO - | TOISE COOKERS AND HEATERS. | Parker and Wa : ment in the City. Bi : AGENCY Y PINDLAY BRO CELEBRATED . : Fountain Pang and P, cil 5 / we | t= ro wh Stevenson & Hunter FW. Coates' Towsliy! 85.87 PRINCESS STREET 3 158 PRINCESS STREET Purest ci m : nis rl ESo1.00 hs ; | | _ WE DON'T WANT ALL THE BUSINESS Pa shold On Sata i y Only, 2 25 Ost | BUT WE WOULD LIKE YOURS 03 ' ane is ee ; meas cnn x sins, see hen univ, and 4 Soir. Stuns Stymie: Springs in all © "PHONE 333, at the REXALL Store. . FAIR TREAT oH 311 PRINCESS STREET, GETON, ONT. A : We cary fll ine of