Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1926, p. 13

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Jon iato the oR amendment- retreshi real at a little on Canadian he hasn't a high opinion so far as A 1s They were once silent in lon and distillation, feed- now they are hum- Thay are con- ng boots and or Female Help Wanted Sa r. abd | tel AMBETIDD MEN AND WOMEN $10 fo £39 lly made . on any attermoon a 3 WOMAN--To travel and ts. Yeariy guarantee a--dh $21 yesaki} average), E CeSSArY. EI sr CA A th write Winston Br. MH and wish Sad ih ds Lo Bd beres = hr a - time to YT Sor amin of 3s Deritul --4 A young married oral tributes n ey one 2 a or En Sr --------. PA As housekoeper. y Mrs: vers, cio. Mrs. Parks, Gen. Del, Lost Bnd Yound 1 Napanee, Ont. A ------------------------------ mm---- UNTAIN PER-Found M eVOR= | SPOVES---.And pi ut up, rebeicked TE Dotwoen MACK and cosh oR Streets. b cemented and cieaned out, xlse fur- a. pay have. Sine ®- 4 BACAS made ready for winter, Apply evening. Box V-29, Whig Office. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and' Flats T A ---------------------------------------------------------------- mchIsuED APARTMENT .. For o P hardwood floors, grate Street op ¥iglalty Albert and Union Streets. Tele : phone 1355-J. Bere Business aces s ---------- A SB a ----. wee | CORNER SUITABLE---For butcher shop "=Will make alisrations to'suit tenant. Apply 69 Patrick Street. soos riefleld & \ Owner an 's 'Bicycle Wor sum left basket. Please communicate with Box 33, Catarequi. tee e---------------------------- TWO KEYS---On string. found. Owner AY have same at 17 Nelson Street. asm Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Houses 9 BRICK HOUSE-. 263 Wellington St, Boeth of Princess, 7 rooms, plece electricity, Y . Poases frst Apply 401 Joyn- Son. 'Phone 874-). HOUSE To LET--Semi-bungalow. Also Tes for sale. Apply 17% Pine ANYONE SELLING-Or wanting to sell Greeting Cards should see or write us immediate Can ohrried with other lines of ly. Will in- CL Joa pay. y manu-~ Master Craft Card o.. Toronto. I ------------------------ 7 ROOMED HOUSE---Sixth Street, new- 1y decorated, electric light, 3 piece Bath and furnace. Rent $25.00 per month, also house on Cowdy Street, § rooms, electric light and toilet. Rent 316.00. Apply H. F. Norman, Patrick trest. FURNISHED HOUSE-.TO let for wine ter. Convenient! wmmefits, hardw oor, furnace, gfty. Cheap t6 careful tenant. 284 Queen Street. 'Phone 1995-w. TWO OR THREE ROOMS For light dag, on University Avenue od with hot water. Gus, electri- 'Phone 457-L TO LRT--House, 133 Wellington Street, recently newly decorated; modern in every way. Immediate pussession. Al- 80 furnished house in frst class condi- tion, Ia best location. Apply at 6% Clergy street. eee eben. TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS--On + use of gas range for ping, with private fam- phone 1201-w. EE -- ------------------------------ BOYS warreg -- To sell Se) snd Papers. Special ures. ar- old J Smith, Barrack King Streets. MAKE MONEY AT HOMB-Jen and ah can e&rh $1 to $2 am hour in ¢ time writing showoarda N assing or soliaitlhy d supply you wi >. & Me: 21 Dominion SHART BOY «= As dri small parcels with quiet references required TAP at Ander city. aon Female Help Wanted 3 De aes I housework. No| 7: Apply by Tw Tels HOUSE--347 Brock Street, Jet, electric light, goa. hot ent $35. nace, 3 Jitce bath, water Apply 348 Brock Street. Ph aia oe ne 1153s od [anar washin, or ron 3 quired. Apply 337 Johnson Street. GENERAL SERVANT--APply 240 Fron tenac Street. : HOUSEMAID---Referonces required. in ti & A Bh "olen Troe ae Stet RELIABLE MAID-For general house work. References ARRly Brock Street, near LE 1760-m. = a meres------ ee. WOMAN-For general housework. Aps ply Box No 38 Nupanes, Ont. Olassifted Display W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance. "Phone 2051 Cainp: le oes. Apply §6 Wel near Union or 'phone ROOMS Good locality, renning water, in each heated. Reasonable terms. nr Street, corner Frogienac. MOTORCYCLE Twin, running order, Song. cheap. . 1921J or apply 268 ellington st eee eg. ONE LARGE Room and kitchenette, Bh s Baht ana 83s Furnished. Tele. Soon. Clean. furnished rooms og as bedrooms o housekeeping.» Apply 79 Quen Brant SSSR eSEIRE. ADDY 79 Queen Street. --OMS....F or 1 h 7 at ariel couple Kesping. convenience, ; Apply 357 Bagot Direct C10: gaa Also FARN OX SHARES--Of about 100 acres Ap ote liam Whiteman Benes ee rugs. so kat Turk's Store 3 fish. Bat I ha to confess tha; on recent visit to Montreal fumes | strong driik I found on street co Sad other conveyances and at th deors of saloons, and in tourt rooms | the evidences were glaring. "There is nothing like that here," I sald. les Lanctot, K.C., ass Attorney-General of the Pro of Quebec, sailed yesterday for . He will to lead us and he is a patriotic sup- porter of the constitution. Three cheers for Rimi™ ted, all Imprave. | ee RESIDE #CB«-Brick ven. 3 ; ry Tin a fal WELL, MOU- GOT YOURSELF NTA A NICE MESS AINCHA, HUM? "THN TM A MILLMUMAIRE DO YA-HUH? WARE DO YA THINK Br pes AN! A HAFFS T'BE A AUTA "THESE HINDA PICKLES, HURT ANSWER ME THAT! JS LIK COMMON "TRAMP L SERVE VA IF 10 LET UM OROWN'D YA ~4oud LEARN SUMPN'! AINCHA SHAMED O HOURSELF ~HUH? AINCHA? es 5) RS ti, OAD CRRA RIAXANY Articles For Sale RN CS tT is - Miscellaneous 15 $200 | ANDIRONS --- Fenders, fire gcresns-- Easy | everything for fireplaces. Partridge ' Wire and Iron Works, plating in sil- le fea aus] ver, nickel, etc, King St. "Phone $80. ly under cultivation, 200: ACRES--Partly Fermoy district, good timber, which| A NUMBER-Of Boys' and Girls' Used may sold Apply John! Bicycles; also t $1.96 and tubes Jennings, Cole Lake. z ires he. - Apply Muller's, 371-373 King Business Piaces 13 one 196i-w, BUGHY AND C ett ttnnsieasssniecssitrieinat | TO BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE-Mod-| 27 Russ ernized house being conduéted as suc . Farms and Land BUILDING LOTS-- Alfred Street, edoh. Adelaide Street, $135. terms. - Apply §1 Brock Street. N-------------------- ---------------- For sale. Apply ell St. © ul ing establishment, is for UTTER] "Phone 3007. sale. Dectase of father cause of re- BINOCULAR Military field glasses. ; value win io Ap, Ng, Bit Terrier Pups, , Collle Pup, Bost uller ig Kennels, hone 1981-w. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE -- With a aa) at 43 Ki g Street Wet and at ie at & flock of ens: HORSE-.S Fears ol, sound, good ar or, about 1,000 lbs. Will Mery for & Rood delivery horde. Apply to-Dr. rence between 1.30 and 5.00 p.m. or by appointment. We will rent y . dollar per month ha at t; wi sell for $80. 'hone 1265-7. teehee ee BRICK---8toc ressed. R wire cut, Putlabes tile and drain tile. A -------------------------------- BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED--| male Spaniel P a frame, terma. Terrier. Mull 8, ivé rooms, modern, gar-| Kg St. 5 month, central Pri Ho semirbungalow, 1 rooms: . 0. 351 Prinoses Street. 'Phone 1189-7. R BW. MULLIN Real and Insurance Broker Sy Division - Zeiss, 10X Te $300. ishing business. sabeth Cunningham, Gananoque, Houses 14 A. Neal, 624 Johnson St. "Phone 3041. FOR SALE-Two Fox bls frame, improvements. Sade or exchange. Jouses and stores to ren urance, A to aa ; RS 'Phone 53%-w. Bee Advi Page 3 1.TO at ration NEW, SIX ROOM RU LOW - 13 00, tn, for Y Ne. il 50 ¥ 0 No. 18 Toronto for sale Elm street, third of Alfred. Apply, 383 Vieto: . ik THRER FIELD--Of standing silo corn, extra on bh Tound. , Botley dill Bayh bh 1 Prone r R TENT 9 x 13-Also 303 Sport} Rifle, Apply 365 Barcie Street. ng Nine Furniture Cheap Quick sale. Cook, of Toronto SRR Fa 5 00! $ pieces bath Fake and garage. -------- oom FURNITURE-. Antiqu furniture sold an Bogen ar Toler Aghia for time. teman, 111% $07 Prin AR ae Diop successors to Auto Tops and L 6 PADL~ hed: Bide Coveaing. Ao fine" ana Sines, made to it, * 8 1 Fuel andl Feed I-38 "Tramps who beg I North Side polices sta to" prevent its being stolen by-fel- ? low lodgers. OR; woltwoed slate: $500 Herd I VIP da est BR C. 'Bruton, Wetinsn GO TO TALBOTS LonnEn ¥. $ re yo "amber Te -- -------------------------- ORY S FRACUTIONER WW. corner hears, and Prin. e, Ear, Nose, Thro: 8S. Bagot Straet. Phone 301% Hox MARGARET E. FE Piano. "Pupils prepar: C Slee | arranged. 'Phony rN ComBarriste lo SER Se a SHEA--A ------------------ ros, BA, Dartister HER SLE ECA to 1988. Ere STORAGE--For furniture, hy airy rooms and spaces; 0 and Key. Frost's Ci ge 308 Queen St. 'Phone or 133i-J. BOYD'S STORAGE WwW. furaiture or any proot bullding. "Pi Trenafet, and 2516-M. BATTERY SERVICE -- Atwater: | Rogers Batteryless:; Fads Neu { Crosley--the bes: lines At better Easy terms. Upen nights. Radio Stores. Business Services " mxpert Flas Tuniag Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHULSTERING--ARd general ropa Leave orders At ur arop 8 F. W. Hares) 104 Clergy SE 'hone 1600 -J. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY and --aaketh of Auto, Bugsy. a ushions. Coupe bodies. California holstering. Awnings 347 King street. 'Phone ears' experience. Dr. Elme: ut 2046. NE---Teacher of for user St. TPRORE ET 3 ens. - - CHTUPE-= 1915 m 4 lent condition, for y le. RE ts and Bly BM. leockett, 116 Princess Str B Dag atin t Ree A. E. Day, Adrian L Revelie.| OVERLAND SEDAN--One four 206. Hie a, The Shes . 80! n Kingston" D Garage. 'Phone 3884. © broperty. | FORD TOURING--Car, 1933 model, lik new: & great bargain. Act le! Bos, Apply liy's on city farm ond 28509. GO hone Personal BOARDING HOME FOR SMA 'Wanted, - Apply Box U-28, ce. ! Y : You may purchase CATS on the easy payment. ¢| All these cars are ) ES |TDAYS'TRIAL ait rwa for a number of years be- a a he was appointed to the posi- in 'Court. House, :

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