find a complete stock of Text Books, : Queen's Stationery, Fountain Pens at $35 Wristlets we can recommend Gruen has now perfected the Sew wrist ah can y recommend at this price, This is made possible by the special Gruen movement con. struction which allows greater 'sie 'and strength of parts. } $35 Gruen Wristlels are now available in a choice of several smart designs in heavy white reipforced gold cases, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. SEE US. BEST WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE. s=THE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY--- SERVICE AND SATISFACTION WE CALL AND DELIVER. CREER » Proprietor. Phone 66. | { which I Joyceville. STORRISGTON- PARR = HELD AT INVERAR A Large Attonda ce--Three : Horse Races--\QGirls' Softball Game. Inverary Fair, which fs always one of the feature events for Stor- rington township, Was held on Wed- Resday afternoon. with a very lar] has _»2 neople dn attends 8 fair is looked forward & Breat deal of interest as it 18 the one time each year that many People from the surrounding coun- try gather and have an opportunity Of "Comparing notes" as it were. The programme which was ar ranged by the directors was very 800d and consisted of trials of speed, two baseball -games, military sports and a tug of war. The Judging was commenced Shortly after dinner and by three O'clock the large building which is used for the vegetables, ladies' Work; domestic science, etc. was thrown open to the public, The Dumber of the entries was about the Same ay last year, but in some to with classes they were a great deal better. | The Inverary ladies who have always been noted for being good cooks cer- tainly ved up to their past reputa- tions, Judging from the display of Dies, cakes, ate., which were on ex- "hibition, -- A Very Sto; The drawing coWlest which had been expected to be one of the fea- tures of the fair did not turn out as well as expected, on account of there being only one entry. Two stone boats were loaded with granite bold- ors, which weighed in the neighbor- hood of five tons and the team own- ed by Robert Dixon, Sunbury, the only entry, moved them along the ground. He was given the prize of Team. Three Races Held. During the afternoon three trials of spéed were held and there was keen competition in eagh class. The Classified race <vas won by Charles i} Stokes, Glenburnte, who carried off three heats. In the third and final the winner got a very bad start but Mr. Stokes showed good judgment in the handling of his horse and made up los; ground and passed under the Wire first. The race was as follows: || Forest Queen, Charles Stokes, Glenburnie 1 Nellie Murphy, Charles Perry, Inverary .... Jerry Wilkes, Kingston Paddy, -Harold Kiel, ville AA. Running Race. At the request of many in attend- ance the committee in ebarge of the rades. arfanged for & Funning Thce, was 'won by Farmer "Girl, owned by B. C. Cumpsan, Inverary. The heats finished: Farmer Girl, B.C. Cumpson Inverary Inverary _| Black Dan, Inverary Mrs, Howard Arthur, Inverary, was the winner of the race which "| Was open to lady drivers, Mrs. Har- old Haftner, who drove the horse owned by Harold Kiell, Joyceville, was second. The officials were: Starter, T. K. Nicholgon, Kingston; judges, Major C. V. Bishop and Carlton Harte, Kingston, and Alfred Franklin, Perth Road Won. The Perth Road girls were the || winners of a very closely contested gam$ of soft ball by a score of 11 ¢o 10. Lillian Stoness, Perth Road, was credifed with a'home run. The game Was one of the features of the alter- noon, . The teams were: Perth Road--Bleanor Stonness, o: Lillian Stoness, p; Mildred Slack, 1b; Luella Slack, 2b; Carmel Rous- horn, 8b: Doris Guthrie, If; Bessie Brewer, ss: Annie Puttenkam, cf; Thelma Ennis, rt. Sunbury----Bileen Marshall, pe Margaret Sharpe, of; Lillian McDon- ald, ss; Doris Gordon, Pi Biste Dixon, ¢; Amenda Campbell, re. Amenda Gibson, 1b; Dgtothy Dixon, 3b; Madeline 3a trip through northern New J a; C. RH ock Hodgins, if; B Perry, of. L ? (Fa s-- Me tent Pegging contest which Was put on by a number of the men of the RC.HA., Kingston, wag very much appreciated. In addition to the Pegging the men all did indiyid- ual acts of Rorsemanship. , A. J. Garrett, Roy Ewing, F. Holmes, T. Arthur, T. O'Nell, M. Stover, Charles Sleeth, Phil E4- wards, 8. Knight, C. 0° Drader and H. Lyon. g The jpdges were: J. L. McGowan, Alex. B. Wilson, Henry Allen, BE, Li Vickery, Mrs. James Bates, - Mrs. Wilter Mind. The directors in charge of the dif- ferent classes were: Horses, Charles Sleethi eattle, ¥, Holmes; sheep and swine, T. Arthur; grain and vege- tables, F, 8. Ferguson; ladies' work; Roy Ewing; poultry, Willtam Leath- erland. . or ---- Western Travellers Take the Cana. disn National 9.00 Pm. Train The "National," the fast Canadian National train, which prior to Sep- tember 25th left Toronto at 9.45 p.m. for Winnipeg and the Pacific Coast, now leaves Toronto xt 9.00 Pm. daily for Winnipeg, where ex- cellent connections can be made for all western points. The "National" is the "convenient train' in every way----time of de- partire, attentive services and high quality of equipment. Everything is provided to make a fast trip com- tortable. Full Information and resérvations may be obtained at City Ticket of- fice, Canadian National Railways, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Phone 99 or 2837. 'Norman Conley Has Exciting Experience When Auto Hung Over Bridge. Wolfe Island, Sept. 29.--The threshing is nearly completed and the very wei weather made it ex- tremely bad for stook threshing. The few farmers who drew their grain into the barns had reason to con- gratulate themselves this season. Xi Corn is a wonderful crop standing ten and twelve feet tall. to crop, though a good sign of rot. . Carl Laughlin is disposing of his farm stock and implements by pub- Ie many e him are glad to know he has red a lucra- tive position in the U.S.A. At 8-u'clock Wednesday morning, The pota- yield, shows 1! Miss Gertrude McGlynn and Edward Buggey, Rochester, NY, quietly married in the Sacred were i Heart church here and aft immediately on York before taking up residence in Ro- chester, : Oliver Hawking is hauling mater ial Preparatory to building a large Store house on the lot which 'Ne re- cently purchased from Edward Kelly. A large number of residents have been vaccinated owing to small pox Naish has been prevented in this dis. triet., Jack Bricelan J. J. Conley's. A number from here attended the funeral in Kingston on Monday of the late James Norris who was well and favorably known here, Nya who has recently from Kelvington, to, -| visiting at 8. Wheeler's hea installed some very up-to-date equipment in the Wolfe Island cheese factory which now over fifty patrons Sed Jeremiah Taylor has had so. d- erable trouble lately with dogs chas- ing and killing his sheep. Mrs. Fred Wright 'leaveg this week Both! Head, who have been rich, Gananoque, evening. A large number and Miss Haynes received lot of gifts. Miss Hayres has always been oné 'of the best workers among the young People of Christ Church, and as she will 'make. her home in Oshaws, stter her. marriage #°9th prox., she will be much missed. Miss Haynes has also been closely identified with the musical activities here, and has lent her ser- vices frequently to worthy causes in the community. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brocklesby Davis, of Hamilton, announce the pugage- ment of het elder daughter Rosa Brocklesby to Mr. J. Ronald McMur- only son of Dean and Mrs. J. Playfair McMurrich, Tor- onto. The wedding will take place in Hamilton on October 16th. John Hargraft brought his mother Wa from Cebourg on Tuesday lass and they will occupy the dePencier residence on Market street for the winter, Miss Forbes Allen, who has been visiting friends in Napanee. for the past couple of weeks, Is expected home today, Quite a number od the dance day evening, A pretty September wedding was that of Miss May Leakey, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leakey, Victoria avenue, and George, eldest son of Mr. apd Mrs. George Grice, Wellington street. The ceremony from here attend- at Collin's Bay on Tues- took place at the home of the bride's | Parents and was performed by the Rev. C. E. Kidd. The bride who was given away by her father looked very lovely in a gown of white crepe de chene, with rhinestone trim- mings. Little LilNan Leakey, sister of the bride made a very charming flower girl. ' After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served after Which the happy couple left for To- ronto and Pontiac to spend their honeymoon. The bride travelled in a becoming gown of green satin with coat and hat to match. Upon 'their return they will be at home to their friends on First street. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl peck- lace and to the flower girl u ring. A magnificent Rolls Royce arrived In Gananoque last evening from Montreal en route to Toronto, the party being registered at The Pro- vinelal. The car is owned by Mrs. Patterson (Toronto Hardware Com- pany), who has been touring the continent since last April; Miss Martha Nalon, who has been visiting friends in Watertown, N.Y.. arrived home on Monday, called here by tks illness of her brother Mich- gel, who is now convalescing nicely. * Joseph Amo, Ottawa, who has been away from Gananoque for up- wards of thirty years, arrived here recently and will probably remain for the winter at least. He is ag pre- sent staying with his sister, Mrs. W. J.' McDonald. --ir-- LAST OF THE TOURISTS | They will save you time, labor, money and add beauty and charm to your home, Rows BS ¢ To Th CHESTERFIELD WEEK | 2 € new season brings new home things--| ing at the Autumn styles in Furniture, i Neienon au. mit ae Saoors and dis are making ¢ among premium Presentations, : DISTRIBUTORS FOR SNYDER'S "SANL-BILT.* JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Invalid Coach. "Phone 147 for HAVE LEFT CLOYNE| Picture Show Qiven by the Fire Rangers Was Suc- » cessful Event. Cloyne, Sept. 28.--The weather is very cold and frosty. Garden. stuff is all in and the order of the day with. the women is making pickles and preserves. Teachers are again at their duties in the three different schools as fol- lows: 8.8. No. $, Marble' Lake, Miss Marion Chamberlain, of Oakville; 8.8. No. 2 upper, Miss Inda Harn. dem, of Frankfort; in 8.8. No. 1 lower, Miss Jean Farnell, of Ripley. They are doing everything to the best of their ability for the uplift of both the children and school. Mrs. D.' Woods, who has been time, returned to her home at 'Ful ton, N.Y, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. Froats and moth. for some| | er, Mrs. N. MacNickle returned to] their home after a few days' visit 'with Mr. Harry Leven, of Cloyne. The latter and wife returning to Ni- agara Falls and Buffalo with them. Mrs.*J, Head and family, also Mr. and Mrs. - B. Augerman aad Bil home here, but returned to Buffalo a week or so ago. Mr. Morton Cum- mings was & guest at Mr. and Mrs: William McCausland's, | 4 Apes