Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1926, p. 11

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Friday, October 1, 1926. _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG thy ret 1 ---------------- eee -- - - ---- - o. - ---- . t-------- ie ------------ i er Shee rn " -- - AMUSEMENTS || | stock MARKETS | _ AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About' ee | Ae - 2 Ford Tourings, 1918 Erie Catuing Attractions roe jobaston & Ward tora Bar ains | 1 i . Tne: Faioncy : : ava ne | corner King and Clarence | Streets, Ford Tor 026 i MARIE POEVOST AT THE CAPITOL {members of the Montreal! and Toronto . ri 5 y ¥ ¥ ) lg gE Exchar ) : Pi Y oor | i 1. "Up In Mabel's Room" is a' Laugh Sto Eehanpus : 5 : With grey lacquer Anish, gon | ' > IN fontreal Tires. i] 1 abt ot Oyo Montreal. 3 S Oot meer doeles PIB Some of . these cars are reposses- | new star comedy Up In. Mabel ata Power" ' 496% vs 'Bale to bé held at WILLIAM |} - -- Room" with splendid success at the Aghestos, © RRAY'S AUCTION ROOMS AT 12, ROO' 3 Capitol theatre yesterday. This. is 2. 73 - pitol Lt Asbestos da. : NOON SATURDAY, at which time the | ~ OS as aorta of Heiman Teiep y 1 lot of fine Felt and Velour Hoe terms of sale shall be given out. ~ ARRISON Ford r . : 1 i i ot ghest grade and Harrison Ford | Braztitan : 1181 re ul r: 4 t Sale P Bris HAVER Phylils Haver who are featured , g a $ o $7. Maybell Beauty m he supporting cast, are delightful | © : a Parlor | MON, TUES., WED Jiu ther respective salen, | L008 Be: ata ug $9. "9 S ; sth. Prid : 107 - hip Bout Fremeh Marcel Waving, Halr Bobs World's Championship Black chemise. Upon its appearance | and Tri . i yo aa Trimming, Se eeoome. 1 TUNNEY DEMPSEY {and disappearance reputations are Yi. East. 'Phone 3011-J. || made and lost, and . romances are In Addition t6 Regular Features fostered or wrecked. It all arose i CS ------------------ verre peer . 1 lot of Velvet, Silk and Satin Combi-" i over the fact that Mabel divorced Mackey : 0 id nations, all colors. Special Price = her husband, then waited piraad " i hy i him -k. So she takes the chemise National ries, com 89. § hie? eas? | 1 h Garry had given her. on National Br ries, pid = $, g iH i« embroidered "Mabel from Ont. St | Produ § ! . 400 Any Place | x ;arry" and threatens to expose Penman '7 ® {I O Garry a: any minute--after Garry Price Bros vi 3 ' in the City Hi at y 3 Phone Bc yi KINGST N has kept his marriage and divorce Quebex Power A | i cocret and later become engaged Smelters 24% : Godkins' Livery i This Afternoon at 3 te her girl out of spite! When Spagish River, com 7 322 | To-night aL 8 it | Mabel. Garry, the chemise and Re al River 11%" 3 Brock St. Y LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI ~ | ' > remainder of the, characters all are Steal of Canads 3 > combtery Gaby Bus to Cataraau | ff invited to the same. housa party, a Twin City 5 : "I Between Barrie and Division Streets 7 except Monday and Sat- | jj creamingly funny mix-up results. | Winnipeg 2 pom. Special tes for motor » l "hao : Perites to the country. - The comedy is excellent and there is ai-- i aan : L 188% QUEEN STREET a laugh in every scene. | New York. is R_ PHONE 316 it dai i Oct. 1 3 : : | AUSTRALIANS GIVEN 1:= c= i rs Fusstove: | PREDN OF TE ONY CL iby SPORT NEWS| At Elliott's Barber She } 8 {otors t banner in th g- Four serie » The Members of Celebrated | Hudson \LOLOTS y : t Walkerville on ' lay | this f hile there is no tell ii class, Sanitary, 856 Princess Street. "Phone 821.w AUSTRALIAN Band Are Given a Royal | Inter, Comb. Eng : : ; f red hot ham Poliased mine wha ou ' day' / ae Hat Dee Faris il | Welcome. Inter ckel } By : , ~ ve 8 be, itss certain th t- i} -- ing and Shampoeing. or a NATIONAL mie 5 TMack Th 108% | De RE ee tie fort SENS ¢ teF Years of experience. The 'members qf the Australian |(" _. 7 . toot: again Hogtown an in in va. Dat cd ts the minute i F* CHECKER BAND Band arrived Friday. moming via |NOeOSEn PAUL «7 RL nave been rained to the minute 01 ff Fred Sinclair 'Taxicabs the C.P.R. from Ottawa and were Pan. Al 370 PRINCESS STREET H.A. band, under Plerce ATTow 28° : 85 ARG NE I Dpposite } MCA, Any piace In eity " | Radio 6 8 OFFICIALS NAMED. 25c DAY OR NIGHT The eab that Jucten the prices dow pr GE -- od mummy "From the Land of the jj ™° oe 3 : er a " apt re JAght, and Mayor 0s . a aa fin ¢ t The offic {for na i Kangaroo. Angrove. The train arrived at the non Pacafk . AG 2 | Cusan's --a - be | awa ' " poe. A : ir Od 9 3 'n's e announced heir cl s on the field at| Walroth, Falibrook spent Sunday at Wonderful Band | station at 8.40 o'clock and after the ps 2d. Oil of NJ y B . we reféres will be | n n Qt nw on Saturds fy alrot} rand Mrs. A. RES men 'had breakfasted at a local hotel Brilliant Soloists they were officially welcomed at 10] lock. 1» Studebaker ie . B83 } Meara of tia e judge of ternoon ne $ .ildren spent a day ia Texas Ofi 2 . 54% | Panet of Kingston ang atey © | roronto las; week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Guite a crowd gathered. to wel- | Anne, visited at J. Popular Prices: come the visitors expecting fo hear| ' o . uy ed J Se 4 3 cot od Mrs. Floyd Allen, All new ana paseense Sedans | $1 00, 50c., 25c¢. the music of Jus famous band. U s-| TT OLE 2 4 f ALBE of Be oll 1¢ : ill 'be we hate ve hese: 1 RY wamitt pent hr week and fortunately t instruments conic : Ee g os} E . ep . aio x vith rs. J d r . Ee Special i Dollar seats may be reserved pot-be-see | ; 3 the scholastic jel d for the course oh wil \ ag 1! ds | ' : not secured from the train atthis{. ing friends in '. fensnnsm mmm | at C. W. Lindsay's. ime. The R. C. H. A. band, however | . : : E ; his season ; : at 8 isading the parade, rendere d very | i Sts pS Ee > : is ,omson. Kingston, N.Y., 18 : Special ( 'hidren's Matinee at 3 : aM j ¥ Megla Cadet Peter Fair o aa ; son's N Travel the Motorway Between p.m. Special Matinee prices: Ste Mateh sigetiony; ye route of | NEWS, OFF THE WIRES Won the Mile 5 Aik it n . . smd Nun 2 A on 9 © marc was up Brock street to Mill 1 are spend Adults 25c., Ohtidren 10c. Ry, ; 1 IN CONDENSED FORM Otawas Warn of a ; . aCe | \i1.v in Toronto, Mr. andl Mrs. G4 Wellington, to Barrie, to Pfincess " | Kingstonad | to the Armourles re -------- Vara Rugby Balle] [aaa Peres Farr of KIEGSion Wom [aa oe I) i - eter SC > Toxo r Angrove o addressed the men | The Ir roational H ti inal my 1 id over th : n } Bell 11 of both bands at the station, wel- | ex-service men meet at 1eve Ottawa, Oct. 1 11 be a "hi ¥ i pt matse in ty 4 Mrs Cantrell, Oxtord evil e ! PAT LYSTER coming the vis rs to Kingston, and | COT de mn war noid" Ottawa twel t will f fharaddy: al Cadet Fait Miil t a few days with friends Leaving Randolph Hotel daily | | TEACHER OF PIANO siving them tho freedom of the city. | © Isti h' wate his-| ya Tricolor on ve Me-| who A Company | Yr. Cantrell took chatse of the ders (Sunday included) 8 a.m. and 3 a ME Coto | The mayor spoke of the various his | tor id to ha en caught! h the valuable assistance of | won at ARalGEL. ERE thal lS para) evening in the An- 2.80 p.m. Leaving Belleville lion He art] Bg | torteal and educational points of then the Ohi iver . th : Do Da t Their many friends thne. : Yiller and Quaile Method city, and invited the men to visi Three Italians, smuggled into De-| oy a and Hard on She v weed to see them. It has bee Afternoon Bus connecting 78 Gore Street. 'Phone 1657 |! any of these places with him. troit. will. be deported by the immi-i tl eaY the red white and mile ir 1 decided to build a new United with Picton Bus at. 6 p.m. | The Australians were under the | gration authorities ' or A . nirch. The old church will be torn Buses for chactee off who ~ very bird changes it feathers command of V. J Beacroft, general | Senate of the Pung pi . Tee isla- mii -- ---------------- GOW iA at least once a. year manager and I. H. Baile, musical {ture favors "complete 'mCept 1d-| pETERS-ATTWGOD NUPTIALS. AT SHARBOT LAKE ire. H. Graham and daughlen ___{lairector. Both men, speaking to el nce' for the Islands | ------------ FT Kingston, at her/fathers. L. Kielhas A ttt eA at Ae 1 Whi ig, referred to the fine receptions | Haldane Millar, 6 7 for 40 years Marriage Took Place on Sept. 14th Late Harry Bargent--New Church to \ Buell spent a few days In they have been receiv everywhere | ONE of the leading lawyers in Ot at' Brooke. Be Built General Hospital Kingston, 1} they have been in C Ee They said | tawa. died Wednesday Brooke, Oc (ws. A marriage took Sharbot Lake, Sej Soe. Harpy] TUSK having his tonsils removed. |B :hat the hospitality of the 'C anadians | Ho n. P. J. Veniot understands the, 1,.a on Sept 14th © y Thom Sargent ABs pes ly away rs. I. Bourk is visiting friends ; was one thing thay they did not al-| Duncan commissi jon report is highly! yo Peters -and Miss Julla All nday I ft a short 7 | Glenvale 257 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHC wi 1283-m. |[| ways find elsewhere. The travelling | fav orable to the Maritimes + wood, of B6bs Lake, were, units in | ng nterment will take place ---------- scommodation and service too was4 The Bartel cabin has resigred. . .alock, in P i. by the Rev. } 5 and cemetery or 3 hon A: Brandon England, desc '& wonderful, according to these two at Warsaw, foll ng a vote of wan; ) ' Th bride dr room +3 tzen alse 441 4 voor | €nts of ancient fling shapers, ones : men. They also said that they have | of confidene the go iment ! mot 16 iB of the groom ealth flourishing industry. now #0 ' been' received .very-ent Nusiastically A special despatc h to the Toront + Thomas Truelove, wl ints tor the decoration of the § MANY NEW LINES FOR FALL at their performances, and have! e 1ays the Conservative. leade : \ was served to about Jrownscombe d children, | teriors of buildings FUR TRIMMED COATS--Velour, Suedine, Tweed, ete. Prices been encored agaln and again may be Th ymas Whi eta near f1 ' out | Toronto, a r . Reid's 7 once was the custom in Eng $9.95, $123.50, $14.50, $18.50, $22.50 up to $43.50. ia are investigat ei a og . wight and | Mr. andM rl Cann ngstor 4 10 employ sn official known 4 dei oases mr tht Ret ep Sp " he hef sf a $20,060 str { at ar ' 3 nizht 1 pent tl week-©1 t Dr dd v the ing Cock Crowes," t ---------- GEORGETTE DRESSES, $0.0 B5O--including Crepe de Chene Slips, { | pear < y 1 E 8 Woods : - y - ih 3 vated | Mr. and Mr 1 and Mr. and w' the tine of day during Len long sleeves and a fey sleeveless, | OBITUARY | ! Charles Davis is on trial at Aur Icing R Ral : at te r Daviz and children mi H yn wd near (WO 1 Mat Canton Dresses vrs. $7.95 and $0.30 ora. Ills. on a charge of givin ot) flowers, De d stre ' 5, chi in England y m Oversize Flat Canton Dresses up to size 50. . sn | Ry ear a charge o 8 Ag POI" | phe bride's + cakes wer at J. Bourke on S is 1 d iy 1 Flannel Dresses . . . : .e $1.49 and $4.98 R Stent 1 SUEAL 33 Fa. a horse marvel of beauty, each being tive ; wi ! ! n e, | to tt uffering from rhew Ottoman Cloth Dresses $3.08 | Marjorie Druce. i 1 x officials ¢ at t nigh Rt : Cotton Flannel Dresscs cians $2.25 and in over-sizes $2.49 4 A very sad death occurred at her Am ion Associatio i br ---- . ome 1 home on Alice street last might filiate with the Canadian I | statar : FOR SCHOOL GIRLS, 6 TO 14 YEARS-- when Marjorie Pansy Lapraik Druce,| = Tad Morgan ret ned the junior|y io peters Pretty Checked Cloth Dresses Se Jiae. 8249 {B| daughter of John James Druce, pass- | lightweight champlonship in a Bout]. 1ad4 as best Pleated Skirts of all wool Nayy Serge, with White Cotton {Hed away after a comparatively briet | with Click in New York Thursday] .¢ to the brid Camisoles . . Lo. 81.40 illness. Deceased was twenty-three. night the hide Knickers, Pleated, Navy Serge 0% .'e via $1.65 conrs and six months old She had Jury at Port Arthur co victed Pe & Red Red Flanpel ) Middies . . . cae . .. $1.98 |@ been a student, having duated | 1° Royhorn of manslaug? aris- NTI a from Queens Universit uring the ing out of the death of Ivan § jast ter She ' was weil Known sky Hamilton civié officials deci le to SILK SILK STOC OCKINGS, 89c. --Plain « or woven (not. printed) Checks; sub-standards (mostly small mend in sole or top but mot + im the silk). We never handle anything imperfect in Silk | I art the city ahd the news of} Hose, but these happened to be ¢ such unusual value that i ner death to-day created widespre i Lop the passage of Michael O'Leary we decided to make an exception. fom assortment of colors sympathy. to * his home _ ian Ireland and sizes. The funeral will take place onl I a is out of work { : A h P « _ Stik and Liste Checked Stockings, good fall weight we. BR Saturday 'afternoon' to Catar rqul re han oh a Silk and Wool Stockings 6c. and- 390: | cemetery. jo at r Fair, SILK STOCKINGS at... . CL... 49c.; 85¢., 98¢c, and $1.49 R : Toe t y | Large assortment of 'colors. . i BR | pov unds of butter fa; tour monThaE LISLE STOCKINGS, plain or ribbed . vet aan B 00. i ge Es Ribbed Cotton Stockings id queeN's vores | Black, Brown, White, Camel, Sizes 5 go 10. ol Vessel Movements. Extra strong. heavy rib © eto, Stren. black only, Sizes Rr * Port Dalhousie, Oct. 1.--Down 83¢. to 45¢. The freshettes af Queen's Unt- Glenfarn 12.30 pm. Tuesday: James varsity are now wearihig green tags Stawart 2.30; IL) 104, 430. Kener | with their names on them. The 7: Quebec 9: Fordonian 1 am freshmen, however, are not to welir Friday; Davie 3: Augustbury 4.380 helt, tam ubitil alter 1 special-meet | McCall 5.30; Warren 10; City at 98c. Oversize, short sleeves, 98¢. Oversize, Jong sleeves | thelt. tams umib 1 id EE jor hee SAE Preity at 81.49. Colored Flannelotte with silk a dens s1.es (BIE £6 be held on Oct. bth. The Aris Ottawa 11. White Flannelette N wane for Children, Pa 5 | wilh wear tams with red tassels, In canal.- down Nesbitt, 8 to ears. Soc. | Tafants, 9c. 2, 4, 6 years 30c. (RICO vedicine will wear biue apd | caivie. Onkion TWO PIECE PY w Botanic Yelto¥. E JAMAS, "85¢c.--Nieely made of good A speciald welcome ing tor | Checked Dimity, in a variety of pretty colors with contrast. tpeahmren 4s Deing held om Fro day] lug tetaing. Dyin of Colored Flanuelete rere BLES lafternoon at Queen's. i fa th Bt aks nS cy mbroidery .... a $1.19 3 rg has been in the dry dock of he Col lingwood Shipbul Company wi PRINCESS. SLIPS--Large, complete assortment of colors and (Hi Customs Returns. © | floated Friday Dimity | floated Frida 8.829 pounds of m 1 TAHIR THIER Fine Crepe . 82, 19, 82 WHITE ¥1 RITE IX IGHTGOW REE or Tohg sloeues' mei ah---- ¥ ei -------- Cape Trinity Floated. The steamer Cape Trinity, which , plain or with lace trimming 59¢. | ame customs returns at the porti poo had five new plat Dimity, shadowproof 83¢. Striped Satinette eu wn be. $ of Kingston for tha month of Sep- ee - Xe Lin 'Broadcloth 78¢. Silknit, shadowproof , |B tember are as follofés: and veral others cha Great variety of LADIES' UNDERWEAR at vemiarkably attrac- [J . Imporz Duties, $17,236.86; In {vi protabl y Sets in & } port Taxes, $3,708.72; Excise tax:s alter she.Bas been, pa # oN $7.42 3%: Excise Duties, $348 84 a eter ts . Shan . i -- RNA a { Buhdry llections. $67.82; - Total) ar-------------- Lady Fractures Her Lem. Mrs. F. W. Re' of Queen $28,885.99. The total for the month broke her arm on Thursday Pi k ( Y U ll! ot August was 329,749.40 DP rca o step ladder. on pent ed| ! a be. leva Was standing picking Leddt. Oo <4 Wis ic up a 00 S HE Prunes. Gages and Lombards. | balanced A: the Kingston Genoral as wi ¢ i weet bl 1 i kvald i Sanday Peach plumes, sweet blue plums, |poapital, Mas. Reid's arm was dot | Y ll otc. 600 large and small baskets for | .ng she ds oil , Patterson Lar heap | Saturday's sala at Carnovsky's Bay : James T B' wouam cwaine.- plano tuner | YE & : nday at 4 2 uner. | Mr TS. Col ad their ot % . . We haveseveral pect a 25 fioceases vocieud Sc 260 Gorey stron: > of Pulteney, N.Y iia ACCUSES AIMEE OF HOAX e eta to TO : 'phone S64w. {are spe the wish with "srs. Ea ag leinice Morris left v 2 iN tents. M Ne (aE Ph 2 nographer, was CREVROLES, | PONTIAC AND Jel AGLI HIER i | Newsboy fa St. Thomas found a Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johu inglist rs test yoad mat of the witn ast whose Testi haraes of conspith { purse containing a dollar bill ane | Friendsnty, Victoria street | pia) yy 11 two rand Lnenduce alsa avide: so ys : NAFges Of spiring' 1 «duce false evidence have been made against Aimee Sen q| sock it to the police station. so a | usin revolving machine on it: MeP He son evangelist re' immi labs . | Hear Mr. Charles Innes, Seqttten | Fancy Riberta Peaches. Decrease in marriages reported LL Re ) . : Iris, secrelary to a la svahgelist, Gospel Tabernacle $ pm | Big peaches packed in six quart]in Vieans where' there are 150.009; Wom Jk Mey : ed. dechared she heard her | toatght | baskets 78e. Big baskets $1.00] bachelors. ployer and the eval : : fictitious testimony PHONE 800, Jil! . sir George Rowland Blades was $1 28. Al} sound fruit at Car Downtown really eile im Miam Mrs. MePherson cidnapp she is shown here with vo | glected Lord Mayor of London, { poveky's. ' | was sold at a §4.000 per foo rate sister, Madge.

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