IRIE PREVOST in "UP IN MABELS ; ROOM" v8; : No. 230, ATATOR COMPLETES poTonrr A FLIGIT OF 28,000 MILES | tn] Cobham Given a Tremendous Tripraios Ivan Lands After His Sasational Flight to A . trae May Reese a Kaighiood rr Loudon, Oct. 1.--Alan } Cobham, Britain's leading long distance | here t ol 5 airived fay, com- iting his sensatio fifght $0 Australia and plans came to res bury House of Par p.m. while huge river for a great disian fifer a tremendous ove! No seroplane voyage * late Captain Sir Jo ideut; Brown of the al Atiaath Newfoundland to Clifton, Irelan aroused public rest equal /#hat* of Cobham's. The lat lap of his flight started from Sarrouville, 28000 mile His Water- at 2.26 sihg return a 'the r the e nes otk Air Force across the A gave the | the! and | 4, in 1919, { Paris, at 11.15 ng the compel " Kent 30th, the am. and whenc a file Tham Gravesend arwent up tha © Hammersmit before turning ainister at n Ar calculates ne 3 ail ha Dal ham in § J aerial pats © he world has ne half a Re the henorsestowed 'on men have madsreal the Col us ered flion miles flights in wople are gue recogmitioof tI Cabha. The {is that t* King will years, a { for zim ! | hood upc { s London As Be i and Re- Arter passing e r took as at ver to bark he that s In vari. w cov=- alling | who | past] ow COTTAGES AT RESORT Swept Lake , Okobo]l gion, North of Spencer, lown-- Tabernacle Destroyd. Spencer. Towa, a, Oct. 1 'swept the section of the La» Oko aa #FS BIG FUTURE. For Nehern Ochs' Oct View, Tofos Presifles of T is 68 "rs of A nrnado boji resort region north of Me last], reports demolished 3 night. Indirect were recently built at a cost © was destroyed. No reports ties were recsivad 'cation was seriously hawpgre. , -. . - Request Rejeded + er : things Bishop of London Is Unable to Understand Ostend, Belginm, Oect The request by the strifag British coal miners that a gpn- | eral Buropean coal strika|e 4 declared was rejected to-dagiy | Hon, and Right R jion Ingram, * the fnternational miners forence\ ¥ere. An official mique says: "Phe meeting . discussion to-day: The Brit] mingrs request for a genes strike was fully considered. aiffarent of the delegates of ai t countries 'were unabl to to this, but gave ass ~ames of the fallest functiofs support possible, and promise - 10 gontinue to do thelr utmos '40 prevent - coe] exports t Great Britain." ea eth § Lo p continues | p d BY | TMuiglen; the city mveit C¢ Mr the Baltimore, Md., Oct. 1.--The bandits held up and robbed the y- of the Henry Sonheédn y, clothing nufaetury 0 Ahis morning, and 4 ] automobile. Tha car " with 'the dead body man inside. There was no dd companions. = w 'urning Steamer May' Not | : Be Able to Make Por Fla, Oct. 1--Fin rd the United States stamshy "Britain Is increasing md Re ors fear the vessel will not bel pake port at Savamsah, wireless staties at. reported this merning OF WU CHANG . WITHOUT FOOD| United States when cans who ge to G Henry Ftiwnon his entire crop was des iby fire which also barn, grainary and two ot buildings on Thursday. garted in the aftstnous and s8lt many | that | the Methodist Episcopal Tabn agle, | P £259,000, | Rosual. | t } buy cofiunica-; 1 pnd power gf and Sm 5 reg Berovince' atrial futur ntarto, ve sé pe with strikin sve everythin is nee Mr rity, * Ontario -- Adolph Ochs arding e he seams e33ary | oatribute to healt th, wealth and honest man opport strious, land of Ames, Towa, D.D. Lord ondon, cannot rohibition law. was passed many B s0 reat lain abou Mt The '66-year-old visited Towa stats cannot lw ers so large a re! understand ages are paid iscern the differenc ublican and a Demoer Mr. Meighen in Toronto, Toroato, Oot. 1 Ret. Hes Conservative load to-day end some of tb onservatives. 1 Maighen las ar Albany Club th presumed © he th ~ prominent -~ will th members panty. A VERY HEAVY LOSS- IN WOLFE ISLAND FIRE Blaze on Hénry 3 Misickiey Farm Believed to Have Been Caused the Yokel of any] Truly, itis 1 Moles, Arthul is by Spontanous Combustion, A heavy loss was suffered Hinckley, Wolfe destroy fipued Yo burn until 1 day morning. cause of the fire but it is thoug! The Ezown yet, the e Result of Siege! was started by spontaneon 10 "Red" Oantoriese ~ Forces. i bustion in the mew grain an It was first discovered by swf' of Mr. Thomas Wh | aut on the farm, The : | tolg his mother, But it was ¢ then for her to do anything tion of Wu pgtee rive fom. Years Without fod. and hag reported to % dying. Cold 18 lncreashg the suffer is no cox and no fire E the - meagre romainiag 38 held entirely hy 4%. condition the re. slege aid to the eity by Cantopese forces to force of the agrthern troope is ptiations at Wa Chang en off entirely, but of the Chamber h contending fac- to permit the re ; and ehildreg at by | send an alarm around rounding farmers. A ag helpers .SOOR gail ydcket brigade Was ¥ had gained s possible Al were with the exception which was pot tou The farm. is 10¢atéd on the side of the island, about from he village A8F, there were a: People gathered at th vf i hy in morning ennai. BEBE DANIELS Miss Brewster's Millions Dempuey-Tunsey Fight » Brih ie Suggests Asking Imperial ET To Hold Second Session in Ott T/LORD DAR TAKES A FLING NG i i i Londen, Oct. 1--"Why does n Mackenzie King strike for fmmigra- ton within the ampiré and silence tall the capt his sup posed Inkowarmness to the Imperia cause by. boidiy inv ing the Imper fal Conference, after its Oc wober ses- sion In London, n Ottawa 10 thrash ont o tions at - embarrass at well as the mother co { This quesgon is asked tional Review, xh L. J. Maxse. "Suspicion rica, Australia dous critics of $0 a 4d a second sges- n £4 is edited by n Canada an deven A South in Af some The Na; "is eumn who accuse Rat eview comti hy perial pe 13 hind march on inno cent the Domindons sinister that ag AT THE US. He Is Sarcastic ie Mot American Protection for for Canada. ei RIDICULE SUGGESTION : = Chg Tre Tht Th lated the Im Govern 4n wad governments of 1 plications patohod én ¢ he Foreign Of in the Ad ty and War The real 4 y is 0 pe appr 3 5 the 3 péiople of NURSE WANDERS FOR MONTH WITHOUT FOOD Found In Emaciated Condition With Clothing in Tatters ~--Lost Supplies. | * Princeton, B comfortabl burton, aged ing bus coherent derings wit ing or guidance snow-covered T west of here, fr resened Davis a >. Oct tal bed, nurse last M de E fo ir-day 2p rough meunts On the secon {covered about she following ued took the day imbled wt crossing-a mountain stream and los | all of her fqod with the exception of ther of 'half @& pound of { butter with jwhich she had started | out. The ) long as possi { portion morying and lasted. dn a few da was absolutely without food and ob- | tained her only chewing leaves and fungi { did not swallow. After the first we or she stated, she did no she = en J nouri which she ek 80 t feel hungry In a final effort to { burton, Davis and C {erty loft here last | after pit¢hine camp {ley on Monday they y 3," ar r a came upon nurse, ed by a stick, was direction of the a in maciate i and her glothing was thats was left of her which were bo: pieces of rog PTO AD angs wom AN.8 apsed at Davis's trace Miss War" | Daugh aug Val faint | saarch Davis who suppor the tha tottering in camp-fira was an € with wy was 51 from greetin | coll feet The Rev. William [Craig Eighty Years of Agel! Rev. William Craig, at iving in 'Ottawa, formerly ry of Sydenham street . Methodist | arch, here, celebrated | 80th anniversary of birth-{ During thes month, Craig been celebrating anniver-| { sary by preaching at the morning | | services of different churches. ' He has been the recipien; of congratul- ations from many of his { friends in this district, where he was present secre- reven fday j.da3 { has former _ | statiohed for years: ad way ved use | he fire onth of | 1 0'@gex the build ngs were a 4 at wreek They were pi but there Was gy {psuranc® COR Rpe crops the main lin Woodstock, Ont, nex; year. Mr Horses Heed Call to Oats Craig was always with the Montreal Conference and having been minister of. the Catara qui charge. At this charge he cov-| {ered Cataraqui, Westbrooke and | Collin's Bay for a period of four {years. After being superannuated | from active work, Re was appoinfed | 1 i sscretaty of Sydenham street Methe |: church. He held this position | Be moved to Ottawa. seven] years ago. The friends of Mr. Craig | n Kingston are joining with those in Ottawa in wishing him\many more Anniversaries. st antl Ang Leave Races for Home Proscot® Oct. 1,--The even teasr of Spencerville's Fall Fair was dis tnrbed during - the racing 'event | when several |horses spparel needed the call of the oats. During the heat of the races four horses ssemed to think suddenly ot? the nosebags left behind thém, and one after another they crashed through evidently "making 'for hy thrown in he wiseemly Baste for food. ---------------- Az 'oud Boys' Reunion will be held 'NINIMIZE ESTIMATED pin of $35.000,000 four Jhinde jerst 1.) they will B ate payment - Lord Darling Pays "be exported from Middlesex County identified | Country Might Come Under Wig of ye Doctrine. speaking to tonians at adian DAMAGE TOJHE GRAIN Western Crop Yields and Grades Will Be Better Than Expected. Child Born With Heart One of th the katchewdn and of a gen , Which varied as iy d« yme luncheon, Darling prietor of th prietor of resuly. eral fror Wn pour 'made te entry war some af y the if 3 1 damage ' rop p. Tl report 8 and grades wil "Cherry "Tree Ships." "I, notice in t Tribune ap off fer to C anada said They Tribune eviden thinks Camadp. is | tim a parlous condition, Eagland | might not be able to defend yon- don't know from whom. You will re. member that some time ago there! qent conferechce at the Chicago The forecast fs for .¢ and moderate temperat Paying Off $35,000,000 in Notes | The payin 18 | ttawa, Oct ada 1 is to-day Dominion of Ca r g off a per notes issued Wit oan w year ne vit t be built smalle ion b they are shorter now and narrower and guns. They 'cherry tree why, and down by ter.) tory that year. 4 by banke probably oy e promp Washington." " re and at th Tt sey ure Payable he ices rece of as well as York. assist in the ant ivers-g the city* of New Monroe Doctrine, nd, Brita rry trees efend he integrity under the 1 was aware doctgine 'covered ia tha 8 1 da- said ain' and at Canada r terri Mor rine that Canada Brit Monroe Canada h Empi Ns Vi . » t isit to Kingston The "Right. Hon ty, England, ved i the C i from He was received thi s morn- Lt.-Col.' R. O ary Lord Darling, of daugh ng the his lexander ge ol of Milit while Lord Darlin the 1 tonight Royal . whose after 1g enter Golf and eave King- and Ot- Coun ston ut ) for ee Ena! and is getting i | tawa. Pilsudski New Polish Premier, Warshaw, Pol and, Oct. 1 Mar-1{ 4 shall Joseph F 1 day accept ed the prem hip of Poland, ed last night by Charles Bartel. 7 r overty ich nei they should all get to work and cag out of i ? should 3 vacat- resignation the of | what they English Scotch." but Some 8 of apples will a ---- to England this autumn FULFORD ESTATE NO ME | Millions Involved ih Judge Middle- ton's Decision. oronté, Oct. 1-----Mr. Justice Mid- dleton, in a judgment handed down) | yesterday, determines 'that fn come dived from the proprietary medicine business of the late Sena- tor G. T Fulford, of Brockville in- cluding all ived from the { accumula'ti made { during the past as from and after the expiry 21 years, is | divisible between the remaining be | neficiaries, Dorothy Fulford Hardy, {fe of the Senater and George T., Fulford. a son of the testator. Whew | he dled in 1905, Senator Fulford di- i rected. tha: the [ovenues from his i proprietary madic békiness ould be TERT "trom yéar to oor and invested and form part of the capital of his estate, from which! {the income to be pald over to his | three children was to be derived | The will. edvering an estate of | 'millions, was first construed by the Privy Counell. One of the dan {died in 1910, and an infant' child { died soon after. The daughter's hus- {band waz found eatitled to his { child's share, and this was fixed at : $2,175,000, Justice Middleton finds Whose new hook Tha Woria or that all income socruing from the William Clissold™ tries t5 arrive at some Dusiness after the expiry of 21 years mraterious Deine Know 58 th -strang®. | becomes divisible between the tw- Sisters known 8s the Americ ining children. British Novelist a = the ome der s that have been 21 years af ° Canada's New Governor ot} VISCOUNT WILLINGDON Outside of Its Chest Trav MASSEY'S DUTIES 10 BE DISCUSSED Premier King Wi will Take up| Matter on Coming Visit to London. » Ottawa, O of Canada's ha between and Mr THE NEW YORK INES BIG NEWSPRINT PLAN To Spend $25,000,000 in De= veloping Plant in Ontario for Entire Supply. Toronto, O¥® 1 Says The ¥ Adolph Ochs The Telegram int are expenditure nada as a will procure - ¢ from one Ca- by Ochs tag 000.000 which The Yi usage of newsy resul ta en tire padian source ests "ft Hh yn af inter. was <xplained this rotary of Mr the uded Ont afternoon Ochs New York by we the, Time trip 1¢ that of hag just conel aern proprietor io ed, ou, in econ nection | with the large newspring The for the paper plant is at ing where already there E ill in operation "A new Sanmots plan: for news print prod will be bu It. The | water power sormesary energize the pew mill/will come from Smoky Fallg, where 10: Be reepower will be generated "The Sprace Falls Pulp and" Paper 'Company, which is "in assoc wits the. Kimberley Clark Company, will New York Interests. All be rushed on both mill site deveiopment $2 pr project gl Kapusihs is a smail to 75.00 Power work will and and no 5.000.060 will be expended befors lege | the work is completed Britain in The rgme-runising pact and the United States is officially at | effet The text is still secret, a business « selectad | ation | be taken over by ths! power than CANADA'S NEW (GOVERNOR IS S00N T0 LAND Viscomt Wilngdon to Be stalled at d at Quebec. ARRIVES ON SATURDAY. The Inauguration Cerenony in the Legislative Council Cham-- bey at the Ancient Capital : Oct. 1 r the win jenera » he off cial pro. reception f the sgdon amme emonies on Saturday eption Excellency follows: is a Quebec Hon er October 2. rable Fran administering inada, and W. L. Mackenzie istér of Canada, "Empress of m., to. pay res ht is A. the { ithe 30 a Government 11 go aPSBg- land" and and and sufte to where they will i by the officer Government of eutenant vernor of the Right Minister of Canada; the Dominion Minister and other ministers, the High Commis. 'stoner for Canada In-London, the Prime Minister and other ministers! of the Government of the Province) of | Quebe ¢, and naval, military and air oftiders A sal ¥ ba receive z> the Ci Quel o Honorable the Prime of nine m the Citadel as the "Belle. s from the "Empress land'® to the King's wharf. 3 proci Installation at Noon. 2 and band will King's whar! and ant Willing- He or sal Hngdon and Vie. and suite not wil fve the the usual 3 ¥ ya ernor-General will Legislative Countil on of the 1 form in Chamber ngs and siative (Co the of pro- uneil ber Upon the instaliation. of 8 w ngaon a saluie of ins will be fired from the Agsem! ament build} to th sogisiative Cham he Rt etoen g Citadel . -- Luncheon At Chateau. caving the Pari His Excelle Genearal Build. ney tha Govermore ved' by the the Susual e iment wi be yf 1 recs + gnard « k gal aonor with Excellency will attend Ma the Governor- luncheon Canadian Chateau Frog. a jostiy's Governor. t untess Will tend a dinner to ue at. Bpence Wound. by His Lientenant-Governor of province of Québec at § pm 19 pm. His Excellency and Viscadntess Willingd will ave Spéncer Wood snd procesd to Palais station, be ree received by a guard honor with the usual salute Honor the the At the the aad will of At OuaSva, October 4, His Excellency ' thé Governor neral and the Viscountess Will. sgdon will arrive at the Union sta- Yon at 11 am, and will be met by the Right Hon. the Prime Minister, 1! the members. of the Dominion Cab- inet, members of tha Privy Couneil not of the Cadipet, fhe the Sapreme Court, the mayor { controllers of the city. Gen - and Dempsey Not Poisoned. New York, Oct. 1.--"Tell 'em I'm all right," wus Jack Dempeey's la- {conic statenient ¢6 the Cangdisn { Proms today when rumors that be {bad been poisoned were calisd to bis The former heavyweight is staying a {he Beimont f i en guns will he judges oT