ee te. ment mete Order Your Fur Coat Now Ladies are invited to inspect. and try on the beautiful Coats in Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Silver Raccoon, French Seal, Muskrat. Other Fancy, Fashionable, Fur Coats made to special order. Your present Fur Coat repaired, remodeled and relined in lat- est fashions ; prices moderate, workmanship the best; convenient credit terms may be ar ranged. Write for our Fall Fur Catalogue. § JOHN MCKAY Ltd. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS - 149-157 BROCK STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO Betty Br wn (Chocolates 1 pound . . 4. $1.20, FRESH SUPPLY EVERY WEEK. FOR SALE IN KINGSTON AT | Branigan's Drug IN A LIMITED 268 Princess Street : Phone 18 the week-end with her cousin Miss il | Woodward, who had been spending)! HANLEY'S [J : (Established 1871) (i Steamship passages | booked to all parts of |} the world. Pass- ports arranged. Through tjckets tssued over ali] Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacifie. Alaska || Bermuda, West Indies, Mediterran- ean, Round the World Steamship Hi Lities. 1 'Prepaid passages arranged for u desire to bring Jrionds from abroad. i * For full particulars apply to or Ji write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A, CN. | li Riys. Office, Canadian National | ji Rlys. Station, 'corner Johnson and |} Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper | jj day and night. 'Fhones 99 or 2837 | Jj Values Finest Creamery, 1b. Granulated Sugar . . 10 Ibs¥Bse, Absolutely pure Lard 2 Ibs. 35c. Fresh Bellon Walnuts, 1b. 80c. Fresh Ginger Snaps 2 Ibs. 25c. Bakers' Pure Cocoa 2 Ibs. 25c¢. Assorted Jelly Powders 5 packages crs Be, | Canadian Sardines . .5 tins 25¢. Peko Blend Tea, Ib. ..... 62c. 5 Ib. Pure Clover Honey . Rolled Oats ..... 51g Ibs. 2Bc. YOUR LAST CHANCE To buy Magic Baking Powder, (Saturday) 1ib. tin ... .81c OUTSIDE MARKET Full Fruits and Vegetables L it ji relatives or | |i Underwood Portable' Typewriters 8 Banks of Keys 4 Banks of Keys CAMPBELL'S Autumn Store News Terms to suit you. J.C. DOBBS& C0 | TR eae ll | due to leave on furlough last spring | guest of Mrs fil Miss Alice Cole, motored to Belle-| i i! Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Shan-| S 5 es -------------- ._THE_DAILYfl 'RITISH WHIG i " | navi bine marvels cosy trimmed, PICTON Picton, Sept. 30--Mr. and Mrs. J de C. Hepburn have returned from 'a trip to Toronto Se, Miss Marjorie Harrison of Syden- ham motored to town and spent over | velves hat, i Mr and M . Forrester will be take up resid The. gifts tg from their mz ferous and heay ful present at :Fe wedding. - Helena Harrison. i Mrs. Russell Wright and Httle | | with platipung fox and silver grey at 11 home after Oét. lst, when they will , at Seeley's Bay. Hi bride and groom | friends were num- Miss Fleas yr Forrester, R.N., sis 'ter of the groom, New York, was | ' daughter of Owen Sound are spend i ing bolidays with friends in town | : 39 'and county. . . i { " Yondon 500,000 Mrs. Flora Reid has retyrned to}? i Toronto, after several weeks spent {in Plecton. +3 The remains of the late T. Wilson [000th te Harrison, who passed away at his| was agtu homie in Toronto om Monday ' last, i {| were brought to Picton op Wednes- day where interment was made In Glenwood. He is survived by his wife (Frances Wright) one son and one daughter, also two brothers Marshall Harrison and Angus. Har- rison of Cressy. w Albert Powers returned this week | from spending two weeks in White Plains with his daughter, Mrs. Lu- ther Woodward and in New York] City. His grandson, Master Keith| The to been provided telepha ne Bpervice Sots are often the scene 'of cular activities necessary convenience proper functioning"of the ve Assemby to the summer with his grandparents] : fn Picton, returned with him to his} 2 home in White Plains. leeti tande Mrs. | honor of her mother's birthday on | | Tuesday aftérnoon at her pretty new | is | home on Burns avenue. Mrs. Ashley | | received many hearty felicitations| jon the happy occasion. The hostess | note { was assisted at the tea hour by Mrs. | listened wl F. E. Waldon. | above t! | Mr. and Mrs: W. Way and Mr and | which tl { Mrs. Allan Lowder and son spent| corner a t | Sunday In Belleville guests of Mr. | j and Mrs. Baldree Mr. and Mrs. from Brighton with Mr. and Mrs: Alex Wright Mayor Newman, Mrs Newman | each, and Miss Freda returned Wednes-| ¢ | day from a motor trip to Tdronto. in the visitor obtains only The anscribe the room _ has gecess awaits behind W. W. Porter and s a long narrow table L¥ndon's 500,000th "AHA HEY ~eifixed » inscribed: 500,000th ¢ t the phone Service, July 16th 1926." London's telepl ed 100 per cent , Sept. 30--Dr, and Mrs Anderson and threy children in the {of Chungking, China, are on their| past years way home as the last word from Telephones in' Ontario-.and. Quebec | i them was to the effect that the An-| { derson and Birk familles who were| and epent Sunday | re is elled in oak, and through | 3 at tf which the Press repre-| it. In this room has been | hones have increas- | ten | During the same periqd, Bell | Londpn has just installed its 500.-| A ¥ instrument | connected up récently |i s Gallery of the House of |} which strange to 'say has | with | } Ir that Enlil building which | we know generally as the Houses of | thers are many spots |} ! tors neyer see and which [Jj even members do not frequent. Such ul parti- {i the | Ii of membiss and to the J Legisla- | } by. They are to be found |} 2.29 Flanne tte Blankets | i long those winding corridors of '§ al room in which | ¥ t the hone is ir led is full of |} A' E. Ward enterfalned inj ib a ed Ee t is here that the re- [i of the Press and News || ehorinand | Ji aches to which they have |i on seated in' the gallery Til Speaker's Chair and to | J In one | egraph instrument ticks | if in another a Port Office |} a small ! i r to deal with messages. The | § | borders--a regular $2.25 value. "Lin , no "phone orders accepted. While thilast «ev..« «.coneie- $1.89 pair \ } tele- | t iz a standard pedestal in- || to its | i !.ha' been granted immediate fur-1 {lough owing to the present condi- tions in China. Drand Mrs. Ander- SrHE HAT STORE" son have spent the past six years in | the cities of Chungking and Chen- gtu. Mrs. Anderson is a daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cole; Main | street. : 1 Choose To-morrow Mrs. Lillian Woodceck is spend-| ing a few days in Napanee as the We Hat Everybody Elmer Miller and Mrs. Jas. E. Cole and] October and cobl weather call for new Hats and we sell them for Men, Ladies and Children. Come to- morrow and choose from the largest as- sortment and best values in the city. Mr. ville | yesterday .aftérnoon. -- Mayor and Mrs. Malley spent yor) terday In Belleville, 1 li nonville and Mrs. John MacGregor. lof Tamworth, were in town renew- | ing acquaintances. 2 | J. R. Kennedy of Cobourg; W. B | Kinney, of Trenton; D. Thompson. | | A. J. Abernethy R. Adsit of King-| igton, W. J. Oliphajt, H. 8. Burgess, { A. MacLashlaw, L. J. Sinclair, J. M. { Nolan, W. BE. Scott, Jno. Ball, J: E. Richards, Jno. J. Burton, J. A. Ers- i kine and E. T. Millar of.Toronto; | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cote of Detroit, | { Mieh., were business callers in town |. The Ladies Guild of St. Mark's { Church held a successful tea at the! | home of Mrs. Aaron Harband, St. | { George street, yesterday afternoon. | The Women's Citizen League | holding a supper and bridge and eu-| | chre party in the White Hall to-| | night. | 4 dance is to be held "ta Camp| | Summerside tonight from nins| Hats for Ladies We keep adding new styles in our Millinery Departoient al- have increased about.145 per ceat. Quality and Price Uncomparable Family Roasts 15¢ Ib. HI Minced Steak 12¢ Ib. Jl Pot Roasts . 123c. Ib. | Thick Ribs . . 18c. Ib. || Prime Ribs . . 20c. 1b. Brisket Points 6c. Ib. s ~ Legs seers 32¢. Ib. Pork Hocks 12}e¢. Ib. HATS NOW AS ALWAYS-- Our Hats lead in style, qual ity and value. You don't have to go abroad to see the new shapes'--they"re all here. Spe- clal values in fine fur Felts. $3.95, $4.50, $5.00 SOCKS Scores of new lines just put in stock--mostly in Silk and Wool and #11 wool, plain and fancy; English and Canadian ' makes. All prices, ¥ " Wonderful values at Ze ~ 75¢., $1.00, $1.35 look after: your Hat needs. : | o'clock until one. A: very large crowd | {1s expected. > | | Hubert Macdonald and James! i Murphy motored to Belleville on bu-| | siness today. { A number of gentlemen motored | i to Toronto yesterday to see the fin-| { als In baseball i { Mrs. Henty Howard and son Leo | | were business callers in Kingston | | yesterday. MARRIED AT RAILTON | -Fiston Nuptials at se.| 'Patrick's Church on Monday. | i A pretty wedding was soleminized jat St. Patrick's .chureh, Railton] | Monday morning, Sept. 27th, at 9! | o'clock, when Catharine daughter of | { Mr. and Mrs. James Fiston, of In-| | verary, was united fn marriage to! | Francis Roy Forrester, son of Mich- | i eal Forrester, of Seeley's Bay. Rev. | | Father Powell officiated. : | The bride entered the church on | | the armh of her father, to the strains | | otf Mendelssohn's wedding march| i played by Miss Mae Joyce. The bride | | was daintily attired in' a gown of | ¢ardinal brown, satin faced crepe, | with gold trimmings, and wore a! brown velour hat. She cdrried a! bouquet of ophelia roses and lily-| of-the-valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Marie Fis- | ton, sister of the bride. was pret-| tily gowned in old rose canton crape | and carried a bouquet of asters sad | maiden bair fern. i The groom was assisted by his | cousin, Mr. Webb. The wedd-| ing bdreakfast was held after the | ceremony at the home of the bride's] parents, wherd adon; thirty guests who included only immediate rela.' tives, were (received. The dining, | room was beautifulljgdecorated in a | | general color scheme of pink and! | white, with pink 'and white flowers | profusedly, used. : The bridal couple left on the at] ternoon train for Ottawa, and other points, amid a shower ot} confetti and. good wishes. at - The bride travelled in a very be coming costume of navy blue char. fmaline, with melattie. trimming, most daily. We look for big business to-morrow, with an in- creased call for our famous Felts and Velours $2.50 to $7.50 In Trigdmed Hats we have a wonderful showing of imported creations and Hats from our own désigmers priced up to twelve-fifty. * Featured Hats $5.00 and $6.50 Hats for Men This is the store of teal val- ues in Mén's Hats, bec 0 bay direct from the world's best ors. . The Kingston $5.00 Iys the greatest Hat value in Canada--as good as other Cana~ dian Hats at six or six-fifty. Our $4.00 Felts "Are exceptional values. Yom will find exactly the same qual. ity offered in other stores at 75¢. and $1.00 more. ~ Hats for Children » Big assortment for Boys and Girls, 25¢. to $8.50. we | | a ets at the lowest price seen in Kingston in years. great that we had to disappoint many of our on sale at 9.00 a.m. "4 75 pairs only, of heavy, good qiity Blank i] doublebed size. Theseare offered Last Saturday, we placed onsale 200 pairs of Fl Vhite or Grey with Pink or Blue of 2 pairs to each customer and A Hosiery Bargain You Shou Not Mis ~~ 59cpr. Broken lines in Women's Silk Hose; plain Cashmere, and fancy ribbed, all pure wool Hose, in a wide ange of pretty shades. Broken sizes 81 to 10, and regular values to $1.00 pair, elette Blank. : € I nse was so fr ---------------------- friends. For this Satur- day, we were fortunate in securing another bargain lot, and these go ets in the 11-4 or @ "Rexoleum" Floor Mats, 15¢ 100 of these useful Mats which are so serviceable, presented in Browns, Reds and Greens. Size 18 x 36 inches. Sold regularly at 25c¢. each. For Saturday shoppers 15c. each 10 dozerksf duction. §¥ Your Better grid to 36... ; (Claring Satori wees 59¢, pair arsets bpken lines in popu- lar makefto Hear at a drastic re- izis 20 to 30; in lines priced upih § .50., e......98¢c. pair % priced at $2.50, $3.00, $8% $4.00; in sizes 22 {ale price.$1.98 pair » RUGS DRAPERIES BUY BETTER AT § D. A. SHAW, limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE :* FLOOR... JILCLOTHS KINGSTON'S CARPET WAR Exclusive Hats at moderate prices. arisian Shop | | for canning ere .on the { | been turned on to second growil 82 BROCK STREET A CROP CONDITIONS i > woes Froutenac--The quantity of milk has increfised since the cows hav® ed little opportunity much riin, and Rt Cheese has made a slight raise i price and the grade is showing 5 slight improvement over last year Hastings--The incessant rains have. seriously damaged all grain 2 the field. Farmers who were [07 this year, Enter 'When Psterboro field shottly after harvesting are 53%} op eg or th only onés who will save all ti®r| church, grain. The loss due to the wot] weather will be considerable. i Léeds-- Vegetables on the Brock-| ville Market are very plentiful 2 of good quality. Tomatoes are ra: fate in ripening this year but duriig| the last few days of exceptionally] warm weather bave ripened quickly] and the prices has droppéd almost 0 the minimsm. The potato. grop, it | B7tery, Rev. D. a | Hastings, was ins: Mussolini and Ministry. Presbytery of the : +¥ ine | TSSbFterian church met at Wark- tusate enough to thresh out © | worth during the week three Foung ey are 8 M Scott. Lind. | #ay; George Benpet:. Norwood, and Leslie McLean of Keene { wood charge. The Clerk count of the excessive rain. Lennox and Addington--Tomato factories ! mostly gathered in. «| slow_in 'coloring owing to so miu cloudy weather. Sweet corn is ng bing basis to the factory. You P have be The crop markey in go { number this morning aad solid at § ii? pair. ' Theres is not much char | in price of hogs. Cheese was & ing for a higher price than it di few weeks ago. There has been Bl to get lasd fl shape for fall wheat is likely that § acreage of this crop, which in the normal season is small, will be lay I ------------ . r wsnenian S00 Nelson Street, 35 semmsamen o ministry of the | 2d West. racte 0, these young men as slué the college authori: es iit i Chamderialn are | would appear is likely £0 be good al-| 82id 10 have agreed oz policies for | though low spots in the field willithe solution of fm portant ESropeas | produce Be potatoes on 18-| problems, F