Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1926, p. 6

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' | parents, a + LIF E'S SOCIAL SIDE "oman's Page Editor Phone Re | Private Phone 857w. * ¢ . . Col. and Mrs. v. P. street, have lef; on a motor trip to 'Quebec. . Dr. and Mrs.' Stafford 'Kirkpat- rick, Ottawa, will spend the week- | end in town. : Capt. Harold Brownfield, who has been in Winnipeg, will return Go Kingston abontly. . . . Mrs. George Horsey, Ottawa, ar- rived this afternoon to visit Miss Edith Pense, West street. . . . Pr. Stuart Polson end Mr. Neil Polecn bave returned from Lake Bdward in the Laurentine Mountains. . - . Mrs. J. H. Truesdell and her son, Norman, Princess siveet, have Te turned from a visit {q New York wtate. : » . . Mrs. BE. H. Young, Gore eireet, was the hostess of a bright little tea on Thursday afternoon for Miss Grace Martin, Mondtred. . Major and Mrs. W. 8. Lawrence, Vietoria, B.C., are visiting Col. and Mrs. BE. J. C. Schmidlin, Royal Mi- litary, College. ! Mrs. dePencier Wright, St. Luke's | Rectory, gave a smal tea on Thurs doy afternoon for her guest, Miss Jessie Rae, Oakville, "Glen Law- in London, will return Mrs. C. C. Abbott, rence," who has been Stratford and Toronto bome on Monday. . - - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nixon, Otta- wa, who wfll be in town for the rugby game, will be with Mrs. Chas. McKay, Wellington street, . Mrs. Owen, 'sunt Corporal in the Salvation Army, is in town from Sy- dney, N.8., and .is with Mrs. Fred Woodcock, Main street. - *¢.* 8chmidiin, Royal Military College, is entertaining at mah jongg on Saturday afternoon for her sister, Mrs, W. 8. Lawrenca Vietoria, B.C. . Mrs. BE. J. a . Mr. and Mrs. Earl McBride, who speny some time with the latter's Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Suther- land, Clergy street, motored to Tor- onto on Thursday. . . . Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager, Bishop of Ontardo, will return next week from Winnipeg, where he has been attend- ing Le meeting of the General Synod comm itbees, . . - - Mrs. Herbert Wood, Brock street, tas returned from Calabogle, where she was the giest of her. sister, Mra. «Macdonald, and Rev. J. A. Macdon- _8id at "The Manse." ' . . = Lord Darling 'and Hon, Diasa Darling lunched at. the Cataraqui Colt and Country Club to-day, the guests of Col. and Mrs, R. O. Alex- 'ander, Royal Military College, with whom they are staying. » * LJ Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Powell, Ports- mouth, announce the ongagement of their youngest 'daughter. Anleen, to} Anthur W. Poitér, Kingston, - The marriage to take place Yule | the third week in October. v -. - Capt. and Mrs. Stone have arrived fa town and are at the Hotel Ran- dolph, Capt. Stone who has spent some months at Esquimault, B.C, will take a five months course at the Royal Military College. or * . - . Mrs. Allaire Shortt, who has been _¥isiting her cousins, the Misses Muo- kleston, Clergy street, refurned to 'Brockville today fo vistt her sister- in-law, Mrs, Mortimer Atkinson, be- fore returning to her home at White Plains, N.Y. " .and Mrs, - Cel. R. 0. Alexander + will give a small dinner party this Svening for Lord Darling and Hon. Elkins, King | Canadian orchids may perhaps find some of the later blooming varieties ot} | setudedoparts. of Lanads. a flaunts its yellow plumes Diana Darling when their guests where, Dozens of varieties ia include Major-General and Mrs. pe found In our neighborhood, and H. Elmsley and Col. and Mrs. C. Michaelmas daisies, large and small | | Constantine. | from the great purple daisy so plen-| . - © ititul on.the road to Ceollin's Bay, to] | Miss Wickstead and Miss Wink | her small mauve sister with a deep! fred Wickstead, Ottswa, 'who are) | purple heart hiding in the shelter of motoring from London, Ont., where | the wood. The China white berries, {they attended the meeting of the|of the actea are on a bright red | { Dominion Board ef the W.A., spent | stalk. The squirrels are busy: but 'a day in town with Mrs. W. Kirkpat- | will be more so when the nuts ripen | | rick, Barrie street, going on to Ot-| and the bunnies are darting to and | tawa on Thursday. | tro ef epting as much as they can be- .a. =- fore/the long winter comes The Lieutenant-Governor 6f On-| they will only have bark and roots. 3 Margarer and Isobél Cockshutt and! few but transient visitors are heard, | Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gibbous, Toronto, | The woodpeckers and the chicka- are going to Montreal, for the wed- | dees are quite happy for they intend | ding of Mrs. Harold Pease to Mr. Lio stay with us all winter and their] Gordon Cockshutt, son of Mr. Mrs. Frank Cockshutt, of Brantford. | 118s over the land which {s taking place on October . . . Onowds of-#sitors filled ihe. pretty | noms of the Firet Baptist parsonage | Telephone Company in a recent bul-| on Thureday afternoon whem Mrs. |letin gives some hints om telephone Mintom G. Johmatom received for the | etiquette, As a general rule they] finest time e'mce her marriage The say, the person who calls up should | hiotdens was asested in receiving Dy end the conversation, but a woman her mother, Mrs. Clarence Starr, To-| who has been called up by a man romtio. The house was lovely with a! has the privilege of ending it just! | profusion of autumn flowers and the | as {f she had called him. If a wo- | {ten table, presided over by Mrs. John | | Matr and Mrs. Jartes Hayden, was gay | {with astors, The tea assistan's were Mrs. Roy Dorrance, Mrs. Harman | Tracy, Miss Margery McLelland, Miss leobel Leslie and Migs Ivy Catter-| { mods, and in the drawing-room Mm. | . {Charles Jackson and Miss Helen | That the members of Woman's Chown assisted tle hostess. { Aid of the Kingston General Hospi- {tal are asking us to help them on Notice, | Saturday. The Kingston hospitals The Blue Shanty Tea Bhop, 190] are excellent but need a great deal Wellington etroet, wiil open on Mon-}of help to keep them at their pre- | day, Oot. 4. Ted served 3.30 10 6.) gent state of efficiency. The Wo-| man's Ald of the K.G,H. has been a | wonderful factor in making the hos-| pital what it is. The linen is their | care and they give hours of their | time to sew and overlook the linen] as well as helping the staff in the | many ways an interested soclety of | capable women can assist any insti tution. 7. for the coming of the long winter. hous end the conversation.. Peo-| fle who use party lines should re- 'member that the other half the line may be required and limit the length of their alk -- That the farmers who: came to! market on Thursday were surprised to see the booths of the Rotary Clyb |r falr in place and flags and bunting decoriting them. Some of those who live near at hand came back | again at night to join in the fun. i | : - | FALL FASHIONS, + » side for day wear-gnd colored on the | other far evenings Tea frocks with detachable capes. Nighteases with-two pockets, one for pajamas. and the other for a nightdress. Fluff fans: made from a cok | feather dipped in red for the top while the bottom is made from the leg fluff of the bird; they are hand- sewn and dipped in gold The newest golfing sui have in addition to the woolen jugper and skirt, a rubber jumper which has | been prepared for play In we weather, § Curving snake bracelets that can worn around the feck, on the arm above the elbow of circling the anklet are a novelty which has just reached London. Rubies, ame- thysts, sapphires or emeralds 'gleam on Eve's head. Gold Rorseshos| bracelets also are being worn' ded with silver nails. The 'so-called "buttonhole" flower now being worn everywhere but in the title position, has been promot- 6d to the highest point fashion can attain. It is an amusing and strik- ing feature of the new turhan hats and is made from the same fabric! {An evening dress with skirt of pleat. ed silver cloth and velvet. The blouse is of brocaded lame. a | The Editor Hears That with October comes the autumn. September, the month that hold summer in its warm sun- shine has gone from us, September stud- ,duvetyn | around { of these flowers so highly prised by | botanists and rdre now in the more] Goidappod- iv venallydn rcontrastivzabadenand | every-| are to] when | tario and Mrs. Cockshutt, the Misses | The birds are flying southward and | and | notes break the brooding hush that | that is waiting | f+ | That the Maritime Telegraph and] an calls another woman the caller] , | ber 29th at 4th p.m | ing of the season was largely attend- operate \w | the Levana Council! { Graham for the | tised some of t as the hat it trims. The satin-faced, { broadcloth. turban 'is drawn. 'tightly! thé head to a point on the] crown where it is surmounted by the | "buttonhole'™ flower. The top kno: | is repeated in the shodider flower. | English evening frocks are being lined with stiff muslin, giving them a decided crinoline effect. peo "I'm a worldly thing and this back-ache serves me right. I trisd| goin' without a corset jive to be stylish.' | Queen's Levana Society } The Levana Soclety of Queen's University met in the common room of Ban Righ Hail on Septems This first meet- | ed, and the society has every réa- son to expect a very successful year After the various items of Busi ness had been discussed, the presi-| dent, Miss Dorothy Dowsley, hearti- ly welcomed the freshettes to Le-| vana. Miss Laird in a very helpful| talk made valuable suggestions as! to how girls can derive the greatest | benefit from their college careers. | The presidents of the various sdcle- | ties then gave short addresses con-| cerning their particular branches ot | work, and urged t! girls to co-| ith them M Roy upheld the cause of athletics in a manner which was bound to arouse en- thusiasm She also reminded the | society of the value of the work car- ried on.by the Student Christian As-| soclation. Mists Mary Rowland spoke for the Levana Athletic Board of Control, Mi¢s Marganet Lyght for] Miss Elizabeth | Debating = Sociejy Margret Davis 'for the] Student Christian Association. { After the critic's report by Miss | Kay Harkness, the meeting became | quite informal. The freshettes prac-| the Queen's yells, and | before the meeting adjourned, dainty | refreshments were served which pro-| vided a delightful ending to an af- ternoon that all enjoyed, and Miss ---------------- Broadtail--A Cloth. The broadtail of this season | very thin and supple--almost broadeloth, and it makes the effective Etralghtiing coals tailored collars and cuffs. Testing Eggs. When you doubt the freshness of | an egg, put/it intb a tumbler of wa- ter. If it sinks, very well, if it floats dt is unfit to eat. "a is | lk mos: with Gold Insets. Insets of gold lace trim the skirts | of velyot and chiffon dinner frocks. | Gold lame cloth, pleated, is used in the same way, ---------------- Popular Trimming. Caracul is one of the mos; popm- lar materials for trimming--it ia! particularly liked in black on black with its golden grain, its woods fill- ed with even rarer flowers than bloom in the early springtime. Near Kingston the golden asters are found ir' the open spaces of the Woodland, and lion's foot, a curious plant with leaves said to be the shape of the mark made by a lion's paw and bell like, creamy mauve flowers on a tall stalk, this year growing to a height of three feet or more. In a shady corner People wi who know ow the THOUGHT LAST MOMENT HAD COME 'But Kellogg's ALL-BRAN conquered constipation, the cause of her trouble Now she's healthier and happier than ever! anteed do to relieve constipation IT manently if eaten repuhoy tis 100 per cent bran. t's why doo. tors recommend it! Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is de by Kellogg in London, Canad A to-serve = cereal," delicious yith m milk or fruit. Used in cook- ing too. Served everywhere. Sold by all grocers on a money-back guarantee, FOR YOUR LAUNDRY WORK | BEST WORK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY---- ALL NEW MACHINERY. 5 ASSURED CHARLES CREER, WE CALL AND DELIVER. AND PROMPT SERVICE. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION with an opera com Proprietor. Phone 66. FROM TOKIO TO BROADWAY Hisako Hoike; Japanese lyric soprano, is to tour 'America ny, singing in 'The Mikado." 'genuine product of the Celestial Empire, although' she was Hisako is a dducated as a Christian in a Tokio missionary school. < A wrap of black velvet lined with | "silver lame cloth and trimmed ° with silver braid. 2 Y.W.C.A. Rummage Sale, The Y.W.C.A. heid, as part of their | week's pafgn, a most successful | rummage [esle on: Thursday at corer of King and Princess streets, The sum of $205.75 remained after! all expenses were paid. The oom- mittee in charge, of which Miss Edna Chown was comvehor, deserves the | greatest credit for the splendid way they worked an ful anticles they gathered the benefit of the young Kingston, ---------- 1 the number of use- girls of Japan has a popul lation pt nearly 60,000,000 or NCE finished with Hawes' your floors will need only an occasional "touching up" to keep them glowing. Insist on Hawes' Floor Wax and cut your floor polishing task in half. "Preferred in Fine Homes HAWES" FLOOR WAX | ------ A AO NAN Ig NI it Most Women Have stopped old hygi- enic methods to assure real immaculacy. NEW way gives true protec. tion---~discards like tissue EW modern women but employ a new and different 'way in hygiene. A way that supplants the. old-time "sani- tary pad" with true protection, Wear filmy frocks and light things . . jany time, Dance, motor for hours without doubt or fear. : It is called ""KOTEX" five times as absorbent as the ordinary cotton pad! Thoroughly deodorises . . thus ending ALL fear of of- fending. as' y/ Discards us eailys te undrg piece of tissue. No No embarrassment. You ask for it without hesi- tancy at any rus or depart- ment Sore, simply by sayin, "KOT Costs only a y cents i HE old ways an unnecessary risk, KOTEX No lnundry--discard like tissue We a em ea ti Poll WILSONS Will kill many times more flies | i for the money than any other A killer. Each pad will kill flies | day, every day, for three | weeks. At all Grocers, Drag-. | gists and General Stores -- 19¢c and 25¢ per package. | | | | the || to sell for} Richness of Flavour and Fragrance result in "cup value" 'SALADA" TE A snore economical than other teas and aie ymore. n Label 75¢ Orange Pekoe Blend 85¢ -- k Robertson Chi ES -- lina Shop { China -- Crockery -- Glassware 85 Saocx 8 BREET. a GALLAGHER'S T AXI 'PHONE SERVICE 960 ANYWHERE 250m CITY DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS "PHONE 604, Pmma I*Gwatkin, Prop, Ansco Speedex FILM Packed by a_~matic machi. nery, in air-tight foil wrapping. Fresh supply, all sizes, PRINCESS PHARMACY | gil ll TerTYrewreewewy | Special For Saturday i Women's Winter (outs The new Shadow Plaid Coat with pretty Fur.Collars--very special for $22.50 each. Handsome Coats in Velour, Pin Point, Needle Point and Fur fabrics -- all lined with extra quality materials and trimmed with fine Fur Collars at $22.50, $25.00, $35.00, $39.50. EXTRA SPECIAL 108 Women's Flannel Dresses in sizes from 14 to 44. All this season's newest "models, for $5.95 each, W.N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE "WEBER PIANOS MADE WITH ALL THE CARE AB EXERCISED BY EARLY CRAFTSMEN, ON MODERN PRINCIPALS, THE TONAL QUALITIES OF THE WEBER ENCEL IN BEAUTY AND FULLNESS. THRE ACTION 1S. RE- SPONSIVE TO A DEGREE. ° CATALOGUES AND PRICE ASTS BENT FREE ON REQUEST. ; EASY TERMS ARRANGED---10% CASH, BALANCE SPREAD OVER A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS. 1 121 PRINCESS STREET : KIN GSTON Saving Space. The careful housekeeper airs ene In 8 small kitchen, if is absolutely dining room before and, after each | necessary Lo keep the dishes washed mueal, and keeps the odor of food | up as you go along so that you cole banished as completély as posgible. | serve space and energy).

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