THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BV CRUE] a is es | Y Olive Roberts Barto IPC | Your Mouth and Shug Your | Just then Mrs. Bear came in Eyes, | "Why, what are. you doing here, "Please gimme three cents worth | Johnny Bear?" she sald sharply. \ of honey--no, gimme ten cents | "Get right down off that stool. i worth," sald Johnny Bear as he; Why, I declare, you're all sticky. S waddled into the fanny little stoge | You've been eating honey." she said ic the woods. iy i <j suspiciously. "Wherg did you get 1t?".} "Certainly," said BET Mister Bags geste. it tame, said digingly. "You get i; for Bim, Nancy, | Johnny happily. I'm busy." | "Gave it!™ cried Mister Bags. "1 Nancy got « big spoon and went to! did no such thing, Johnny Bear. 1 § the big jar where the honey was kept | sold it to you. I sold yoy twenty y hk Wednesday, v T---- RUPTURE RELIEF DONT WEAR A TRUSS THAT DOES NOT MOLD WITH COMBORT, so SAYS VISITING EXPERT October 6, 1926. A SHELTER NEEDED | FOR WAYWARD GIRLS 'Matter Discussed by Children's Aid Society--Wards Num~ | ber Over 100. -- *® " Accessories -- selected espite the very inclement weath- oe representative' meeting of the ! Rupture fea defined) Is no 2 Kingston Frontenac Child¥Fen"s © Ald! ea El ees aot Tout a yeEy ie ing or aflation of & natural opening T. On Tuesday afternoon. Dr. A. P. ¥Y. Egan, of Toronto, rupture appliance Chown, the Rresident, was in the Specialist, will wisit KINGSTON, BRI. chair ' - and took off the lid. The kind of | cents worth." vy TISH- AMERICAN HOTEL, FRIDAY Ald. T. A, Kidd presented an in-! honey that Mister Bags sold didn't. "Where did you ge; twenty cents, (hours ¥ wm. TILL » pam.) 1 DAY, teresting" financial teport covering 'come in neat wooden boxes. He had | Johnny Bear?" screamed Mrs. Bear. OCTOBER ». the period since June. The trust' to dig it out of trees and so he kept. "I never gave iy to you and you The 'Curatrum" as now used with fund is growing nicely. It is made! is the bes; way he could. | haven't a cent in your bank. Let Bew "Airtex shield. will not enly re-| yp of sums paid to the credit of. "Did you bring anything to carry me see your twenty cents, young tain rupture perfectly, affording im- wards of the society who are in, fos- | it home in?" asked Naney. ; | man. right this minute." mediate and complete Somfort, but is 0: Nomen, Each, child has a trust! 'Tee hee, hee!" giggled Johnny! "Why I haven't any money, ma- Sa nary I fund to which these sums are credit- | Bear. "Of course I did. Herd It is. | ma." said Johmny, "I haven't got a | timg known. These new rupture aids ®d and which accumulates till they | us, pug it in." cen. I just come in and said to have received highest approval wher. Marty or come of age, or otherwise | "And he opened his mouth as wide | Mister Bags, 'Please give me ten Sver shown. If you are tired of that| leave the custody of the society. Mr. as he could, showing all his teeth | cents worth of honey," and he said. Binding and uncomfirtable old truss! Kidd stressed the necessity of a larg- | and his little bright red tongue. | 'Certainly.' And after while I said and would you like ie mone With| er income for the current expenses | "Ob, ali right." laughed Nancy | to Nancy, 'Please gimme another letrn Shan ju¥astigats a ay und of the society as there is a; present hopping up on a stool. "Come real! ten cents worth' and she said, 'Cer- help it offers Remember, it is differ-| 80 over draft in this account. {close now. Open. your mouth and | tainly.' They gave it to me, you see Mr. Black gave an interesting ac-! shut your eyes and I'll give you! Don't you think they were kind!" count of his visit to all the wards of | something to make you wise." Mister Bags sputtered uti] Amn ast + . i Steacy's have outdone all previous efforts in gathering to- gether, for Milady's apptoval, the smart accessories which com- plete her costume. » : 0) rtunity J he . ent from everything else is accom- W plisning wonderful resulls where ai an iianges have falled. It is mud: the Society, Over one hundred in| So JoRnn ence. Mr, Egan nag testimonials! number, in various places through | could get, Tom our own section for inspection. 1f] the county. During the summer, and opened tour children were adopted into Teal than ever, homes, and several cases are still pénding. Three children, because of * interested call; he will show you of delicious cruelty, were removed from their and shut his eyes ; spoon and dropped ten cents worth | yY came ag close as he | could hardly get his breath. "After! hard | this I'll do like the Pieman did with wider | Simple Simon. I'll say, 'Show me took a big | first Your penny.' * "Johnny didn't need any honey to honey right down his | make him wise," laughed Nancy his mouth even and Nancy Beautiful, Silken Hose in the newer shades. Leather Bags take on & pouch shape, with light shades'in the ascendancy. Doe- ekin Gloves for Sports, and short Gloves with colorful cutwork and appliqued cuffs, in French Kid and Chamoisette--for dres- samples without charge. Ask st hotel witice for Mr. Egan's room Tear this! Out. Also at Brockville, Revere Hotel, | October 6, 7; Belleville, Crystal Hotel, throat ' | "He was wiser than we were to be- October 9. | homes and placed in foster homes. "M\m-m' Gim-m, Gib-b-b! 1 gin with." : { The question of wayward girls | Gip-p-p!'" went Johmay rolling his! "1 don't know what you're all . tant items. was discussed. At present when 8 reyes. "That was Positively the sweet- Ie king about," said Johnny crossly. = * { Jail sentence is served and the girl | est honey I ever ate. Will you please | "Will you please give me another | i3s zo home to which to go, a Ser- | gimme another ten cents worth." item cents worth of honey, Mister { lous problem develops. The need of | "Certainly!" sald Nancy obliging-| Bags?" some shelter for these cases was em- ly, hopping down and running over "No, sir!" shouted the fairyman phasized I to the honeg jar and measuring out! "I will not." The good work of Miss Laura!the exact dmount. "Here you are," | {To Be Continued.) Neish in supervising the OULLits fOr | sama ccm NIN a sin nin small babies, for whom no prepara. OBITUARY . | Jon had been made before their.y birth, was referred to Much help has been derived from Miss Neish's | careful work. Mrs. R. H. Fair and Mrs. A. Clark discussed the prob- | Rev. John M. Macalister. | lems presented and the meeting! On Thursday afternoon, there will i then adjourned be laid to rest in Cataraqui ceme- | | tery, the mortal remains of the late | Rev. John M. Macalister, formerly of | Kingston, who died at the home of | {his daughter, Mrs, U. N. Mac-| sier wear. Novelty Scarfs and Handkerchiefs are two impor- - PENS From the Black Standard at | $2.75 to the oversize Duofold at $7.00. The Pens in the new shades are $8.50. a to match, The vogue for Stationery is still the lined stencilled en. velope in unique patterus. STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin- Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once DRIVER IN A SASH BUT DID NOT Sop L. T. BEST PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST "Phone 59 for Best Service ---- | A. Smeathers and Son, Odessa," Had Close Call on the For Sale| York Road. | A. Smeathers, baker and his son, 069 | of Odessa, had a miraculous escape " Brick, 9 hot 11 from being seriously injured and per- | water heating, separate | haps killed on Monday evening, They * toilet, electricity and gas, h. | Rosa driving in a car on the York w. floors; central. Road, west 6f Odessa, when a car travelling from Kingston, at a fast $4,000--Brick, semi-detached; . 5 | rate of speed crashed into their car. 8 rooms; deep lot; right of || Smeathers and his son were thrown Way; garage. ' | about the ear, which was put into { the ditch. The other car, so it is $3,500 -- Frame, detached; 7 stated, continued on its way with- 'rooms, hot air heating, gas J | ou! stopping. and electricity, B. and Tollet, stable and garage, Mr. Smeathers, Sr., had his right | arm in a sling, 'as he had the mem- $2,800--Frame, 7 rooms, B, and T., electric light, | bar broken three weeks ago, while { engaged in cranking a"car. The car the Smeathers were riding in suf- ) { fered considerable damage. One of ® the front wheels was smashed, and Bateman a one of the tires was also ripped off | Mr. Smeathers, Jr., was driving the 1114 Brock Street | car. . The lights on the CAr were put out of business' as a result of the | collision and the occupants were lef; { on the roadway in the dark.' ! Mr. Smeathers and his son notle- i ed the ear coming towards them and "| they state that it had but one head- - | light burning. In order to ayoid an 3 : | aceiden; they kept to the right side MARINE | of the road. Both suffered a severe - | shaking up. but escaped serious in- | juries. | -------------- + or --t -- The steamer Jeika. from Oswego #8 unieiding coal at Swift's. 'The Pyke Towing Company is fi. ding ow. the tug Mamm for a trip to \ Baeville. N.Y. died on Saturday aged fifty. Up-- Oct. 5th, Sarnclite, 9.30 five years. He was horn at Lans- am. Oct. 8th, Brulin, 10 am, pdowne, Ont. son of Mr. and Mss Down--Oct. 5th, Selkirk, 5 39 John Landon. Deceased was in the © pm; McKee, 7.30 pam: Oct 6.h dry goods businces. He had been in Chy of Torondn, 11 am, | Pour heath for some time. On Tues- The work on the steamer Cape day funeral services were held by Trinity is nearing completion at ih! the Masons and the remains were Cot¥mgwood Shipbuilding Company's | saken to Lanedowne for burial. Hie «ip, and shonid be ready to clear in! widow Survives, also bs fathe?, aged few days. a : jninety, of Lansdowne: one = siuter, Several plates are being changed | Mrs. Edith Stacy, Gananoque; four the steamer Foote in the Colling. Rt Sarees Died at Potsdam, N.Y. a Mr. John M. Landca, Potsdam. brothers, Nelson, Armstrong, B.C. Company's dry | Willa: amd Gordon, Lansdowne, and : |B. PF. Landon, Watertown, N.Y, VE in min, church. days, the trees putting . om Valuable From Historical Point of View. donnell, Winnipeg. on Saturday, Oc'. ! 2nd. In August the body of his wife | J 'rapes viapepsin' ds the quickest, was brought from Winnipeg for! Surest relief for indigestion, gases, burial at'Cataraqui, and now that of flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fer- fhe, ated busband witl be pisced bi | maiation of stomach dicrees cuused side it in the Macalister famuy DIOL. | mediate stomach relief. Correct Thus death did not long divide them. your stomach and digestion now for Mr. Macalister was born in Picton a few cents. Druggists sell millions on Oct. 19th, 1845. the sop of Alex- of packages. ander Macalister who for years was tec sce om a member of the Customs House staff in Kingston. The son ~= PICTURES ARE HUNG educated in the old preparatory! { school, and entered Queen's College in 1862, graduating as bachelor of IN DOUGLAS LIBRARY arts in 1865. Mr. Macalister saw . wan Fenian Raid military service In ------ ! 1866. He taught high school for|The Collection Is some' years in the province of Que bec. Eventually he studied tnewwsy in the Presbyterian College, Montreal and for forty years after graduation -- served the Presbytarian congrega- The collection of portraits and tions of Ashton, Iroquois and Rus- | views relating to Canada, which was selltown. An old college comraae gathered by Senator Andrew Hayden describes Mr. Macalister as being an and Dr. Adam Shortt, bf Ottawa, and Accurate scholar and a.faithful and | presentéd to Queen's University about instructive pastor. Upon retiring {three years ago when the Queen's from the active ministry, Mr. Mac- library was moved into the Douglas alister came to Kingston with his | Library Building, is being hung in wife and resided at 331 Barrie | the corridors of the building. J street. The worthy old couple 'be-| There are several hundred pictures came leading workers in Chalmers|in the co ection, and they have been Church, Mr. Macalister being clerk | suitably framed, and many of them of the session for aboul ten years. | during the past week have heen plac- Last year they removed to Win- led on the walls. From a historical nipeg to reside with their daugh- | point of view the collection is a very ter, and there entered into rest with-| valuable one, for it comprises por In two months of each other. | traits of many men who have taken a The surviving children are: Alex: {distinguished part in Canada's growth ander, member of the Civil Service as well as views of Ottawa and other Commission, Quebec; Norman, hezd | Canadian cities drawn when of the immigration and colonization | were struggling - villages Men department of the Canadian Pacific England and other countries, Railway, Montreal;. James of Grand | were indirectly associated with Can- Forks, North Dakota; Mrs. Mac-| aga, such as Gladstone and Peel, are donnell, dean of women, Manitoba: included in the collection and in University, Winnipeg, and . Mrs. {many cases a specimen of the man's (Rev.) A. D. Cornett, Owen Sound. | handwriting or his signature is fram- The burial sertice at Catara ul od with the portrait The haNgIng of cemetery will be conducted by Kev. ne Pictures has provided Queen's George = A. Brown, of Chalmers | siudents and the public generally with a very valuable source of pictor- ial 'history. Splendid Autumn Scenery, The countryside is gorgeous these their BRITAIN BEST CUSTOMER. Bought $73,406,059 in Goods . US in August, Washington, Oot. §.--The United | Kingdom was the largest imi porter | of United States products among m-| dividual countries during August, | taking goods. valued at $73,496,099, | 88 compared wilh 363.083 568 in' Avgust lat year. United Star m- ports from Great Britain - } from $32,286,176 to $27,345.5 : i -- 1 A Boy Injured. i Ben Casnow, of Cowdy street."s boy about thirteen years old, was knocked over by a heavy wagon on Tuesday afternoon and was taken to the General Hospital. The lad is not' seriopsly injured, suffering mostly from shock, cuts and bruises. - He HB will be in the hospital for a day of if] twa, 2 rie : r Years As a Sister. | Fifty Sister Elizabeth and Sister Wis- carrow, Hotel Dieu, Kingston were callers on Mr. and Mrs. 8. Winter, Yarkeér, Sister Elizabeth was cele-| brating her fiftieth anniversary of! hér entry as. a community Sister. | This was Sister Wiscarrow's first! call on her relatives and frisnds fn! thirty-nine years. : i 15. ---- i Vi The Old Home. The McVean brothers; Dresden, ! Ont, gave Yarker a call recently. | Thsir father was one time owner of the' Yarker Mills. --ea , Belgium is pegotiating for a loan | 400 bet "een §200,000,000 god $309. 000. co New Draperies Brighten the home New Drapes lend an air of freshness and beauty to what other- wise might be a shabby room. The woman who is planning changes in her home to meet the demands of the indoor season, will'do well to look first of all to her Drapes. Broad assortments await your selection here, as well as new Cur- tainings, Furniture Coverings, Rugs, Mats, Linoleums, Floor Oil- cloths; Window Shades, Cushions, Blankets, Comforters, etc. . When planning replenishings for the home, we would invite you to see our showing of new F urnishings for the "home beautiful." - Estimates of all work gladly given without any obligation. STEACY'S LIMITED oF