Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1926, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPECIAL IN Blue Serge Suits % Blue Serge Suit. worth your while to see these Suits, both single and double breasted to choose from. : Special Price $35.00 George 'Van Horne 213 Princess Street. "Phone 362-w. RAI INTERFERED | i On Tuesday, But a a Good Time A He "afternoon, Great 8 | would be refunded. | Wednesday morning betore the judg- | needlessly suffer Neglect teeth and gums, and you open wide the door to Pyorrhea. That is the reason wh four out of five after forty (and many younger, suffer its dread effects, paving the way to serious sickness. $0 unnecessary! With reasonable care, you niecd never fear the ravages of Pyorrhea. Make it a -- to sec your Sentias Fries 8 your. And stare using Forhan's for the ums, Forhan' sed in time, prevents Pyorrhea or checks its course. It firms the gums and keeps them healthy. pro» Secek toeh aginst decay-causig acids sad keeps them dentist about Forhan's. It is the formula of RJ Ask yo det so and contains Forhan's Pyorrhea Sugulacly | and night,' morning & tube today! Acall _Forhan's Mido shi this are Teach your druggists', 3sc and wn No alll after-odor Re " Forhans Jor the gums r the MORE THAN A TOOTH PASTE . , . IT CHECKS PYORRHEA I NN NANI BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Ooal, $12.50 per ton delivered. . All Sales for Cash, SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. i | | AT WOLFE ISLAND Hi i il But Exhibits "Formed a Splen- il | tender Safe Seu AT Er A AIN Riki MATISM pl La Templeton's Rheumatie Plain and timed; Rich appearance, Ww. F. GOURDIER . 78-80 BROCK STREEL, .| secretary-treasurer, George A. Rat- The judges were: Ca , Swi ne! { and sbegp, Reginald I. Falles, Mil- | { brook, of the Department of Agri- culture; poultry, M. Mallory. Alans: B. Wilson, Spe rville; | dairy, baking and fruit, Mrs. Alex-|{ | ander Smith and Miss Jennie Me-| Canes of Elginburg; ladies' work, Mrs. Menzie and Miss Ethel Chart of Kingston. The list of prize win: | pers will not be ready for publ ea-| i tion before Thursday. | The exhibits formed a splendid! | conection, while the wiivestock was Fo GERRI GREY RRO Sdn: 1 horses WITH ODESSA FAIR Is" Anticipated on Wednesday. The rain interfered with the open- | ing day of the Odessa fair on Tues; -pré yarat! ad been made for the first Aa) the exhibition hut the rainy weather | spoiled everything. The track 'was | too wet and there were no horss i ! races. A number of people were on ! hand and fully expected the classi-| tied race. The directors anaoaiced | that in view of the fact there wus | no race persons who had gome for | the purpose of seeing the races could | go to the box office and their money jm - - | CUSTOM CAR CARAVAN. . | | Demonstrated in Studebaker Sales Rooms of W. O. The fret Canadian Custom Care- ivan of Studebakor automobiles pass- ied through Kingston S:curday, The {caravan was demonotrated at the salesrooms of W. 0. Hagerman, here many inderesicd admirers purveyed the tom models and] | gave ap) : Among' those moot interacted in the automobMes was Rev. J. dePen- jeler Wright. Mr. Weight not ouly {made a thorough itnpistion of th: { motore, the bodies, the upholstering, ibut drove the car. a - a Oc = " } It was Lo stot ul! experience, ples were indeed surprised at a sasd Mir Wright "Just to sit in thet wonderful assortment, The showing | mfordable seat and pross the ac- { of ladies' work and domestic science ! oo tor seemed (o ms 10 be rich | | was of a fine quality. | Maxusy y - |: In view of the fact that a large Ipuwer in LINE Da fe 9 rad mere { number of the items on Tuesday's| ., and the car rode ike a Pullman. | | programme had to be called off. it iw, spied a bumpy rosd--and it| | was decided that many of the post- | sponied like a boulevard. 1 was de- | poned events would be staged on ly ohted | Wednesday. | Theres ere four distinctive cars in i | the Cuoom Car Caravan i One of the Oldest. The first cer of the Hne is the { The Odessa fair is probably one of | {President, a Bix Six Studebaker | | the oldest in the province. FOTiCyueiom Sedan thal seals seven people { ninety-one years an annual exhibi- | amd has the power of Niagara and {tion has been held in the village of ong gpeed of the wind. It's custom { Odessa. There ara many who ¢an |juyury a the development of years { look back for fifty and sixty years, | 5 - custom car building and #t was | and remember the big times that | qestgned by America's leading ocus- | took place on "show day" In Odessa. {tom builders. | At first the fair consisted of horse | The other cars of the caravan are | races, which took place on what is ine Bix Six Custom Brougham, the { now the Provincial highway running Standard Six Custom Victoria and | through the village. The old tim- |ghe Standard Six Custom Sedan, |ers tell us that the prises were d0-| These automobiles are an answer | nated by the hotel-keepers, and there {to the ever-increasing call for Cus- was certainly great enthusiasm [tom care--and the, answer it with shown on this one day of the year ia pricé that is merely that of en | when hundreds gathered in the vile lopdioary car, an achievelient in mo-| lage to attend the annual show. tor car building made possible omly | | From a small beginning the Odessa by the Studebaker oume-profit' facil. | fair grew, until at the present time, |ities. Customs cars, designed by the {1t is one of the best of its kind in [wonld's best custom builders, made | this part of the province. There Is (by the Studebaker Corporation of | | a first-class track. The buildings are {America a! a price that is within the | | well kept, and tifey are a credit to reach of almost everyone. | the Association. Two years ago new . These automobiles are made | cattle sheds, at a cost of about seven | Walkerville. They are | hundred dollars, were erected, and |products and, probably, | they have certainly filled On account of the weather a large number of the exhibits were not put | ! in place, but they weie on hand on | | ing took place. The display of apples was excep-| | tionally good. Many farmers who | have made a business of growing in| Canadian the finest a much motor cars ever produced in the Do- | | needed want. { mingon. i | As on previous oceasions, the | township hall was rented for two | Fra and a dance is to be held on | both evenings of the fair. The fair was origifaliy planned to take place two weeks ago, but on account of certain conditions, over which the direstors had no control," It was | found necessary to postpone it. i The officers are: A. W. Fraser, | president; A. M. Fraser, secretary- | treasurer; W. C. Loyst, vice-presi- | dent; D. L. Boyce, Frank Bmith, A. 1C. Miller, T. C. Graham, William | Clark, James McFarlane, E. 8. Par- | rott, G.. W. Lucas, L. McLean and | { R. J. Brethen, directors, The lady | | directors are, Mrs. W. H. Snider and | Mrs. M. L,. Fraser. The auditors are, | James L. Clark and 8. M. Reid. RAIN MARRED FAIR Yes, He Told 1 Her. Father: Did you tell your teach- jer that I helped you with your, | French. lesson, Tommy? Tommy: Yes, and she sald ghe| wouldn't keep me in after school this time because it didn't seem fair I should suffer for your ignorance. Karikaturen, .Osio. Fast Worker. "Why do you call your sweetheart | 'Pilgrim'? "m "Because every makes progress." don. time he calls he| -- Tit-Bits, i il i | { did Oollection--Bareback Running Race Run Off. The annual Wolfe Island Fair, | which had been postponed from Sep- | 21st, was held Tuesday, des- | pite the downpour of rain. The bright sunshine of the early mors. ~~ | ing Brought out many enthusiastic exhibitors, and the prospects for a| fine Gay were good until about 3 o'clock, Vwhen the sky clouded up | and the rain soon came. "The day continued to be rather miserable, but nevertheless a goodly crowd of vigitors to the fair turned out. Many | went over from (he city to se the exhibition. Though the weather man was un- kind to the directors, yet they work- ed hard to make the fair a" success and they deserve a great deal of cte- diy tor their work. The events which were run off were very good. Mr. William Allam, the president of the fair, has bean on the executive for the pasi thirty years. "The first vice- president. T. Rogers, second vice- president. T. J. Connelly, and the i fray, 'all deserve a great deal of praise for the splendid work {n man- aging the fair. | The ladies' softball teams from Kingston turned out for the game. but were unable to play due to the | rain and muddy ground. The var- fous trotting races also were cancél- ed, but the running bareback horse races were rum off, and they at tracted a great deal of attenmtion. There wers horses entered, (he results being as follows: Daisy Belle «, .. Starlight .. .. Netdale'.. oc ov o4 sos Valenela .. ©. .#£....3- 4 2 Special heat-- Daisy Belle, §; Starlight, 2; Valencia, 1. The race officials were as follows: judges, James Hulton, George Whit- 'marsh, James McCallister; starter, The main exhibitors were: John Grediwood, Thomas Greenwood, Allen, John Keves, James Grant, John Weir, Joka Abbot. Thomas Muckey, Edward White, Samuel Hogan, D. Cosgrove, Hally Horne, George Rogers, James Hul- { members of Christ church choir on Roe et yo loner CR Ee dia BOAR. * marriage to Mr.| '+ 'Charles Switzer has returned | downe. Father .Falion belongs to the | afl operation. | real, | quarterly audit at the Ontario Steel | with friends. { ghy was | place at Brighton. to ---- nc GANANOQUE | Gananoque, Oct. 6.--Dr. and Mrs. Harry Benpett, Detroit, Mich, are the guests of the former's paremis, Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, Syd enham street, Mrs. F. B. Cowan entértained the Monday, evening, the occasion being ! taken to present Miss Rhea Haynes, clock. Miss Haynes Bruce Hall, Oshawa, will take place ini the course of a few days. Mrs. F. H. Lutz and Miss Jean ar> motoring to Ottawa to-day for the' John McCormack concert there on Saturday. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James MeMillan, and will return on Sunday. tn town after summéring singe the 19th of May until the 5th October at his camp at Halstead's Bay. William Fry has left for Detroit. where he will enter a technical school and study radio engineering _ Rev. James Fallon, brother ot Bishop Fallon, London, Lowel, Mazs., will give a mission in SL John's parish the last two weeks of this month. One week will be given 'to Gananeque and the other divided between Howe Island and Lans- @blate Order, and like his {llustrous brother has the reputation of being a very eloguent SPOA¥ ST. Miss Molly Funnel is convales- cing in Hotel Dieu following a ton- The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church are working hard towards their annual! sale which will be held around the 25th November. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowsley and Mr. and Mrs. M. Beatty, New York, motored to Montreal last week-end and were registered at the Windsor. Messrs. Dobell and Finley, of McDonald, Currie and Co., Mon! who have been conducting the Products Company, returned to the above city vesiérday afterndon. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Byers and Mrs, Robina Armstrong motored to O:- tawa yesterday and spent the day Charlies Donaghy, who renewed atquaintance among Gananoque triends after an absence of sev- eral years, passed away .at Cale- donia, Ont., a few days ago. Whea a resident in Tl Dona- with the late Reuben Brown, druggist Interment took Several Gananoqueans who jour. neyed to Kingston to see the Tun- ney-Dempsey combat found it just s hard to see it screened there as { when it took place in Philadelphia. They were just a few of many who were on the "outside looking in," but are making another try, Gananoque friends of E. O. Sliter, and son Ernie, Kingston, are in, deep sympathy with them in the! rf sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. | Sliter spent their summers at the'r| {sland cottage for many years, and; had many warm friends here. % i { Cheese was sold at Watertows, | Y.. oh Saturday last at 22 1-de. N is fully revealed in the cup. Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers CHESTERFIELD WEEK The new season brings new home things--look: ing at the Autumn styles in Furniture. - The new season styles arc now on our floors and discriminating who aspire to exclusiveness as well as fashionableness are making selection now from among premium presentations. DISTRIBUTORS FOR SNYDER 'S "SANL-BILT." JAMES REID JHE LEADING "Phone 147 for Invalid Coach. UNDPRTAKER THRESHING GOES ON. Considerable Yet to Do About New. burgh. Newburgh, Oot. §5--The climnate of the lait few days has been ideal autumn weather. Archibald Gra- WANTED nee. ingston. ham is filling silos, Miller Bros. are |' of the village to do stidl threshing west with considerable work yet Mrs. Bray 18 after her recent dliness, Dr. Stanton, Salem, Ohio, has turned home after visiting his half: brother, Joseph Aleombrack. TO ~~ jaf was well ateaded; somewhat improved |well plesees tended er 4 with the spents, Correspondent for Napa« Apply in writing to British Whig Pub. Oo. "Fiekl 4a day given by the sched i woemed Philip Cummings hes moved into Mrs was well La Preferencia Cigars Bui Dog size - 27-25" | Bantam ll I 0 ¢ Srracur 3 is the ime to cha October is the Month For You to Change the Lubricant in Your Differentid} an Rear Axle. Do it Now. wi A REVOLUTIONARY Shange has ame in Gear Lubricant. "It is of vital importance to the Alemite engineers after three years research contains no fillers temperature do not affect channel . . . it reduces gear motorist, ha ced oii an eatirely new type of Gear Lubricant new Alemite Transmission Lubricant or acids--IT IS ALL LUBRICANT. Changes of does not friction to the minim va itdosspot freeze . . . thicken. Actual tests show that this lubricant it does not fof yous um---giving you protection gears AND BY ACTUAL TEST 1 to 11 more mils per gallon of Just a word of warning , 'Aik ehie dealer if he is giving you Boyoe's house ou Chunch aires. {A supper given in the basement of Ha wus [the United Chureh accompanied by his father and moth- 4 nny |

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