P ' - 2 mv nit WEEE - ' day, October 7,1926." DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In The PrcTure BEAUTIFUL EL' Adventure and Romance that quickens the' pulse-beat, that stirs anew all the long, forgotten day- dreams of Boyhood and Girlhood. - [ ROYAL WELSH LADIES CHOIR GRANT HALL, KINGSTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1926 "At 8.48 p.m. : Under Ausplioes of Queen's Art: & Lecture Committee Tickets now on Sale at Uglow's and University P.O. $1.50, $1.00, B0c. ! BLACK & _-- a Pr Al PR. SSN N WHITE Any Place in the City prs" ---- ------ FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL Of Musical Comedy, Acrobatie, Toe, Ballet, etc., and modern Ball. i i LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI Saddle Horses. te Cats Cemetery dally at 3 pam. aah to the country. 188% QUEEN STREET PHONE 318 ~---- Bus raqul except Monday and Sat- Special rates for motor mn room Dancing. Taught in class or private lessons by appointment. 89 UNION STREET W. Maybell Beauty Parlor Marcel Waving, Halr Bob. Trimming, Shampooing, i | | PIANO TUNING TE-- 'FHONE 184. Facial and Sealp Treatments, 232 King St. East. "Phone 3011-J, | ---- ar A NAAT en PAT LYSTER TEACHER OF PIANO Juniors' Class starting October : Farmers and Builders, : ATTENTION! Brick, Lumber, Roofing FOR SALE at Attractive Prices. L Cohen & Co. "Phone Diller and Quaile Method 78 Gore Street. * 'Phone 1657 || What, the Piess Agents Say About Coming Attbactions == er AMUSEMENTS _ AT THE CAPITOL. i ; Fairbanks' "The Black Pirate," is! Rousing Tale, In nis Katest screen achievement "The Black Pirate," which opens a three day engagement at the Capitoi | to-day, Douglas AZ Fairbanks has reached the summit af his screan career, in (RE OPINION of MANY SeTRen eritics. "The Black Pirate" sails suspensefully along in the tradi- tional romantic course of the favor led and vivid tales of fighting buca- neers and buried treasure. The story, iis beautifully romantic. It tells of |dark-browned" and black-Qeartel ipirates who swept the southern seas {in the Seventeenth Centufy. One such crew of blood and, goldthirsty ibuckos captures the ah on which { Fairbanks, who is really a duke, and his father, are passengers. The ship is acked and then, with iis ihuman cargo, is blown to bits. The {duke's father dies and he is the sole {survivor of the group of peace-lov- ing seafapers. 3 { There are only two women in tha | plece--Billie Dove and Tempe Pi- igott, the latter in the role of mald ito the heroine. Other featured play- lers include Anders Randolf as pirate {eaptain; Sam De Grasse as the vil {lainous pirate, and Donald Crisp as 2 genial kind of pirate. {ROYAL : WELSH LADIES' CHOI. Appear in Grant Hall October 15th. The musical public is delighted Ao {learn that Mlle, Gertrude Gronow's Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, Is to {be heard in Grant Hall on October 15th, Female choral singing occu- pies a very important part im th musical" life of Wales. In every hamlet, village and town the foo: mation of a 'Ladies Chorus" may be termed a necessity. Year in and out assiduous training is maintain- ed. Concerts are given throughout the breadth and length of the land by the most promising aggregation with resvitant national fame Chorally and vocally Wales 1s un- surpassed. An hour with The Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, under the effi- cient leadership of Mlle. Gertrude Gronow, will bear out the state- ment. The members of the Royal Welsh Ladies Choir, thoroughly re» | presentative of Wales, are highly {trained vocalists and musicians, {graduates of the best colleges of Is To on | i ------------------------------ rr ------ -- mo HEARD ON THE STREET Loczl Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. New dates, two pounds for 25¢ at Carnovsky's. At Perth 645 boxes of bheese were sold at, 17¢. per pound MONTREA] "i | 4 Phone 800 Any place In city DAY UR NIGHT eab that rerced the prices dows. Ed Special rates Az" 7 ager sedans il mew 0 and passant ie Willlam Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. The Strect Railway Company is putting in. ties in a sireich on Bar- rie street near the Court Housc, Prof. I. Mantin and Mrs. Martin have returned fromm abroad and are at 24 Russell Hil Drive, Toronto Still coming, prune plums, Dam- sons and Oreen Gages at Car novsky's. Many groups of the younger set of the city were at Sunbury Wednesday night for the big dance. Bid Fox and his Serenaders provided the music for the dancers. Travel the Motorway Between Kingston and Belleville Leaving Randolph Hotel daily (Sunday included) 8 a.m. and 8.80 p.m. Leaving Belleville same time. , Afternoon Bus connecting with Picton Bus at 6 p.m. Buses for charter off sche dule. "ANGLIN BROS. The Chipmunk patrol of the First slingston troop of Boy Scouts met at the home of the patrol leader Wednes- day evenifE. A general review of Scout work was the order of the even- ing. A specialty was the whipping of rope ends, thé knowledge of which of- ten is very handy. Home From Holidays. George Mathewson, of the Cana- dian Locomotive works, has returned from a very pleasant vacation. He at- tended the world series games in New York and was also at the Demp- sey-Tunney fight in Philadelphia. Mr. : MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop Mathewson is ag. old time ballplaver, having played on several local teams. His many friends are glad to see him home again. Faces Serious Charge. Percy Salsbury, of Hinchinbrooke township, appeared before Magistrate i Bradshaw in County Police Court on a very serious charge on Thursday Alper the svidencs was tak- , the man was «© itted for = id Our Dollar Peaces Give Satisfaction. We sell hundreds of baskels every ay. More coming for our Saturday night sale at Carnovaky's. : ocon~ Sir Thomas White, K.C.. was ap- pointed counsel to assist Judge Den- ton in the Toronte harbor probe. Pick upa Good Used |nesday afternoon. i) p.m. {Britain (L.R.AM., London, R.C.M |and Guild Hall school). The Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir has appeared in all parts of the British Isles and on the Continen:, and was commanded to sing before H.R.H. Prince of Wales and othe~ Royal personages. re n ! The Laurier Club of Queen's Uni- versity held #ts first meeting of the year on Wednesday night, when Mr A. J. Brown was elected president jand Mr. H. M. Brown was elected | seeretary-treasurer. The election, of [the other officers wad deferred. 'The meating was an enthusiastic ome anc plans wee laid to bring several cut- standing 'speakers to Kingston dur- {ing the year. ! QUEEN'S NOTES | The newly-alected executive of Science *27 &t Queen's University is las follows: Johm H. Findlay, presi {dent; H. C. Jenkinson, viee-presi {demt; M. C. Thirling. seoretary<rea isurer; J. A. Little, higtoriem; J. IL Pettit, prophet; C. §. (Lundy, poet. IW. J. Thompson, orator, A. G. Tim- | mins, marshall. : | The Aesculapian Society held its first meeting of the term on' Wed- QOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AT PORTSMOUTH TO-DAY Recent Flooding of Village and Lighting Taken Up. . Reeve M. J. Kennedy and members } of the Portsmouth Council this moming met George N. Williams, architect, and W. L. McJemit, elec- ltrdeal expert, from the Provincial Searetary's Department, for the pur- Centain A of the village have Seen flooded by water from Govern- Part Dalhousie, Oct. T..--Down Cedarton 11 a.m. Wednesday; Ham- {ilton noon, 'Wednesday: Douglas 1 Glencassie 2; Maplebranch 5.30; ILI-102 8; ILI-103 12.30 am. : Aube 1; Keyport 3.30; By Andron, Fields, Lethbridge, How- {ing to the fact that THE DAILY BRITISH WH 1G . ------ --- ---- [ADDITIONAL SPORT NEWS| ft AIM T0 CURB i i I Serious Menace to St. St. L Louis. tegy .of Cardinals today were in} conference to ~ devise, ways aad | means, if any, to curb the home run Oet Boards of stra-! As preparations went forward for} the fifth and last game of the world | series in St. Louis, the big bat of slugging Ruth was regarded as a distinet menace to the Bt. Lolis as- pirations for world supremacy in baseball. The fifth game was promised fair weather with rising temperature. The perfect baseball day restored confidence in the' Weatherman. B. B. Johnson, president of the! American League, wen! on record | with a prediction tha: the Yankees will surely win. "They've got to win and they will," said he Men who let their dollars taik for them were willing ta wager five to four against the chances of either Yankees or Cardinals and two and half to one against either winning the next {wo games. The lineup to-| day. | New York---Copombs. ef Koenig. | 88; Ruth, If; Meusel, rf; Gehrig, 1b; | Lazzeri, 2b; Dugan, 3b; Severeid, c; Pennock, p. : St.' Louls--Douthit, ¢}; South-| worth, rf; Hornsby. 2b; Bottomley, | 1b; L. Bell, 3b; Hafey, If; O'Farrell, ¢; Thevenow, gs; Sherdel, p i Umpires--Dinsen at plate, O'Day. | at first, Hildebrand at sebond, Kiem | "at third. ! Nelther team ' scored and Second inning. in the first | ASAE A EAE R EAE EE RE KN A NEW RECORD FOR PLAYERS EARNINGS New York, Oct. 7--The pre- sent world 'baseball series will establish a record for players earnings, vith each member of the winning {eam $6,254, antl the losers The players share in the re- ceipts of the first four games i only. The previous record was % in 1923 when the New York % Yankees weéceived $6,143 and % the New York Giants $4,112 * FPF LEP ERE T LIER EN FOaRIVIng $4,168 4 Pere eerIP Tht + + at + -* Harry Batstone . | Out Wednesday Backfleld Star Made His First| Local Appearance of the | * Rugby Season. Harry Lee Batstone, the man over whom so much fuss is being made | by outside papers and by rugby fans in general, made his first ap-| pearance of the season in a Queens| uniform at the rugby practice at| the George Richardson Memorial] Stadidm on Wednesday afternoon. | Needless to say the presence of the! popular Harry was heartily wel- comed by fellow-players and others Hafry is in pretty good shape ané with a couple of days workout will be right in trim for the season. The practice yesterday consisted of scrimmage work and the men out went through a fairly stiff drill. Ow- his 'attention was required at a meeting. Coach Hughes was unable to be on hand but the boys went faithfully on with their work. Another scrimmalge is being held this afternoon, e las: one in preparation for"the Camp Borden game on Saturday. Light signals will form the drill tomor- row, ! P2422 24920002044 + THE LAST CALL. « Rugby fans in this city are reminded for the last time to: pick - up their series. rugby tickets for remaining = games, not later than five o'clock to- morrow afternoon. After that time, . all = tickets for these games will be turned over to old graduates of Queen's, who are anxious to sécurée them. The local fans have had ample 'warning about this matter ands if they find out later on that they cannot get the seats for the games that they want, it will be their own funeral. SEPP 22292 0200200 PEP P PEL EIR OR RIES * > - * - 4 + + * * + + * * - * + > » * GEORGE PICKS QUEEN'S, George Awrey, in a letter, statis that he 'placed three or four bets on Queen's fo 'win the senior Intercol legiate championship this season This was before Harry Batstone ar- £ "BABE" RUTH Whoss-4derzesBun Batting Is: { ball {| oped 1 haptism of fire against Varsity and { MacMahon, Trim Raney and | substitutes tricks o odd res this season ~ HUGHES CAN'T PLAY, Rpports from Montreal state that Gordie Hughes, McGill captain, may ot be able to take part in the game ajainst Varsity on Saturday at owing to injuries SR THE AIRMEN COMING: SINONG AGGREGATION activities of George Herman Rath. Seven Former Well-Known Kingston Players With Team Led by Harding. -- J} {and two more Ww DAVE HARDING The Royal Canadian © Air Force rugby team (Caf) Borden) are tak- | ing their training for their bout with Queen's on Saturday very seriously {dha No stone is being training the left Airmen, unturned in and they are { confident of taking a fall out of the highly touted Queen's twelve The Air Foree have a colorful ag- gregation, who play hard fast foot- The team is evenly balanced throughout, and with newly devel: substitutes who received their e Hamilton OR F.U The Camp is strongly fortified in every position Dave Harding and Gibb will do the booting. Both lads are travelling in top form and Dave is rearing to go against his former team mates Brian Carr-Harris, diminutive | back field star will probably alternate quarter with Ault, the latter going | to the baek-tield, Cameron and Moir | complete the sextet. These six boys | will bear watching. James an excel- { lent all round substitute will be on | hand where. required In Holland MacCaul and Coombes, the Air Force have three highly-touted out- side wings. Chevrier and Anton handle the snap position; flanked by Collins and Miscampbel] at inside. Brown and Luke as middles complete husky and speedy ling In McKe!l Ander- scn, the Aviators have a first line of The Warriors of the North probably have the most bal- anced team in Canada. No ranking players, no choice between regulars and substitutes "Harding, James, Carr-Harris, Luke, MacCaul, Holland, and Brown will be familiar to the former two having é¢avorted on Queen's field, while the latter five annexed their reputations at R.M.C. The teams appear te be evenly matched in size and speed. They pos- sesg similarity of play. Undoubtedly an excellent aerial attack will be furnif¢hed the spectators, Harding has been going great guns with the boot of late, and is anxious to test his skill against Queen's best. The spark plugs of the atmosphere will carry with them the moral advart- age of George Awrey's higssing. a I, VOSS, NOT 70 PLAY Carl Voss, one of Queen's Uni- versity star backfield players, has decided that, he will not play rugby this year. Voss' case came before the Board of Reference at the Uni- » game and should have] Kuigston fans, | : ! Mont- ' 3 THE ROYAL WELSH LADIES CHOIR, Which is to appear in Grant Hall on the 15th of October, SOUTH FRONTENAC TEACHERS MEETING Sessions at the Court Hous Miss Babcock's Interest- ing Report. The annual meet'nz of the South Fronteone Teachers' Institute is be ling held in the Court House. The |finot ecvcion was Thuroday morning hore 8 one & n in the afternoon % be held Friday main matter for IThis morciag: the |d'scu son was the report of the { Oni amo. Educational Av bcietion, {given by Miss Ruby Babeock, junior {teacher a¢ Harrowsmith. The presi ident and the inapactior both gave ad- dre sen of inderest The officers are: Honorary presi- ident, S. A. Truscott, imspactor of {schools; presidency Mg. Floyd Allen; [woe-presidect, ~ Bit McKnight: jeacmeiary. Mrs. J. R. Rell; Wreasurer, Mrs. L. Saunders, The president emphasized charac. ser bulldicg tn the schools He said hat tho parents neglect the children land #t @s up to the teachers to do {the training. : {| Inspector Truscott outlined a new oonirce of study for the & H {aloo gave a Ket of books for supple {hertary reading, a subject which be |poveves is. not emphasized ough Towards the olcoe bf the me WZ I reque ¢ was made from the D ntal | Association for the teachers to LIVE an oral talk Of moth hygiene on Oct, 20th. Mics PBaboock, in giving the {port from the as dciation, outlined {the work for dincugon, giving vari {out topics which would affect almost any' teacher jn the gene ral carrying pout of her work, One subject which created a great deal of gen eral interest was the proposal of | bomching nature study to the chil- | dem, especially the primary clans [The primary class is the bats of all { work Miss Baboock said that the |teachets should tell simple little | stories ho the children with regard to the care of the eyes, a very impori- ant subject. The grading cof the teichens according to personaiiiy, dacs TOOMm Mangement and sell-im- provement crecited quite a disous- lion. The Bille should be used Jwore without any denominational | contention' That supervised sport loreates real school spirit, was gete erally agreed by ail. | Mies Baboock's report dealt iiur- oughly with the lectures at the Edu- locational Association and was very beneficial to the teachers. hnols | 4 i re | port. |" In the afternoon there were three events of importance ou the ory gramme, & talk on 'Examinations' by Mr, J. D. Cosgrove. a "Public School History,' tor Primary Work," by Miss Beatrice Traves, cairn ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Held in Emmanuel Church, Wilton, Largely Attended. Wilton, Oct. 6.-- Anniversary, ser- vices wera heid Im Emmanuel Church, Wilton, on Sunday last A ing letened with much. intercet to the Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth of Syd- enham. Music was given by the cholr and good congregational sing- ing showed the thankfulness of hears for another year's successful work. In the eveming the church was full to again listen to the Rev. Mr. "Hollingswordh, whose discourse will long be remembered Mr Hol. Macsworth witli alweys find a hearty welcome should he again occupy the Wilton pulpit. Miss Nesbit of Odessa sang very sweetly 9 a new setting, "There Were Ninety and 'Nipe. The chor again, with the congregardon, addod brightness £0 the service by their singing. Flowers were in abund- anos, making the church lovely, The free will offering was such as to gladden the hearts of the stewards of the church Much regret was ex- precsed at the absence of thelr pas. jtor, Rev. Mr. MecQualg, who was {filing the pulpit ar anniversary ser- vices in Sydemham ou that day. . Takes No Formal Action. Detroit, Mich, Oct. 7--Follow- ing the recommendation of Presi. al Some | time was spent in discussing the re-| lscture, | by Mr. G.| M. Jones of the Cobege of Edaca-| ghon, Toronto, and a talk on "Devices | Al good sized congregation fn the morn- | | STOCK MARKETS | (Reported by Johnston & w corner King and Clarence Stres | members of the Montreal! and Toro Stock Excharges). Montreal. i 1 } Oct Abitibi Power { Asbestps Com | Asbestos Ptd {Bell Telephone | Brazilian Brompton iB. C. Fish Can. Cement Can. Cement Pid (Dom, Bridge Dom. Textile Ind. Alcohol | Laurentide {Mackay Montreal Power Nationa! Breweries Com {National Breweries Pld {Ont. Steel Products {Price Bros ! Quebec Power | Smelters | Spanish | Spanish {Steel Twin Winnipeg Com River.Com River«Ptd of Canada City New York. Oct i 7th, 1.30 Amer. Loco Amer. Can Baldwin B. & O Beth, Steel Chrysler {| General Moc Hudson Mciors Inter. Comb Inter. Nickel { Mack Truck N.Y.C f Northern Pacific | Pan. Amer. Pete | Radio | Sou. Pacific | Sincladr Oil { Stand. Od of | Studebaker i Texas Ol , . | Undon Pai fic U8. Rubber |U. 8. Steel | Westinghouse Wool wonth Yellow Cab Sir Alan Cobham Has Narrow Hinckley, Eng, Oet sir | Alan Cobham, noted English § aviator, who recently was knight. = ed after his triumphant fight from England to Australia and return, narrowly escaped death © in a little moth plane to-day. The aviator was making a forced lan®ng when he barely missed high tenston electric wires carrying 6,000 volts: 8 Loco Eng N.J 7 | t y ! i 3 CANADIAN CATTLE SCORE. | Dominjon's Holstein Exhibic Wi Praise at Detroit. Detroit, Mich, Oot. 7 With th {exhibit of the Canadian Ho v | Broodors' Association attracting mo {of the favorable comment in | Holstein barn at the Nuttonad D | Show things got well under way temday As the show opened, 1! {exiyibit which has the frond stalls the barn, is comprised of twenty -f hoad from the leading Ontaris b lors. J. W. Innis, of Woodatock, § {the largost\number, seven show three yenrines 4 bull oslf a tv | yoar<'d bull and a three-year bed {D. A. McPhee of Vankleek HEM three bend In the vhow, a four-y ol bul end hia dco and Yaugd both calves. Givvons § 568 of frew hove a yoary walt while H l& Lee of Sprirgfied Ilive a cow, {three-year-old heifer, a two your ia year-old and a yooriog bull © ' Arbagat of Spragvidle are | showing throes Beads, wa aged cow, | ponrimg heilor and a two-year-olds ve Bros BOBBING BAN REMOVED. { Nurses in Calgary Hospital W New Privilege. Caigary, Oet. 7.<<Nurses img at St. Pasl's Hospital, jormo barred from dhe bobbed hithe ard, Agga. Sindiag, Glenmavis, Hans rived. Mr. Awrey thinks his chances versity and the decision givem was dent Willlam Green, the American, fawbion, may sow shorten thelr of winning his bets are ideal. He will not bé with the Camp Borden team fn Kingston on Satupday owing to business. Harding will be in that he is eligible to play this year. |p ol. tion of Labor convention re. --and they have Gohe so. The edict but the player has made up nts mind | Paderaiion regular order of business Was removed recently, and out of ius, to sacrifice spomt for his studies | after the opening of the morn- {Of the girls mn training only about & this term. : ing session loday without approving emnin Wil srouges, The decision made by Voss does! . 1sxigg of formal section upon the : not mean that be Is through with| psrawal by the Detroft churches . a . 5 Bag : 4 Car Cheap E Gude, Lisken, Keystats, Glenealy. pl Tl si 28 MrColl.. : We have several to choose from. to van os - % * pte. * CHEVROLET, PONTIAC AND McLAUGHLIN "BUICK JACK DAY TO COACH. rughy for good. and it Is quite Pos-| Nw uM ©. A. of their invita : . i : : 'Jack Day. well known boxing|sible that he will furn out with the | pot V8 ly oo tyars : : authority and coach of the boxing team next year but for the presen: . i team at 'Queet's last fat has ben Queen's will have to get &long with- 5 : Chinese spgression may ead 8 selected to again head the boxinglont him. Rptogsized as an gxcen-|{ The Napanee Collegiate lastitute war on she Korean border. Japan clam at Queen's Univemsity again. tionally brilliat player, Voss will be jwill hold Its annus! Field Day oo irsshing troops to the scene M "Mr. Day 15 well "versed Friday. 2 il are reported, : N The wedding date of F {Astrid of Sweden, and Crown P iLeopoid of Belgium has: heen for November 29th, in Brussels. « 18 all the missed on the field a ir