THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee ms Thursday, October 7, 1926. The Whigs Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place en {ou HIRTHS. | +" Help Wanted O'BRIEN--In Hots! Dieu Hospital, on | ay 7 October 6th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. | Male Help Wanted J. O'Brien (nee Burke) |. AsE E SELLING--OF wanting ie sell Gree Cards should see or write Us immediately. Can be "varried wil other lines or separately. Will In crease your sales $500 to §1.000. Week ly pay. You deal direct with manu. facturer. Master Craft Greeting Card Co, Toreamto. OUT OUR WAY. 8 BY WILLIAMS. |. Business Services ) o Barristers an@ Solicitors 316 W. H. HERRINGTUN--Barriste els tur and Notary Public 181 waling: ton Street. 'Fhone IS4d-w. - SEQUNNINGHAM & SHITH 1 i a4 Solicitors, 19 Clarence 1 ngaton. A Cunaningham, : Syed M. Smith. pis {DAY AND REVELLE-Bar | Solicitors, §% Clarence Sir ston. A KE Day, Adrian L | Morigages arranged. 'Phops 208. | REYNOLDS, J. Q-Barriste. Soliele 4c-tor, 51 Brock Street rr ar» | ranged on cily asad We : 2509. fay : | COUNTRY, - : : | SMEA--Ambrose, B.A. Bare | .Solleftor. Law Office, 'corner } Bask. : The British Wiig ¥ KINGSTON, ? VAIS, WE RE AHEADIN' RiGAT. SEAN HOMBRE WH HIGH . REELED BOOTS, AN A WIGHT - Gu WITH SHOES ~ RDN! SLOW ~20 MILES "TWEEN CAMPS ONE HOSS SHOD ALL ROUND, OTHERW FRONT SHOD~ BEEN DODGIM "TH TOWNS. HEARS WHAR THEY QUIT' FOLLERIN' "#\' PENASCO AN' HEADIO FER TH PINON ! YES; AND TH 200 DOLLARS | | SOONER TH . IC FOR SoU | | BETTER, CowBoy! | vis CONCRETE Te HOO CAN PUT || OPHOLSTERED) : ANIMATED '| CHAISE LOUNGE 1S RUNNIN ME! CRANK--Found on BIFHT] AUTOMOBILE Apply way detour weet of Kingston Hedy ock Dairy, Princess Street. Kh Found, near garyale. Portia road. Owaer y ane at Hiicrest farm, Murvale, by proving property. ENGINE PARTS--Found on Perth Road. Qwner may have same st 36 Stephen reet. = peer LARGE, BROWN, ENGLISH PURSE-- lost Thuraday in Capitol Theatre, con- taining bank book and other papers Finder please leave pt Whig Office. sin OF MONEY--Found, in Frontenac rk. Owner may have same at © Redan Street. SMALL SUM OF MONEY--Found on the steps of Bank of Montreal Apply at 37 Wellington Btreet. SMALL SUM OF MONEY--Fohnd at D. A. Shaw's Ltd. Owner may have same at the store. SUM OF NEYwFound at Carlton HO» tel, may have same at the hotel, 7¢ Princess Street. ' WHITE GOLD WA may have same at ir Oa BRICKLAYERS WANTED---Fort Perry School. Apply on job. Schulz Bros. Co., 124, Port Perry, Ont GOOD PAINTERS -- Wanted. Apply McKelvey & Birch, 3 Brock Street MESSENGER BOY--To make himself generally useful around office. Apply A. Davis & Son. Ltd. MAKE MONEY AT HOME.-Yoy can earn $1.0¢ to $2.00 &n hour in your spare time writing showcards. Ngian- vassing or soliciting; we instruct you and supply you with work. . Write to- day. ne Menhenitt Company, Limit. od, 11 Dominion Building, Toronto. | Female Help Wanted 8 A GIRL-As mother's help or general tiousework. 'Phone 1507- COOK-GENERAL---References required. Apply to Mrs T. Ib R. Hemming, 41 George Street. COOK-GENERAL--For family of two, at Toronto. Good, permanent home to Haht party. Apply Box 1-8, Whig Of- Co. FULL HEAD NO EXTRAS A. B. KINGSBURY | 209 Princess Streel. Phong 2015-5 (ALL FIRST CLASS MA | MADE 10 ORDER --Ludies T) mations, bobbed curls, switgh pooing. singeing, curling, Lad | Children's hair cutling. ningham, 66 Bay bireet, { Telephone 2008 EX NCED GENERAL MAID--AD- \ ' | me see hr eA RA : Far ; \ . ) FRENCH MAROEL WAVING : oly Mrs. J. F. Lesslie, 47 William St als / 3 | oyster Waving, Bou WwW. KENT MACNEE | | sxrenisscen coox--ror sme in- SY 7 : Fy & | nd dod ng aad Trimm Facial stitution. Apply with references Lo Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Box ¥-5, Whig Office. GENERAL HOUSEMAID. Experienced. Brock and Werlington Sts. 'References required. apply 134 Ord- i "Phene 2051 nance Street or 'phone 713-J. Eo : { fe) | | GIRL WANTED --- To do light house- work and look after two children. Ap- ply Box D5, Whig Office. "ooD, RELIABLE MATID- Fer dieti- tian's department of Kingston General Hospital Apply at main kitchen, be- tween 4 and § p.m. MAID--Who can do plain cooking, for three adults. No laundry work. rien. Apply to Bex C-5, Whig Of. TCOH-Found. Owner 37 Ellerbeck Street. Classified Display Tepnene 348; ask for & want ad taker. -- JAMES REID of Undertakers The Old Firm STREET Ambulance p---- i pointment Auctioneers 3 refrigerator, 4 Perfection oil cookers Also cheap congoleum rugs. Turk's Store 'PHONE 706. THE CANADIAN HOUSE IN PARIS TO OPEN On October 30, Under the Presidency of the Prince of Wales. | AUCTIONEERS--Expert service, modes | | rate charges. We can sell anythi i | 8 anywhere, any time. 'Fhone 88iJ. = | ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance ai Murray's Auction . Rooms, ° Market | sll branches of Insurance in old line Square . companies of highen ny ncial ast. Boe e-- 2851 King Street stands w. Res. 113) ] Lg. _-- Male and Female Help Wanted * = ) FIRE--Automoblle and Casusity insure Street. ance. BE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone 1783-M INSURANCE-Only the most relia 3 companies represented. ; Strange A Sirange, established in 1560 Ok Clarence Street, opposite Post O Insurance Articles ror Sale. PEAR 3 Furniture Real Estate For Rent. Business Real Estate For Salo Houses TM BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED 81,1 rooms, frame, terms 1] rame, five rooms, modern, gar- age. ble frame, Improvements ent 3 onth, central | Tana = RI 00 rok, som i-bungsalow, 7 rooms, | Auto Tops and Cushions 10a. modern, central i Farms for sale or exchange. } Houses and stores to reni. i Insurance. A $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREET. ing card sample book free; representa. tives making ten dollars daily; ex- rience or capital unnecessary. Brad. ey-Garretson, Brantford, Ont. laces 5 "10a modern M. Cram- , Sycoesacrs 10 CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher shop tha ~will make alterations to suit tenant Agents Wanted e Apply 69 Patrick Street. SALESMEN--We offer steady employ. ment and pay weekly to sell our come plete and exclus lines of guaran- teed quality, who oot, fresh-dug- to-order trees and plants. Attractive, {llustrated samples and full co-opera- tion. A momey-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montreal -------- ---------- FURNITURE-- Antiq furniture sold "CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS : TRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 453 and 1318-J. CLUE WAS FURNISHED ue and bought Lesses Antique Shop Houses ® ie BUNGALOW == Neison street, modern, brick, 6 roms, electric light and gas, bath, fireplace and verandah. Posses- sion ¢mmediately, Rent moderate. Apply to J. E. Wilder, 229 Nelson Bt, or 'phone 18589-J. on Decorators Paris, Oct... 6.--The Canadian House in the "Cite Universitaire de Paris" will soon open its doors to the studious youth of Canada. The inauguration will take place Satur- day, October 30th, under the presi- dency of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 3G PAUL--Gpecialist for new Or re- paired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers Se- dan upholstering and decking, wind. shield and body glass put in whi'e you walt, lineleum and edging for rune ning boards, waterproof truck tarpau- lins and awnings made to order. 393 Shop and residence 'phone 1988. Money to loan. fice 383 King Street. T, O'CONNOR, $51 Princess Street. 'Phone 1188-J. 8 RESIDENOE--Brick veneer, rooms, hot water heating. electric light and A. ANDERSON~--FPainter and Decorator NTINGe-And Prices reasonable. paper for stie. Horton, wood Street Positions Wanted © | BUNGALOW--On Albert Street between Johnson and Brock Streets; modern, BY KINGSTON CITIZEN Resulted In Identifying Burned : » Body as That of Queen's Student. (Belleville Ontario From the which was a rumor that would be hushed, the identification of ) tinfest thread of a clue of people. result of a very generous idea. manufacturer, M. Deutsch de Meurthe, realizing the difficulties dents found themselves not the and the President of the French Re- public, before a' distinguished body The University City of Paris is the At the end of the war, a great French la in which the young generation of stu- after the enormous sacrifices which France had made, decided to ald them in a BOOKKEEPER And office executive, desires position. Experienced man, goed references. Apply Dox E-5, Whig ) ce, GRADUATE YOUTH-From KCL, de- sires position, watch repairing or simi« lar position with goo ceptable. fice, prospects ac- Apply Box -6, Whig Of- MARRIED MAN SEEKS SITUATION On & farm. Apply G. Brown, Bath Rd P. O., Kingston. Real Estate For Rent brick, § rooms, hardwood floors, elec- tricity and gas, 3 pe. bath, fireplace. Possession Nov. ist. Rent moderste. Apply 189 Ordnance Street. FURNISHED HOUSE-To let for win- ter. Conveniently located, all ime provements, hardwood floor, furnace, gas, electricity; cheap to careful ten- ant. Apply 194 Queen Street. Tele- phone 2996-w, OR THREE ROOMS... For light housekeeping, on University Avenue. Heated with hot water. Gas, el city, 'Phone 457-f. 7 ROOMED HOUSE ---- Good cellar, 3- gas, 3-p. bath, east side. Cheap for quick sale. APpLY J. B. Cook, Bank of Toronto Bui 8 Houses 14 NEW, SIX ROOM BUNGALOW - 12 Toronto Street, pressed brick, oak floor, strictly ern, for sale. Apply No. 14; also one to rept October Ist, No. 10 Toronto Street. One to rent or for sale Elm street, third house south of Alfred. Apply 382 Victoria Street. $2,000, FRAME-.] rooms, 3 piece bath and electric light, stable and garage. Newly decorated. A bargain for time- sale. Apply Geo. Bateman, 111% Princess Street. 'Phone 1640-F. RII I Fuel aan feed ANTHRACITE COAL--Stove, Thestnut and pea coal. - The nut snd stove at $15.26 from car, delivered. Jar of pea comnl at $11.50. Orders taken. Apply C W. Nevilie, 159% Collingwood Street. 'Phone 2363-m. DRY HARDWOOD--$4.00 softwood slabs, § size $10.50 ton. ton. Peat $12.00. load. Dry Hard pea coke, §7.0 , 145 Collings 'Phone 2984-J. 4 | SIGN PAINTING---J. 5. Robinson, ress 18, 3.00. Hard coke, stove | | Cartwright, manager, Phone 2440-w. W.| SR -- Ses 2i5 bagot Strest GYR lh fi 8 Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV 3 MENT SOCIETY -- Incorpors 5 NESL President, A. D. Cariw 5 vice-president J. M. Farrell Money t& loan on € and farm properties; a vestment. ondg bought and so posits received end interost minimum monthly balance » $71 Clarenes C. Bruton, 250 Wellington Street. Apartments and Plats 7 UNFURNISHED -- Apartment, heated, ground ficor, 4 rooms, verandah, SléciFic, Nreplacs, gauges. mished apartment, 3 rooms. of Albert and Union Streets. phome 1355-4. plece bath, hot and cold water and garage and hen house; about an acre of land, plum and/ apple trees, hard- wood Hogs dow airs, electrio light, gas, all To ts. Tent reasons able. Apply 36 Pine street. 8 ROOMED HOUSE--147- Brook Street, October lst, electric light, gas, hot water furnace, 3 plece bath. ent $35, Apply 349 Brock Street. 'Phone 1683-J or 173-m. * 4 second victim of the fatal tragedy of Saturday in this city was firmly es- tablished last night and a terrible ow has struck . a Belleville home. Po H. Chown, wa traveller of King- "Won in conversation with friends here mentioned the tragedy of Sat- urday. Mr. Chown inadvertently mentioned that there was a young man missing from, Kingston by the name of Farrell who had been stay- ing at the home of Mrs. Chown, of 236 Albert street, Kingston, whom he told 'that he was going to Tor- onto on Saturday' to spend the-week end with friends and that he would be back In time for lectures at the 'school." "Nothing 'was thought of this," sald Mr. Chown "but when the boy did mot, return on Sunday nor Monday and this accident bhav- fog happened on Saturday would it be & wise course to investigate the | park, not far from the Sorbonne and movements of the boy." the school quarter, and on them i rock Street, city. 4 ROOMED BUNGALOW. On. Maodon- ald Street; cheap for quick sale. Owner leaving city. For rticulars apply Ambrose Bhea, 39 Brook Brest = i RT Sn SE SEE Articles For Sale | BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE=For furniture or any merchandise. res Miscellaneous 1B} TTCASH RBEGISTER--Wanted to pur- | proof building. Jrgone 1000 or JT. | Ghase in good comdition. State prige| Femmes = 2 ANDIRONS == Fenders, fire gereens--| and make. Apply Box 5-7, Whig Of- BMisceTImnoouns # §rsrytaing, for wr iaces, ao e| fice. | a 4 re and Iron Works, plating jn sile] z= } HES) a t of 1 and. ver, nickel, ete, King st. 'Phone 380, j ASHES revenge pay MH 3 ju 8 . 'Phones 2 & A NUMBER-_Of Boys and Olris' Used ene: | 34 SUMelL Birest. Phone INK. 4 cycles; tires $1.75 and tubes 21 ASHES--Removed from yard sad Jos 1.00. A pix Mullera, 371.373 King) lars, sencinl carting; first class : ry. "Ww. 1OYY E + - wuod for a Estima vi 3 LUCY--Geo. F. 8nd Jeumle A, Chires| . .. "transfer, 143 Fork 'Phone 201 and 2516-M. vary practical manner. It occurred to Senator Honnorat, Minister of Public Instruction of the Preach Government, at the same time, that it would be a great idea to rebuild around the University of Paris, the Colleges of the Nations .which had in times. past enjoyed such a great prestige. In accord with Mr. Deutsch de la Meurthe who put at his disposition ten million francs, he decided to found "La Cite Universi- taire de Paris" for which he Invit- od the various foreign countries to bulld Houses where their students would receive, along with very ad-| vantageous conditions of living, a first class university education. The Minister therewDon obtained from the City of Paris, seventy acres of land them taken up by the oid tortifications in' front of Montsouris Storage STORAGE-=For furniture, clean, airy rooms and spaces, your own aud key. Frost's Six Morass 268 Quean St 'Phone $26. Hes or 1933-4. GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD! Concession street, for used lumber ati $25 per thousand, new lumber and shingles, lowest price possible; bard and mized wood soft and mixed slabs Phone 2753. ry, vided a house of more than two hundred rooms as well as sixty Scholarships which will enable young Belgians to finish their uni- versity studies in- Frahce. Owing 'tothe founders being closely con- nected with the Dominion, Cana- diang will Jecelte 4 very warm-te- ception in the-deighboring home. . Rooma 10 FURNISHED ROOMS... Good locality, hot and cold running water, in each room, well heated. Reasonable terms. 492 Johnson street, corner Frontenac. 'Phone 997). ROOMS..Jor light housekeepin garage for rent. Apply 116 treet, city. Business Services 'Professonat also deau BUFFALO ROBE-- In 800d condition;| practors. Registered Hurse, 301 Bagot! gi él 1-w, (Hour #14 also 3 dozen decoy ducks. Apply 21] Ta 4 one $81 . DAM Sapaet. Pay. 1-6. 6-17.30. Consul ation free DEAN SHERMAN ------ Wires Affirmative to Offer of Cal. gary Bishopric. Quebec, Oct. 7.--Quebec is about to lose the Very Rev. L. R. Sher. man, rector of Quebec and dean of ACCEPTS, Timed meat car fanetion. APPIY 10 e r oe an o Box H-6, Whig Office. os wily to ent line $s the best yol. Be sure & new models. Open day ada Radio St PRACTICAL NURSING-Would nurse | hment cases RADIO SERVIOE -- The new Atwat B ROCK PULLETS = Bred to n lay. $1.00 each. A. H Chambers, Bar riefield P. O. Res. Gore Road. BRICK---Stook, prasted, Rug Raustig wire cut, building tile and drain tile A. Neal, 624 Johnson BL "Phone 3041. ENSILAGE CUTTER- One 13", with Dig-| #pe the a nagh ire-------- ores. esr -- Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plane Adjusting, Phone 1544 WELCOME TO MR. MASSEY, --_ 21 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER ow W. A. | 2d "Labor" Greets Advent to W * o The police were told the story. Sergt. Trualsch and Sergt. Boyd, as- * gisted by the Provincial Police, im- mediately started to trace this rum- or to the roots. Sergt. Armstrong of the police force of Kingston, was notified by the police of this eity and requested to trace the move- ments of the boy. About five o'clock word came back thay a student by gave free sites to the foreign coun- tries requesting them for their build- ings. . The Canadian High Commissioner in France who had thought of the same thing at the close of the war, hastened to take an qption on the site adjoining the French Buildings and. immediately made an appeal to the Cathedral. Yesterday afternoon he -announced his definite acceptance of the bishopric of the Calgary dio cose Which was offered t5 him yes. terday by unanimous vote after one ballot. After consulting with Bishop Wil- liams, the wardens of the chureh and the members of the vestry, all of whom urged him to aceept the of. | far as & genuine call, he made up ton in Advance. Washington, D.C, Oct. 7.~Wel- come for the new Canadian repro- sentative to Washington, who t 1s said will be Hon. Vincent Massey, is expressed editorially by Labor, tha official publication of the Railroad Bmployees' organizations. Labor de- clares a better understanding of Canadas is needed in the United ips, almost new; ons 3 furrow Oliver low; 1 used De Laval aep- , See the . F. Cramer, Agency. 'Phone §55-J. PIANOS TO RENT----We will rent you a Plano St alx dollars per month and st expiration of six months will allow all monies paid as rental to apply ban purchase price. C. W. Lindsay, hie ed, 121 Princess Street. ~ TWO FOX HOUNDS---Also soma Water Frost & W C. W. LINRSAY, LIMITED | UPHOULSTERING=ADnd general repairs | ing Aeave orders at or drop & can to ¥F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Siresh bone 1600-J. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin. cess Streets. Chiropractic adjusts ments, elecirle treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta~ tion free. Hours 9-12 am, 1-6 p.m Evenings by appointment, Office tele~ phone 22-J. esidence 'phone 957-J. | SKIN BLEMISHES --- Fair, Moles, | Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers Scars, Pits, etc, removed parmancnts ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and) furnished aftér others have falied Goitre cured without operation. ' 2% ears' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | ye, Bar, Nose, KINGSTON ALTO TOF AND BODY © Moke of Auto, Buggy. Bost and Cushions. his fellow subjects for the. means to carry through sich a commendable project. Canada as a result will be the first foreign country to open a Housé in the "Cite Universitaire de Paris." . " Later, the Belgian Students Home will be inaugurated in fts turn. It is an imposing building in the Flem- {sh style which will accommodate mors then 200 students This In. stitution is due to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Biermdns who have many friends in Canada. Mr. Bier- mang has built an imposing strue. ture which will be a great service to Belgium snd France. Its sndow- mest of a million dollirs has pro- States, and says United States news- Throat; So mmeraial, papers do mot provide sufficient news concerning Canadian affairs. "If a Canadian minister at Wash- ington will help educate our press. and incidentally our peopls, to a broader vision, he will be doubly welcomed," is Labor's conclusion. Skin. 25881 that name had left for Toronto on w. House 11367 Saturday morning sbout mine o'clock and as yet had pot returned, "From the description given to us of the _ clothing by . Chown we would fo investigate this rumor furth- er," Kingston authorities advised. Muller Boarding Kennels, 371 Bagot Street. Phone 301 Street. 'Phone 1981-w or d4lé-w; = HT and Fox Terrier FupSies. Ap: Coupe bodies, California Tops sad . hoistering. Awnings and Tents 347 King street . 'Phone 31045. Auto Wrecking Co. One ton bord Truck, Also all kinds of Second Hand Auntomeoblie Parts for sil makes of Cars. A his mind and wired his atceptance to Calgary at noon. The message contained the single word "accept." Because he was her landlord, Abraham Cobb insisted he bad the privilege of kissing hed; Mrs. Ann Berman chargéd, os she filed suit for $35,000, in Chicago. Lady Stanley, widow of the fam- ous African explorer. Bir Henry M.| Stanley, dled In Lonads ou Tues. day 'at the age of 71. ° ] | "Gertrude ' Edens bighway' i suggested as oame of new boule vard between Highlands and Middle town, NJ. \ Robbers entered H. F. Smith gar- age, near Logansport, Ind, and] Tampico, Mexico. es valued at $25,000. Lorain (Ohio) police are search- An agreement whereby the Anglo. Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., and the Ontario Paper Com- pany will jointly develop for lumber ug purposes large properties on the Manicoyagan river, Queé., way an. nounced. . { King George will present a silver alms basin to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Bishop Willlam T, Manning announced to-day. The in- formation came from the Britisa embassy at Washington. BRINGING UP FATHER .& _ = [wow iF Mace <= IN 19 BOO, Loe ! PL : LUCKY TO SE& . Es MeNanh the driver of the 1 lives were lost last Saturday much easier in the Belleville Gen- eral H Mrs. McNabb said In the morning J. E. Wood, of Hamilton, charged with manslaughter in connection with death of Albert Alderson, was found not guilty. Alderson died foi- lowing an aitereation with Wood in a Mountain top barber shop several weeks ago. : There is a large bed of pure Ep. som salts pear Death Valley, Calif. was sii 3 i. HUDSON] passenger runs like new. sla ; upholstered in blue Broadeiath p 31.580 Appi x. 88 HALO Ue OWHAT 19177 TAS SOON ai START TO TA