Thursday, October 7 1926. - _THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG *q "SPECIAL SERVICES x v = anniverdary = HELD AT LANSDOWNE! in Two of the he Churches--In= teresting. Meeting of the Women's Institute. Lansdowne, C Oct of CS Knit chureh, Lansdowng, day. Rev. H wo ston, preached mos; timely sermons | 10 appreciative audiences, . Among !lton on Tuesday, Mr ral was held Sun- | Cliffe, of King- | of Hamilton, Yay tom: acting as government | judge of horses at Spencerville and | {ca arp fairs Mrs. D. A. Haig has returned to] her home in the village from Ivy, { Lea. Mpts. Clark, Wellington, Ont. {is a guest of her sister, Mrs. C harles | Cross~and Mr. Cross {| Mrs. M. R Cook, of Milwaukee, | { Wis., who spent the past two and a half months here with her mother Tome on Tussday. George Hamilton and Mr. Barr, have exchanged drug Mr. Hamilton left for Ham- Bary arriving | stores. the musical numbers were solos by (On Manday Mrs. James Bradley, a summer resi- dent of Ivy Lea. On Monday even- ing a successful supper and anniver- SATY programme was given in Grove ¢hureh, . Short addresses were given | by Rev. J. O. Baron, Rev, Mr. Hal- penny, Rev. C. Winter; recitations by Bessie Smith and Harris Me-| Creally; selections by Danby's or- chestra. Others assisting in musi | eal selections were Mrs. M. Steacy, | Mr. Fred Mitchell, Mrs. Robert Shields, Miss Grace Beckstead.| Messrs. E. R. Bradley. G. Graham, A. West, A, Chariton and the church choir. Ge harvest thanksgiving service © Id in 8t. John's church on Sunday | Iast wa# most inspiring with a re- cord congregation, communicants | and offering. The church was beau- | tifully decorated with flowers and fruit. Harves; hymns were brightly | sung and during the offertory, Mr. | Fred 'Mitchell sang a solo. Mrs. E. Johnston capably presided at the' organ. A similar service was held | fn the evening In St... Matthew's church, Warburton. Mr. Hall, of Bancroft, was called | here on account of the serious n= | THERE of Charles Cross. Y A successful quilting party held on Tuesday las; at the home of Miss Susie Truesdell, at which | two quilts were quilted by the ladles | of St. John's church Women's Aux- iliary. Joseph Shields, who was in Gal- etta and Riceville as judge on cattle sheep and swine, returned home on Saturday. A dancegwas held at the Stewdat House, on Friday evening, under the management of Messrs. Elmer Burns snd Wilmer Danby. Mr. Maguire, public school inspec: tor, visited Vietoria school on Fri- day. A meeting of the Agricultural] Society was held on Monday night | and the prize lis; will now be paid. Robert Shields returned on Fri PARKER PENS From the Black Standard at "Ill 92.75 to the oversize Duo-fold at $7.00. The Pens in the new pastel shades are 83.50. Pencils to match. "The vogue for Stationery is still the lined or stencilled en- Selppe in unique patterns. - L. T. BEST PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 'Phone 59 for Best Service For Sale $7,069 -- Brick, 9 rooms, hot water heating, separate toler, eieciricity and gas, h. Ww, téuis; weatral, $4,000 Brick, semi-detached; 8 rooms; deep lot; right of way; garage. $8,500 -- Frame, detached; 7 rooms, hot alr heating, gas and electricity, B. and Tollet, stable and garage. y- 7 rooms, B. LT. cloctric ght, Bateman's | was | MAYOR WILL BECOME | ment, were saved by the committee Mrs. Samuel Donevan, | suadents taken {ll on Tuesday, is better at time of writing. 2 D. B. Johnston had the misfortune is at present holding ks annual con- I last week to lose a valuable horse, just four years old. It was in the pasture with another horse, and in some way got it's foot eanght in the | fence next to the rafliroagd track, and fell over fnto the ditch and was not | discovered for several days, when it j wos found necessary to dispatch | him. *The horse was valued a¢ $150. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MéDonald, Sand Bay, are moving into U. J. B. Warren's house in the village. Alex | Burteh has rented part of Mrs Thomas Isbester's house and will | take .Dossession in November Ap interesting meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held on Wednes- {day evening last in the township { hall. Mrs. Margare; McNeill was | {awarded the prize for | vanced age of eighty-nine years. The prize for the youngest grandchild | wns not awarded, but will be com- { peted for at another meeting On Sunday. Oct. 17th, Grove Unit- ed church will celebrate its jubilee on Monday, 18th; a supper and pro- gramme will be given Rev. J. O. Baron left on Tuesday | | evening for Toronto to attend a con- | ference of United Church workers, | which is being held in Massey Hall. Miss M. Donevan, Toronto, is at | her home here recovering from an | | attack of blood-poisoning. } Rev. A. Bishop, of Escott, and! { Rev. I. N. Beckstead are in Toronto | { attendi ng a conference of the Unit- ®ad Church workers A number of Rebekahs went to! | Kingston on Monday evening. Mr | George Hamilton left on Tuesday for! { Hamilton, Mr. McKercher, manager of the Bank of Toronto, Is enjoying | his holidays. - ! A MARRIAGE BROKER Will Give Dance to Provide Marriageable Maidéns With Husbands. ' {oa-- Wallasey, Eng, Oot. 7.--The mayor of this vown in Cheshire which is filled with mariageable maidens, has struck upon a novel plan to get some of thom married. Recently thé mayor issued a statement in which be told of the surplus of beau- tiful girs in Wallasey. There fol lowgd an ava'yache of letters to the mayor from young 'men asking for aroduoetions, After studying the situation for a few days, the mayor decided that he would become a marriage broker on a wholesale bamis, He announced that he will give a dance in the {own hall, where applicanis for int~odue- tl to the girls will have a free-for- {all oppontunity to seek out life part- | foms, f 27 {In addition, the mayor promises {to got as best man for the firsi cou- | ple to of ter the bonds of wedlock through his scheme HISTORY OF 4TH C.M.R. and Next of Kin. The history of the 4th C.M.R. will { be off the press in a couple of weeks jand a copy of this beautiful volume i will be mailed, free of cost, to every | ex-member of the unit and to the i next of kin of all those killed In action. The canteen funds of the 4th C. I'M. Res at the disbandin of the regi-1 i {To Be Mailed Free to ExMembers i i | tor th&§purpose of creating a prac- tical memorial of the unit, and in- stead of the fund being frittered {away in small. relief and charity | that would at best have been unfair, | m view of the way ex-ith C.M.R. . | men are scattered over the Domin- fon, a book containing the full story of the battalion's magnificent re- cord in the war, with maps and {llu- { strations, and a complete list of the | 4.5600 men who served in the unit, | with thelr service record. remains | now as. a valuable and unique re- membrance to be shared from ofie {end ot the Dominion t | Ex-members of the 4t R. are { requested to mall their names, old {Isimantal numbers pnd present ad- dresses to Lt.-Col. H. D. Lockhart Gordon, DS.O.. In care of Clarkson, | Gordon and Dilworth, 15 Walling- | ton streey west, Toronmte. Next-of- i kin of those 41 CMR. men who fell are to send their names and addresses and their claim of closest kinship to the same address.' The history ix the work of Capt. Stewart G.vBennett,:M.C., of the Royal Engineers, who prepared it i from the official records at Ottawa and from information supplied dy many officers' and men of the 4th CMR. As no list of the present addresses of the 4.500 men of the Mth CM.R. exists, it will be years before the history is fully distribut- fectors at $3, any fund from this within and other Jel atives, Aft for. SE The Teachers Insc) who was '® trary, Mis sale going into a second edition | ; SCHOOL TH TEACHERS PAY A VISIT TO KINGSTON. Members Teachers Institute of | North Frontenac and Ad- dington Here. . PN AS a dmgon {Sone on Thursday seventy | strong, for the purpose of visking | the historical, educaticnal and in-| dustrial institutions of the oity. Mr. rector for North Frontenac, ac- companied the panty. The Institute of Nonmth Froptepac and Addington | vention and Thurday was spent in the visit to Kingston, while on Fri- | day *ession will be discussed. The party arrived in Kingston carly on Thursday moéming, and while here viiied. Queen's Undver- Jty, the Royzd Miltary College, Fort Henry, the wireless sending taitdon, Tele du Pont Barracks, Rockwood Hospital, Porismouth | Penitentiary Farm, the armouries, ithe museum, Canadien Locomotive | Works, Collingwood Shipbudldir z | Company and many other places. The teachers were accorded every privi- lege and expressed themselves as delighted with the visit, At Sharbot Lake Thursday even-| the oldest mg, Dr.'F. A. Jones of the Ottawa] E. | Brandmother, having reached the ad- |vormal School, will give en illus-| trated lecture, ("Here and There in! Canada," and again on Fridey, Dr. | {Jones will address the conventton, | which is being held in the Sharbot | | Miss Jean Sin-| {Lake public school. {odair i5 the presidemt of the Inst! tute, Mr. N. R. McDougall .is secre Nora Keegan is vice! president and Lhe executive-eomanii- ted includes Miss N. Shont, Miss 13. Curtis and Mr. C. Hall, |THE FUNERAL OF LATE MRS. EUGENE HAGERMAN Take Place at | Her Home Near Lansdowne--Large Con=- course Gathered. Mallorytown, Oct. 5.--The funeral of Mrs. Eugene Hagerman took place on Monday afternoon, October The ser- her pastor. miles from Mallorytown. vice was conducted by the Rev. R. Calvert, B.D., assisted by the Revs. Curtis of" Athens and William Wells of Brockville, former pastors, and Rev. A. Bishop of Escott. Mr, Calvert spoke from Heb. 6:19, "Which entereth Inte that within the veil." ThY Rev. ¥C. J. Curtis also made a few appreciative J remarks concerning the kindly in- fluence that radiated from that home and the great usefulness of the de- ceased. A large concourse of friends and neighbors gathered within the house and upon the lawn. The ser- vice was conducted from the en- trance, go that those within as well | as those Without could hear the ad- dresses given. The immediate relatives were Jonas Hagerman, of downe; Robert, of Toronto; Flelds, of Syracuse, brothers; and Mrs. C. Lee, of Stevensville, sister of M#¥s. Hagerman; Mrs. John Bryant, of North Augusta; Mrg. William Guild, of Mallorytown; Mrs. Jonas Hager- man, sisters of Mrs. Hagerman, and John Collins, brother. Nephews and nieces present were Miss Hagerman f Lansdowne; Leon Hagerman, of allorytown, and Mrs. Charles Mal- lory, of Kingston, and Mrs. David Hutchinson, of Escott. The interment took place in the | Mallorytown cemetery. The bearers were the following elders from the Mallorytown apd Caintown United Churches: Charles Tennant, Abram Hodge, Thad Purvis, H M Mallory, William White and Norman Marshaly. Mr. Hagerman is the re- cording stewart of the Mallorytown present Lans- Nore | = M, R. Reid, public school in| { matters of ioverest to the pro-| 4th, | | from her late residence, about three | pall- | | ee, we emer So Te Don't Get | Up Nights _ Often Mistaken Bladdeg Weakness For Kidney Trial cathe at PREE Blad weakness, because it dis urbs { the dae: is responsible for thousands of cases of broken down heaith and | premature old age Stop Eetling op | nights. Don't let bladder weakness get | the best of you and make you old be- | fore your time. This wonderful treatment as proven 80 remarkably sysessatel in relieving jrri ation andiweakiess of the bladder hat 1 now want every sufferer to wy 1 gladly send a generous trial treat- | ment free to all who write for it. Hun- dreds have written of the most amazing | results. scores whe thought they had serious kidney trouble report great re- lief over might.. Many men in middie life suffering with severe prostatic | trouble found their first real benefit, | from this treatment L { If you have pain in the back, if you | have a burning sensation and ®e. up frequently at ght--if you think your kidneys are weak--or if the irritation he bladdel keeps you awake and are all wien out in the mourning f ¢ s free trial treatment will prime you such wonderful relief' you will be de- lighted beyond words Send me no money and address on jay another day La McWethy, 1983 {a Michigan ! | FREE TRIAL COUPON just your name Don't de- oupon now. F Mi chia Ave, Mar- FL. McWetay, 18983 Michigan Ave. Marshall M! d me free wir Trial Treatment 'or Weakness ana Irritation of the Bladder, Name Address City . A very large "and beaut ful collection of wreat sprays, ete. { testified to the high esteem in which | the departed was held. Among these were--wreaths, etc., from the Quar- teriy Official Board; --the- Women's Missionary Society and the Ladies | Ald of the United Church in which church Mrs. Hagerman was one of the most active and useful members | Also many others from the family | and friends A number of the young men from { the village motored to Kingston on Saturday to take in the Queen's-Ot- tawa rugby game After a delay of a few days walit- ing for tar the workmen are again at work on the highway going through the village. circuit. Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of Pearh Eveline, daughter of Mrs. Re- hill and the late Thomas A. Relill, Peterboro, to . Harold Fraser John- sort, Brockville, son of Mr. and Mrs George E. Johnson, Peterboro. , The jmacriage is to take place the fatter paint of October. . ferred to Barrie. Sergt. BE, A, Raa, s'a- tioned at Belleville under District Inspector Gurnett for some time, had { recently been removed to arrie, | where he is pow acting as discrict inspector. Relieves Catarth Almost Instantly! Nasal catarrh clogged nostrils, obsti- nate, and annoving head colds dull headaches, buzzfhg head. noises -- no matter how bad---now yield almost in- stantly to the amazing power of Geero Wormwood Baim. A delightfully clean and pleasant home treatment positively harmless to the most delicate tissues but powerful enough to break up con- gestion, allay inflammation and kill germs within a few minu'es Your | throat, and nasal passages are cleaned i lke magie---you breathe freely and eas- | a as nature intended---and your dul, 1a head feels clear and Shean, To prove that this is bis and to quickly introd to thousands of catarr! | need it--ajl drugmists are ized to suppl Geero Worm Wo on a strict guarantee of swift and full satisfaction or money back! No mat- treatments you Fit success--| you | want to be freed from eatarrh, don't | miss this opportunity to try Geero Wormwood Balm without slightest risk enet unless pleased with results. A J ote box will last for weeks. * Borers have really n--r BY RENDER flee vit vanes ls Olive 0S PIG Barto Grubby_ Groundhog Does Some Er- rands, One day Mrs. Bunny was baking a cake and she ran ont of sugar. "My goodness, I'm not dressed te go to the store! What shall I do?" she wailed. Jus) then she heard a whistling sutside, "There's that Tittle - groundhog boy," she said. "I'll get him to run an errand for me." "So she put her head out of her window and called, "Oh, Grubby, will you go to Mister Bags' store for me and Ao me a pound of the fresh- est sugar?" "Yes, ma'am." said Grubby oblig- ingly. That very day Mrs. Squirrel was having company to lunch. And here, when she wen to salt the soup, she found that she hadn't a gran, : "Lands alive!" '* she in the house! I'll have to get some from the store some way for 1 need salt for the meat and potatoes and vegetabley and salad and every thing." Just then she heard Grubby's cheerful whistle as he passed the flat where she lived. "I'll just ask the little groundhog boy +o get it for me." she said. "Yes, ma'am. I'll get you a pound | ed. A small quantity has been pub-; of salt," said Grabdy -obligingly. ed. And Mrs. Groundhog was com- { lished for sale to libraries and cal- | "I'm going to the store anyway." So off he waddled to the store in the woods where Napey and Nick six. months, to be -lefy in| were working. ¥ "Here's your salt, Mrs. Squirrel." Tre called when he resched her fist. | So she Jot down 3 basket and, .! Gry sut 1m ane oF the Vags ang she Bauled {i up after throwing him | & penny. Then she pug a large pinch in the soup and a pinch in the meat and 3 pinch in the mashed potatoes and a pinch in everything but the pud- j ding. 7 Grubby went on his way whistling '"Here's your sugar, Mrs. Bupny. he he, } Mes. Bunny 2 gave him a penny or took the sngar, saying she was ever so much obliged to him, and then finished her cake baking, put- ting a whole cupful in the batter and one in the icing. *I think that I'll send Mrs, Squir. rel half of this cake for her party." she sald to herself. "It looks so very delicious. It's the nicest cake | ever baked." Now you'l} think it funey that Mrs. Squirrel could have people like Mrs. Bunfiy and Mrs. Groundhog and | i Mrs. Muskrat at her party. when she gasped. "That's a nice fix to be in--no salt) lived so far above the ground. Bat she had arranged for all that. + She Had borrowed Mr. Coon's hall --~-wiy on the ground floor and set her table there. "My, my! How good everything | {astes™ said everybody. "That meat! | And these potatoes! And such grand | salad! And such delicious cake!" < For what do you think! Grubhy hadn't gd¢ the salt and sugar mixed at all and Mrs. Squirrel and Mrs. Bunny got the very things théy need. plimented on her smart som, which made her very proud. . Naney and Nick had something to! do with this story after all, for ti was Nick who wrote the names on the bags and that's why Grabby | could tell which was' which. i (To Be Continnad) pA Pres oni PROBS:--Friday, fair, not much change in temperature. * Steacy's have outdone all previous efforts in gathering to- gether for Milady's approval, the smart accessories which com- plete her costume. Beautiful, Silken Hose in the newer shades. Leather Bags take on a pouch shape, with light shades in the ascendancy. Doe- skin Gloves for Sports, and short Gloves with colorful cutwork and appliqued cuffs, in French Kid and Chamoisette--for dres- sier wear. Novelty Scarfs and Handkerchiefs are two impor- tant items. Draperies Brighten the New Drapes lend an air of freshness and beauty to what other- wise might be a shabby room. The woman who is planning changes ini her home to meet the demands ofthe indoor season, will do well to look first of all to her Drapes. Broad assortments await your selection here, as well as new Curtainings, Furniture Cover- ings, Rugs, Mats, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, Wipdow Shades, Cushions, Blankets, Com- forters, etc. When planning replenishings for the home, we would invite you to see 0 owing of new Furnishings for the "home beautiful," Estimates of all work gladly given without any obligation. 9 STEACY'S LIMITED