_ THE DAILY -- rt eg -- BRITISH WHIG | flouader through mud or ruis to Lol ae hose. iadapundence She rout of a women's Sowers ho EAR ! the axles every time they make a | United States had recognized. is | his way of dropping in on the girs, #3RD Y | tip to their trading town. It is i had referemes only to the revolt:d| adds the Stratford Bedcon-Herald. | | understood that the funds provi ed | American colonies of Spain, whieh| . of -- i | by the Highways Act are practically {had established a republican form of| "No Lieutenant-Governor ot On- | exhausted, and that further action {government it remarks. "We cou'd | tario ever attained to the popularity | { by Parliament will be necessary it jnot." said President Monroe, in | enjoyed by Mr. Cockshutt ia Que- | | this meakure .of Dominion assist {1823, "view any Interpasition pribec' says' the ~ Québec _Telegraph- : | ance is to be available to the prov. {the purpose of oppressing them ar | Chronicle. ir | ) . | inees in future . {controlling in' any otter manner | nN i 4 a | "The Good Roads Convention |their destiny by any European power| TOMES re i} en S n rwear demas Parliament sae. thar. the !in 'any other light than as the magi he racio A : +34 4 : : hd "ih [ assistance ee at 1 TTestation of "an it SRE SI Li rm eRe : doubtful if Parliament will extend tion towards the United States" --in | fOF $1.000 that had been Wirelessed the offer without a provision that | plain words, it Would be considered | Photographitally from Lerdon. 4 { the Provincial Government spénds an unfriendly act. Aa extension of | ToS md % the grant in definite road undertak- {the Monroe doctrine 47 years later] A half billion dollars were distri-| ings. : It would certainly be unrea- | brought Canada within it, for. Press. | Duted fo the United States on Oct. | sonable fo ask Parliament after the dent Grant in 1870 asserted "the 1st to several million persons in the | experience .of las; year, to go on [equally important. principle that | [OTD Of Interest and dividends upoa| voting federal moner for highway { hereafter no territory on this cop] 2EuTItien. construction with no assurance that |tinent shall be regarded as subject) | i BRITISH WHIG We have just received a small shipment of KEILLER'S SUGARLESS : AMS AND ARMALADE Specially prepared dor .diabet es. "PHONES 20 and 990, [HoTEL RANDOLPH | TRY R SUNDAY . Dinner TRY BIBBY'S = for And you won't be sorry ! f On {78 | | BE --= bl La | Selling agents in Kingston a -- for Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear, 2B AMEN RAL Yublished Datiy by | BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING LIMI FED, KINGSTON, ONT. President and A LEADER AND A POLICY. Jocnal and long distance. All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires H. L. BRYANT 884 Division Street. "Thone ITSA See us for all kinds of OVafpentry Powers, lac, | work, Estimates given on new fSoors i» ham-Powers, Ine, ed with eur aew chive. The cirevistion of The British Whiz suthenieated by the Audit Bureas of ations, only ---- re te -------- a ---- i ----i : & day New York Wednesday pC ------ COAL" We sre now taking orders for Scraston sud Virginia Anthracite Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Biack Gem and Pocahontas Semi. Hard. Our Coal ia all weighed on the city scales. You get tweaty hun. dred of con! for a ton. nus have your order for your winter Coal. AYLESWORTH BROS. I | Or 'phone U. R. Knight, 1795w, fas ---- A ------ "In EXCURSION Massena Norwood Ogdensburg Potsdam Redwood Remsen 35 Richland 11.60 11.70 Watertown 12.70 Proportionate fares from intermediate stations. i EDITORIAL NOTES. Adams $12.25 ? Boonville 10.80 1 $15.30 14.80 14.40 14.60 13.20 10.35 4.20 13.60 12.25 | before in Canada's history has there| 3.50 . - thee < i thei Steam up, is the conductor's order Seen A a Jalth ou nek { ttaws , | pa yum SOE head-| ontidently to the task of building] ka { up this great heritage of the people, | A car may make seventiy-tiva | more fortunate, perhaps, than any] miles an hour but that no reason it |O1heT nation thedughout the whole | | world to-day." | H. G. Wells announces his inten-| {and still not become a "subject ot] mythical, Hey Il . think as H. G.| . &n sats them to. Penman's and Tru-Knit cleavage between east and west fa] | Britain that new treaties with Chins, | the Conservative party over the, WHERE GOOD CORN GROWS, based on reciprocity and equality] : f : : : i ' and preach protection. The Mail and year 'was on 4and aimost in sight of! ---- i . : \Empire searching for causés of de- | the Ottawa river. It was of splendid bmportant extensions of works,! B 1 B B Y S for - nipeg Tribune says Mr. Meighen lost | splendid dimensions could be grown | munity Service to set its objective, the election Wh 1925 by "an altr-|along the Ottawa river. Western | this year at $500,000, for the forty-| i : 5 : Walnut and Mahogany Gralaing { : t a Speciality. Firat clans work. Prices reasonable, NDID PRESIDENT CHOSEN. | port in Quebec." The Tribune thea |ploded and Renfrew, Lanark and] 1 goes on: if the nations of the world had con-| | Sor | fidence in Canada surely Canadians | tic over the results of the late { find the road to higher and firmer | ral elections and ready to help | ground. It may as well accept wi'n is Indian summer? { | stay dead for quite a long time. The tendance of young Liberals, earn- | industrial Provinces no longer and They have"'come to realize that the % this city. The party is strengtben- low-tariff talk of Liberal leaders is #d by being in office at Ottawa and | Bb blic wil t the extra amount [to transfer to a European wer." ! i the pu will get the e { b po | tion of using threa real people in his | | transfer." Until that took place sha). ( Special! See Our Feature Value ! tariff issue. The Montreal Star has| ---- | must be made. Britain says it will, feat and restating the merits of Mr. | height, well matured with heavy particularly in the fields of family | ' .--a Church's British Footwear gether undue emphasis on the|Onjario, it was thought, was the | one federated charities of Toronto it} D YOU Eben Carlet 0 ie . a | It was an apt remark of a recent! he Liberals of Kingston were out - arleton counties produce. succulest 8 i. these two facts the Con- { should appreciate their own coun- | ueats the people of this bity to | frank finality the truth that the 3% ctive in the party's inter- | the Liberal party: Neither the m#hu- | at sts. Wit {nearly all bark and very little bite mergotic work fs promised In future { The tariff EVENING eH shou'd do it ordinarily, RE of highway the money is intended | But Canada might be invaded, over- Be at : Ee - : { would not come within the compass | The Chinese delegate to the! ~L ' - . . Stanfield's Fine Wool Combinations declared the party needs & leader| The British Whig believes thai!talk when China has stable govern-| Meighen for leadership, called again |stalks, leaves and corn. Years ago | welfare and dependent children, . . Society Brand Blue Suits PAPER HANGING, PAINT- tariff," and lost the election this year place real fine corn could be | represents. The Toronto folks hold 198 COLBORNE i ¢orn and in great abundance. | Kiwanis speaker when he sald that! force at the anmhal meeting On |... ¢;y, party, if it has power for {try. The Guelph Mercury expressed | i tar 4 he benefits of Liberal government. ariff issue has been dead since th their stirring assistance | faCiurers nor the men and women Liberalism can regain policy of thes Liberal ys to make Kingston » live part- 5 oreate. | run and ccenpied by # hostile fores! 2°¥ three-volume novel, but real or| i President : p | : wr] There is, apparently, a sharp of President Grant's declaration. |;...uq of Nations is warning Greart| yf; The | Sizes 34 to 44 who will go to all parts of Canada'the finest corn it has seen this | ment. i for a high-tariff issue The Win- | nobody ever thought corn of such have led the Federation for Com-! Borsalino Hats ING AND GRAINING by the "process of billding for sup- | produced, but this idea has been ex-|2P eminent place for generosity. Nednesday pight. They were en-| graying lessons from defeat, may i Are w ot in = 8 ' i we correct in saying that this ne same idea when it says: "Neve:| | electiodS of 1911, and is lkely to was pleasing to see the splendid they employ have any fear of it. its prestige party in office does not differ suf- . per in the government of Canada. The Association is to be congra- ficiently from Conservative policy to afford a basis for distinction or for party preference when the electors | "Of course we shall have warmer; bok . Canton " . Gouverneur weather yet," says an pfficial fore-! . Philadelphia 1 i . Cape Vincent 5S A Quebec Viewpoin . Watertown -------------------------- Fl Memorials Reflecting upon Démpsey- | 7:15 PM Before placing your order for thing." increased from 282,038 toms in| Tunney fight Le Devolr reminds ite i Houwarents call and inspect our : 11910 to 1,170,314 tons in 1924 | readers that comparizons are odious.' Tickets in sleeping cars and in regular trains returning : stock. Thas . plain talk from a news: Spire | "A United States journalist notes unti Serovar 19 incisive. i : . Cemetery Lettering a paper that has given the past; There is talk of a Tory becoming | with irony and pertinence tha, Sale of Hirkets Nunitad ta' capacity of Aggin~-purchast in a= specialty. strong support, and the same article Sromier of AlbertaDr Tory whether he wom or lost, Demps:y 4 concludes by saying that if the, ... . . 0 University r AL | Was bound to draw from the en- J E MULLEN Montreal Star and the Montreal |, ¥ "| counter that took place at Phila- - LEP Gazette could be induced to transfer a. 9 ONE at17. Corner of Princess and Alfred Streets. PEEEEERE of Ontario and Quebec go to the caster. That is encouraging. tulated in electing Mr. Michael Sul- polls. The Conservative party should ». { Jivan as president. He has long been | an active and faithful worker; his | strong personality and aggressive ? paigning will add strength to je 'organization. For the past thirty | years Mr. Sullivan has been in front line of action, vigorous, mined, and enthusiastic in hip. His selection to the pre- cy {8 an act of appreciation Sullan is entitled to. He could i6 had the honor years ago, but 'glways preferred others, The oth- 'officers chosen are able men, | py 'of them young in years but kperienced and seasoned by ser- EEZEERERER BOWLS ALL grzo8hn28E heuYYeY decently inter the tariff issue and The od 8 of pi { . . find as a substitute Ploduction of pulp in Quebe. g E some living delphia on Thursday night a sun their allegiance to Mr. King the re- A Siesosted sign Tor level cron to8 times larger than Milton recelv- a Eom vival of the Conservative partyi, .. oo ahmitted or. the Border) from his Publishers for the would 'ba "mightily expedited." De sh J {manuscript of "Paradise Lost." Mil- = -------- BY TR SR ee a i Cities Star: "He W i 361 iv ire i E Y FE I : It would appear the Conservative a Ts: Who Hesltates Og 8 ton lived iin. poor" circumstances, FOR GARR CA | : Ae T Globe. his Across." {whereas Dempsey spends af - least | - 5 hii he A er De, as 130.000 a year. Though defeated, il! 3 Scientist says that salmon, pike and the . . . » Our Motto is Quality and Service. I e ciri C MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING You ? it ) but a : purse with which he may band- HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US. _ The Association starts off with a ous programme. Liberalism in ton will be strengthened by ae- and constant work, by emlight- nt as to its principles and alms, | by energetic appeal to the elec- maintain a government of h and enterprise, economical helpful to the citizens of Can- 'and worthily fulfilling its mis- in the development and up- ng of Canada. : promise and harmony than 1s at|..vq asleep practises economy, a monthly isgome | | present manifest, ¥ |of $1,000. And since he entdred : The Sault Star is sure the Meeks | oa he Yee Ae Do lamb that follows Mary to school | gay has, according to the boxing {these days 'weass a jazz sweater and | statisticians, made as much as $1, |} balloon pants | 654,000 with his fists. Thus we have |} ia millionaire pugilist. But it is a| proaching the moment when we A London: school trustee declares safe bet' that he has made serious | will count one million of owned auto- | Canadians are the worst cooks in inroads into his million and a half, | mobiles. In other words, the time I$ the world. We're sorry for the kind and if he lives only a little Tonger| sot far distant when there will be ine patronized! ' {he will no doubt die in unknown | one motor vehicle for every nine|.' . 1 poverty, Milton, poor snd blind. | persons in the Dominion, as there I" "A coal mine fire in Pennsylvania lives today 20d Wi ve 10: the end now is one motor vehicle for every | has been going for 67 years. And : % five persons in the Uffited States, no one has had to shake it down or . ; How soon will Canada register its jopen the drafts. first million motor vehicles, is a} - * question put by the Financial Post. | "Adam was his own tax collector" With a total registration of 728,005 remarks a wise contempofary. Exe, as Bhown by the federal figures for|We presume. set the demands; she's 1925, wb are well on our way here been doing it ever since. in the Dominion to our first million | --p-- policy, and for that task it will ra-|. 1arich never sleep. Gold brick |8e his nose, put out of joimt by |} quire more of the spirit of comp{giiesmen state that suckers are al. | Tunney, . will assure him, if hej x / EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 201. A MILLION MOTOR CARS. 4 I can furhish detail ¢imen<! auirs. we nn Wbpeeive he foun |sions and all particulars, in- Fs yé CAR © wv 4 on | 1 1 for the answer to it. For instance, | Suding prices, for any size tests made by Columbia University | MOtOT- Save lime and money show that men spend more time 804 do your business locaily. looking into store windows than wo-| men. The reason for this undoubted. | ly is that they are wondering what | J Bo d 8 those things are. The women, ot | ames y ' course, know. |phove 2504. 308 Brock St. ; New Zealand Football Club Route Across Canada, To-day in Canada we are ap- ren wr News and Views. -- The Next War. New York Life: The last war was fought to end all wars; the next one will be fought to end all debts. ROAD MONEY FOR ROADS. : Oh, Take a Dezen. He had been looking over the birthday eards on the counter -for| some time when the saleswoman suggested: "Here's a lovely senti-|there is one ting mare Shan Ad ment, 'To the only girl I eve | other that will make a bar : ' 5 ! ed" Bye ever 10% 11% is for balf a Goren women to ac- Fontan ond Nr Sand Ra "That's fine," he said, brighten-|company a girl into his shop on a + All-Blacks" * evassod a pi | cars. But expert opinion ditters| The direct loss from the British ing. "I'll take tive or six of those." $aturday night to get a neck trim thelr way to play a strion ol ane. | somewhat as to the actual time!CO8l tie-up, so far, is just about 3|--Western Christian Advocate. {at tem cents and probably lose 2 and test matches against the best) phen we will arrive ai that -firet|biltion dollars. It i running a close re | dozen. men who pass Fhe Sout thea "1 clubs of England snd Wales, they ll million. The general manager of at | second to the war debt, On Business, {'ng that the barber shop Fok] ode the Canadisn Natiodal Rai-IH least one automobile manufacturing | is ® os . Ls | "Sime you intend to flit me, tell |ough, whereas n 4 momen His shod ways as thelr rote across the Dom-! concern is disposed to forecast one The American Federation of Labor Me please, what fs the name of my is empty and remains inion. Their satisfaction with the million registry for Canada by the | At its Jast convention decided to con- rival?" ceremony is repeated. Men from . i Le wGood heavens. 40 you mean to|time immemorial Lave felt that the splendia Jasylee Zuoviged Jor wii ara evry cheap io. an end of 1927. Another says that he|Lnue @ vigorous national eampaign J i We have many kill him?" parber shop on Saturday nights be-} = oo lo gry the following letter ffl farms to select from, sine some cADNOL foroses ome million cars for |1°7 ihe abolition of child labor, * - ; vgn, slo, only io sell longs to them. The ladies may hava © 00 MT 0 it of the 18 Jeter if] Soca varwuins ta cics proper. several years. Still another--and al a the rest of the time--and surely.l of the "All-Blacks" by G. H. Pon-| Nanay ts 1iht 0) Serigaen: low priced car manufacturer at that| that's fair: . der, financial manager of the tour: | ts a... Cot. ~feclines to prophesy; he says "May we take this opportunity of | ii {here are Too mkny contingencies 4 lacing on record our sincere sp: if be considered. : precidtion of the wonderful service | ven years ago the Parliament Canada enacted what is known ps the Canada Highways Act. By ¢ Wet the Dominion Government jas' empowered to divide twenty fon dollars among the provinces Canada in proportion to popula- and to pay out of this fund ly per cent. of the cost imcurred he respegtive provinces in con- ing permanent highways of a mired standard. The plain in- yn Was thay this motiey should used for the construction of high- and for no other purpose. The mbodied in the Act is that fminlon should contribute $40 each $00 contributed by a ar Gov y Goveramen; oF (Foal According to that -- ie Makes Barbers Grouchy. Smith's Falls --Record-News: I An centre lead him the ring 1 bought for vou."--Pasquine, Tur- An aviator crashed through the in The Pugilist U date. New York Evening Post: Mr. {tare of $60 by a Provincial went in highway-making i ig $100 worth 'of high- 'year tha Government of as the Dominion's The following table will serve to QUEE - illustrate the steady, upward trend Tunney is unable to accept a New York invitation, he says, because be sxperienced by the members of the New Zealand "All-Black™ Rugby ij of the growth of the motor industry and the accompanying growth of the L total registration of motor vehiGles in Canada over an exfended period: | Year Motor Vehicles Per Cent. | 69.547 : 1914 37.5 QUIRKS Restless, Wanderer, Relentless © Hunter. 'BY ARTHUR N. PACK President, The American Nature. thicker than one's little finger, en- able them to follow to their extremi- | ties the burrows of these small pests, afd feast on the inhabitants. Others has an engagement to address the Boy and and Girl Scouts in the Philadephia amphi-theatre where he "licked"-Mr. Dempsey. How timex have changed! Only a few years aE ada per medium of your railways "We. whole-heartedly compliment ; you on your transportation facilities League Touring Team that recently ih had the privilege of crossing Can- 1a a prize Tighter was something that conld hardiy be mentioned in the and shall esteem i; our pleasure to recommend to all our friends in New 1915 1818 A917 C1918 191% ° 1920 1981 = 1932 1923 1924 1935 Association: The weasel has been cited as an etample of restless energy, and this reputation has been well earned. As a tribe, 4# is of morthern distribu- tion. Those found farthest north, which pat on 2 winter coat of white, and known in that state as armines, nsed to give thelr fur to adorn the. \pobes of royalty and others of high estate. Now, since fashion has de- creed thay all must wear fur ermine, 1 of its imitation, is seen on those of |' high and low estate alike. Bu: before he becomes ermine, the wedsel is one of the mos; effi- clent animals known. His prey is anything he can overcome. and in its pursuit he knows deither fear nor $9,934 128,484 197,779 277.378 336,808 415,268 ASR S4R 514,657 585.078 #50,231 728,005 of larger size penetrate the under- ground galleries of pocket gophers, and kill them with a single bite, On the stappes of Asiay among the great colonies of ground squirrels, the: weasles make their home, And Zealand on our return, that the Ca- nadian National Railways stands for servige, efficiency and personal enthusiasm on the part of A! the of- ficials. "Again thanking you for all that you have dome for ys and extending grestings om behalf of New Zea- land" : home circle. He led a hole-and- corner existence, holding bis fights in lonely lofts and dodging the po- Jee. Yet here he ls, invited to ad- dress two of our most preciously moralistic organizations of juveniles on our own western plains, among |The war made the big change ia the she towns of thé prairie dogs and |ecsuntry's attitude foward pugilism. nowheérs else inthe world, is found] ~~ i : nh the black-footed ferret, whose spec- An Age of fal mission in life is plainly the des Indianapolis News: Whats else traction of that prolific rodent. this age may be, it is an age of in- When man set up his habitation vestigation. It is nearly as hard to in the wilderncss and brings with dodge = questionnaire as sn auto- him his flocks. of barnyard fowls, | mobile sticker. It seems as if thera he sometimes places before the wea- | Had been' the development of a se] a temptation that he cannot | profession that devotes itself to in- withstand A weasel. has been known quiring minutely into things in to ¥ill an entire flock of chickens in | which nobody is interested. Sach in- & night. ' formation may becoms Interesting But close students of the animals when it is classified, tabulated and cite numerous <nstances where wea- advertised, and may even eventunall® séls have lived for entire seasons in. pe of service to the world, so it is and about ehicken-houses, killing always wise for all of us to withheld only the mice, and never once harm- our scora. Sometimes, although we ng a fowl, © can not conceive the r for the 203 373 60.2 40.3 1:3 23.2 HEART 10.9 13.8 mi 118% REAL ESTATE FOR RENT -- Avesmore Apart. menta; Steve. 359 Princess St. POR SALE~Dwelllngs §3.000 and ap. Lots, all ia beat loeations. Inssrance in 81 its branches. KINGSTON AGENCIES, LD. Tel. 708. 67 Ulsrence Street. 3. U. HUTTON, Mgr. ---- i ns POES DOCTRINE PROTECT CANADA? 5 © The Toronto Star makes reply to 16. &. H., Kingston, that the Monroe] fatigue. - | doctrine does not apply to Canada' The large kinds make the hare of to the dependencies of any exim. | [heir prey. pursuing that proverbial : : . {ly swift animal by scent. and tiging ng Buropesn. power. ~but 03ly 102, 4 0h Some kinds seem American nations that had "declare! i ir designed to prey on mice, for their independence and maintained! (heir slender. sinuous bodies, no - \ *