or greta, Oot 7. 1020. bi THE WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON The international Uniform Sunday School Lesson for Oct. ; - x Sm or 4 3 i rng 3 4 sports of the Spies."--Numbers 13:23-33. | : a ; iE : Ne A iis yen - eal} 5 1 We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring. ~~ : Only the best brands carried. 2A DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE DIWAN OF INDIA AT TORONTO y Easy to Gain if With | Yeastandlron New Combination of Yat with i 'cgetable Iron Quick ay to | ay I : Build Up Weight : . BY $VM. E. GILROY, D.D., 1 jesson 'to 3 survey of history both . Editor of The Congregationalist. | sacred and secular. in so far as this H : This yew com- With what eyes do we ses? Sim-| distinction may be observed, to dis- i i Frrmoiingtiomrabyeast oo wane NRE or aa Talal VEIT EE Vertl ine na i iis sean hasiiies » 13 or with the eyes of the soul? of spiritual vision Is: vindicated mn | Tenows the ac. The question is enforced for us by; life. We find expressed the truti-in : tion of sluggish many Incidents and teachings of | BTeat maxims that have become pro- blood éells, drives Scripture among which is this very perbial in their power: "The blood out - dangerous notable story of the Twelve SpiesJol martyrs is the seed of the! body poisons, in! sen: .from Israel to bring back fré- | church," "Truth erurhed to earth] creases = enersY ports concerning the Promised Lfnd | shall rise again" and "No cross, no | and . endurance In material vision, the spies were crown" wo i snd supplies the agreed. There was unanimity as to; The cynical boas: of Napoleon that, system $ 3 i » t * -t > amines thot be Sooflinews of the land. Lu aut | God 4 on he side of the grebl MU picts of Bahadur Sir 'T. Vysyaragharaharys, K.B.C. build up weight. | ve a. yi a oe and | complete answer in-the issue of his | {he centre of the group, taken after a dinner held in his honor has Does Known | honey. Lest their reports should OWn career. History vindicates the|st Lhe head office of the Manufacturers' Life Insurance Com- | as a rich vita- seem full of exaggoration; the spies vision and 'courage of the men of | any, Toronto. z mine food, but brought with them as they returned, faith. It is for the most par the not until we perfected "ironized. zreat bunches of grapes in proof ot | Story of the comquest of spiritual] Yeast"--which comes In concentrated heir description. over material forces. It is full of | ® » " Sh Be aE aot S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED COAL, LUMBER AND"WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Privaje Branch Exchange "Phone 1571; Dine with us and be sure of excellent meals in - - 8.30--;The Wandering Minstrels rr Canada... tablet form, was it possible to take _ Yeast and iron in the right propor- tions to build up weight. Vegetable "Iron" when combined With yeast is quite easy lo digest, herefore better tor the system. | Tyeast" when {ronized, becomes just twice as beneficial as ordinary fresh or cake yeast. ~Ironized Yeast tablets are compos- ed of concentrated food elements therefore, they are pleasant to take and free from drug-like effects. If "You are under weight, do not enjoy good health, lacking in energy and force, "Yeonized yeast" tablets will pick you up, and if they fail, You get your money back. t Sold by James B. McLeod and all {| But here the unanimity of the! i spies ended, for ten viewed the land only with material vision, while twb { viewed it with eyes of the soul. To! ! Canaan, desirable, but beset difficultios--a land inhabited ! glants, full of terror for those who | would attempt tq:possess it. } Fear Quest is Hopeless. i There was no doubt whatever in their minds that it was a hopeless' quest for so weak a company as the children of Israel considered themselves practical men, very competent to sane, see the records of the triumph of seem- ingly small forces which had the power to overcome, Merely as a story from the ancient And | the ten, ft was simply the land of | Past, this lesson is. in a sense, unim- | | with | portant, but as a symbol of what is | with | constantly true of life, i: has the | utmost importance. I; comes home directly to men like ourselves in our {own age and environment. Facing Our Future. How do we face our promised The ten probably | ands. of individual betterment, of | social hope and fall improvement? the Do we back before good druggists at $1.00 for a large! thivigs just as they were. [They po POWer of the dragons and giants in 60-tablet package or sent direct from | doubt prided themselves upon their! {Pe Way? Or do we put on the whole | and venture forth de-| laboratory on receipt of price. ied Yeast Co, pen General Yeomans Fire, Life, Accident, Automo- bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep- resentesl. R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET 'PHONES 320-800, Iron- Fort Erle, Ontario, Leaded men without vain imagin- common sense. They were hard- "Ings. The two, on the other hand, saw this desirable country as a Promised Land. It meant for them the goal of | {& spiritual quest and they were not| going to be lightly turned aside from a glo fous purpose hy difficulties They.did not estimate the power! and strength of things by mere size. They knew that men of faith and {courage and determination might easily put to flight giants" lacking {In these qualities. They said con- jeerning this land "we be well able to possess It." They .were men of the stamp of Elisha, who later on in the armor of G termined to'conquer? God is on the sideof-the-men-of faith and dour: age. This is supremely the lesson of | history as it is supremely the spir- itual message of the Bible. The ap- plications of such a lesson as this to the issues of current life must | surely be clear We think of innumerable promis- | {ed lands, of gocial betterment attaining of better industrial condi- tions, of deeper honesty and effi- ciency in government; of health and happiness in the life of the com- munity, : We think of larger issues of inter- seeming | the | | RADIO ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8. KDKA (309.1) Pittsburgh, { 3.20 pm.--Stockman-Farmer | port. | 6.15---Dinner concert. | T---Baseball scores. Children's per- fod { 7.2b--S8tockmagn-Farmer news and { market period. ~ 7.45--University of Pittsburgh ad- dress. 7 el re- WLW (288.3) New York. 12.05 p.m.--Visconti's Orchestra. 12.45 organist. ~ WEAF (492) New York, N.Y. 10.40 am.-1.15 p.m Betty Croe- ker; Norma MacCauley, soprano; talk; Rolfe's Orchestra. 4-T.45 ~-- Composer-pianist; i tone; "'Unexplored Countries" tralto; Seville. Ensemble: music Waldorf-Astoria music; falk;/ Ingra- ham"s Orchestra; 'Review of the {| Drama," accordian and violin | 8---The Happiness Candy Boys. bari con- -~ | Sore, Aching Corns | | Concert by Mildred Frcs iy' 9--Carl Schalovitz, violinist. | 9.20---Melody Girls. 9.30--La France Orchestra. \ 10--Whittall Anglo-Persians tra, " i WJZ (455) New York. tra Laddies. 9--Honest Balloy Association WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. sfatime 7.35--Instrumental programme. §--Remington band. 9--Comedy, "Girard Street Gen- 11--Valley Male quartet. WBZ (833.1) Springfield, Mass. 7.30 p.m.--~Radio Four 8.30--Greenfield Hour 9.30--Alberta Kelliher, violinist. 9.45--Rddie Adams, pianist " WBAL (246) Baltimore, Md. 6.30-7.30--Dinner Orchestra 7.30-8--WBAL Jubilee Singers 8-9---Musical Programme, 9-10----WBAL Ensemble. KYW (3536) Chicago. 6 p.m~--The bedtime story. 10.30-12--Lopez and His Orches. | 6.05 p.m.--GedFge Olsen's Orches- | ---------- 7---Sundial Serenaders and Bonnie '} 30 p.m --Van Curler dinner pro-| ---------- at Capada Radio Stores. THREE CASTLES CAFE REGULAR DINNER 55c. A LA CARTE AT ALL HOURS Best Music by new Orthophonic Victor Phonograph. : 88 Princess Street : : Phone 2829 | m--~ Attention! Queen's Students We have a complete stock of Study Lamps, Extension Cords, Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Federal and Westinghouse Radio Sets. Buy your electric needs from a Queen's graduate The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441. I -------------------- -------------- Ae A tt att weekend with his parents before 80+ ing to Montreal, where he will attend McGill University. Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. W. E. Cordukes. | and Miss Marjorie Johnston left of Monday merning on a motor trip to Toronto. The farmers are filling silos when {ever the weather permits. Thresh~ '|ing is almost finished for this fall WCCO (416.4) Minneapolis. 5.15 p.m.--Children"s hour 6.15---Dinner concert 8---Nash programme 9.30--Musical programme. 10.05--~Emmet Long's orchestra Complete radio programmes sold Mrs. Alexander Smythe attended the Wolfe Island fair on Tuesday. Many [ote would have gone to Odessa Fale d were disappointed on account of the Mrs. E. Tolls. . 5 3 Blgiiburg, Oct. 5 "his autumn } R827 rainfall. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Deline are again living in WN & has been an exceptionally wet season lem Bouse : tr. A A large 'number of people have had!" pd AS oe colds. On Friday night last about | pe I i {twenty-five friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. | Tolls motored to their home at oh enham, where they spent a very pleasant evening. Mr. Keith Mackensie ------r on VISITED AT SYDENHAM S---- Elginburg Fi. ends Called on Mr. and 6.30--Congress dinner concert. 7---'American' Family Hour 9 Edison programme 10.30-12--Congress Carnival conflicts of Israel as he saw ihe natichal comity and world peace No | eity encompassed about with horses Promised land that is worth possess- | and chariots, was unmoved by the 'NE Presents itself without difficul-/| To take the sting out of corns and danger that beset his servant. : j tes and the need of conquest. je bs Sure you are Joins 10 be Ha ! "Fear fot," sald Elisha, "for they| The way of progress is a way of them quickly the hot foot bth. gm- that be with us are-more than they L sacrifice, of determination, | = . T . + wd 3 " A tichg | Dut the world still finds its progress | Extractor is best of all. To use hat be with them and as Elisha ha . aa oy | Putnam's" is to end corns quickly prayed that the eyes of his servant | 80d its hope in the courage and faith | yy hing disappears, toes feel bet- might be opened, "the Lord opened | ©f the two rather than ia the fear... a4 once--another application, or the young man's eyes and he saw: | 20d discouragement df the ten. {two and the corn goes away. Skis. and behold the mountain was full of | : { faction is assured to everyone who horses and chariots of fire round | | uses Putnam's Painless Corn Extract: { about Elisha." That is the power of ox 25 cents at all dealers. spiritual vision--to see the moun-| -- , tains full of horses and chariots of |For Schools at the Fair at Centre. {fire round about one in times of need; to know that God's power is i unquenchable, no matter how many | and mighty seem the fiery darts of 'DR.J.C.W.BROOM +4 Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 670. Drop Out In Hot Bath a -- a p-- PAIN in BLADDER Sua dy WOC (484) Davenport, Ia. 5.45-6 pm.--~--Chimes Concert 7.30-8.30 'Moocorman Melody Mixers." ' 8.30-9--LaFrance gramme. 9-9.30--'"The Whittall Anglo-Per- sian." : Fgg Filling. Hard boiled eggs chopped up with mayonnaise dressing make very pals atable fillings for brown' bread | sandwiches. 2 musical pro- " i The KINGSTON CLEANERS . AND DYERS Clean 'aythisg that ean be cleaned 0. COE & P. BARRETT Office: 86 Arch Street. 'Phone 1220w Call and deliver. -- MOSCOW WON PRIZE spent the al ville. | ! Moscow, Oot. 4.--The Schoo? Fair | at Centreville was well attended by | a number of Moscow residents. The | ck/ldran of the school were success | | ful dn winming many prizes! Several schools took pant in the parade but | Moscow was fortunate enough to| win second prize, 3 Mrs. Wilfred Potter mas returned i to Colborne after spending a few | days with har parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Evenings by appointment. r F. Darling. The latter have also | been visited by thelr daughcer, Mrs. | - George Clark 'Wright T. Armstrong. Vars. Mrs. R. As- | | selstine 4s spending a ¥ couple of] : Civil Engineer and Contractor. weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. | Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington Hooper, Detroit. and Brock Street. 'Phione 326. _G. Clark.and family have moved : {indo H.| Reid's house, A number | { from Mcscow altonded the anniver- 10-6 | sary services in Sydenham om Sun-. Crossword Puszle Answers. | day. : : CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | Fr) [S Spiritual Vision. It is worth while to turn from this AM EIN ~ For Your * Aching Head { Take one ZUTOO TABLET and in 20 | | minutes, the pain is gone and you feel | fine. : ZUT00 win Headache, Sick Pervous, Dyvpunic or Macthiy in. 25 _Sinutes by the cloak. 25e at desler. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN . DENTIST hi 4 Sor Ret irpan Er traction x y OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMRNT , COKE T YOUR HOME WITH CUKE , efficiently comfortably, CO" COKE | The best Canada can / i z 4 3 Special for Candy Week Oct.7-13 3-1b. box of Falcon Brand Assorted Chocolates Soft 'creamy centres that melt into deliciousness, caramel] fillings that hold alingering sweetness. Through the window cf its attractive box you may see this wonderful assortment of chocolates, individually packed ir paper containers. The whole family 5 will enjoy this unusual treat. It is the greatest value in confectionery ever offered to the people of Ontario. Ask the grocer in your neighborhood who displays the seal of the Inde- pendent Grocer on his window to save a box for you. $13.00 per t Sold only by It is only from your Independent Grocer that | you can purchase these 3-1b. boxes of Falcon Brand Chocolates. To avoid disappointment, would be well to place your order now. . v -r * Buy from the Independent Grocer in your peighbérhood INDEPENDENT! Eee) Burchasing Jour full Sood refuiriments Sroter. you bay no more, eonsideriny the than any other system, you uppar for Your on tind beng. and service. " Independent Grocers' Service Bureau