Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Oct 1926, p. 7

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» > . Riys. Office, a ca E DAILY BR L ITISH WHIG Latest Calfskin Pouches NEW SHADES " Sauterne. Beige, Plaza Grey, Stroller Tan, -- Chanel Red. he 'R-UGLOW &CO: HANLEY'S | (Established 1871) i 'Steamship passages) ~ booked to all parts of | the world. Pass- ports arranged. Through tickets tssued over all Trans-A 'lantic, Trans-Pacific. Alaska Bermuda, West Indies. Mediterran- ean, Round the World® Steamship "Lines. Prepaid passages arrangea fo. it you desire to bring relatives or friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N. Canadian National Riys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. 'Fhanes 99 or 2837 Jobbing Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and Setting Dos & Welgon 400 ALBERT STREET "Phones 2207F---028W Dr. Vinicent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 272 Princess Street, "Phone 108 Chatham city manager has been dnstructed to report on relief meus- UPRIZE, WINNERS | AT ODESSA FAIR i The Main Features Called Off | A il | cultural Soctety 1} the $35 Wristlets we can recommend Gruen has now perfected the first wrist watch we can fully recommend at this price. This is made possible by the special Gruen movement con- struction + whish + allows greater size and strength of parts. $35 Gruen Wristlets are now available in a choice of several smart designs in heavy white reinforced gold cases, Kinnear & TEsterre JEWELLERS 188 PRINCESS ST, HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. /Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets "Phone 94. BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL CO, 2 TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. FUR COATS 'Phone 811. N Phin and. trinined, WW. F. GOURDIER Hl! Smith |} Cow, Edward Thurlow, G. W. Lucas, | il | Walter Thurlow. 3-year-old heifer, | | Edward Thurlow, Walter Thurlow, ll! ward Thurlow, ll under one year, James McFarlane. ll! Grade cattle Ali R. J. McFarlane. jl James McFarlane, Gladwin Clement, i! James McFarlane, 1H R. J. McFarlane. Ewe, Clarence { Martin, James McFarlane. Ewe of 1926, Clarence Martin, James Me- Farlane., Yearling ewe, Clarence Farlane. - ShropeshireRam, Clarence Martin, Gladwin Clement, Percy Maxwell Ram 1926--Clarence Martin, on Wednesday Owing to James McFarlane, R. J. McFarlane the Raln Yearling ram, Clarence Martin, . eq { James McFarlane Ewe, Clarence Martin, James McFarlave, R. J. Me- Farlane, Ewe of 1926--James Mé- Farlane J. McFarlane, Clarence of pen Although the rain fell vexy heav- ily on Wednesday, hundreds of pepn-| ple made their way to the village of annual show of the Ernesttown Agri-| 'Dorset horned--Ram of 1926, D B. Smith, Frank Smith. Yearling ram, D. B. Smith. Ewe, D. B. Smith, Frank Smith. Ewe of 1926, Frank Smith. Yearilng ewe, Frank Smith. Oxford, Hamshire Downs--Rain C. Martin, R. J. McFarlane, J. Me- Farlane. Ram of 1926, J. McFar- lane, Rutledge Bros., R. J. MgFar- jane. Yearling ram, C. Martia, R. J. Mc#=rlane, J. McFarlane The. rain fell all} morning. and any hope that! there was of holding the horse races | vanished, "8nd by neon it was an as- | sured fact that the, horses would | no; leave the stable, ab the track was | a sea of mud in places, The base- ball games which were also slated to tzke place were also called off. Despite the fact that the mah features of the afternoon programme | were called off, the large number of people present did not seem to be digheartened in the slightest--while the rain was falling they spent their {time In the Palace, which contained the best collection of exhibits ever seen at Odessa fair. When the sun came from behind a cloud at about three o'clock, the crowd visited the 'cattle sheds, and the midway, and they did not appear to mind the 'mud In the slightest. The directors are naturally dls- Wagons, Carriages and Harness. Market 'spring wagon, Addie Clancy, 8. Anglin & Co. Lumber wagon, Robert Nugent, Fred Clancy. Single carriage harness, D. W. Lu- cas. Double carriage Harness, hand made, A. B. Hegadorn, Lumber har- ness, John Hegadorn, C. F. Reid. Ladies' Work (Useful). Quilt, pieced, cotton, M. 8. Hill, 1 W. A. McCall. Quilt, fancy, quilted, appointed, bit nevertheless they are vo A. McCall Charles Amey. Com- looking Jurward 10.4 bigger and bet- | forter, home-made, DP. L. Boyce, ue , * | Stanley Snider. Fancy bedspread, home-made, W. A. McCall, Mrs. W. Wonderful Vegetables. M. Osborne. Machine (not factory), W. J. Smyth, Cataraqui, who has made garment, Stanley Snider, W acted in the capacity of judge of the! A. McCall. Cotton sheet, hand-made, vegetables for thirteen years, when Mrs. W. M. Osborne, W. A. McCall. speaking tc the Whig, stated that Child's one-piece dress, Oliver Hen- the exhibit this year was about the derson, Mrs. W. M. Oshorne Pair best on record. vege- | of hand-knit woolen socks, Addie ~tables-wera-g-great-deal better-thanClaney,--Mrs--W.--A.-Osborne Pair those at either the Kingston or Na-' hand-knit woolen mits, Mrs. W. M panee shows. The exhi#® of squash Osborne, Bernice Henderson. Mend- was almost = beyond description | Ing worn table linen, Lewis Hart- there were twenty in the class for! man, M. 8. Hill. Floor mat, braid- three prizes, and the winner weigh- ed, W A. McCall, H. E Sutton. ed about sixty pounds ---- some, Floor mat, other kind, W. A. McCall, squash. The pumpkins, like the H. E. Sutton. Sweater coat, knit. | squash, were fine, about fifteen be-| Carman Day W. A. McCall. Sweater {ing shown. The cabbage were al coat, crocheted, W. A. McCall tremendous size; the two winning the first prize, weighed twenty-five { pounds. There were five exhibitors| * Irish crochet, Lewis Hartman, M of pears, as compared to one of last L. Fraser. Filet crochet, fine, W. A. vear The potat were so good McCall, Mrs. W. N. Osborne Filet that it was a trig task to award crochet, coarse, W. A. McCall, Oliver the prize. When a8ked by the Whig | Henderson. Braid thread lace, M. L. { man, if he noticed a blight, Mr. Fraser, Lewis Hartman Smyth stated that there might be, | Of tatting, Mrs. W. N. Osborne, M. but it certainly did not show in the! Ll. Fraser. Swedish weaving, Lewis ones at the fair, as a potato was cut | Henderson, Stanley Snider. Eyelet {in every lot, and he found only ona! embroidery, W. A. McCall, Mrs. W | blighted. The apples were better! M. Osborne. Roman eutwork, W. A. | than those at the Kingston fair, Mr. | McCall, E. S. Parrott. Floral em- { Smyth stated, and the carrots and broidery, W. A. McCall, Mrs, W. M | beats were also of a fine order. Osborne. French knot embroidery, i The poultry, cattle, sheep and| Oliver Henderson, Charlies Amey | pigs were larger in number than in| Tea-cloth, hand-worked, Mrs. W. M. | previous years, and there was more | Osborne, H. BE. Sutton. Centrepiece | competition ~ In all classes. The! and six doilies, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, | ladies" work and domestic science B. S. Parrott. Centrepiece and six {was of fine order. The pies and | doilles, other handwork, Lewis Hart- cakes looked so good that they made | man, Mrs. Osborne. Set of three or | the mouth water. | five table mats, W. A. McCall, M. L. _ Mrs. George Bliss, of Elginburg,| Fraser. Serviettes," Mrs. W. M who won a first and a special on five | Osborne, H. E. Sutton. Tablecloth | prints of butter, has éstablishéd a| and two napkins, Walter Snider, W record as a butter-maker. She has! A. McCall. Pair of tray cloths, W. | won firsy three times at Odessa and | A. MqCall, Mrs. Osborne. Tea cosy, four times at Kingston and she ex-| knit or crochet, Bernice Henderson, { pects to enter at the Winter Fair in| Mrs. W. M. Osborne. Tea cosy, { Toronto this year. | white, other handwork, Lewis Hart- Following is a list of the prize | man, W. A. McCall. Buffet runner, winners: *. | washable, Oliver Henderson, Addie ! Clancy. Pair of bed room towels, | embroidered, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, | Charies-Amey. Pair of guest towels, other thread trimmed, Addie Clancy, Waiter Snider. Pair of towels, trim- { med, other than embroidery, Mrs | W, M. Osborne, Walter Spider. Pair of pillow cases, embroidered, W. A. MeCall, Walter Snider. Pair of pil- i low cases, other hand trimming, D. { L. Boyce, Robert Nugent. One, day years and millow slip, hand-work, W. A. Me- Yearling, call, H. EB. Sutton. Fancy sheet, D. Stanley Snider.| 1, Boyce, Robert Nugent. Dresser {and stand covers, washable, - hand | work, W. A. McGall, W. M. Osborne. | Pin cushion, washable, hand-work, { Walter Spider, W. A. MeCall i Ladies' nlght . robe, . embroidered, Il] Charles Amey, D. L. Boyce. Ladies' .W.! night robe. other hand work, E. R. Bull calt;| parrots, Oliver Heyderson. Ladies' | hand-made camisole, Oliver Hender- son, W. A. Mclall | underwear. Walter Snider, H. E. | Sutton. Ladies' fancy handker- | chiefs, Bernice Henderson, Oliver : Henderson. Ladies' afternoon blouse, Y-vear-oid Dots i hand trithled, H. E. Sutton, W. 4¢ Pron Soir | MeCall Ladies Soudole Stypers, H { FURIE. Sutton, Mrs. W. M, ne. Bale calf, 1926, Byron Jackson. ! oniig's short dress, embroidered, | Frank Smith, - James 'MeFarlane. ! yr 5 ; Helfer cftif, under one year. Jame | Mrs W.-M. Osbome, W. A. McCall. i McFarlane, Heron Jacken mes | ohiid's wool jacket, kut; or crochet, { y " | W. A. McCall, H. E. Sutton. Library { | table runner, embroidered, Mrs. W. Swine. t M. Osborne, Stanley Snider. Library Boar, Yorkshire, Chester Card. | table runner, other hand trimming, i Brood sow, Yorkshire, J. R. Garbutt,| W. A. McCall, Walter Snider. Sofa | C. F. Reid, William Robertson. Boar | pillow, embroidered colors. Mrs. W. i plg, 1926, Yorkshire, 3 months or M. Osborne, Oliver Handerson. Sofa (over, J. R. Garbutt, P. R. Reld, Clar-| pillow, other hand work, Waltes Sni- j ence Martin. Sow, 1926, Yorkshire, | der, Mes. W. M. Osborne. Fancy {3 months or over, J. R. Garbutt, P,! knitting In cotton, Mrs. W. M. Os- i R. Reid, C. F. Reld. Boar pig; 1926, borne, H. E. Sutton. Crothet in cot= { Tamworth, 3 months or over, Addie | ton. M. L. Fraser, Mrs. W. M. Os- Clancy. Sow, 1926, Tamworth, '2 borne. Piece of embroidery not list- Some of the Ladies' Work (Fancy). Cattle. Durham--Yearling bull, R. H | Long. ~Heifer-calf, under one year, {R. H. Long. Heifer calf, 1828, R H. Long. Ayshires -- Milch { Smith. 3-vear-old i Smith. Bull calf, cow, heifer, 19286, Frank Frank Frank Holsteins---Bull, two over, Edward Thurlow bull, G. W. Lucas. {G. W. Lucas) Yearling heifer. Ed. Walter Thurlow | Helfer calf, 1926, G. W. Lucas. Bull {calt, 1926, Ernie Walker, G. { Lucas, Edward Thurlow. for dairy--Milch | cow, James McFarlane, R. J. McFar- { lane, Frank Smith. 2 vear-old heit- | er, James McFarlane, Frank Smith, Yearling heifer, { Calvin Emmons. | months or over, Addis Clancy, P. R.| ed. Mrs. W. M. Osborne, Lewis Hart- | i Reid. Boar, Berkshire, or Hamp-' man. | shire, Addie Clancy. Boar pig, 1926, | ed, D. L. Boyce, Mrs. W. M. Oshorne. { Berkshire or. Hampshire. 3 months Collection of fancy towels, W: A. Me- or over, Addie Clancy, Clarench; Call, Mrs. W. M. Oshorne- Bingle { Martin, Sow, 1928, Yorkshire or piece of knitting in. wool. Lewis | Berkshire, Clarence Martin, Addie | Hartman, Walter Snider. Piece of | Claney. Pen of three bacon pigs, | fancy crochet in wool, W. A. McCall, { Cecil Denyes, C.F. Reid, William Lewis Haffhan. | Robertson. I { Art Work. { On painting. copy, Bernice Hen- | Sheep. | Costwolds and Leisters--Ram, J. R.| derson, Lewis Hartman, Garbutt. Yearlin m, J. R. Gar-| ing, original, Bernice Henderson, W. butt. Ews, 1926, 'J. R. Garbutt.}A. McCall. Water color painting. Yearling ewe, Clarence Margin. copy, W. A. McCall, Lewis Hartman. Southdawns and Merinos--Ram. | Water painting. original, W. A. Me { Clarence Martin, James McFarlane, | Call, Fred McPherson. Pencil sket- IR. J. McFarlane. Ram of 1926, ches from nature, Fred McPherson, Clarence Martin, James MGFariane, | Lewis Hartman { RF McFariane. Yearling | ram. | Clarence Martin, James McFarlane sd Ofl paint- : Basketry, Mrs. W. FM Osborne. W. A: McCall. Brass craft, M. L. Fraser, Lewis Hartman. et ! tenn : RATER tim Hing ake,-Ciaaence Mar. OLX fl OdessE RA IRE puree DEERESEINET pM Fariane James McFar-| +ofd gelding or mare, D. L. Bovee, 2-| *Speciman | Ladles' fancy i Piece of needle work not list- | | Hana painting, china, conventional! | design, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, Bernice | { Henderson. Hand painted china, realistic design, Bernice Henderson Martin, James McFarlane, R. J. Mc-|M. L. Fraser. Amateur kodak views, | Harvey Lucas, W. A. McCall i Floral Exhibits. =] {| Asters, H. G. Smith, Charles] Amey. Sweet peas, Walter Sunider, | W. H. Tdrmham. Dahlias,. Frank | | Smith, Charles Amey. Gladioll, A. B. Hegadorn, Byron Jackson. Col-| i lections of annuals; H. G, Smith, H. | iE. Sutton. Collection of, perennials. | dram er | | Henderson. Best one house plant in | bloom, H. BE. Sutton, A, B. Hegadorn i Horses." | | Draught--Span horses, C Denyes, | {C. L. Hicks, C. F. Reid. 3-year-old | | gelding or mare, S. A. Denyes. 2-| | year-old colt, C. Denyes. 11-year-old | | colt, C. Denyes. { { General pufpose--Span Barads/ P. 'Clancy, S. Wagar, W. Robertsor. 2- | yeur-old colt, P. H. Reid. 1-year- j old coit, C. Denyes. Foal of 1928, | op, { BE. W. McDonald. Brood mare and |g) { foal, E. W, McDonald. i Agricultural--Span horses, D. B. | Smith, J. Kenny, C. Card. 2-year-| old colt, F. Smith, E. W,_ McDonald. | | 1-year-old colt, F. Smith. 1 {| Carriage--Span horses, R. Bot: iting, W. Robertson. Single horse, | | Rutledge Bros, R. Nugent, Q { ie ing at the Autumn sty 3-year- iPhone 147 for Invalid Coach. CHESTERFIELD WEEK The new season lings new home things--look in Furniture. The new season styles are now on our floors and discriminating ire to exclusiveness as well as fashionableness are making © ion now from among premium presentations, DISTRIBUTORS FOR SNYDER'S "SANL-BILT JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER i year-old colt, A. Chapman. | old colt, D. L. Boyce. i { Roadster, f{rotting or pading-- | | Stallion in harness, E. 8. Stein. Span | horses, A. B. Hegadorn, P. R. Reid, | (C. Marrow. Single horse, W. C.} Loyst, i Stokes. 3-year-old |' { colt, BE . Kaylor. 2-year-old colt, | A. W. Hagerman, A. Davis. 1-year | old colt, A. W. Hagerman. Foal of | \ -- 1926, A. H. Plerson. Brood mare | and foal, F. Hagerman. : | | Spectals--Best draf; team, €. Den- | | ¥08,-G--WEneas: Best generat pur { pose yearling, C, Denyes. Best year- | | ling carriage of roadster colt, A. W i Hagerman. Best colt of any age, W. | { Robertson. Best team of horses, F.| | Clancy. Best single lady driver of | | single outfit, Rutledge Bros, C.| Emmons." Best horse driven on | buggy, 1 mile heat, W. C. Randall. | Best road horse, E. A. Kaylor. Fast- | est team driven around track 'by| lady, A. B. Hegadorn, W. Robertson. | Best single turnout, W. C..Loyst Best single general purpose horse, | J. Hagerman. | 1-year- | . Poultry. i Pair Andalusians, B. Henderson. ! Pair Orpingtons, W. Atkinson, O ! Snider, H. E. Sutton. Pair Barred Rocks, H. E. Sutton, E. Walker, R Nugent. Pair White Leghorns, A. |! | Shangrove, E. 8. Perrott, C. Card. Pair Brown Leghorns, R. Nugent, A. | B. Hegadorn, A. B, Hegadorn. Pair | Rhode Island Reds, C. L. Hicks, W. Robertson. Pair ducks, A, B. Hega- | dorn, P. Martin. Pair geese, E. 8 Perrott, W. Atkinson. Collection, 3 hens, 1 rooster, R. Nugent, O. Sny- der, P. Maxwell. Pair Minorcas, B. Henderson, C. L. Hicks, R. Nugent: Pair Wyandottes, B. W. McDonald, | R. J. McFarlane. Pair 1926 Barred Rocks, H. E. Sutton, O. Henderson, E. Walker. Pair 1926 Wyandottes, | C. L. Hicks, 'R. Nugent, H. BE. Sut- ton, Pair 1926 Leghorns, C. Card, | R. Nugent, C. Card. Pair 1926 Rhode Island Reds, E. W. McDon- | ald, W. Robertson, H. E. Sutton. | Specials--Best pair Barred Rocks. 0. Henderson Best pair of geese, | E. 8. Parrott. Best pair Pekin ducks, | Makers of the [EVE tSlook for this Label OOSE Underwear that bears a label with a reputation for honest value. TURNBULL"S Knitted Underwear always' fits snugly, is warm and comfortable and has excep- tional wearing qualities. Made in Canada by THE C. TURNBULL CO. OF GALT, LTD. famous underwear, KNITTED UNDERWEAR E. 8. Parrott. Best dressed fowl, A Clancy. Best pair dressed chickens, C. L. Hicks. Best pair dressed fowls, C. L. Hicks. Best pair dressed ducks, A. B. Hegadorn. Best pair dressed fowl, A. Clancy. Best 2 pulléts and X 1 rock rooster, H. E. Sutton. Best pair of dressed ducks, E. S. Parrott, A full range of Turnbull's garments for Children, Men and Women John Laidlaw & Son Ltd. \\ McPherson, R. J. McFarlane, E. A ny e y 8 Half 'bushel spring wheat, A. B | Baylor 3 Duchess apdies.2 Smits, Hegadorn, W. A. McCall, F. C lancy | Davis apples, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, Half bushel fall wheat, B. Smith, W iE. 8. Parr tt 5 Seek'No-Further ap A- McCall, P. Clancy, Half bushel[ | "4 ip) eon Mrs. 'W. M. Ob rye, W. A. McCall, O. Hendersonal, § Wolfe River apples, GO Half bushel barley, W. A. McGall, | C. Amey. Half bushel peas, RE 1 Smith, W. A. McCall. Half bushel | *ReTSOR. © CAE apples 1925 clover seed, W. A. MeCall, | Con, NB Smuh. C Rutledge fs A. B. Hegadorn.| Half "bushel ts, W. A. - McCall, | Rutledge Brod Half bushel buck. | der O. Graham. {| wheat, Rutledge Bros., RB. Smith, W, i Grain and Seed, ! Mrs. W Plate Maiden Blush apples, 8. Sni- Ww. A. Snider lancy Cit : liflower, timothy | FO 2 heads cauliflower A; McCall. Half bushel . sesd, 1326. . D.'L. Boyce, W. Mf. McCall, E. 8.Stain, W Clark, A. B. Hegadorn. Peck of |Sauash, A. y, beans, J. Hagerman, A. Clancy, W i A. McCall. 1 dozen ears corn, H. B. | Cb Hicks. Pumj ~ ' IW. M. Clark, F. Claney Sutton, A. Claney, C. L. Hicks. 1] C. L. Hicks. A. Clancy, B: A dozen evergreen corn. A. Clancy, C jo . Cis, : iT Bliss, H. L. Smith. RYIOr. Specials--Bes; spring -wheat, O.. . Henderson. Best bushel of barley, | Mutter Batey and Apiary. 8. 5; Parrott. | son, A. Clancy. Butter, 3 Ibs. in { roll, A. Clancy, B. Henderson. But- Vegetables, Fruit and Roots. ter. 3 hs. in print, G Bliss, B. Jack- Half bushel red potatoes, E. W.. son, W. H. Turkham. Cheese, McDonald, H. E. Sutton, R. Nugent (Tbs. or over. H. L. Smith. 2 Is Half bushel white potatoes, O. Hen- | home rendered lard, Mrs, W. M. Os- derson, R. B. Lucas, B. R. Parrott. | borne, A. B. Hegadorn.' 5 Ibs. honey Six turnips, H. E. Sutton. = Six car- rotts, C. Bliss, O. Henderson, A. B. | Call, Mrs. W. M. Oshorne He orn. Hess McCall, ©. L. Hicks. Peck of | McCall, O. Henderson. 1 pint 1926 -onlons, G. Bliss, W. A. McCalj, C. L.. | maple syrup. B. Henderson, H. G Hicks. 2 heads of cabbage, Cc: Mar. Sins, hrs en Sars. oa row, W. Snider, G. Bliss. 5 North-| mapie ¥ . Ee we fon Spy apples, E. 8 PaPrrott, R.|W. A. McCall. Halt dozen hen's Nugent. § Talman Swat Spies, B. i sexn Wille, F. Smith, BB. Swhb, 8. Parrott, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, W.| C. Amey. i » Atkinson. - 6 pears, E. 8. Parrott, F.|brawn, W. M. Clark, W. HM, Tark Smith, D. B. Smith. Collection of | ham, R. Nugent. 'plums, D. L. Boyce, W. Robertson, C. Taylor. Collection of grapes, R. Domestic Science. B. Lucas. Dozen red peppers, 8: Loaf of while bread from yeast Snider, H. KE. Sutton; A. B. Hega- Mrs. H. E. Sutton, Mrs. ¥. Brown, dorn. Dozen tomatoes, S. Snider, C_ | Mrs. O. Graham. Loaf of nut bread, F. Reid; B. Jackson. 3 heads cel-! Mrs. D. B. Smith, Mrs. F. Smith. ery, G. Bliss, A. B. Hegadorn, M. 8. | Half dozen yeast buns, Mrs. C. Amey HL Collection vegetables and | Halt dosen light tes biscuits Mrs. roots, H. E. Sutton. Collection of | C. Amey, Mrs. F. Smith, 1 dozen fruit, P. Maxwell H. E. Sutton. 5 oatmeal cookies, Mrs. R. Nugent, Rusae; apples, P. Maxwell, F. Mo- | Mrs. A. Clancy. Sponge cakes, Mrs Pherson, G. Bliss. Snow apples, O.]J. Hagerman, Mrs. D. B. Smith { Graham, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, D. B. | Layer cake, Mrs. H. G. Smith. Mrs Parort. Mra We 3. OWorne. DB | McDonald He 8 HI Mrs TOLL. Mes. W. ML 3 Donald, re. Hi, Mrs. Smith. 5 St. Lawrence apples, P. W. McDonald. Pumpkin pie Mrs 8 3 in erock, B. Jack-| 1H. L Snider, Mra. F. Smith. Mea ple, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Hegae dorn, Mrs. A. Clancy. Canned resp- berries, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, Mra. Smith. Canned Strawberries, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, Mrs. E. 8. Pare | rott, Canned cherries, Mrs. F. Smith, R : Bliss, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, F. Me-| iMrs. H GC 5 Wealthy Amey ! { Lucas Plate Baldwin ap-| | ples, Mrs. W. M. Osborne, E. 8, Par-| i | Mrs. F | Canned rons, BE. W. McDonald, H. L. Smith, | Pumpkin, M. L. Fraser, | Field car-| Mrs. A. B. Hegadorn. Canned plums, Smith, Mrs. F. Smith. | Canned pears, Mrs. H. E. Sutton. Citron, Mrs. H. E. Sutton, Mrs. R. B. Preserved peaches, Mrs, H. E. Sutton, Mrs. W. M. Osborps} Black currant jam. Mrs. R. B. Lucas, Smith, Other, native fru jam, Mrs, P. Maxwell, Mrs. F. Smith tomatoes, Mrs. F. Smith} Mrs. R. B. Lucas. Canned corn, Mra, | C. Card, Mrs. C. Marrow beans, Mrs. W. H. Turkham. {tle mixed sour pickles, Mrs. A. B. { { | Besy lemon in sections, B. Henderson, W. A. Mc- | McDonald 1 pint{H. E. Sutton Six table beets, G Bliss, | extracted honey, C. F. Reid, W. A. {| Mrs. F. McPherson Apple ple, Mrs. BE, Ww. Hegadorn., 1 bottle mustard plekies, | Mrs. L. Hartman 1 bottles, green relish, Mrs. C. Amey. : Sperials--Bes; five pounds of bute ter, Mrs. G. Bliss. Best two pounds of butter, Mrs. B. Jackson. Best | sections of honey, Mrs. B. Jackson. | 10! Best' sponge cake, ple, Best half dozen buns, Smith Mrs. FP. Smith, Mrs. R. Nugent. Mrs. D. MM. Best apple ple, Mrs. EB. Best loaf of bread, Mra, Best white layer cake, Best variety pleKles, Mrs. - A. Clancy, Mrs. Lo Hartman. Best Mit dozen fried | cakée, Mrs. & Clancy Saved Her Baby's Life Becauss she had | Tablets handy i feels it saved her' iF ii of i i: i EF oy I is ii i : p it 3 F i oa

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