THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG > " ~ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE n's Page Editor Phono 201% «Pysvate Phone 8ITW. ova . . * .. and 'Mrs. Hugh Macpherson pow settled at 120 Bagot street. : * »%s , Wittls and Miss Sera Willis, D have returne Halifax. 4 a . » . Helen Richardson, Gaaano- Be, will be in town for the Third- wedding. » . . and Mrs. Eleworih, Ottawa, "ammive fn town this week and be at 'Densmere." p . . ® Mrs. James, Miss Muriel Wright 1 Miss nan Ottawa, are with R. Carr-Harris, Mack street. » =» - Mr. lan Revele, College street, teturned from Toronto, where was the guest of Rev. A. E. Arm- . » . . 8 51. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, have been in Victoria, B.C, for @ time, have returned to Toron- -. . . . §. J. Mantin, Alfred 'street, her son, have returned from a weeks vin to Philadelphia and York. -. . * Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, who is with sister, Mrs. W. Bartlett Dal. i, West street, will return to To- nto on Saturday. : . = 0» pd Mrs. Philip Terry, who been with Mr, and Mrs. W. H hes, Alfred street, return to To- nto this week. - * . Col. and Mrs. H. F. H. Hertzberg, Royal Military College will go to Sttawa. for the Mason-Prince wed- ling which takes place on Saturday, ' . * . "Mr, and Mrs. Charles Malm, who on a world tour, will, after vi- fug Washington and New York, ail for England-and then for New and. . . . Miss Margaret Mackenzie, who {returned {and Mrs, N. R. Macdonald and Mr. (| Bogart says the reports received at | ithe meeting were full of inberest. | {Twenty companies have been formed | lino March and everywhere the| }iwork is progressing. In Northdrn | Ontardo young girls, who have Mim Los Angeles, Cal, befors returning [to interest them, ere being formed | 1g Ran Francisco to sgaiidele- »2iinto0. A : residence there, di Lir. dnd Mrs. Lemus! Cushing, Miss Hope Cushing, Montreal, and Mrs. Apedallie, Quebec, who motored to Kingston for ¢he R.M.C. sports, to Montreal to-day. . - » - Major-General J. H. MacBrien, Ot- tawa, will eall on Saturday for Eng- land, accompanied by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King end other Govern- ment officials, who are doing to the Imperial Conference, - . . Miss Mary Rowell, daughter of Hon. Newton Rowell and Mrs. Rowell, Toronto, is attending Selly beautifully Oak, Bogland, this year, as Canada's |G. Bogant,-the commidstoner for the first studen; at the training school district, gave an interesting socquad of the British Y. W. C. A. {of her trip to the Yukon and showed * ea ithe girls some of thé Indian souvenirs Mrs. W. Mangan, Mrs. M. Bohago, [she bas brought home with ler. She Mrs. W. J. Logue, Miss Agnes Doo- also made the presentation to the lan and Mrs. James Hughes will re- [guést ot hogor on behalf of the present the Kingston branch of the girls of a rose-piak Kenwood blanket C. L. W. at a meeting to be held in [tted with pink ribbons. Miss Powell Kemptville opening on Tuesday, thanked her fellow Guides for thelr October 12th, | peautitul gift. "For She's a Jolly 3 » {Good Fellow" was sung heatifly. Master Eric VanAlstyne, after | spending the past three months with | his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.!J. Sutherland's, 51 Clergy street, On| D. VanAlstyne, Napanee and with |Thureday, O 14th, 3 to 6. 10c.| Mrs: Bryant, Winnipeg, at her cot. | tpge on Lvs Island among the Thou- PALL TOP COAT | sand Islands, bas returned fo his | home in Winnipeg, accompanied by | Mrs. Bryant. i 'suading the Canadian the same was one of cussed at the meeting in Toronid. . - Ld On Wednesday evening a Sup was given by Beh Kingston y Girl Guides fn homor of one of thelr Jieutenants, Miss ~Alleen Powell, whose marriage takes place shontly. The supper was held in the Guide the Kingston Oollegiate Iostitute end the table was lovely with pink asters and piok candles | that lighted the Toom &t supper. This table was centred with a Jarge and decorated cake. Mre L St. Paul's W A Tea and Sale, Mrs. | Among the guests who will be in town for the Third-MacPhail wed- ding on Saturday are Mrs. Louis May, New York, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Brittan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Collamer' Calvin, Miss Hilda Calvin, Mr. Gus Calvin, Toronto, Miss Eliza- beth Smith, Ottawa, Miss Mollie Pickard, Montrea]. » . . Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly, Wil- liam street, have returned from a visit of three, weeks in New York where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Koen. They wera -fic- companied home by Miss Margaret t to Ottawa as private secretary Pr. O. D. Skelton, will accompany | to the Imperial Conference as! secretary. At the McMurrich-Davis reading | 'Hamilton on Oct. 18th, Mr. Jack farderaft, Gananoque, will be best Bas and Dr. Edward Bird, Ganano- one of the ushers. . . - Miss Claire Wenderoth has re- d to her home In Long ls- N.Y., after spending a few days | Misses Jane and Doll Irwin, orne street. » . > Mr. and Mrs. George Fex, King- have left to visit relatives &: a, Montreal, Quebec, New Chicago, Omaha, Neb, and i i AAA mmr wr (have heen sheared and shaved until i's an all Corrigan, Bagot street, who has been two months in New York with her sisters. The rain on Wednesday afternoon disconhiged many of the Kingston, people who have been in the habit of driving over La Salle ceuseway to aoe the fleld sports at dhe Royal Mil- tary College. But the members of the staff and their wives and many friends of the cadets enjoyed the sports in spite of the damp and were given tea afterwards. The young people danced dn Sir Amthur Currie Hall for an hour. A» " - Mrs. I. G. Bogant, district com- missioner of the Gil Guides, re-.| turned on Wednesday from Toronto, where she attended the provincial meoting of the Girl Guides, Mrs, Some of the most fashionable pelts . lthey resemble cloth, and are then imade fo very tallored coats for winter wear. Here is Eloore seeds in England. ; | but no congregation should be member has one of lections of rare varieties and is growing mors for seed than flowers. On Vancouver ' Island women in many parts 'have been growing seed for years and selling their crop to larger . growers Who market the | The Editor Hears | That a Buffalo, N.Y., Canadian Press despatch says: "What makes a tourist tour? Why, his wife, of course! You must énlist feminime interest in tourist literature and ad- vertlsing." So said a Montreal Con- vention Manager, Mayor Mathew- son, addressing an International Convention of his business con- ferences in this city, That the new frocks are showing a waist line about an inch below the psatural line. Will the days of short waisted frocks come back? That Kingston yomen who are ir. terested in church and charitable societies are planning a busy winter We will be glad to hear of their activities. All their secretaries have to do is to send an account to the Editor of the Woman's Page in time for the next day's paper, or tele- phone her at 2613. That a man sald the other day, "Of course the women should have a voice in the dffairs of the church, they make more than three-fourths | of the money." And so they should, in a state in which the women and men pull against one another. Both are members of the church to which they belong -which-means-the-ehureh they attend regularly amd suppor'. Many things haverchanged In the memory of the older members of the community and the days of ar- bitary decisions being final are over They may be made, but they cannot be carried out against the wish of the majority. We live. in a d&®mo- eratic .age, both as regards church and state. That a Vancouver press note BAYS: "Recently the Dominion parks bécame interested in stimu- lating Indian handicrafts in order to develop the manufacture of sou- venirs that orld help Wripg tour {sts to Canadian parks, railroads, hotels, guides, ete, and to compete with fraudulent souvenirs made in foreign countries offered as Indian bandicrafts to tourists guests. The Dominios srchasologist and the ethnologist have bean ordered to. get a list of mdians who are capable of carving, painting, weaving, etc, and it is the intemtion of the Na- tional Museum, the department uf Indian affairs and the parks to aid the Indians in finding a market as at Banff, Jasper and on the railway trains and steamships." he Salvation ATmy. hes 1.282 fi crops and outposts in America. the largest col- | i "NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Se : i i "Wa've only got four peopte in town that brags about their aa-| cestors, an' they ain't got nothin' | "Ovo-Tiux 3 0 Home Maos CANDIES One Quality~One Price * else to brag about." | ie + | ks le | Referring to Viscountess Willing- | * | don the Ottawa Citizen says: |* | "That dimpling smile will win ev-| ¥ | ery Canadian heart," said a. male|® | bystander on Parliament Hill on! * | Monday when watching her Excel- | * {leney the Viscountess Willingdon 'as | * | she graclofisly received a large arm | & Her Excellency | bouques of American Beauty rose- buds, presented | Ottawa. i . "And Lady Wélingdon's smile is|® 4 'wonderful smile, It makes one * feel that this world is a good place in which to be. Twinkling eves and | ® dimpling cheeks in a very preity woman of fine clear-cut features, | might describe Lady Willlagdon's winning smile, z "The Viscountess Willingdon was | quite the best dressed woman on | Parllamen; Hill although the as-| 10 semblage counted among its num- | bers the wives of most of the high- T est dignitaries of state resident in || Ottawa. Her Excellency, of girlish figure, about five feet four inches in || height, graceful and with a charm-|| ing dignity of bearing, was wearing a handsomely elled straight:lm- | ed coat of sappiife blue velvet band- || ed around the skirt with chinchilla | and also trimmed with chinchilla |} collar and cuffs. Her blue velvet hat' | of the same tone had a narrow straight brim and a high crown, to ¢ach side of which was a soft gray | aigrette mount. Her dress was a lovely azure blue georgette at the hem of which was a touch of chin- | | chilla fur. A rope of pearls coiled | | once around the throat and pearl | earrings were the only orpaments | noticed. Soft grey silk hose and sin-| gle strap kid pumps of a slightly || deeper tone of grey completed one of the smartest costumes." The giant bees of India build hon- eycombs eighteen to twanty feet high. There are more than 1.000 wool-| jen mills in the United States. { oN to her by the City of: ® +1 {ports must he exam] day food Vv 3 For any meal in any season Reac -cooked. easy to serve : Ee SICK ABED he Brunk Roo | "EIGHT MONTHS fs I { i fis g Eire Aaa fy 5 : Hi nl 3 wis After Taking LydiaE. Pinkham's , | Magazine. { Pattereson. danghter of Joseph Me- {asl Patterson, publisher, returning from Europe in one of the smantest models. Carlo, the wolf hound, has naturally this smooth, dipped sur face, and 4s also in the height fashion, : "IR" (With Apologies to Kipling.) If you can keep your hair when all about you Are shearing theirs and wanting you to too, It you can hold yodr tongue when others mock you; But make allowance mocking too; for thelr If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew ~ To keep your theirs is gone, And hold on to it whem there's no- thing in you Except the will which says to you "Hold On!" If you can talk with crowds and keep your locks too, Or walk with "Sheiks" nor lose . your common sense; : It neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, HH women dub you self-defense; If you can smile with not a hat to fit you, If you can sigh dut never shed a tear, . that's In it, And-- which is more----You'll be a lady, dear. 3 --By V. L, Shepherd, In Harper's 3 ing variations of flower gardening for profit are shown dy Women's In- stitute Members. For instance the seed-growing industry in the prov- {nce is very important and many women are engaged In it. Lavender is grown quits extensively on Van- conver Island and is equal to that grown in Somerset, England. Two women close to Vietoria, who have half an acre, have started the manu- facture of lavender water. Ong mem. Meats of Of course you enjoy Keen's Mustard with cold meats. 'Try its appetizing flavour 'with hot meats, too--roast beef, lamb, pork, bacon, hair long, after|' "Freak" in : L. Yours is the Earth and everything Vancouver, B.C, Oct. T----Intgrast-| sausages, etc. een's aids digestion # Reen's Mustard adds deli- ciousness, and aids diges- tion. Mix it fresh for every meal. w There are more than four million swomobiles on farms. ber in the Kootenay disttie; has gone' fn extensively for immerislles and " fhis year will have 1 very large qusatity of seed for sale Another " Harold S. Packer | ATCM. Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations. STUDIO: 840 Johnson Street. . "Phage 2050-m. BERT. F. COUPER Orgtnist-Choirieader St. Luke's Anglican Chure Teacher of Voice and Plano. Studio: 776 Princess St. "Phone 1440. rr ----\--------r. MISS EDITH CRAIG Formerly of Vancouver, B.C. Teacher of Violin, Harmony, etc, Residence Studio: 65 West Street. a KORRINE A. MADDEN ATCM . Teacher of Plane and Theory. B-- sesetsssscsscves . + A TIME FOR EVERYTHING 2 WOMEN'S MEETINGS i - * 1 £m twenty-five cents. *| SE Mh I am not on speaking terms . W. A. of Lennox and Addington. with the butcher. @ 4}. The meeting of the deanery of I am too small to buy & pint of ®{[.nnox and Addington Woman's Au ice cream, 1 am not large enough to pur- ¢ Xillary was'held in Camden East on ¢hase a box of candy. ¢ | Tuesday. The opening service was in 1 am too small to buy a ticket & |the church and the rector, Rev. R. to a movie. I am hardly fit for a"tip but-- & | when I go to i Sunday. am considered MONEY! --Clearfield, Pa., Progress. 1 ~ ,% [for thelr guests, Mrs. ¢ | Woman's & | Lowe, & | and Miss Auxiliary, Mrs @ |W. Spencer, was the preacher. After the service a luncheon was held by church on + |the members of the W. A. wha had Havelock SOME & | Price, the diocesan president of the H P. the secretary for literature, Edith Van Straubenses, $20 e ¢e SFL SSeS aigirls' and candidates' secretarya sll w-- fot Kingston. There was a splendid All incoming aliens at American | attendance, both at the service when afternoon when addresses There have been 4,167 Iynchings the United States since 1885. board. FOR FRIDAY NEW JERSEY DRESSES Pretty styles and popular shades for $10.00 each. NEW SILK AND WOOL DRESSES And Suits Knit-to-Fit in a wonderful as- sortment of colors and styles from $10.00 up. { : PRETTY SCARFS In Crepe and Silk; also the new Shawl Scarfs so popular now, at attractive prices. WINTER COATS Fur trimmed, highest quality, newest styles, from $18.50 to $64.50 each. W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE a £ MADE WITH ALL THE CARE AS EXERCISED BY EARLY CRAFTSMEN, ON MODERN PRINCIPALS. THE TONAL QUALITIES OF THE WEBER EXCEL IN BEAUTY AND FULLNESS. THE ACTION IS RE. SPONSIVE TO A DEGREE. ; CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS SENT FREE OY REQUEST. « --.. [EASY SPREAD TERMS ARRANGED--10% CASH, BALANCE OVER A PERIOD OF 38 MONTHS. ned hy doctors the church-was- Tiled -to-its- utmost of the United States Public Health | capacity, and at the meeting in the Service. were given by officers of the diocesan i | | |