Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1926, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Friday, October 8, 1 : ; Tr - = : % ar = ee ||| CITY AND DISTRICT i ueen's University |SWEATERS | we in H i ad ® ® : - i : Students Headquarters CORRECT Kingston Bank Clearings. {plants as a polisher. This trade ba} | Se that Bi est a : COLORS | | The Bocel bank clearings for the| followed until about-ten years ago. | v > s i % 3 - SI - uf he > Co. AP yo gn) | week ending Oot. T4h were $1.047,~ when_ he started to practice natural | Tn | §1992.15; corresponding week jamt | healing. ® {year, $1,072,474.69. : ] CL -- = | i-- ! Spoke at Conference. { Spoke to the Teachers. Dean Craig. Kingston, spoke at al Prof. W. T. MacClement of Queen's | theological college conference fa.| i a -- C--O Ata MN AAAI : RRA oc eam a A MT Se, AC 3 NR EE 5 , & : TARA Re TRA an Phare are pir Teaches' Institute on Timreday | wards enjoyed a 'lancheon" in Wesley night fn Napames on "Winged Friends | College. > 1 . land Winged Foes." | ; i < ; : ---- ! Engagement Announced, ! Rh { Camera Club Met. | © Mr. and Mrs, John 8S. Moir, Arn-| . ¥ The Sketch and Camera Club of | prior, announce the engagement of | Queen's University held a meeting their daughter, Ida Ethelda, to! ; a ' o ion" Thursday night, when the sub-| Capt. Harry Johnston Daubney,! | § ' ject discussed was the common! M.C., Montreal, son of the late Mr. | | ground of paipting and photography. and Mrs. Edwin Daubney, Ottawa. | | S------ | The marrjage will take place early in} i Liberal Ward Meeting: November. on x ) - | A meeting of all the wands, in- | 300 atest y {cluding Portsmouth, will be hedd in | Paid Fraternal Visit. 4 4 Ganon Hug Tuestay, Oot ani Minden Lodge No. 263, AF. &| FOR STORM, SLEET AND SNOW-- ||. 2m ln Tames. "7 |, po rem eos aa | Modeled 3 | Ancient © No. i _ FOR BUSINESS OR DRESS USAGE || Ee a Sen gites 'e. Store At St. John's, 8 ngten. | degree. During the |sookal hour | ® / t ' : The congregation of St. John's Ee Rea / ! | Angi Church, 8 ngton, - is wiki h followed, Miss Catherine | making preparations for its annual Wright sang a group of songs with | i 8 | harvest thanksgiving service on Sun brilliance and fine effect. Mrs. A.| d 0 Sun-| ny ld . A : : day evening, which will likely be R. B. Williamson acted as accom i i l1argely attended. | panist. : Here are the great Coats that afford ||| tra DISPLAYING ALL THAT IS To Keep Light Burning. Canadian Pacific shelter and comfort, combined with taste *{ |! Mariners piying Lake Ontario and! City ticket offices 180 Wellington | NEW AND FASHIONABLE | the St. Lawrence river are assured |streei, report the following arrivals | 1 .and character. A shield against the ele- service from Canadian lights and [of their steamships: | 4 " " . : Tol . | buoys as long as pavigation lasts| Empress of France, from . Quebec, 1 ments, with that'element of distinction that | this season. This decision on the part |due Hamburg, Oct. sth, FOR LADIES, YOUNG AND { of the 'Dominion authorities applies Montrose, From Liverpool, duer H OLDER MISSES, AT MODER- . qualify them for dressier occasions. Our | to the entire Great Lakes chain. | Quebec, Oct. 8th ! ge " } animation | Montolare, from Montreal, due | resources and endeavors were concentrated | || Rowsic In OHered. ot. Sti | > 8 1 id ; The guestion of so many false fire "Melita, from Montreal, due Cher- to presen t the greatest in value' Coats at ae "was discussed | bore and Sowggampean, Oct. 14th, ATE PRICES these favorite prices. {at Napanee council and it was decid- and due Antwenmk, Oct. 15th.. {ed to offer a reward of $50 for in-| Minnedosa, from Antwerp, South-! | formation leading to the conviction ampbon and Cherbourg, due Quebec, | \ -~ 2a i | of anyone tampering with fire alarm Oct 15th. | be Coat modes are more feminine. 3 | boxes. | Bmpress.of Canada, from Vamcou-| The mannish Coat has given way to ; 4 4 ; ® 3 { Tie ver, due Yokohama, Oot 11th, and! / | To Cure and Collect. due Hong Kong, Oct 184h. j . _ agreater variety of straight-line mod- | | & Toronto football star who com- | ------ ! : . | pleted a five-year course in com- A Golden Wedd! els, smarter, with many tucks and fs : { merce and finance at Quoen's uni- » a o - A on Ren 1 4 | versity now announces his inténtion| r oe " 18 on ores! op +o pleats. Wot taking a six-year cougse in medi irew, cele rated on Monday the 50t { F wri . 1 b d 2 o 9 . 9 | cine. When he hangs ou his shingle, SnEiversary of Peis matjage. Mss ur trimmings are eia orate an , | says the Hamilton spectator, hej = "=o . - | should know how to cure and col- Mary Hamilton, Bromley. Mr. For-| | heavy, collars and cuffs are unusual Sho . est was and continued to be the ly large and warm matching in fo ' shade the color of the coat. | "village blacksmith" at Burnstown. | | The assortment of fabrics is large. Many soft piled cloths that fashion the newer styles, show all the Fall | three ye go, and the eldest dau- 75-79 BROCK STREET Anna Nolan Coulter. His early lite] ghter as ney have thirty tones: Browns, Blacks, Blues, Green, was passed in Kingston, where he 1 Of Your Route It Pays To Walk jatnded the schools and later learn- grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Forest ' 4 . Grey, Rustic, Channel Red and AN : "He moved to | 81ways took am active part in the others. od the polishing trade, He move' affairs of Burnstown and especially y i {| i i Er ----_ -- TD HH BE teenveumtreiiain NEW FALL A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL NEW FALL HOLD ANY OVERCOAT | N------ | , , i ama 8 HATS UNTIL. REQUIRED HATS { Died at Watertown, N.Y. | They lived in the same house to| a a aa a dia George K--Coulter, - aged elghty- | which they went on their wedding | i aE hamt i { nine years is dead, at Watertown, | 387: Tye day was spent quietly, us | their family, except one daughter, | be : | N.Y., He practiced natural healing | 3. 3 18 | LIVIN TON'S ||: mo or De en ree | 13 gl i 2 Ont. A 25%, / . g 8 € Pe -1 : | born. in. Kingston, Ont, on Hug ghters are living. The eldest son died | 11857, a son of the late James and PF own, N.Y., a number of years | Watertown. N a ¥ in the church where Mr. Forest gave . . . ' ago and worked in various industria. | in.ghe shutel where Hie. Fores: g | | ] 00) " 100 | pla | ANDERSON' Buy iv Best Plants Are Stolen Ue : to Lo g Doin Ss. woeksows [| From City Gardens es E teali t 11x 'Phone Orders early--Careful Selection---Prompt Delivery | otter has lost tts thi for smenk UNDERWE AR thieves in the city. Now they are A | by the roots as though for trans- Choice Steers and Heifers--the finest qual: 8 Ib. tin planting, but the iity ty. did * e . Maan Kidner, Live ar tun to sel at the Tohovin% | --GHOIGE OWEEBE ||| not make = vers eood on of aking immediate needs Ox=tal | though it will soon be necessary to! old Cheese, fancy | wateh the front walk and. the ver-| ~ ANDERSON'S PURE Steaks, Ib. :28¢. | Imported. too. ; : : OEYLON TEAS |Round Roasts and Steaks, Ib.--18c.| "nova rose PEAS || A full and complete range of Children's winter 1 @8c., 750., 850. per Ib. Shiulos Rib oats, ib, ;--: = 10%. 280 outts $25 at Tyelddelis: every age and size. Priced from $1.15 up to $4.25 suit. TOKAY GRAPES less Stow! 21 | master and "for a pumber of years | * 9 : s - - : Tb Bone 28x: Stawing Beef 2 ibs for Zo 1,000 Ibe, fresh mado, ff manager of eve Bei Telephone Com Ladies' & Misses' Winter Underwear taking plants from gardens. One ei- PURE LARD ; { tizen on Nelson street suffered the | Bulk, Ib, verses. 490. | - { Joss of several beautiful plants Wed- | Bul ce new ight. They were polled vp e Important Item for ----------------------------r. ord : New adian, nippy | them out of the ground. It seems as! * and or Can ' ' fines. L -28¢ 3 's Wi " . . Cheese, -~domestic and | andah, or someone will take them | Children J inter Combinations Direct from the gardens Tender, Rump Roasts, Ib. wee 180. | Special value blue and gray serge weight Combinations, in all weights and mixtures for CALIFORNIA Meaty Shoulder Roasts, Ib. 12%o0. prominent business man, local post- { pany, died on Wednesday, aged ANDERGON'S YOUNG CANADIAN | seventy Awa, ard of Bducation Bas With stocks complete with all the nationally known decided to introduce the penny bank | derides : makers, such as Turnbull's, Penman's, Harvey's and PORK oystem. __. ulues 320.10 335| - Morley's--Vests, Bloomers, Combinations--in all weights The meat that eats like Chicken. | at Tweddell's. : and mixtures. Your Underwear feeds can be instantly Prices are lower. DAILY MEMORANDUM. met here, at moderate prices. ' Loan Shoulder Roasts of Pork, Ib.- 280. |] rian ocater sin, oii pm 30 « Butts of POPK, Ib, « «ciooooovioe 280. {1 Children or Mary euchre; Cahoiis An) » W3 Le ai Shoulder Ohops, well trimmed, ib. -27c. Jie. Boys' Winter Combinations Turnbull's and Penman's Winter Combinations, in all Loin Roasts of Pork, well trimmed, a 570. kK; Shop Down Town weights, from medium for immediate wear, to the extra Bak ed H fill heavy, winter weights. A full range of sizes from 22 to : 0 lc ome 34. Priced from $1.25 to $3.25 suit. ous for quality and best on the : A a Ton : : narhel. VEE LD. ren 3 ma. y : . Men's Fleece Lined Shirts Smoked Hams, whole or half-- rder these 0 A Men's Penman's Merino - and Drawers, 'Smoked Backs, -- to : Bee re onl : Natural shade, heavy Cotton, y and | 2 Lined 5 . pound Sa - B20. Ib. ed : '3 ~ forFall wear. Sizes from 36 | 65¢. each MF ees sein saris irr simn | me eneneeiten buy ; . 31 1042 ovennain... $195, Sizes 22 to 32. ae . ; . : a dozen 3 20¢. % 1 : « - ie dt ; : : Ee ni, We sell the best Cof- fee in the city. h

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