. THE DAILY BRITISH me -- ---- FELL OFF OFF VERANDAH. 1A SOUTH AMERICAN SEVERELY INJURED on tr roms we win i the Auman River Accident to W. H. Haylock " WHIG STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT The trials which beset o mission- il ary working in the Amazon "River Friday, October 8, 1928." Te ---- basin in South America from the at- | Saturday at Shaw's! Jock. while waking, r. F. P.lsavage habites of the.red. . Indiag z es sansamiaig i +N LL : : i ES 'Smith's residence oo he rites "Whtch inhabit the tame torm= if Sep ae : tell trom the verandah roof, severe-| ed' thie theme of an interssting lec- 'Is injuring his neck and spine. ture delivered by Mr. Kenneth Grabd | Walter' Dayton spent the week-|in St. James' parish hs! on Thurs- 'end in Toronto with Mrs Dayton, [ddy evening. There was a good at- who ufderwent a serious operation | tendance and Mr. Grubb held the in Wellesley Hospital. Mrs. Dayton | attention of his audience at all is recovering nicely and hopes to be | times. Hav. T. W. Saviry, the rec- able to return to her home ere long. | tor, presided. pov Captain Palmateer has taken Mr. Grubb showed some very Ia- charge of the tug Alert of the Fron- | teresting lantern slides which de- temac Dredging < Co., for Captain! picted the character of the country, Kenny, who is {II- at his home on| the different types- of peoples met Wolfe Island. . there, and the strange anintals , George Palmatier has sold his re-| which on many occasions serve the sidence on Mary street east to Mr. | missionaries for food. At times, he Urias Nelson of Demorestville. said, they become reduced to eating Miss Helen McCoy has gone to| crocodiles and even ants. The Ama- Toronto where she has accepted 2a!zon basin supports a very dense position. += | yogetation and it is rare {o find a Mrs. Ralph Pulver, Detroft,, Mich. | cleared spot the size of -a teanis | was a visitor last week at thé home | court. The rivers form the chiet of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Stanton. routes of travel and ficods and Rev. F. Louls Barber came up| rapids make even these very diffi- from Gananoque this week to meet | cult to pavigate. . i old friends. A reference was made by the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowerman, | speaker several times to the effect Port Perry, were guests over the | that companies exploiting the rub- week-end at the Ferris Home, Burns | ber resources of the country treated avénue. the Indian inhabitants very severely. Edmund M. Shaver, Rochester, |in some cases ordering wholesale N.Y.. motored to Picton last week | massacres. There are several main to visit his mother, Mrs. Frances| tribes of these Indians and they vary Shaver, Clute street. in character from very fierce to mild |} Mrs. A. A. Kemp, Australia, left | and hospitable people. As yet, Mr. town last week for Montreal where | Grubb said, the missionaries had net she will join Mrs. and Miss Ruther-| been able to spread Christianity to ford for thelr return journey home. | any great extent but they had hapes Mrs. C. E. F. Galbraith, Hailey-| that they had broken down much of bury, visited Mrs. M. B. Grover, |the resistance against themselves Jane street, last week. and that in time they would win the Rev.' J. Lyons and Mrs. Lyons | Indians over, + went to Portland early. in the week. | Mrs. Graham, Owen Sound, visit- A quiet wedding was solémnized ed her sister, Mrs. T. E. Owens| on Tussday at Cardinal, when Rev. (The Maples) and other relatives in| Canon French united in marriage { town and county last week. Mrs. Nora Gill, Cardinal, formerly of Mrs. Francis Owens and Mrs. D.| Brockville and Mr. D. A. MacGilli- Jacob! were the winners of the vray, Morrisburg. : prizes at the 1.O.D.E. bridge at the Ward chairmen for the Liberals of Armouriés last week, the various wards in Kingston, end Mrs. John Gilbert of Cape Vincent) also for Portsmouth, will be electeed was in town last week on business. [in Oanden Hall on Tuesday, Oct. George R. Moore, who severed his|12th, at § pam. | connection with A. Bristol & Son |e rae store this week, was honored by his empayer and the staff previous to | his going. He wis presented with a purse of money sccompanied by the |B N ast best wishes of his fellow workers |i ew for his future success. Mr. Moore | has been In charge of the rows} goods department of the store we} the past tem years. Mr. Moore Is a public Sisited-gitinen and "will be! Special values in Each Hat Depart- ment To-morrow. These Autumn days call for new Hats, We sell them for all the family. Men, Ladies and Children -- the biggest variety in the city is here. F UR COATS > FUR.CHOKERS _ onc Abarat ios Seeoming, ili and royale : oa Hw fox faloemation sul-gu: SHuscrated. eutsiogne of Fur \ 'JOHN McKAY Limited " MANUFACTURING FURRIERS | 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Roscoe Wes £ Bed Spreads at Big Reductions $3.25 WHITE CROCHET SPREADS, $2.49 In a good, large size, 72 x 84 inches and specially priced for Saturday. Regular $3.25. Sale Price ..... ....... $2.49 Waterman Fountain Pens, Parker Duofold Pens and Pencils, Wahl Eversharp Pencils Boxes of Stationery, Correspondence Cards, Writing Pads, Envelopes and Ink. . Branigan' 8 Drug i LNT 268 Princess Street Phone 18 HANLEY'S (Bstablished 1871) Steamship passages parts of the world. Pass- ports arranged. tickets sued over all | lie, Trans-Puacifie, Alaska, " . West Indies, Mediterran- Round the World Steamship passages arranged for it to bring relatives or from abroad. dor un particulars apply to or : P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A, ON. Canadian National Station, corner Johnsoh and : streets, Kingston, Out. Oper jay and night. 'Phones $9 or 2837 PA A LUCKIN'S || [Westen Steer $6.95 CREPE SPREADS, : $4.95 i, 72 x 99 inches, and regular $6.95 value. This clearance of odd lines in Rose, Gold and' Orchid offers you a real saving. . Clearing Saturday . ..... $4.95 - Le 25¢. WHITE SAXONY, 19¢, Of fine quality and full 27 inches wide. Regular 25c¢. value. Sale Price ....«. «wm. 19¢. yard | $2 00 Black Duchesse Satin $1.39 The fastest selling quality we've ever handled. Ina truly, lovely finish, good weight and regularly priced $2.00 yard. 85 yards only in thelot, sobeearly!.™. .........Saturday Sale Price ... $1.39 yard FACTORY COTTON, 8 Yards for $1.00 Extra good quality Factory, in the 34 inch width, at an attrac- tive, low price. On Saturday . . 8 yards for $1.00 A SUSUAL PRICES RIGHT Absqjutely pure Lard 2 Ibs. 85c. | Jelly and Marshmallow Cakes, pound 28¢. -------- een ei OUTSIDE MARKET, WINDUP PEACH SALE "THE HAT STORE" » OVAL BEDROOM MATS, $2.39 . In pretty shades of Pur le, Gold, "Taupe, Grey and Blue, Black and White, Green, 2 toned Rose, etc. and 27 x 54 inches in size. On Saturday extra value, $2.39 each VELVET CUSHION TOPS Your choice of pretty patterns and shades, in two different grades. Reg. $1.50--on sale ........$1.19 Reg. $1.00--on sale .......$ .89 | 'Woollen Dress Materials Kingston's first display of Fall Flannels, Charmalines, San: toys, Poplins, Tricotines, etc., at your disposal. Inspection of these new materials will reveal many surprisingly good values! BUY BETTER AT D. A SHAW, Limited RUGS | ms Ws IR APERIES KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE . THIRD NOVA SCOTICN Called to a Principalship at Queen's Professor H. A. Kent, D.D., of the Chair of Old Testament at the Unit- ed Church College, Halifax, who has accepted the invitation to the prin- cipaiship of Queen's Theological College, Kingston, has since 1908 been professor of Old Testament at the former Presbyterian College {now United Church College) Hali- sx. He is a native of Truro, Nova Scotia, is a graduate of Dalhousie | University and of Halifax Presbyter- fan College, and subsequently took a post-graduate course in Europe. He was appointed lecturer in Old Testa- ment, as assistant to the late Pro- fessor Cyrrié, in 1903, and on Dr. Currie"s resignation in 190% assign- éd the chair thus left vacant. Dr. Kent is the third Nova Scotian call ed to Queen's University, the other { two having been the late Principal G. M. Grant and' the late Principal D. M. Gordon. As principal of the Theological College. Dr. Kent will be brought inte close touch with the larger life of the University. Prime Rib Roast, 20c Be CAMPBELL'S Autumn Store News Ree Eo: Roast | : pound ... ... 124. | nb 15) | Brisket Points, Ib. 6c. Choice, Thick Ribs, I pound ...... 18 | Hats For Ladies In Velvet Hats we have hun dreds of new smart styles from three to fourteen dollars. We feature Hats at-- $5.00 and $6.50 MORE NEWFELTS Our famous Fall Felts are having the run and for to-mor- row we have received another big shipment. All are exclusive shapes at popular prices. $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 NEW VELOURS High grade but not high price. $5.00 to $7.50 : eimmemermet] wil he Exclusive Hats at moderate prices. NOW AS ALWAYS-- Hats load In style, qual emer ur ye SUPPER AT NEWBURGH JR ' A Jiggs Spread in AM of Church Funds : Newburgh, Oct. 6--The Ladies' Ald of the United Church gave a Maggie' and Jiges supper on Wednes- day evening last, sixty-four dollars i was taken in as the financial re- a : sult. A very enjoyable time was Hamburg Steak, 'spent by all. The entertainment was : . a 12¢. { given by local talent.' The edibles pound Lt ir od | were good, no doubt something like Maggies and Jiggs wet at Dinty To's. 4 Mrs. Walter Clancy spent a few 'days WIth MF. and Mrs. Whlitord Baker, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dua- woody spent part of the week at PBicktisll's Corners with Delbert Sexsmith and his mother. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowen, Both, called on their a few days. Mrs. Tommy Cousins and baby, were guests at Mrs. Elburn Wickware's last week. Mrs. James Clarke spent Susday at Wm. Both's, Ore Chimney. Mr. Morton Cummings accompanied by I. Harnden, R. Wheeler and L. Wheeler, dttended the Free Metho- daughter, Mrs. Jaynes, on Tuesday. Mrs. Blomeley, Rochester, N.Y, was & recsnt visitor with her sister, Mrs. Colin Martin, Mr. Pig Parisian Shop POINGS AY CLOYNE Many of the Residents Were In At- tendance at the Tweed Fair. Cloyne, Oect. 7--A tember from this village attended the fall fair at report a real 2904 dist meeting Sunday afternoon at Cassidy's school. Mr. Mason and Mr. Oborne spent a few days al Loon Lake returning home on Sunday Mr. Frank Wheeler is still employ- ed at. Loon Lake by Mr. Chittick. Mrs. George Bishop is visiting at Mrs. J. Wise's, Cataraqui, Ont, and Miss Elsie Wise'is keeping house for her until her return. Mr. Michael Schwage and Miss Bertha Stein of Denbigh, pasted through here enrogte for. Tweed Monday night. Quite a heavy slectric 'Istorm was witnessed here Monday might with much rain which leaves the roads in a pretty bad shape. Mr, and Mrs. J. Miller of Harlowe visit-