a ---- wr -- x peer ---------- -------- ada divided the Province into 'pige- 1) make people look at 'em, whether BRITISH WHIG| H | {ee untie re 8 tiey 'want to or not oanp YEAR { {een counties, two of which, Suffopk ¥ al Bok Aas | { and Essex, were north of Lake Erie. , Do'you know ha 1 sdk Aad 5 : Yat did ond the f the sre he «lapped his thigh and} .i but did not go beyon the line of 1 chuckled to himself. 'I got hold oi Treaty of Paris ind did mot form 1:o fat pigs, paimted "Liptan"s Or- | into any counties béyond the Detroit poans" on their backs, and used to | River. Bsséx and Suffolk were to ] ad 'em home from the marketplace : + every day. 5 : ¥ y€ th i: - g . \ \ 1 ha a member of 110 House of AS " 'But even bettef's to come, evea | sembly but no one west of the De- putters to come!' (Here the secrs- troit River waw in any const or had any vole. ; Buk' Mishigam-aag_dn_Upper- Lat eh ada.' Bectetary Dundas repudiated tiat he had heard the story before) hose pigs to le down is CECTOR FEEEHP : . : my wee shop! Think of it. Two braw | the idea that settlers in that district pigs lying down like that. They | were. not subject to the laws of the giopped the traffic. Whén we got o | Province. The laws aythorized the crowd around, somebody would say ; levying of rates, among other things, Way! There's the wee shop!" And "10 make provision for defraying the Shay dail tot sous and lod a expenses of building a courthouse pgy7: ; and goal" Those buildings for the | western distriet of Upper i w EA i i, SS SC Cc a : uyag EDITORIAL NOTES. were to be mear the present town of | Sandwich ar 4 the prmperty oWRErS ! Tue refund of income tax has add- west of~Detroit and St. Clair Rivers | , io oment to many vacations { were not exempt from taxes. At al Ld : Court of General Quarter Sessions of | Lenry Ford, mot being able to | the Peace for the weaterh district, | shorten the car, 1s shortening the held in Detroit in April, 1795, the | work week to five days. grand jury, four of whom bore | _ Pw Raley hy { SH WHIG PURLISHING TED, KINGSTON, ONT. DAVIES ...... TELEPHONES ¥ooma LE EE Hessen nn French names, made a preseniment | when the san shines "earth hath, with whieh, writes the Hom. MF i,5 anything to show more fair" Ee en eames 3 SLICE Riddell in the Canadian His | 40 an Outaild landscape. GWN REPRESENTATIVES: | torical Review, litle' fault can be | ' King, und. "The inhabitints of the | ; According to the Ohio State Jour Crowley, | River Sinclair, Raison and Huron." i al, many of {Be new garages are be- "are actually or should be ling built with' houses attached. 10) assessed or taxed as Gthers of His | { Majesty's liege subjects within the ! We have nine vacant seats in the rovinee' of Upper Canada. They |jegisiature. What about lt Mr. Fer- the| {hould also be equally entitled to | guson? Are you good and ready | free representation which they have yet? a # circulation of The British Whi | t . sidere an i § by the Anat Mu a heretofore not been considered as en- | Ha tous. NS Powers, lac.) il says, endian Avenue, ngraham-Powers, isc, ih La Salle Survet. a RC to the KdWur are publi Ff over ihe actus same of ------ Canada has threes million less eggs than were available one This means a lessening of | titled to, from and on account of the : . ones mms fine of limitation and the tenor onl [in storage XE SOCIETY WORK. | which they hold their lands." i AKO. 5 . { Though the grand jurors may got | ripe stock. fficials of humane societies stil) | pave known it, contintes the Hon. | @ that there is much need of thelr | §, Justice Riddell, representation | The lowest services on behalf of the dumb ! 1.4 already been provided for the! world is the Bible ures, particularly the horse. ¢ .qatistied Michigan taxpayers. from a penny up % admit that there is not so much | yuy'g Treaty was concluded in No- ! the best books to read. jeity to animals as there was tWO | vember, 1794, although not ratified | aE ago, but the chief reason for ; until October, 1785 The United | Sir James Craig says he ca fs fi that those who would be cruel | geates agreed to pay the debis and | Canada tor a rest but did not get n that jil-treatnient of hOTSes. | Greqt Britain to surrender the ter- oe go away for a holiday , dogs and cals will bring them | .i4ry. By August, 1796, the trans- and then return home for a rest. p law courts and perhaps land ! fer of pospession was complete; those. or in prison. : { who so choose could remain in Michi- { This beauty slogan, "Exer- pple generally have no idea of { can and becoming American citizens | jee the Face," has caused the Border of the cruelties practised upon | .4y1d vote ns such, while those who | Cities Star to realize at last why we animals. A humane soefety | jogired to live pnder the Old Flag nave so many handsome politicians. 1 tells of having been sUm-| 14 pass over the river and vote as i i ofite by a Jittle girl to her i where the father, in a fit of r,. had taken her kitten and | d its front paws to the kitchen Another case of cruelty oc | i near Kingston two years ago, { the owner of a cow, that had | strick by a train, allawed the animal to lle in the ditch in 1 i 3 | year priced book in thé It can be bought ft is also one of me 10 People new Will Rogers admis that his talk} | qiirtmg--a---visit- tothe White louse | put President Coolidge to sleep. It | seems to be a new care for insomnia. Canadians, CUT OFF THE TAXES. The St. Thomas Times-Journal is | Ohio js making a pouny fight convinced that the municipal income against. the Chicago water theft. In tax is one thing that is doomed, even [ this case Lake Hrie is a factor unit- {if Hon. Mr. Ferguson does not. abi(,g Ontario and Ohio, not dividing suffering from a broken hip. | present see his way clear to abolish { them. 4 he would not receive com-, it. Ratepayers cannot see why they on {fom the railway if he re- should be required to pay a civic In- | * Toronto is canvassing a city man- the animal before a raiiway come tax in addition to a Federal in- fagership. The controllers favor, it. or saw it. The Humane So- come tak and a property tax." In | The problem is to be further expldit- jearned of the case and had the | many respects, especially the part | od The city is big eqough for more put out of iis misery. Reports i that fixes the exemption for children, | progressive munieipa methods. 3 come to humane saciety offie- | the civic tax was heavier. than the | El of horses being eruelly treated Federal tax; now that the Federal! Five hundred and fifty-five yore Righway construction work and rate of exemption has been increas. sons were killed on the streets of will prosecute those respon- | ed. it will hit a great many House- | New York City between Jan. 1st an Another case heard of in the | holders who will not be affected by | Sept. ist. The good old pastime of Bat week was that of a farmer down | the Federal ay The clvic pn is go. walking is now full of dangers. 1 i | {ng to be much more unpopular than s-- Rnechips . Rossa with 8 | it has been, and that was consider: | The daughter of Wim Jens have poked out the eyes of a { able. ¢ | Bryan appears to have inherited ¢ The paper 'alge urges Mr. Fergu- | of her tamous father's habits. She . pn THE DAILY B | sued by the Department of Health at | ftueney 1.ry departed, and 1 had a suspicion | RB. iatNafthera Ontario is broviog a | $ornth Centre Winnipeg, p bec ot do his bid- | i : steak aufe it 4a Be : son to get rid of tne civie income | was recently defeated in the election | tax and the "nuisance" taxes, 'and {of a representative to Congress in & | @jve the municipalities a share ot | Florida district. know the great need of hu-| : n {the gasoline tax, and he won't have : which, should have " socigtios, i i to worry so much about a new Hquor | 7 ; { 0 gh sama Jory policy. We wot charge you any- back od, Kingston has one of the | thing for this bit of adyice, but if | the : Shen energetic Bumane societies in {you turn it down, we offer it to the | vote in sufficient numbers gains i di Its officers and oftielals | Liberals at the same price. {is the expressed opinion of Mr. T. yar on the alert and each month | | | Stewart Lyon of Toronto. stement 1s ppblished of the cases | ad to. e cases are cited to let the That the bar need never come] in Ontario if the women of Province would exercise their "A VAGABOND SONG? BY BLISS CARMAN. | + s-- i Arvida, Que. the new aluminum | citys {s Jooming up. The great plant a roduce Me. Carmasr-haw i Caliternia. te 10 e000 Mb ar. 19 the lv Canadian, Wink yesident of thei ot three months three hundred . | Jatted Statet Ha Is ane of the gumat-| houses have been erected. ariation of the old principle, | °* of nature's poets, and - when, Go Smokers on the ferries between taxation withou | some twenty or 'more years ago, his} 7s ip & docnment recéntly up- | "Songs from Vagabonda, written |p. oj and Windsor are being com- collaBoration With. the. late peii0a to pay duly ou'the cigarettes t representation, 1 archivist of | 1% Hovey. appeared, they', .. pring across the river The MICHIGAN WAS IN" CAN. : ADA. by Cer--Fraser, While the American colo- | Rickard rhaps, thought more of avoid- | created a literary stir. He has re-|oggqoms probe seems to be bearing tog thai of obtaining 1 ;pre- | mained true to his highest ideals, | (qexpected fruit, remarks the To- : a statement of the prin- | and has never wrilf&n one careless tonto Globe, : expresses ' the Watertown. | t witli the oppesite intention | line, abtain representation and not | N-Y., Standard. The roving spirit is| A list: of hospitals in Canada is Hon=--wag mada in De |StFORZ In'him, and gets magically | : RITISH WHIG _ Friday, October 8, 1926. - Oftaws shows that we have 383 pub- He, 259 private and 28 Red Cross hospitals, of which 108 public, 57 private, and 11 Red Crosp are in Ontario. Alwerta is secomd, Saskaty chewan third, and. British Columbia | fourth. Quebec comes fifth with 28 public and 20 private hospitals. a SCORES OF 2 SIC IN DRESSES AND COATS Tue travelling school on the CN. | *_make selection from varied gr splendid styles ana vaiuce wool materials, in Twegeds, Duvetynes, . Pinhead and Marvellas, with furs, Cheese THE cEarew ge ralfwiy- employeef and settlers in+the smal- | ler communities on the Ruel sub- | division of the Natiomal. System arey| being benefited. y ! oups i . . -- | Fire losses continue to increase | each year, states a report of the! Canadian and American fire appar | atus manufacturers who were in ses- | New Fall Coats and Dresses SMART STYLES AT THE CLAS-- Hundreds of Coats and Dresses from which to' -- this repre arm, Winter Coats o Needle Point, lavishly trimmed, dyed Opossum, Thibutine, Coon and Squirrel. Prices range from $19.95 to $65.00 NV nts "+ sion in Montreal, and therefore re- | sewed efforts are to be made to teach the public the value of and need for fire protection. aos Pa | The Stratford on-Herald says | that "every government, provincial, | all shades. A Special Sale of Coals at $12.95 With Fur Collars and Cuffs, well lined, interlined, in federal and municipal, should bear in mind that the extent to which peo- | ple are taxed in -this country hes pecome a burden, and also that | there is nothing that will put more | lite and energy in the country than the easing of this burdén." Sound | philosophy. . ! A Special Group urday in Crepe, Win? ATS Ottawa. according to a Freneb-| Canadian corfespondent, is to have the honor of opening an apartment house where the initial condition of ! lease 'will be that the prospective | of Dresses have been selected for Sat- Satin Faced, at $7.95. All sizes. are specially priced for Saturday. Here you will find youthful styles-----Hats of de- cided charm for the X oung Matron. CLASSIC SHOPPE 233 Princess St. $3.95 tenant shall be the parent of at thrée children. , MOTeover, imag subsequent addition to the ij family will result in a reduction: of {|i 5 in the monthly rental. 'A tom- mendable landlord indeed. ~ ---- FOR YOUR SEE US. BEST WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE. --THE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY---- ALL NEW MACHINERY. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION ASSURED WE CALL AND DELIVER. CHARLES CREER, Proprietor. Phone 66. -- least every & a) {i f immigrants Who Make Good] i 3 / (Toron'o Star) : Mike Luchovich of Vegreville, Al- berta. is the first Canadian of Ukrainian origin to sit in the House of Commons. There are perhaps 250.000 of his race in the Canadian | west. : i Joseph T. Thorson, A. Martin Ltd. 272 PRINCESS STREET. ~Chblce Creamery Butter Choice Grapes Black Ceylon Tea Large Bottles of Catsup. elected in is of Iece-! landic extraction. So was _Lieut.- | Col. -H, M. Hannesson Conservative member for Selkirk in the last House. So also was Hon. Tom John-! son. attorney-general of Manitoba. Comitenting upon the success of these men, the Winnipeg Tribune re- marks that the Teelanders "are keen | students, and sweep the boards at Manitoba Unjversity." Thorson is a Rhodes scholar, It is not only in the West that the achievements of non-Angio-Sax- | ons are noted. In the schools and universities of Canada they are mak- ing their mark, and in many eases carrying off the highest honors. In! the middie school examinations at] Toronto's largest collegiate institute three out of the four names which headed this year's list were obviously of non-Anglo-Saxon origin Canada is assimilating her immi- grants of non-British origin. And that is as it should be. They are! making good in the mew country to which they or their parputs or their! grandparents came. 2 bs. for 25c. . 2 Ibs. for $1.25 -- 18¢. each Choice Western Beef Round Steak or Roasts 17¢. Ib. Sirloin Steak or Roasts Porterhouse Steaks or Roasts Prime Ribs, Rolled Prime Rib Roasts Cholce Rump Roasts Roasts of Beef ---- caiiiates Pot Roast of Beef Bolling Cuts aaa CHOICE SPRING LAMB at very Low Prices News a | ee -- 11 Cooked and Cured Meats i Shortening 17c. Ib. . « 10clb. ... Bc. Ib. and up Make a Choice. i Brandon San: Old ideas that work are sometimes better than new ones | that have no wear and tear. | 20c. Ib. PHONE 597--WE WILL DELIVER THE GOODS." ------ a ------ But We Must Have It. Kitchener Record: Money is a we are glad to hear, soon turn up; small matter with most of us, especi- | ore faw are not traced; ally after we pay the rent, buy the | 51 "reported" by over-anxious par- | inet in 1888, coal, and pay our taxes. | ents who get alarmed because their | dear daughters do not rolarh home SN | Str Charles Hibbert Tupper The Oountryls Need. Ottawa Journal: abies," writes a French statesman, "are the chief need of the mation." He might have said almost a crying need. i Hn time for the family sup $8.4 per cent. is unproductive. Lost Their Chance. New York Herald-Tribune: Seven- | | ty inmates of a New York peniten- | : pe { ary were frustrated in gn attempt. lssing Girls, to Y eseane. And just ab the time London Sutday &xpress: Statisties | pen opportunity outside was at lis prepared by the authqrities sBOW | p.iont . that about 2,000 girls are reported | : p---------------- Of the total area of Switzerland, § gmt » to the police as "missing" every year | The Ready W. Ottawa Journal: To every iin London alowe, Most of them. | million | 4 there FREIGHT DELIVERY "twenty sears after the { Into his poetry. Hear him: a of Tndepeadence, says [There 1s Jomaibing in' Ine aituma a Empire. io tha native to my blood--- o Mai 2d ger Brought iTouch of danner. hint or mood; obec Ast of ay 5 {Andi my heart is like a.rhyme, Provinee of Quebec the vast (With the yellow and the purple and British tertitory se far. = the crimson keeping time. : River ant as far | By ARTHUR N. PACK: ur ANT in the 'United States were last year "120 homicides; in England 5, and in Germany 3. The ready weapon explains the disparity in part. pepe & SPECIALTY focal and tong @lstamee. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tiere. . H. L. BRYANT $54 Division Street. 'Phone 1738 a -- { i i | i ¥ i | was | _gome are | when he entered the Macdonald cab- | prem --------eegec ea Sherk hides are used in making top boots for use in mountains aud along trout streams. Armen. We are mow taking orders for Scranton und Virginia Anthracite Stove, Nut apd Pea Coal. Ales Bisek Gem hand Pocahontas Semi Hard, Our Conl is all weighed on the elty scales, : You get tweaty hun. dred of coal for a ton. Let us have your order for your winter Coal AYLESWORTH BROS. Or "phone U. R. Knight, 1785.Ww, \ | Memorials Befoge placing your order for Monuments call ahd inspect our stock. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. J. E. MULLEN TELEPHONE .417, Corner of Princess and Alfred Streets. Motors I can furnish detail dimen- sions and all particulars, in- cluding prices, for any size motor. Save time and money and do your business loeaily. ~~ An excellent farm of 200 acres, near Kingston, and one mile from JYillage. A frst class house With fornsce; good splendid basement; bars 4 x 113, with stables, two silos, litter earrier: all meetasary outbuildings. About 179 seven uwider culiivation; as foul seed; woven wire fences, with cement posts; watered bY wells und creeks lune through pire a ha fo all fields. A eve) cheap farm at $i We have man A ine - farms to From alse some good bargains in eclty property. Money to Jona on mortgages. Reliable Fire Insurance Come cellar; A Youthful Cabinet. Hamilton Heraid: An Ottawa writs er asserts that the Kiog cabinet is of the summer birds are starting on . the youngest Canadian cabinet since Carpénter i THOMAS COPLEY Phone 987 | * Electric : . " the | he scarlet of the maples can shake a nd the | Fone ne R ay a hen) _As. | their lon Juurshy - their winter | the oNnE Ca. he ages af it for a Wis a5 Curgeatry 5 'Of bug going dy. is homes. But the showy OWL loves in. the of 1s i Lu Hat Bad Been [And my lonely spirit thrills sociation. 100 well his home and stays as long | eighteen members average less thah ENtsEtes Rives on sow Sours No bird has to be Have your Bavdwoed Soors cienn. is, 1783, territory 'in North America To see the frosty asters like a smoke divided. but Great Britain re-| upon the hills. ed poORs( on of what is now the Th is i Octo Michigan (and other terris te iad stir: albu giving as ha reason that the Isa must rie ang" a onl i iplemented from every hill of flame. \ States had Bot ple at that £0 calls and calls each vagadon PR better right eaMed a bird of the arctic than the snowy owl. His range is cireum- polar and in summer includes only those lands morth of the limit of t growth, : Here on the: houndless rolling plains dotted' with blue lakes. and soon to be clothed with bright-huet flowers, he and his mfate make their home on some hillock raised from 'the damp ground. In a mound com- of grass and weed stems the iwix or eight round white eggs are aid. The weather 1s Still cold and the eggs must not be left uncovéred, so jthe mother bird begins to set when she lays the first egg. and the young is 3 Aretin owls, and in due time. If all goes well, they are able to fly and each learns to catch its bwa food. It is aow Augast. The flowers as he can. Snow storms , small | those of any sthem The averagé is ones -at first just whitening the bar- 52 years, the age of the premier, Mr. ren hills, and soon melting. Robb, is the oldest minister and he Then comes one which does not is mo patriarch. being only 67. The melt. The ptarmigan no longer can baby of the cabinet is Lucien Can- find food and they go southward | non, 39. Mr. Cannon is three years where the willows grow thickiy and | older than Bir Wiltfid Laurier was turnish a bountiful supply of buds. when he antered the Mackenzie cabs The lemmings are ynder the snow inet in 1887, and #ix years older thap and the great 'white hares ' are 8 scarce. So southward the owls go, too, into the great stretches of H spruce and poplar wobds. Hers 1s a | smaller hare, white like the other. He is the prey of those other owls, the great gray horned. But the Dares and there are emough for 'all. Se our arctic owl picks ou thinly-wooded section, REAL ESTATE LE Lo FOR RENT -- Avonmore Apart. niente; Stove, 350 Princess St. Io SALE ping gett oe up. Lots, all in fasurance in sil iis brasches KINGSTON AGENCES, LTD. Tel. 708. 67 Clarence Street. have some to seed and alrédady many 4. 0. HUTTON, Mgr.