Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1926, p. 5

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» 4 ¥ treatment is »hsolutely painless; no! "antiseptic oxygenated water and the a ' & . Friday, Ockobes 8, 192%; li Su D 10 C = removed Yarker, oct The United Radosx ! Chureh Ladies' Ald convention of after three Jootbaths Lennox and Addington was held In NF aFRer on Oot. 18 ERs wut | attended gathering showing the in- terest many are taking in helping to forward the interests of the United Church, Very Interesting papers were read and addresses given. The dinner was served in the League Halk and the Ladies" iid members of Yarker did themselves credit in preparing this dinner. The 1927! convention will be held ino Enter- prise. LADIES' CONVENTION EVENT AT YARKER 'Gathering' Was Vas One of Much !{ Interest--To Meet Next in Enterprise. $s I moving corns bodily is not only that] Radox enables the corn to be lifted out root and all, but also that the cutting, neo caustics, no ° bulging plasters, no risk whatever of blood | poironing --- just a footbath in hot! corn may be lifted out, 'ter: Read this let- "I hao five corns (not callouses) / on each foot, and after using Rajox Bath Halts as directed - for 2 thres n'ghts in succession, 1 was The Ladles' Ald will continue able to walk in perfect comfort. 1, their monthly teas in the League) managed to get the last of my Hall. Yarker was well repredented | corns right out after the third al the Deanery held in Camden | bath in Radox. Have still got some " Bast 'on Tuesday. Mrs. A.'H. Mont-| ot the first packet. Can honestly | gomery is spending a few days with y-1 had spent dollars on differ-! pe 'patents,' but nothing but] Radox had the desired effect." When you put your feet into a foot-| bath containing Radox, the salts i soften the hard outer layers of the! corn and the dead skin (of the corn) combines with the Radox,- The school fair held at Camden | Bath Salts to form a protein salt Eas; was a drawing attraction for of the aetual corn itself. This dis- | she boys and girls. Each year a grea- solves in the water and so 100%ens | top interest is being taken. Mrs. E. the corn that it can be lifted out bodfly. 60c. On your way home to- night, buy a package at Half pound Pink Pkg Radox Bath Salts Eole Importers: Gyde & Son, Montreal General Insur Fire, Lite, Accident, Automo- bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep- resentéd.. fine, but the harvesting of the buck-| wheat is hindered owing to the con-| tinued rains. Some farmers report a| good crop of potatoes. | to reside with her brother, Frank | Deare. : ion Sunday night. { rled through their parts well. Mrs, | C. Harrison; organist and Mies God- i kin trained the children and credit | 1s due them for the success of the | rally day service. I Fn Sp a-- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Church, Sillsville, Oct. 5--The anniver- | sary services at the United Church, Sillsville, were largely attended by { people from all parts of the circuit. | The church was beautifully decorat- | R. H. Waddell ||: > tomers, Jesven nd true | { Rev. Mr. Harrison, Pestrento; took | 81 BROCK STREET { charge of both morning and évening | "PHONES 328.890. | services. The text for the morning | Yervice was | XXXII; 20-21. bo 1 | Were Held in the Silleville United : | : her sister in Sydenham. Some farm- | | ers state their grain has turned out! | Freeborn has gone to Saskatchewan Rally Sunday was observed here The scholars car- | he & KINGSTON OLEANERS | Clean WL... ND DYERS can be cleaned O. COE & P. BARRETT Office: 86 Arch Streer. 'Phome 1225w Call dnd deliver. proofs of the covenant God keeps | + with His people. | Mrs. R. 1. Magee and children | spent the week-end, guests of Mr.| | and Mts. Floyd Vannest, Enterprise | { Mr. and Mrs. Ross Van Dyck; Con- { way, were Sunday visitors at James | Dickson's. Mrs. Hugh Box entertain- | { ed in honor of the bride of next] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'Two MOUNTAIN GROVE | RESIDENTS PASS AWAY Late os Mes 8. Yo York and John Godfrey--Camp Meeting Closes I . ® EE : { + Mountain @rove, Oct. 5.--Mrs. 8.! { York passed peacefully away on Sun- | ! day afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H, Loyst, a; the ripe | old age of eighty-eight years. Shel had been in poor health until tha] ! lasy month Tn seemed to bel much better, but in the early hours of! Friday morning she suffered a! stroke, from which she never rallied. Deceased was a Methodist in relig- ion. She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. H. Loyst and Mrs, F. Cronk, both of this village, and one son, George, of Manitoba, | who will be present for the funeral! ion Thursday. : Another old and respected rele} dent of this community passed away | on Monday morning in the person of! | John Godfrey. He had been in fail- | week-end with friends at Belleville. | ing health for some months and the | Mrs. A. Barr accompanied them as { les; month was confined 40 his bed. | far as Napanee. Mr. William Coul- Deceased was In his 70th year and a ter, Napanee, is at R. Coulter's. Mr. | life-long member of the Methodist and Mrs. W. Godfrey spent Sunday i church from which the funeral will | a Cole Lake. M. Godfrey has mov- { be conducted on Wednesday by Rev. | ed into the village. {C. J. Gall, pastor. He jeaves to! | mourn his loss his wife, four sons, | { John, of Wilkie, Sask.; Howard of | Calgary, Alta.; Fred, of Udley, Ont al and Ralph at home, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Holschen, of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. McVety, of Blythe, Ont. This is your best help far all CLEANI DISH -WASHING LAUNDERING E.W.GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CANADA i Back on a Visit. Tamworth, Oct. 6.--Rev. Mr. Thornley and Mr. White are attend- ing the canference of the - United church at Toronto this week. Rich- jard Richards, Toronto, and Sol x, The Standard church camp meet- Clancy, Centreville, were in town ing closed on Sunday evening. Alcalling on friends on Sunday last. large number were in attendance |Mr. Richards was formerly of Tam- during the entire week's services. (worth, and left here* about | Mrs. W. HIIl Is visiting friends at years ago. A. B.' Casscallen and | Bobcaygeon. W. and J. Price, Miss family, Deseronto, were visttingz | Eloise Price and Miss Thompson friends in Tamworth Sunday. Mr. | motored to Napanee on Sunday. land Mrs. Jackson, Gore Bay, are George Barr and family spent the |r ow living in Tamworth. | | \ { i i i taken from Jeremiah | He gave a wonder- | | ful sermon and the mos; convincing thirty | |HARTINGTON SHOWER FOR BRIDAL COUPLE | Mr. and Mrs. Fran Frank Sigsworth | i Remembered by Their i Friends. l i i it { i Hartington, Oct. 5.--On Friday |i ning at the home of Mrs. | was the event. scene of a very pleasant | Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. LeRoy | : married ' quietly in Kingston two i weeks before. About one hundred and fifty guests assembled from Hartington and Pleasant Valley, where the bride had been a teacher. Miss Meta Chmpsall read the ad- dress, presenting the bride and'! groom with a walnut China cabinet. i Dainty refreshments were served, in- cluding the lovely wedding cake. | All joined in wishing Mr. apd Mrs, Sigsworth long life and much happi- Bess in their new home nearing com- | pletion. Charles Moore has moved to his house in the village, havisg rented | his farm. Professor McClement, | Queeti's, was the speaker at the Wo- i man's Institute meeting held at Mrs, Ryan's. Mrs. Cloakey spent a few! days las; week in the city, having her | eyes treated. 8. Fleming, Amherst Island, spent a few days with his daughter, F. Sigsworth. Mr. and Mrs. visitors at George Brown's. Fred Denison has returned from Brandon, Man., where he spent a month with family. | Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith to visit his daughter. rge Brown, aunt of the groom, | Leonard arranged a shower for Mr. |} a ree ie (formerly Edna Fleming), who were |} RB ( 4 } { ) { Mrs. | f= Elmer | tion, were Sunday visitors at Edley Freeman and family, Frankltort, are | Campsall's. ' 25, 40 and 60 watt Tungsten Lamps Kepler, Oct. his sister, Mrs. William Cannon and {the United Church wore conducted Miss Ella Smith, Toronto, {by Keith McKenzie of McGill spent the week-end with her parents, (versity on Benjamin |Ladies' Campsall has goné to Wolfe Island Mrs. Elwood Wartman's. ™Mrs. Nancy | Mr. and Mrs, (Orser and daughter, Brenman and family, Findlay Sta- |smith, | Har dwood Flooring . We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and Only the beat brands careled a Coe ln BI I Rn Se Ere CRN S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED OOAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Privaie Branch Exchange *Phone 1571, 50 AE 2 exons Sd SPECIAL! SPECIAL!! SPECIAL!! five for $1.00 Decotated and Colored Lamps Come early uh we have ouly: a Tow of both of these tnes Jail Don't be disappointed. LADIES! Just arrived the rew NATURAL MARCEL WAVERS, $8.50 The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441. : a Pt rat Ne q Edwin Lawson and 'wite are {their sod in Montreal. Mrs. G. Orser and Mss Marjorie Minister's Son In Pulpit. {accompanied Rev. 6.--The services William in Toronto. Miles Orser {Yerth Road, spent P ith Kepler friends. Un'- Sunday evening. The Aid met this afternoon at the, week The death took place in Bell Helen, Harrow. jon Tuesday of Edward Wartm are visiting Kepler friends. |Vermilyea, aged 88 years. 50 Johnston {Kensie and wife on a motor trip 8 and family week, Miss Mildred Johnston, Adol- phustown. ™M. B. White DR. J. CW. BROOM and daughters, i Misses Bima and Vera spent Sunday | in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. John | wn | Magee, Misses Hattle and Margaret | | Magee attended the anniversary ser-| { vices at Silleville and spent the day f= Cuticura Soap { with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hough, Rev. 'Mr. And Ointment 13: J + Hough's on Sunday. George Clark Wright siting her cousin, Mrs. R. J. Magee. Miss Beryl Wilson, burn scheol, Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington and Brock Street. 'Phone 326. rh. "DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST Mrs. of Princess Street. 'Phone 1850 cent visitors at Alexander Magee's, Miss Jean Magee is visiting friends Gan Painless Extraction * N EVENINGS in Milford. Mrs. A. B. Thompson 'T YOUR HOME WITH HBA spent the week-end at Mr sed away on October 3rd, at the age "of eighty-eight years, the last of her line. We were glad to hear in the last reports that Ralph Lasher is im- proving but it still In the King- ston Hospital. at Miss Dorothy Merritt's. Archie Bruce attended the races at Odessa. and daughter, Picton, spent the Cheably, gL week-end at Willow Lodge. * "STELCO" COKE We regret to note that an aged The best Canada can produce $13.00 per ton Sold only by W. A. MITCHELL & C0. 1B ONTARIO Missy GET IN COAL AND WOOD, for Winter. Philipsville. Oct. 5.--~C. J. Myers has purchased a new Ford coach from W. B. Newsome, Plum Hpllow. Mrs. Michael O'Brien, Elgin, was a visitor at Mrs. Downey's. Mrs. Has- kin is at present sewing at Forfar. Several In town are getting in thelr winter's supply of coal and wood. Miss ' Anna Myers, St. Edward's hool, Westport, spent the week-end at home. 'Rey. Father Carty snd Miss Reta Carty, Elgin, were guests at Steven Carty's, Silo filling and threshing is the order of the day. Miss Eileen Dennison, Elgin, was renewing ae- quaintances in the village on Sun- day. Mrs. M. Timlin, Mrs. Andrew O'Brien and Miss Joan, Jones Falls, were in town recently. Frederick Atcheson shipped a carload of cattle and hogs on Satur- 'day. Mrs. Stevens, Athens, is visit: ing at Roderick Stevens. ' Robert Taylor is erecting a cement walk from his dwelling to his store. Miss Helen Efliott, of the Continuation week-end. Mrs. William Baker and little Harrison, Deseronto, Mr. | B. Hough, at Duncan | teacher at Hay-| and | Oscar Kerr, Ottawa, were re-| and respected resident of Adolphus-| town, Miss Elizabeth Peterson. pas "Miss Stella Mallory, | Adolphustown was a recent visitor The Penple of Philipsville Are Ready school, Elgin, was ay home over thy yn Music Double Hundreds of Records that were $2.25 - Records that were $2.50 Records that were $3.00 $1.75 Records that were $4.00 At all "His Master's Voice" dealers BEGINNING Lovers' * v. Stupendous Reductions of many Victor Red Seal Records listed in the Victor Catalog.--Somie may never he obtainable again. Get your selections early while the choice is large. NOW $1.15 NOW $1.45 NOW 31.65 NOW $1.95 NOW $2.65 Chaliapin Paderewski Martinelli Werrenrath many others!

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