Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1926, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS! ¢ 5 5 # . . b o : . L a graddate of the Kingston General | the evening were Hon. J. A. Robb, Th G 4 5 1 $ . : ii, Tad Mr. Lesile McGowan, | Minister of Finance, and Rt "Hon. ec ra e u « om ort LIFE"S SOC] AL SIDE New York. The marriages took | George P, Graham. : place in New York on October Sth. « . ih wv ¥ . A very wart welcome was given induced by a cup of gen wine . On "Tuesday evening the mem- to Me Hay! & As Sige Farid Bi MIWA ung Miss. Carrie Foes rro Stanaiogal - cirgen qf The hep of Of ario gnd Mrs. Seage Waldron are spending some time | King's Daughters will Yon ATR Fetnetr -drudBteRe- Shenley recalind with their sister, Mrs. Edward Moore | visiting officers and delegates of the [at Bishop's Court on Thursday after- udge Reynolds, Brockville, is fY st. Catharines, befors sailing for | International Assqciation of The noon for the first time since coming for the meeting of the diocesan Europe. . \ King's Daughters and Soms.at high to: Kingston. From four to six tive. ele ta In Sydenham street hall. : o'clock the rooms ware tilled with a : . so » £ Dr. Bob Irwin, of thé General ae |copstant stream of visitors including . BN LA | . Hon. Janet Aitkin, Winnipeg. is} Hofpital staff, Elizabeth, NJ, is} Mr. and Mrs Johs Gordon Mae-|not only the Anglican clergy and tr : TE A her cousin, Mrs. Henry Jos-| spending the week-end with his sis- | R¥nple, who have been with Mr. and layman in town for the meeting of Ck : Montreal. Sr Binses Jans and Lorrstue 1r-) Mra. J. M: Campbell, "Glen Lyon,» the exgeutive of synod, and the An. : : is made doubly acceptable by reason of the «0» win, Colborne street. motored to Toronto todsy to spend |glicans of Kingston but many well a= exquisite fragrance. Dr. W. F. Jackson, Brockville, is} . ee = the - week-end. They will return to { known citizens of other commun- & . town for the committee meetings | Mrs, orabie. of London, England, | town on Tussday and Mrs. Mackeh- | lons~The Bishop and Mrs. Seager re- : Brown Label 76c - Orange Pekoe Blend 85¢ {he diocese of Ontario. who has ¥pent the past few months |sle will spend a few more weeks with | ceived at the entrance of the draw- : "ow. | with her sister, Mrs. Hubert Nefl-|her parents. - ingroom and had a kindly work of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. H. A. Genet | son, at Neflsonville, P.Q., sailed for ie. greeting for each visitor. In the tea "Sometimes I call one of our doe: . returned to Ottawa, from their | home on the Melita this week, Among the out-of-town guests at |room, where the table was gay with | {ors an' sometimes the other. When | ef cottage at Christie Lake, e CE) the Third-MacPhail wedding will be golden daisies, Mrs. Herbert Robin-| pm aiiin', I enjoy hearin' ome an e 0 a 0 oy « so» | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Birks, Mr. and | Mrs. David Waters, Belleville, Miss | Son and Mrs. Charles 8. Kirkpatrick | ynon the other tell how ignorant the a "Mrs. John Bute entertained at| Mrs, Humphrey Gilbert and Mr, |LilHan Handford, Renfrew, Dr. and | poured tea and coffee, assisted by | iner one is." . eheon at the Catarsqui Golf Club| Alan Grayden, Toronto, will be Mrs. Harold Hopper, Grandmere, | Miss Margaret and Miss Hilda Seag- = 4 China a Crockery -- Glassware Thursday with bridge and mah | among the guests at the Third-Mac- | Que., Dr. John Lansbury, Montreal, |er and Miss Edith Craig. Among : to follow. Phall wedding on Saturday. Mr. John Hyde, Montreal. Miss |the clergy and lay delegates and - . * » . Lucy Grant, Trentch. their wives were Archdeacon Dobbs, : ~ 65 BROCK ) : 'PHONE Mrs. Arthur Gildersleeve, enter- Mrs. Charles 'Thorburn, Ottawa,' - se Canon Woodcock, Brockyille, Canon The Editor Hears STREET. Emma L Gwatkin, Prop. 604. ained at Tuncheon at the Cataraqul| who was the speaker at the meeting Mrs. J. M. Campbell entertained and Mrs. W. F. FitzGetald, Rev. TP . : 0 oo it and Country Club on Thursday. | of St. Andrew's W.M.S. on Wednes- [at the Cstaraqui Golf and Country and Mrs. T. W. Savary, Canon and at 18 Wee heginy ng . o> again today. day evening, has left for Toronto to Club on Thursday : afternoon for Mrs. J. W. Jones, Canon and Mrs, | Yember will observed as the - ei Ev attend the meeting of the provincial | Mrs. George Horsey, Ottawa, and] Austin Smith, Rev. de Pencler and Y.W.C.A. week of prayer through- i. _ Mrs. H. R. Duff, Princess street, | board. Mrs. R..D. Sutherland, Toronto. |Mrs. Wright, Rev. A. E. and Mrs. (Out the world. Each day has its The Frank Robbs . $ gone to Toronto to the meeting 8.8 Three tables were in play and Mrs. Smart, Rev. F. 6. and Mrs. Ware Spucial subjeet which wl ag. the provincial board of the Pres- Dr. R. Bruce Taylor, principal of | Horsey won the bridge prize, while | (Wolfe Island), Rev. R WwW and | PON later. Su Jussi : 8 jan W.M.S. Queen's University, one of the | Mrs. Bruce Hopkins ba® the high- | Mrs. Spencer, Camden * Bast, Rev. | BA ng a successful effort to in- BEAUTY PARLOR 'PHONE "ee guests of honor at the Queen's din-" est mah jongg score. At the tea Hityard aad Mra Smith. Rey; Fr ¥ Slease fs uistuintes 45d Ris hoped TAXI J Plekhard, Montreal, | ner dance at the Chateau Ottawa, hour Mrs. W. Bartlett Dalton poured | and Mrs. Archbold, Rev. A. O. Cooke i 960 - Sallie Hi the Third-Mac-| this evening is the guest of Dr. O.|tea at the table in the cosy club |Rev. J. O. Crisp, Rev. J. C. and Mrs. to carry on its work for girls and wo- Marceling, Waving, Shampoo- SERVICE fl wedding is the guest 6f Canon | D. Skelton. : room. Dixon, Chancellor J. B. Walkem, | meD. : ing, Hair Tinting, the new AN Mrs. J. W. Jones, Albert street. | oe. \ . se Mr. and Mrs. Francis King, Dr. W. -- - Nestle. Cireuline Lanofl Perma-. || 25¢ KF WHERE .. 7 | . His Excellency the Governor Gen- In honor of Mr. Percy Stevenson, |B. Jackoon and ~ Judge Reynolds, aca sur Kingston gicls ard we; nent Hair Waving. Rev. RB. W. and Mrs. Spencer, | eral, attended by Captain Price- | former manager of thie Bank of pBrockville. y a g : opi RB -- are spending & few | Davies and accompmiied by Mr. R.| Commerce, Ottawa, and mecently ap- ren soraud, One pretty Kingston girl 185 WELLINGTON sr. DAY OR NIGHT with Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hay- 8. Osborne, - spent - Wednesday in| pointed to the managership at| There are more married men in | Who is staying in England was snap- : 'Phone 578-J. - ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS don, Johnson street. Montreal attending the convocation | Montreal, a farewell dinner party was America than there are married wo- (Ped three times in Hyde Park recent- : ol at MoGill University. held on Tuesday evening at tha men, many of the men having left | 1y and her picture appeared in three Mr. and Mrs. George B. MacLean, $.e 9 Royal Ottawa Golf Club by a num- their wives in foreign countries. well-known London papers. Cardinal, will spent the week-end The announcement has been re-| ber of his friends. Right Hon. Chief| The Pan-American Inion is sup- | -- with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van |ceivand in Kingston of the marriage Justice Anglin presided over. tha ported by quotas contriyuted by sach ah 3508 Ne will be ners or less 'Lauven, Frontenac street. of Miss Bessie Florence Thomas, a|banquet and among the speakers of oan, based on the yopidasions, shut oto pi Jaunes. at ua Joe ou fd Wis! and that we sleep with our windows open. In this way we will keep away much of the illness that comes with the cold weather. If you get a chill ~ / take baking soda and water, a tea- ||} ' : 2b spoonful to a cup of water. A well ||} W { Fl ] Joronho, ¢ 22, 7: known physician in Detroit says that omen s anne ette E * a should break any cold. *% oe : -- ° ZW i AH. hat echoes of the terrible disas- : . v ? ' ter at Miami, Fla. are still coming to us and a Toronto Canadian press ; [otonk ¥ note says, Mrs. George Lovie, in her letter to a sister in this city says: oo . ° loft ou the Street that was not sities finished, short and long sleeves. Very Men's Combination Suits -- just the we would have been gone. During £ the water or we would have been | sizes--for $2.50 Suit. " snared age, and ae flooded out of tue house. | ' wn courage. One was of a small lad in . y "Qut little house withstood the ter- 2 1 N Broder orp Armpninghor ins Made from good, strong material, nicely en flemen - - left on the street that wa# not either | | » ¢ is n oft. The house was full of people, special--89c. and $1 80 each. 3 as we took in all we had room for, | 7 . and if the windows had brokem in| A. vf (weer Jonce wand the height of the hurricane 1 was on weight for early fall and winter wear -- all my knees for four hours mopping up | |i Aes ; 1 was also - 5 J : able to shelter several women with Women's Flannel Dresses, pretty styles, " " . : their little babies, and no doubt sav- aliraye Found <~ # J . ed their lives." I new colors, for $5.95 each. . That from the meeting of the Do- : : | : : 1 OV: J wns aaa dram I OE tel Winter Seats in the Popular Plaids with ' United Church come these hearten- 1 Ys: ing storles that give the workers |i fur collars. pecial lor $ . each. Newfoundland, having become im-| Jj . . bued with the missionary spirit, re-|| cakes we aosmee wit ll W, No Linton & Co. ber -of thé Women's Missionary So- |i . ciety of the United Church by sell-| |i ing newspapers and running errands. THE IRISH LINEN STORE A bumble woman in an Bastern ij : = - town, who earned a modest living by | SS B ---- --_--_-- scrubbing, put $5 in her missionaFy mite box last year by systematical- ly saving the mites. In Saskatche- wan there exists a W.M.S. auxiliary composed of three former Presbyter- fans, three former Methodists, three | Anglicans, two Roman Catholies and three who have never been assoeiat- ed with any society. Some of these | Fmembers drive 20 miles to attend |} an auxiliary meeting and generally all are present. : | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i Alt | . $1686 Like the lady who wrote us this letter, mre man el | Fetes, you can always be sure of good results eo wR | the world 5 : x : > . wh > : ter singin an Ji : h : when you ask for and insist on getting 2 Nae Aabmataiaby what first re ll ° | | BS eves member and when," and many pleas- + seen or ing tales of childhood days were heard-- . told. A special feature was the ex- hibit of made-over garments. The Made by report of the cemetery committee . showed that the caretaker had al- gE : ; the Famous most completed his work and a f cheque for $85 was paid him for his Lo » House Oo services. The cemetery is a pretty WH hy spot mow and gives one pleasure to I valk through it. The Institute B R U N S Ww IC K members were divided into two rms groups under Mrs. Greer and Mrs, And sold by us on easy te . Edwards' Jeadérship, each group to z * : : 3 work independently and the group [- Catalogues and price lists mailed that earns the most. money by mext on request. vid May to receive a prise. The pro- r gramme consisted of a Jane solo, by Miss Inza Acheson, also an Irish re- meeting wil] be held at home of Mrs. | : George Manhard when Mrs. Ed 2 3 ~ : wards' group will give a ten-cent tes | > 3 : . bo < RN alsd a social evening. Two birthday! Send for a copy of the Magic Cook Book and Housekeepers books were presented to two mem-| ~ Guide, mentioning the paper in which you saw this advertise- Bers. 434 thes more mumbars edd. F RE / g . . rings to the birthday {> ment Itcontains many tempting recipes. £-* °c ~~ est. on un - a : ' i - A box. Te : " x ay : a y -= Ei LS : ¥ 2 - - * Senta Pe B : Log : : The collection of the library of ~ E.W. GILLETT CO. LTD. oT pe he o_o FRASER AVE., sso LIBERTY ST,, TORONTO the world. wins Wipe for ailing children. 1 5 ~ ud e 2 " »

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