v THE DAILY \ BRITISH WHIG me A [he ie: Classified Page Is a Public F orum and a True Market The British Whig KINGSTON. DHT All ads ecw. resirictad to to they © Petia. Dally 'Wile suri of £4 " ®. ecanres sessnren ox $3.00. of 'fhanks, and Memo Noticon--Coarged, $1.00; caab, . oo irreg sia iase tion ad. pr at tae rate earned. r line for white pase, 18 Lhe stne 8s 8 line of ty peal + ie Jor yearly suvertising ight to edit Patten ve iba ri ist rasng or reject all bs. 44 ask for & want ad Telephone 343; AMES REID JANE of Undertakers 250 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambul FUNERAL 49 COLJORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. JOHN CONNELIUS Undertaker and kmbalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Stroot Ambulance Phone 560 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKES AND KMS CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS TRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1218-J. HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs "Gathered by 'Re= porters--What the Merch- y ants Are Offering. Special value blue and gray serge suits $26 at Tweddell's, Mr. and "Mrs. John Mullin, Pres- golt, have come to Kingston to re- e. © Willlam Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 664w. ural Dean Crisp preaches har- " Thanksgiving sermons in Ple- { on Sunday. On highway No. 15, Kingston to Ottawa, a warning is out that short sections are very rough and muddy #yoorth of Joyceville and west of Portland. Prof. R. O. Jolliffe, spoke in Corn- wall on Thursday before the Stor- mont Teachers' Institute on "Eduea- tion and Democracy." SPECIAL COMMITTEE MET. Geriersl Organization Endowment Meeting Tuesday. A special organization meeting of the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and Queen's Alumnae was held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of arrang- ing a general campaign for the En- dewment Fund for Queen's Univer- sity, in the city and in the county. Certain committees were selected and ents made to organise them the work ahead. . The bik or ganization is tobe held next Tuesday. Captain John Donnelly is chairman of the committee, A. J. Meikiejohn is vice-chairman and chairman of the speakers' committee, and W, Y. Mills is chairman of publicity. Other chair- men have not yet been appointed. ine DEATHS, FRASER--8uddenly, Osotober 9th, of fer son-in-law, Mr. 502 Princess Street, Huffman Fraser : opday afternoon at 330 o'-} Kit on | W. Coates, "en Rebecca | AUTOMOBILE CRANK_-Found on high way detour .w of ston. Apply Hemlock a. Princess Street. ear ---------- DIAMOND SHAPED ONYX--Ring for lscle finger, lost Friday night on Al- fred, Johnson, Clergy or Princess Sts, or in Capitol Theatre, Reward for re- Vern 40 Whig Office. METAL RADIATOR CAP-wAnd rubber' bumper found on Clergy Street. Apply | 151 Collingwood Street. ' waar ------ ov OVERCOAT Lost or jn Joma city yesterday. Finde Queen's Hotel SUM OF MONEY-.Found, in Frontenac Park. Owner may have same at rest lace in| eave ar Redan St SMALL SUM OF MONEY-Found on the steps of Bank of Montreal Apply at} 27 Wellington Street. SMALL SUM OF MONEY---Found at D Shaw's & the store. SUM OF Mm tel. own may have same at the hotel, 78 Princess Street. WHITE GOLD WATCH---Found, Owner may have same at EHerbeck Street. RR SIR _ Classified O1ispilay 1926, at the Pesidencs | Ltd. Owner may have same | OFEY--Found ot Carlton Ho- | | Help Wanted Male Help Wanted { | ANYONE SELLING--Or wanting to sell { Ureetin Cards ahouid see or Write us | immed De --carcied ue ur Re $500 to $1,000. Wi Nor deal direc: with manu- Jasrer Craft Greeting Card rl .. Toronto. ' | BOY WANTED--To Jearn the hardware : pusingss. Apply . H. Cockburn & IF I SEND YOU A SUIT--Made to your : measure in the lates: styled will you wear it, show it to your friends and { take orders for my super value tallor- ing? Can you use $3.90 &n hour for i Your spare time? Write to-day for Hii Suit Offer and Free Selling outl- i 3 Wilsog Bradshaw, Dept 80-Y, > 1015, Montreal, Que. LEARN A TRADE---AnDd be successful. Barn as you learn. Barbering, automo- juotire work, bricklaying, hair dress: ing, beauty culture. Free book, "Road to Presperity." Co., Ki Hemphill's Dominfdon ing West, Toronto. | MENe--Age 15-40, wanting Ry Station- Office positions, $115-3250 month. Free transportation. Experience unneced- sry. Write Baker, Supt, (2124) Star Bldg. St Louis. MAKE MONEY AT HOME-Y-u can earn $1.00 to $2.00 an hour in yout Spare time writing showcards. No can- vassing or syliciting; we Instruet you and supply You with work. . Write to- gar, The Menhanitt Company, Limit 21 B ding, Toronto. _ Female Help Wanted 8 W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance, Brock and Westington Sts. 'Phone 2051 Li as refrigerat. i oi cookers 3 Suny cheap congoleum "Turk's Store PHONE 706. nd | The Family Market Basket - { = Saturday's market was largely at- j tended. Butter. was sold at various | prices, keeping fairly well between 1 42¢ and 46¢. Chickens sold as high ias-$3.50-per-pairbut-tater dropped {to $1.50. There were a great many on the market and nearly all were sold early. Fresh eggs sold for 50¢ The frost of the last few nights has not hurt the flowers in any way, judging from the flowers for sale Saturday morning. Gladiolas, szin- pias, marigolds, sold at six bunches for 26e. Ripe red tomatoes dropped to Soc per bushel. Corn sold at 20¢ 3 dozen ears. Muskmellon brought 25 for three. Celery sold for 10¢ a head. ¥ -------------- ~ } GAVE STIRRING ADDRESS Rev. Frank Sanders Spoke to Moth- ers' Connell of the YM.C.A. A stirring address was given by Rev. Frank Sanders on Friday~to the Y.M.C.A. Mothers' Council on "What 18 Your Boy Worth?" Mrs."G. A. Bateman, president of the Council, occupied the chair and voiced the appreciation of the mo- thers who heard the address, Considerable business was tran- #I sacted at the meeting, reports being received from several committees. The Council: is responsible for pro- viding suppers for two groups of boys and plan to pyt on a social for all members of the Boys" Division on Friday, October "15th. The re- port of Mrs. Gimblett, who has visit- ed the homes of many under priv- fleged boys and made recommends- tions regarding free memberships was one of 'the interesting features of the meeting. The €ouncil is do- ing much to stimulate Interest In the Boys' Division. The pesignation of Mrs. 8. Lilley, as treasurer, was accepted ~ with regret and Mrs. ("Dr.") Lake was appointed in her place. Miss Verna Saunders sang very sweetly "Good Byes Summer," and received the hearty thanks of the Council. St. Paul's Team Eutertalned. The St. Paul's ladies' softball team celebrated the end of a successful 03. day evening of this week, The team -was entertained at the home of Mrs. George Dart and a pre- sentation of a besutiful smoking set was made to the coach of the team, Mr. J. McKee. The presentation was Bids by Miss E. Mullholland, cap- ria and games were en- - At home. weekly. Ex- Earnings in Everything ng Bureau, $29 ADDRESS Ex wL OPES spare thane Earn 335 Beriancs unnecessary Steady work. 3. Crown M LY Spare time, writ- ers, magazines Ex- sary, details free. 25 St. Louis, Mo. N 825 ing for perience x Press Syndicate, BARN $30:00----Per week at home spare time. ondertul opportunity Ex- CD, on necessary. Steady income. Write Box 6968, Los Angeles, Calif. GIRL--To assist with housework and Oare of children. Sleep at home. Ap- ply 239 Princess Street. References required Apply 134 Ord- nance Street or 'phone 719-J. GOOD, REIJABLE tian's department of Kingston General | Hospital Apply at main kitchen, be- tween 4 and 6 p.m. eran tte -------------- LADIES ---- Earn $7 hundred gilding Greeting Cards. No selling. Pleasant, easy work. For particulars write ad Card Co, 140 West. 42nd St, N. MAID---For general housework Apply «11 Kensington Ave STENOGRAPHER ---- OC apable and with | {racticul perio nee, Knowledge eepin referred. Apply L-5, Whig Office, ply Box WOMEN---Wa pay $7.00 hundred gliding greeting cards; pleasant, interesting work. Particulars free. Marguery ard Shoppe, 137 Bast {3rd Street, New WoMEN, MAKE MONEY ~-- Sewing Children's Dresses, Bungalow Aprons. Experienced unnecessary. Materials cut, insiructions furnished Radfield Mtg. Co, 140 W., 42nd St k. RR Male and Female He Pp A 85 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREET. ing card sample book free; representa Lives Saking aon dollars daily; ex- ® or capital unnecess Brad- fov- ~Garretson, n. Brantford, ri * Agents Wanted 4 MAN OR WOMAN---To travel and ap- font Agents. Yearly guarantee $1093) ° (being §21 weekly average), and ex- penses. Experience unnecessary. For particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. SELL--Guaranteed I oe Proof Silk Stockings. New paid for every mir that addons ray daily. Family lary catalogue free. Sterling Hosen Mids, Dept. 8, Toronte. y SALESMEN--We offer steady employ. ment &nd pay weckly to sel our coms plete and exclusive lines of teed quality, whole root, fresh- dug. to-qrder trees and plants. Attractive, illustrated samples ang full cp-opera- tion. A money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plats FLAT, UNFURNISHED--Ground 4 rooms, newly decorated; ull con- venlences, garden if desired. Apply vn premises, 12384 University Avenue. UNFURNISHED -- Apartinent, round floor, 4 rooms, verandah, electric, fireplace, garage. Also nished apartment, § rooms. of Albert and Union Streets. phone 1358-1. 7 a ur- Vicinity Tele- - POOR POTATO CROP, Reported in the District of Claren. don Station, Clarendon Station, Oct. 8.--Pota- to digging is the order of the day and nearly everyone reports a "poor crop. Miss Doris Kirkham is visiting friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn, also Miss Margaret Glenn motored to Perth, Wednes- nesday with her sister, Mrs. James Parks, Maberly. Mrs. George Crain and family are visiting her bsother, Mr. D. Dustin, Kingston. Miss Peg- gle Donnelly spent Saturday even- ing with the Misses Burke. _ Billie and Joba Burke, Perth, | GENERAL HOUSEMAID-- Experienced. | MAID For dieti-| In the evening to Mrs Stanley Graham, i of | floor, | heated, day. Mrs. T. H. Kirkham spent Wed: OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS. . = a TLL KNOGK HIS DOGGONE BLOCK OFF! ATS WHUT TLL DO FELLERS™ Zr % _ 7 S35 77 "TWHY MOTHERS * GET GRAM-Y SLY 7 7 CL, Soap Tv i stteation, Biven 10 hair Dyeing. | Bitzer, '36 Queen Stree Sintmeni 'phone 3016 | AU CTIONEERS--Expert servis. modes | rate charges. We can sell Suythh anywhere, any time. aes tH Murray's Aultion Rooma, Insurance ERe=lngurance en le bradinse' of lnsurance ia , acial § ag Crest Gast ants | FIRE-Automobile and Cagul sace. E M. Crumley, -~ 0 Bat 'Phone 1152-M J INSURANCE---Only ths most reliable companies represented. sSurange a { Birange, estabiished in 1560 Dice } Clarence Street, opposite Decorators 40a | A. ANDERSON---Painter and Decorat Shop and residence 'phone 1966. fice 2583 King blreel. . | GET YOUR PAINTING---ADd bapet? done now Prices reasonable paper for saie. Horton, Wood Suvel 'Phone 3954). | SIGN PAINTING). 5 Robinson, red &:6 DAROL Slreet Financial 2 | FRUNTENAU LOAN AND VES MENT MOUIETY -- BD ed In 1381. President, A. D. Cartwright, vice-president J. M. Farrell Movey 10 loan on city aud farm properties; in- vestment. ondg bought and gold, de posits received and interest paid on minimum monthly balance RG Cartwrignt, manager, 87 Clarence St : Re Rit tt V7] Tiewilams \ ©1928 ov wea swicE WE) Real Estate For Rent. Business laces s ! ~will make alterations to suit tenant CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher shop | Real Estate For Sale Houses HOUSE--T rooms; also lots, §0' x 137° F ne. Eleetric lights. pro| { ments. Apply Mrs. Kelso, 14 Vine St. Apply §9 Patrick Sireet. Houses ® BUNGALOW --= Neélson street, modern, brick, § rooms, electric light and gas, bath, fireplace and verandah Posted salon immediately. Rent moderal Apply to J. E. Wilder, 229 Nelson Or 'phone I§8V-J. FURNISHED HOUSE-.To let for win- ter. Conveniently ed, all im- provements, dw floor, furnace, EAs, electricity; cheap to careful tens ant. Apply 294 Queen Street. Tele- phone 2995-w, LARGE, FURNISHED « Well heated, + rudenta: med. HY 50 single, $4. phone. Apply Box J-7, Tooma FURNISHED ROOMS... Good locality, hot and cold reaning walter, in each room, well heated. Reasonable terms. 433 Johnson street, corner Frontenac. 'Phone $97-J. Wantea To Rent i 3 w 1 11 FURNISHED APARTMENT -- 3 or roms, heated, wanted by In coupie; no children; Kingston refer- ances; perdod of one month. Apply Box M-9, Whig Office. Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 132 LOT CAMPABLL FARM 200 acres, near Croyden; Percy Wartman farm, 100 acres, about 2 miles west of Bath on Bay shore; Carmen Young farm, 178 acres; Forest Hill, Dan Gray farm, 150 acres, near Roblin. Kasy terms and small payments = John Wilson, Napa- nee, Ont. 'Phone 26 26. 300 ACRE FARM... About 3 miles from village, near choess otory. A bar. gain. Apply to Box 196. Sydenham. Business ° Piaces 13 GARAGE PROPERTY { Suitable for garage and stor purposes, on Johnson street, in the {] rear of the Masonic Temple. For particulars apply to Nickle & Far- rell, 194 Ontario Street. Kingston. A I em, Real 'Estate For Sale Houses 14 $6,700--Brick, modern, south side, terms. $3.000-Bungalow, 7 rooms, modern. 3 Farmg near city, would exchange. Houses and stores to let. See let at office. Insurance. Monet loan. O'CONNOR, Tr 351 Princess Street. "Phone 1189-7. RESIDENCE~Btick veffoor, § i and hat water p dsang electric, ght a gas, 3-p. bal east side. Cheap quick sale fr 4. B. Cook, Bank of Toronto Bulldl t Sunday at Mr. Ambrose Bole's. Edgar Boles, of the C'P.R. extra gang, spent Sunday at his Home here. John Glenn umlaaded a' car of flour and feed last week. John Noonan loaded a ear of cattle for Pakenham, Friday. A number from here attended the dance at John Weish's, Friday evening. John Glenn has purchased a new radio. § | ANDIRONS -- NEW, SIX Roon BUNGALOW w 13} Toroate Stn pressed brick, oak floor, strictly modern, for sale. Apply No. 14; also one to remt October ist | No. 10 Toronto Street. One to rent or for sale Elm street. third house south' of Alfred. Apply 382 Vicioria Street. { $2,000, FRAME--7 rooms, 3 piece bath| and electric light, stable and gurage.| i Newly decogated. A bargam for time | ly sale, ly Geo. Bateman, 1114 Brock Stree, city. Articles For Sale ~ SN TR RL Sn = {| Phone for prices Storage 20a. aig FTOMAGE~For furniture, e ary, alry rooml aud spaces; your owh lock | sua key. Frost's Cily Storage, 199s pe 305 Queen BL 'Phone 536 Res $¥-W. 23 or 193244. BOYS STO AGE WARSHOU SEG furniture or Any merchandise. proof butidin 'Bone 1900 or 1th So -- Articles ror Sale. "Fuel ann freed -------------------- rr tn pi GO TO TALBOTS LU MBER YARD! Concession street, for used lumber at $36 per thousand, new lumber and shingles, lowest price possible, hard and mixed wood, soft- and mixed slabs Phone 37 33 | a leaned ¢ celiars and s Ciean Job done. A ETM i Street. hone 336 ~ Wanted Tu Duy A cAsu TWO FAIRLY. LA two or three easy chairs, J ¥ X Expert Plago Tuning, Player-Fiano Adjusting, Phohe 1544 Fenders, fire scresns-- everything for fireplaces. Partridge | Wire and Iron Works, plating in sil- ver, nickel, etc, King Sl. 'Phone 330. BUFFALO ROBE- In good condition, Apply 27 Sydenham Btreet. BARRED ROCK PULLETS -- Bred to lay. $1.00 each. A. H. Chambers, Bar- riefleld P. O. Res. Gore Road. BRICK Stock, Jrsnsd, & wire cut, bullding tile and drain tie, A. Neal. 624 Johnson St. 'Phone 3041. ENSILAGE CUTTER- One 13", with fpes, almost new; one 2 furrow Oliver oot left plow; 2 used De Laval Sep- arators, Cockshutt Plows. See Papec Ensilage Cutter. J. F. Cramer, Frost & Wood Agency. "Phone 585-J PIANOS TO RENTw-We will rent you & Piano at six dollars per month and at expiration of six months will allow all monies paid as pental to apply on purchase price. C. W. Lindsay imit- ed, 131 Princess Street. {= PLAYER PIANO-= And music in wood] _ condition. Also pair Alaska Silver! Foxes A bargain. Would take good! cow on either deal. H. Spence, 917 Prin cess Street. 3 THOROUGHBRED-Black Minoroas Will sell any number. ply Muller's) 71-373 King Str Stréet. 'Phone 1961-w. mm att Furniture FURNITURE Antigue and furniture sold and bought er. 507 Princess Street, successors to Antique Shop. = ----a Auto Tops and Cushions L G. PAD Ru Rustic, 16a. fl--dpecialin for new or re< rtalns, Slip Covers, Se dan rare and deck 3hisid & and body Slagy Jatin w /s Mp you w d edging for rin- ning boards, Waterproof Stuck Uns and awnings to Seder. FY Princess Street. 'Phone 1§40-F. "Fuel and Feed 18 ANTHRACITE COAl--8Stove, Chestnut and pe coal. The nut and stove at $15.25 from car, Soul aL 21000, Orders taken. Apply Cc Neville, 158 Collingwosd, Street. Snore 2362-m. DRY HARDWOOD--§400 softwood siabs, $3.00 size $10.50 iss. Ha pea woke, $37.09 ton. Peat $12.00. "Phone 2440.w. C. Bruton, be Wellington Street. Rowntree's, English chocolate manufacturers, are take over the] Cowan Co. Ltd. plant at Toronto. The change is effective ~ Jan. 1st, next. Two Indians from oe M load. - the KIN , wind-| delivered. var of pea amg C. W. Lihusax, MITED L PHOLS EAN GAB general repairs Eg. Leave Orderg AL ur drop A © te F. W. Harold, 104 Ciergy Birest ¥ hone 1600 J. LUCY-Geo. F. and Jeunio A, Chiro! ractors, Registered Nurse, 302 Bagot! treet. 'Phome #5l-w Hours $-13, A- 8. . 8-7. 20. Consult tation freq. | RADIO SEKYICE--HAve you heard the Frovessiunm 81 new y Console Speakers?! Wome t ne &n vive rog DRUGLEDS PRACTITIONER -- W. A to-uint for a demonstration. Came Marcells, corner of Barrie and Frine ee . Sao es cess Streets. Chiropractic ' adjusts y ments, eleciric treatinents aha hand massage. X-ray service > tion free. Hours #-13 am, Evenings >¥ appointment. Office ee _bhone sid _ Residence 'phone 857-Ja re ttm BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, | Scars, Pits, ete, removed parmanent-! ly. Satisfactory Glasses furnished after others Goitre cured without operation. 38 ears Bar eriehos ws Elmer J. Lake, | Eye, Ear, Nose hroat, Skin. 268 | ago Bireet. Phone 301w. House 11383 || . Auto Wrecking Co. One ton Ford Track, Also nil kinds of Second Hand Automeoblie Parts lor all makes of cars. second Hand aa, price $34.00 to ROSEN & POLLITT 'Phone J4TS-w, 149 RIDEAU 81, Automobiles Auto "Accessories et ---- ett KINGSTON y AL 10 TOP AND 8 BODY co, ~Mikers of Auto, Buggy, Boat t Tops | and Cushivua Commercial, Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up. holstering Awnings and Teula eolic 1 King siresl Phones 29348 Barristers ana Solicitors 21b WwW. HN. HERRINGTON Barrister. Soliei- tor and Notary Public in Welling- ne A648-w A ---------------- cu NNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 78 Clarence Street Kingston. AB. Cunnniugusm, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE-Barristers and Solicitors, 3» Si iarence Street, King- ---- ston. A E Ry, Adrian I. Revelia | DSON] phagenger Se Mortgages a arran ged. 'Phpne 205. fom sha } ew. Mileage NOLDS, J. C~--Barrister and Solio. ADDY Bo x be : tor, 81 Broek Street. Morigages ar- - ranged on eity and farm property. "Phone 2508. Automobiies ror Sale £9 Ke $i 102s oun Tou RING A-1 condi es. $180 A SDap S$HEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and w: ing n St ret. Whiting Solicitor, Law Office corner of King ' and Brock, ever Toyal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone = Another Allotment oT Personal it Ford Light Delivery WANTED, POSTAGE before 1887 3 original riceg paid. Stamp 5 { ith extra Roadster beck. Park, 71 24 Ford Touring, 1918 fhor STAMPS oy PERMANENT WAVING Ford Sedan 5 tires, license and starter. { Overland Sedan A goed family car FULL RRAD $15.00 "Lin B. KINGSBURY, 309 rin Street. Phous 3016-3 ec t------------------------ ALL wVRST CLASS HAIR Wonk | MADE TO ORDER Ladies Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- las. al ngeing, cur ro Ladies Jad) har Bay Bi Mra Cu ning ham, treet, Kingston _Teiephone BD pa Pontiac Coach, new Before purchasing a car it will ¥ you 10 inspect our values. struck by & motor car at Save time scliving your hoses | biems y letting ths Whig Classified' ge assist J &i . VAN SEN gros. BY GEORGE McMANLS Far © 1528 ov Inv, Fearuns Spence. bec. [Coun Beinnin sightn sumed. | KNEW You DIN' gf READ THAT Book WHat SAID NT IN "THE Boor AT ALL' 146 Rollie : = A