Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1926, p. 4

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rate -- ian mia anaataA--- ta arratet (Tos | Ermine 3 Skin White Choker, ~ $10.00 to $170 00 STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT ian wo rg ----- White Coney, same size, $6. 00. Style No. 400, Write fog Catalogue showing \the latest Fux JOHN McKAY Limited "MANUFACTURERS OF FINE z 149-157 BROOK STREET, Es RNTARIO afer rt net ere AR EY Jaterman Fountain Pens, Parker Duofold pe Boxes of Statiomery, Crp. Cards, Writing Pads, Envelopes and Ink. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Deal a re EE . a. =z Re a a A i ree ge ee em "Your Home Should Come First 18th -- CHESTERFIELD WEEK -- 25th Your opportunity to get a genuine Sny- der Sani-Built Suite at a big saving. Suite worth $250.00, for $199.00. With every Snyder suite we give absolutely ' FREE ONE SOLID WALNUT END TABLE. al Moth proof absolutely. A written guarantee with every Suite. 30 styles of Suites to choose from. Easy deferred payments if desired. "ROBT. J. REID Funeral Service. / Phone 577, havalig Couels And Ambulaneas, A SUSUAL "FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRICES RIGHT | ett "ELECTED PRESIDENT of Sanadian Tio Ticket Agents' i ssociation--Meeting of Aa Women's Institute. i ! i i meetin; ng or the Cun Agents convention, 'held at Niagara | Falls this week, J. L. Boyes ot Napanee was elec to the position { of president of the Association. This lis a decided homor. Mr. Boyes. his | been connected © with commercial railway work for upwards of forty- five years, having represented the | Grand Trunk "Raflway until fis | amalgamation with the Canadian | National Railway as town ticket agent. He is well known to she pub i lic and has always been very popu- | lar. He also holds a responsibic | position as secretary-treasurer of { she Napanee Dfiving Park and Len- { nox Fall Fair, and bis untiring ef- { forts in connection with both of { these institutions has made them the i success that they enjoy at the -pres- ent date. Mr. - Boyes will no doubt ! bend his energies in the interests of { the Canadian Ticket Agents Associa- tion with the sgyme zeal that is | characteristic of his work in othe: institutions, The Napanee Women's Institutg will meet in the Agricultural room on Tuesday, October 12th. Miss Ethel Preston, of the Dominion Fruit Branch, will lecture on Tues day afternoon and on Wednesday afternoon will demonstrate the cau- ning of fruit, fruit salads and frait conserves. Miss Preston is a ferme; Napanee girl and comes to the Wo- men's Institute highly recommended. On Thursday evening the Napanee Citizens' Band staged another very ii enjoyable pavement dance in froxi of the Paisley House on the pew ! I John sireet pavement. A large erowil k was In attendance and every one en- | joyed the evening. The lucky ticket, entitling the holder to ten dollars : worth of groceries, was held by Mr H. Boyle. hy Harry Steacy entertained at { bridge on Wednesday evening ia honor of Miss Mildred Johnstoa whose marriage is to take place this month. The bride-elect was charm- ingly gowned in blush pink taffeta, trimmed with velvet and silver, The hostess received with the guest of honor under a wedding bell sus;- pended from an arch of pinkgsand | white gladioli. The rooms were prettily decorated with cut flowers | of pink and white, and after a pleas. ant evening at bridge. Miss Johu ston was presented with a hamper of useful kitchen utensils for her future home, Miss Catharine Perry of Sand- Lurst has been spending the past couple of days in Napanee attending the Teachers' Comvention and als» spent the week-end in Toronto with fter father, W. H, Perry. Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Truscotl have returned to their home in West Huntingdon, after spending two woeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mills and cruising with them on their yacht, "Dolphin." Mrs. J. N. Lovelace and children of Roseneath are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hen- wood, Morven. Miss Bleanotr Ham, A.T.C.M,, wXo has been spending the summer ai Big Win Ian, Muskoka, returned this week to her home in Adolphustown, Mrs. James Savage has purchased the residence of Mr. F. W. Knapp oa John street, and Mr. Knapp this week purchased the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Baker, on Centr? | street. 2 Napaneé Lodge. No, 88, LOOF, has purchased the Harshaw Block | in which the ladge has been tenants i ever since the block was bully man, yOArs ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haycock, Adolphustown, have returned [rong an extedded visit to the Britis) Hales. | | | | | No Communicable Disease. An interesting fact is reported by the schoel nurses and that was that there was no case of communicable disease in the schools for the month of September. Real overcoat values $20 to $35 at Tweddell's. A map 200" feet fomg. claimed to be the largest in the world, bas been exhibited fn England. ' Experts figure that the electrical energy ne firat-cacy belt of ilan- ving is worth gone dollar. -- ; Nass Oct. 8.--At the annual], adi eka fore returning. OFFICERS ELECTED I AT THE FINAL SESSION. Dr. C. C. Nash Addressed South | Frontenac Teachers' Insti | tute on Friday. The officers for the year the Sauth Frontenac Teachers' In- stituté held at the Court House, Fri- day afternoon. The officers are as| follows Hoa. President, Mr. 8. A. Trus- cott, M.A, I.P.8.; President, Mr, ¥. K. Croxford; vice-president, Miss Alice Giles; secretary, Miss Beatrica Traves; treasurer, Mrs. L. Saund ers; 'executive committee, Misses Nellie Jackson, Lillian Carman, Mrs. H. I. McKibbon; delegates to the O. BE. A, Miss A. V. Young, Mr. V. K. Croxford; library committee, Misses Helen Arthur, Faanie Black, Bertha | Clarke; auditors, Misses Grace Wood | and Beatrice Fowler: delegates to Northern Ontario, Mr. Floyd Alla, Miss Ruby Babcock. At the afternoon session Dr. C. C. Nash gave a very instructive talk on "Preventive Dentisiry." He ex- plained the two teeth diseases, caries and pyrohea, and emphasized the prevention of these diseases by cleanliness of the teeth, The teach- ers he said could do a greai deal to- wards this good work. Miss Nellie Jackson spoke om 'A Good Beginning," taking for her| subject, the work of the primary | class. She outlined various methods | of dealing with the primary class. It | is in this class that all the habits of the child are formed, for good or for bad, and here the teacher must be very careefnl, CHILDROOD AILMENTS | Can Be Quickly Ranished With Baby's Own Tablets. The ailments of childhood are many but nine-tenths of them are due to one cause and one cause only--a dis- yrdered condition of the stomach and | bowels: To quickly banish any of the minor ailments' of babyhood and childhood the bowels must be made to work regular and the stomach must be sweetened. No other medicine for little ones has had such success as has Baby's Own Tablets. They banish constipa- | tion and indigestion: break up colds and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea | and colic and promofe healthful slédp by regulating the functions of the stomacl and howels. Concerning them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S, writes: --"1 cannot speak too highly of Baby's Own Tablets as 1 have found them excellent for ehildhood aliments." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cing Co., Brockville, Ont. PICTON | Picton, Oct. 8--On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, the Picton Collegiate In- stitute will hold their annual field day sports on the fair grounds. The following gentlemen have donated special prizes and medals: W. B. Turnbull, H. B. Bristol, John Hubbs, M.P., J. Inrig, H. B. Tully, L, Cal- pan, W. J. Carter, H. 8B. Colliver, M.P.P., C. F. Vandusen Sidney Holmes, B.A., son of County Register. J. H: Holmes, has heen appointed lecturer in- psyche- logy at Mount Allison University, | Sackville, New Brunswick. He leaves | his position on the staff of Oshawa Collegiate to take over his new duties the middie of this month, Miss Marguerite Metcall has re- turned to her home 'in Detroit, Mich., after spending several weeks visiting relatives in town and county. Dr. Whiteman was in Toronto this week. E Mrs. Flora Reid has retarned to Toronto after a holiday of several weeks spent In Picton. Silas Green. his daughter Mrs. Ear! Mulholland and little grandson Claud motored to Healey Falls and Stirling where they visiled relatives and friends. Rev, Rural Dean Crisp, M.A. of Kingston will be the special preach- or at the Harvest Thankegiving Fes tival at St. Mary Magdalene Church on Sunday, October 10th. Ha®y Huff of the Gazette statt underwent an operation for appéadi- | gee citis at Prince. Bdward County Hos- pital this week. He is progressing favorably. Mr. Weish of the Hogg and Lytle Co.. has moved into the "house on Centre street lately occupied by Mr~ and Mrs. George Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Maybee'ars on a motor trip ta Mt. Morris, N.Y. where they will be the guest of their son. They will also visit friends In Rochester and Watertown, N.Y. be- " DESEROM TO Deseronto, Oct, $itieo, 'Smith of North Bay is the guest of his moth- er, Mrs. Alex. Smith, aud sister Eii- zabeth. 192% 1 essen of Ti § prétty stripes. Soft, Cotfon-Filled Comforters, TO-NIGHT .. and a good size, Here is a wonderful stripes. Sizes 144 to 16}, in'all sleeve leng TONIGHT | soheea - COMFORTERS, tune sale. In different, pretty patterns. "PERCALE SHIRTS, $1.59 lish Percale Shirts in neat value i in fine, ON SALE $2.49 in a most oppor. $2.49 CURTAIN SCRIM, 10c. YD. Fine, double-bordered Scrim, in Ecru, White or Ivory, and full 86 inches wide. SPECIAL. ........10c. Yard Glass Towels, 5 for $1.00 All pure Linen Glass Towels in White with Red or Blue Checks Regular 25¢c. On Sale To-night sense BH Only 10 dozeni in the lot, "nm TO-NIGHT AT SHAW'S | Attention Men! } $1.59 EACH English Broadcloth ok $1.98 Exceptional value in fine, English Broadcloth Shirts, teed fast colors. All sizes with separate collars to match. Offered in White, Pongee, New Blue, Lavender, Grey and a wide assortment of cies... 31.98 EACH Exclusive Hats at moderate prices. Parisian Shop 822 FROCK STREET |i -------- wharf. Part bf the wharf was Te- paired last fall. Perhaps Deseronto will have a wharf fit for lake steam- ers and freighters' traffic, The Canning Compasy -is still working overtime, and the farmers aré bringing in corn and tomaloes. NEW ORGANIZATION TO BE FORMED HERE ---- {Employed Boys' Brotherhood to Be Organized at the Kingston Y.M.C.A. An Employed Boys' Brotherhood is to be organized at the Kingston Y. M. C. A shortly. This organiza- tion is something new in Kingston, and it has worked out very satis- factorily in other centres. The Bro- therhood will endeavour to promote among the boys their sevem objec- tives, which are; physical fitness, religion, recreation, vocation, inter- group brotherhood, community aad home, education. The whole goes fo make up the motto of the hrother- hood, which is "Bervice." Employers often take a great geal of interest in the work of the boys, even th the extent of paying their expensed to tH® annual econferemecs, ton, Thanksgiving Day, and fit Is likely that representatives from the new Kingston branch will They will hold a regular meeting once a week, and once a fortnight they will have a supper. The first meeting when the organization will start, will be held Thursday next. no -- S-- POPULAR DAY TRAINS | Between Toronto. and Mositreal to Operate Until Oct. 80th. The continued heavy trafic on the "Rideau" and the "York," Cemadion Pacific fast day trains opereiing bes wa Toronto, Ottawa end Mcat- real, duly except Sunday, indicates popularity stisived by (his eer- with the travelling public. A conference will be held in Hamil. attend. 4 D. A. SHAW, Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE $250,000 ASKED FROM --Principal Taylor Qives Address. {Ottawa Journal) "We make no apologies for' ask- ing you to look on thé raising ot | That was the way one speaker put the matter at the banquet last night in the Chateau Laurier which augurated - the Queen's Endowment Campaign triet. It was a great gathering of the! Queen's alumn! from Ottawa and district and many distinguished men were on hand to wish the campaign | well Principal Bruce Taylor was! the chief speaker and put the objects and rossons for the campaign squarely before the gathering. It was announced during the evening | University | in this dis- $10,000 was received, be announced later. Sir Robert Borden, Queen's University, presided over | The other speakers were C. H. branch, Queen's University Alumi: Dr. F. W. C. Mohr, who spoke 9 the McGill Alumni; Mrs. J, J. Dun-| lop, representing the Alumnae of Queen's; 8. J. Cooke; Feprestating | Toronto Alumni; and Prof. D, Me- Arthur, of the Queen's Staff It was one of the largest gatbher- ings of Queen's supporters ever held old school ran high during the even ing. Queén's yells pnd songs wefe | interspersed with the food courses enjoyed. Several reels rugby jeam, three years Dominion | champions, and scenes apd events | around the university of to-day, shbwn. Queen's Universily. was asking for | $250,000 from the Ottaws district | fund. said Prinefpal Taylor. this large endowment fund in the |} light of a great Canadian service." [|i Hl busy. in- | |} | and unfurnished. that "yesterday one subscription for |§i the donor to} chancellor of |} the large and enthusiastic gathering. |} Bland. who spoke for the Ottawa t (REAL ESTATE THE OTTAWA DISTRICT For Queen's Endowment Fund | I BARGAIN NO. 8. New semi-detached Bungalow, 8 rooms, hardwood flooks {li throughout, electric, furnace, 8- piece bath, beautiful cellar, good | yard and side drive. - for $3,700 $200 cash, balance in rent. Ges lll BIg list at office. -------- Houses for rent, furnished Money to loan. {E W. Mln Cor. Johnson and Divisten Stu. | New 'plione numbers 589, 540 | and 588s. } Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Insurance Our knowledge of the fnsur- | ance business is gained from J many years' service to our § clients and to the community. See our J. B, Sampson. Steamship in Ottawa and enthusiasm for the} HANLEY'S (Established 1871) passageq booked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports arranged. Through tickets tssued over at? and later in the evening dancing was | Trans-Atlantie, Trans-Pacific, Alagks, of motion | Bermuda, West Indies. Mediterran- = pletyres showing the famous Queen's | { 3, Round the World Steamship nes. Prepaid passages arranged tor for X you desire to bring were | frisnds from a x | For full fi write J. P. LP. Tat OF Riys. Office, and severdl millions from the whole | Ris it ol of Canada to increase its endowment | Untario streets, Kingston, Out. Oper |= and nights 'Phones 99 or 3837 ationsi * Station, corner Gass, Su and JRE {A ik ¢ i The Homé and School JAssociation { held a very 'successful afterncen fe | { at the home of Mr. W. G! Seales th's aftern from 4 until § o'clock | The 1 were beautifully baaked with dahilas and satumn leaves. | Mrs. W. H. Richardson poured les. | while Miss Isobel Créegas, Miss. Georgina Richardson and Miss Helen | { Seales rerved. : i Mrs. S. BE. Naylor returned Sous alter Spending a few days with Jar daughisr ty Praukford The men started to work af pest: ing in Dew timber at th: town Iheight of a borse is 'equivalent at Tweddell's. The "hand" used in reckoning the ww jfour inches. , Far End---M. fieal ovsreost values $20 to os | Public Library Bulletin Have You Read? The Dismonds--J. § Fletcher, ©. | Experience--C. Cotton. '| Peralla--W. J. Locke. Unquenchable-Flame--A. J. Rees. Bellarion----R. Sabatini i Murder of Roger Ackrof---A. Chris- tie. Flame of Courage--G. Gibbs, 'Her Son's Wite--D. Canfield. Blue Castle--L. Montgdmery. Elope If You Must, --E J, Rath. Sinclalp Mannequin--F. Hurst | Winnowed Wisdom--8. Leacock. | SUNNYSIDE Assorted Chocolates A Treat for Everybody" At 35c¢. Ib. § PRINCESS PHARMACY Damp Wash-. Flat Work Ironed Just What We Do: Wa call for your work. We wash il. We iron all bed and fable linen ready for use. We return your wearing apparel damp ready fo iron. Minimum 80¢. The Kingston- "PHONE 302.

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