Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1926, p. 5

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EEE » Saturday, October 9, 1926. HEALTH RESTORED "FRUIT-A-TIVES" OVERCOME: STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE it-a-tives comply relieved of these -I ean faithfully recom- mend "Fruit-s-tives" to any one suf- fering from liver and stomach trouble, as I was."--Mrs. Albert | Lafleur, Labelle, (Co. Labelle), Que. | "Fruif-a-tives" are so wonderfully helpful in Liver and Stomach trouble use they are purely a natural | intensified | apples, | from juices of fresh oranges, prunes and figs, combined with tonics. "Fruit-a-tives" sweeten the stomach, regulate the liver, bowels and kidneys, and purify the digestive juices so that Indigestion « and 50c. at all dealers. General Insurance Five, Life, Accident, Automo- bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep resented, R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET 'PHONES 820.806. ' and Con- | stipation are quickly corrected. 25¢. b THE | i CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 4 a 5 S 7 10 45 40 7 Definition No. 9 Vertical 8 "Yellow Hawaifan bind." ithe name of one ? Horizontal. 1. To kmock lightly, 34 36. Flat - boats. ! i a1 | 8 . 39. i p i i Food. 40. Part of . Chvilization. . Correiative of eith- er, + Child's . Sound. . To preem. . To arrange gracefully. . To tap, as sobacco into a pipe. . Battering machine, 28. Dry. . 7. Outermost layer of a fruit, . Exploit, . Cot. . To sound a hom. 44, 45. 46. Measure Legal ru \ toy. cloth, 47. cloth 50 09 me of fruit, Every. . Squirrel To walk RR NN bird. Lazy person bottomed Over again. 42. White ant. Those who color Almost a donkey. Vertical. . To'entice. Variant of "a." Soft succulent Neuter pronoun. Yellow Hawailaz 0-9 Do you know 10. To engender. 12. Able. 13. To delight beyond measure. Not bright. . External organ hearing. Talked wildly Contests of speed. Helmsman. Chest bome. Insane. Last. . Wing part seed . Unde, . Emperors. 5. Long grass, . Strokes lighlly, Crooked. . Pine tree. . Mother, 3. Myself, . . Like. o. i -- verb to ne of of area. Je, 09 00 00 BO 1D me BUDD of a = pant food upon. HIOID T [ad | 0] >| TER > { o> HlolH o> M El T i TEROI [OT E™ oom» ImT b> O ----oic Dr, Martel's Female Pills century, correcting cause, SA ERE drugs. oid only Ee IX with our ! The KINGSTON CLEANERS AND DYERS L Clean aurthiug that cam be cleaned C. COE & P. BARRETT Office; 86 Arch Street. "Phos 1225w ¢ Call snd deliver. Have assisted a thaisasils cases liu haf { u { YED, | | NER- Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 079. Evenings by appointment. "| weeks they have had R. J. C.W. BROOM George Clark Wright Civil Engineer and Contractor. Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington and Brock Street. , Phone 826. Watler Cannem Pinsmith, Roofing and Furnace | | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN .~ DENTIST Q 5 s VU» < 10+ Crossword Puzzle Answers. DELIVERIES OF VEGETABLES, The Canning Factories Had to Work at Nights. Bloomfield, Oct. 4.---Grain har- i est has been finished after one of| | the wettest s@asons on record. The] | weather is very unsettled yet and is! | Interfering with all outdoor work. | | Corn and tomatoes are being deliv-| | ered to the canning factories in large | | quantities and during the last two { to work at| | J i | i | | | { | night. Ronald Burr and Jack Leavens| | are attending Queen's University, | Kingston. Miss Marjorie Purtells 187 | attending McDonald Hall, Guelph, ! | and John Mallory is attending Q.A.| land, on Tuesday evening, under the | { €., Guelph. Miss Helen Talcott has | | gone to Ottawa where she has aec-| | copted a position as a teacher. Ralph | Campaney and wife, Ottawa, visit- {ed his father, Frank Campaney. Ernest Hynd has sold his farm to | Walter Fox. Miss Mildred Burr is | teaching at Wellington. Peter Cave | kas purchased a new Whippet coach. | Mrs. Mabel Pulver, Rednersville, and Mr. and Mrs. EB. P. Stanton, Picton, visited at Curtis Stanton's on Tues- day. J. Usher is the newly-elected presi- dent of the Educational Workers' Association of Brantford. Penny bank system will be in- augugpated in the public schools in Chatham. : THE FIRST PHARMACY IN UPPER CANADA Standing in Yard at Maitland. Fairfield East, Oct. 7.--Rally ser- vices were held in the United church on Sunday last when the children of the Sunday school made up the choir The church was tastefully decorated with flowers, plants and a splendid assortment of vegetables. Mrs. 8. Cole, Miss Grace Cole and Messrs. Henry and Bert Cole, of Maitland, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. BE. Pyke last week. Mrs. Harris McDougall, Brockville, 1s visiting her sister, Mrs. E. C. McDou- gail, Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley, of Can- ton, N.Y., were visitors of her moth-| er, Mrs. Annie Clark, last week. Reuben Brown, of Rockspring, Is cutting corn for the neighbors here. Because of the lovely warm weather the corn Is quite green yet as well as the meadows. The song of the thresher is heard through the neigh- borhopd. a Mr. and Mrs. H. BE. Pyke attended 'social evening, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Mait- auspices of the Brockville branch of the Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association. A splendid programme was rendered. Mr. Jones related that the first pharmaey In Upper Canada is still In good repair in his yard. The building is .a small log hut and here his great-grandfather, | Dr. Harold Jones, prepared medicines | for his patients whom he visited on | horse back, the territory from Mont. | CO¥eTY after his accident at Crotch real tg Kingston being covered on his trips. . +A dance was held in the loeal 1.0. F\ hall lately by the South Augusta Women's Institute at which a large crawd enjoyed the entertainment. Province of Alberta bonds total : YOUR HOME WITH © ig + Sab AL LR "STELCO" COKE The best Canada can produce $13.00 per ton lng $6,000,000 were sold this week. Triage of Miss Hilda Laundrie and DAILY BRITISH WHIG | TO cAMP AT LAKE OPINICON | If Bilious, Sick | Or Constipated | Take" Cascarets" Dayton, Ohio, and Detroit Parties ! . Have Arrived. . 1 Chaffeys Locks, Oct. 4--A staf! {of laborers are improving the roads | | with gravel and draggihg It into the | holes caused by heavy showers. Far- { mers are engaged in getting in their | i corn and potatoes and fall plough- | ing. J " { Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huffman and | | party, Dayton. OMio, arrived on Sat- Tm ta Si I a { cottage' ay Lake Opinicon. Mr. Bur- | | ton and party, Detroit, Mich., are at { J. W. Stmmons. i Get a 10-cent box now. R! You're bilious' You have a throb- | § | bing sensation in your head; a bad {i} i The meeting of the Women's In-| taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, | § i stitute, was held at Mrs. W. W.| your skin is yollow, with dark rings | { Whipple's, on Saturday last with a/ under your.eyes; your lips are parch- || {good number in attendance, The ed. No wonder you feel ugly, mean | ii | drawing of a band made quilt by the | 20d fil-tempered. Your system is full | |i | members, was given to R. J. Fleming °F Pile not properly passed off, and | what you need is a cleaning up in-'@ Who held the lucky number. It was | Don't continue being a bilious | side. (decided the next meeting will be| ny a y 1 who {| {held at Mrs. J. K. Regan's on Oct.|jove vor ourself and those Who e love you, and don't resort to harsh |} | 15th. ; | physics that irritate and injure. Re-| . George W. Gifford has erected a! member that most disorders of the! new verandah on his residence, | stomach, liver and bowels are cured { Which adds 'auch to the beauty of it. \bX morning with gentle thorough Cus: { The stork has again visited our | Carets--they work whif® you sleep. Aj | town and feft a little girl at the | J 8-cent box from your druggist will {8 { home of Stanley Gifford. | rap your liver and bowels - clean; ) | stomach eet, p R. J. and Mrs. W. H. Fleming mo-| Tag Your head clear | | for months. i tored to Toronto, last Friday, to| Cascarets hecause they taste good and | { spend the week-end with Mrs. W. D | never gripe or sicken. | Heslin and E. L. Fleming where the | s=--- latter is attending college. J. L. { Laishley is spending some time in | Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Price Green | and family have closed their cottage | for the season and returned to Mon- | treal, i nn | FELL IN THE CELLAR i i i ---- ! | Mrs. Horace King, Croydon, Disle- | i cated Her Shoulder. i Croydon, Oct. >John R. Kring | went up to Toronto, "on Monday, | | With Rev. Mr. Thornley to attend! i | the conference. Mrs. Horace King! (GIRLS AND WOMEN { had the misfortune to fall in the | {cellar and dislocated her right | { shoulder. She is under the care of NEED RICH BLOOD i225 | Dr Patrick Nolan has gone to Roch-| This Lady Found Dr. Williams' Pink | ®*'¢T., N.Y., to work at his old fob | i Pills a Friend Indeed. again painting for the railway com- || . pany. The Women's Institute are! Just becauée she is a woman there busy preparing for a Hallowe'en | {are times when every woman needs! focid! on Oct 22nd, particulars lat- | {help and strength in the form of aler. Mr. Dan McGregor sports a new | | blood-building tonic. { Ford coupe, Mrs. Stewart Close re- To thousands of girls and women | turned home on Monday from King- | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved | ston General Hospital after under- | {a blessing because they enrich the| Boing a successful operation for in-! | blood, give strength and restore tone | Ward goitre. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Han- [to the aching nerves. The anaemic| Bah and family, Odessa, and Mrs. | | girl, who is languid and pale, the| Hannah, Reidville were Sunday { wife whose back feels like brejking; | Buests at Mr. Albert Hughes. Mrs. | Was Log Hut, Which Is Still the matron whose health fails/as she A. Wilson has returned home after | {reaches middle age--for all such suf-| & pleasant week's visi; with Mrs. {ferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are; Davern of Napanee, and other! |invaluable because ill-health in girls | friends; she also visited her former | |and women is usually caused by poor! home at Deseronto, i {blood or insufficient blood.. These| * 1H | pills have proved a blessing to thou-| | sands of others, why rot you? At| Premier Ferguson is endeavoring | various stages of life Mrs. G. R.| © place Britishers on northern On- | | Lake, Walton, N. S., has proved the! tario land and have the British Gov- | | value of Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills. She | ST02ent advance fifteen hundred {says:--"I first used these pills when! duilars for each settler. | & young girl, for it is during the "teen | Virginia and Marjorie Reynolds, {age when nature calls upon every pig {aS avid = three years, wei | of the reserve strength we have that | Yea] Yo: South at Detroit, Mich, | | We need their rejuvenating help. It Dasuaities i. | a the {was then I found Dr. Williams' Pink | . of : {Pills a friend indeed. And again, | TleTeest Snasghment pi ve Shinese now that the girlhood stage is past a ia Sate, 33ys a despatch from and I am a mother of four children, | BAgEe M. A. Donahue has been appoint- subject to all the cares and worries od g ¢ i postmaste f ater. of the home, Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills! ot Tomwator | ------ ---- ---- a manding officer of the German army, | Ontario has tendered his resignatdon, ge. Hardwood Floor We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring. : : eh Xe host brands carrie] S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571, EERSTE TT EET SS SERRE NOW IS TIE : To have your Fall Shoes made. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE SPECIAL!! ~~ SPECIAL!! - 25, 40 and 60 watt Tungsten Lamps . .. veo five for $1.00 Decorated and Colored Lamps 35¢, and wp Come carly as we have only a few of both of these Don't be disappointed. serena The Saunders Electric 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEFHONE 441. 7 ee Pe tt It eet at rt No mechanic consi- ders a job hard toper- form when his tools member that perfect tools are the only kind we sell. SerrmienT. Any kind of a tool at reasonable prices, - See window display |! 5 Stevenson & Hunter 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. ~~ Ee Sit a ae a LP" Major-General von Seeckt, com-| Business of the past year on Goveraments Railway, IT. & N.O., has been so good Burglars stole 315 and a qudntity | Premier Ferguson expects a ' {of oil from a garage at Bracebridge. | surplus of $1,000,000, {1s the only tonic I take to keep up my | 'health and strength, and they have | {never failed me. Should any ailing | | girl or weary mother, due to my ad- | | vice try these pills, I know they wilt | {find them as equally good as I have | done." : | | You can get these pills from any | { medicine 'dealer or by mail at 50 jcents a box from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i { -------- i OUT AT OMPAH, Tr i I | Wedding Reception for Mr. and Mrs. { Leonard Whyte. { Ompah, Oct. 7.--The many friends | of Mr. William Stewart exiend their' ["sympathies and hope for a speedy re- Lake dam a few weeks ago. Mr. | William Cox, Mr. James Woods and | Mr. McIntosh motored to Kingston | { last week on a business trip. Miss] {| C. Lauber spent the week-end with | | Ardoch friends. i | An enjoyable dance was held last Friday night by Mr. C. Dunham in! 1>nor of the Dykeman family of | Texas,, who were summer visitors €. their cotiage here. A large crowd #:tonded and a good time was spent. | Willlam Masséy had a eorn Rusk-| ing and dance last Wednesday night which was enlored by all present. A few fro here attended the wedding reception at Plevna, on riday night in honor of the mar- Mr. Leonard Whyte. The young couple have best wishes for a happy wedded life, - z CO-OPERATION THE HON. GEO. 5. HENRY, Ho VA M ARE I= fi ANI I. -noteits ent j» @ Visit Your Old Home Town LAN a trip this Autumn back to the old home town. Look up your boyhood friends. strengthen the ties formed years ago. Take a trip. Note the fine homes, the beautiful lawns, the well-kept flower gardens. What an improvement in a few short years! If you haven't travelled over Ontario's highways lately, you will be surprised in a change so noticeable. The power of example is exemplified in the wonderful property improvement manifest today in 'Ontario's towns and Ontario's country-side, this because of Ontario's improved highways. Renew and Ten years have not yet passed since the completion of the Toronto-Hamilton Highway -- Ontario's first so- called permanent noad. You'll appreciate what Ontario is doing to improve its roads. You'll discover that what a few short years ago. . was a tiresome jourtiey is now a trip of pleasure. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the trip--Drive sanely-- Excessive speed is dangerous and expensive. The traffic patrol is endeavoring to save the roads to make. them safer for evetyone, rigorously punishing law-breakers. In your own best interest co-operate whole-heartedly. 8. L. SQUIRE, Minister of Highways "Deputy Minister Issued by the Ontarde Department of High- ways to secure the co-operation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. lines left. H LADIES! Just arrived the new NATURAL MARCEL WAVERS, $3.50 Tools F erEverybody, {i PS

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