Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1926, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS frew, Dr. and Mrs. Marold Hooper, | Grand Mere, Que., Dr. John Lans- 'bury, Montreal, Mr. John Hyde, Montreal, Miss Lucy Grant, Trenton. ; 4 Ne | side 'of the room were small tables, 'y ; ' { each with its own colored light at : LIFE S SOCIAL SIDE { which the supper the managemend | . - : kad provided for its guesis was serv- Ll ; .t ed. 814 Fox and, Els Seremadess,| BS Sean f . "| stationed at one end of tie vo0ls, : a E A Page Editor Phone 2018 Le in town for the copveation of ved . PROETAM MS ot : r \ ~~ RL) amaa as ge TAXE Punts Phone BSTw. {iis King's Duughtors, will 08 OF Piece aot oad the mans soli] ] ™ 2 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SERVICE : =. a9 guest of Mrs. Edward Anderson, Al-| who had accépted the invitation of 3 on Vers Manders, RN, King: | fred street. the mapagement thorougniy emjoy-| > TRY : 2 ANYWHERE isin Perth. ig re. ed the evening. Among the well . a. Miss Hilda Calvin, Toronto, wo | gnown citizens and their wives who » Ine Sanbary omens native : IN aTY eld {ts September meeting at the : oy DAY OR NIGHT N. P. Wheeler, YW.CA, i2/(s in town for the Third-MacPhail | were present were Mayor T. B. Au- wedding to-day, fs spending the | grove, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haniay home of Mrs. John McKendry. ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS GALLAGHER'S jug the week-end in Ottawa. ; EE # week-pnd with Mr. and Mrs. Sand- | Mr and Mrs. George Bawden, M-. Brewer's Mills, the ladies, number Helen Duncan, Kingston is} ford "Calving, "Rutland House." land Mrs. Ambrose Shea, Mr. and {ing about thirty, motored down to g Mrs: T. Wagar's, Chapmac. : . 8 | Mrs. Ross Livingston, Mr. sud we. ths Mg Jovms tarm pause aad . -Rt. Rev.'E. F. Robins, Bishop of |; I. Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. ! right with glowing open fire, an . y Hector Hall, "The Prin-| Athabasca, who is spending tho | Macnee, Mr, and Mrs. J. Sowardk,! When tinting dainty underwear, a radiant welcome. Monogram Used. uatural colored asta tess 4 s Residences, Queen's Univer-| week-end in town, is the guest of [Mr and Mrs. W. D. Graham, Mr Silk stockings, or any fine fabrics use| The president, Mrs. Martin Sands| The monogram bobs ug frequently banded with navy blue and given a is in Toronto. . | the Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. C. A. [and Mrs. R. G. Betts. Many of the | tTue dyes That's the only way YOU | was in the chair. Correspondence | '8 the fall mode--for instance a smart navy blue modogram. se Seager, Bishop's Court. gassts were students from Queen's a get the same beautiful. s0fi| yay read by the secretary, Mra. | = Sirs. W. H. Henderson ana Miss " o 8 University. To-night the members of Ades materials bave ity | William Cooper. Miss Beatrice ¢ Henderson, Deseronto, were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Calvin, To-|the football teams of Queen's, R.M.| 0a] Diamond to Toe lio ait. | Hawley reported om a visit of her ors in Kingston on Friday. ronto, are the guestsiof Mr. and Mrs. | ¢, and Camp Borden will be "the |ference' No one will dream they %¢if and a number of girls to To- = "es 4 H. F. Mooers, Barrie street, whiie guests of the menngement. were tinted at home. And you fan do | 'A8to who were there to judge rs. B. Wray Vasluven and her{in town for the Third-MacPhall -- n real dyeing with just as perfect re- [school lunches and other equipment. ¢ daughter, Barbara, Kingston, | wedding. The Interpational Order of The |sults, if you will just use the true Mrs. Chagles Nicholson moved and visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. C. 8 ' King's Daughters and Sons, On-| Diamond dyes. | seconded by Mrs. Harvey Dixon that | m, Drockville. Mrs. Bernett, Cobourg, will ar-| tari Branch, will meet fn Sydenham | FREE: why not ask your druggist | Miss Eleanor Kells be sent as a * + rive in town on Monday for tho! street' church, on Oct. 12th and [OF the very usetul Diamond DYe|gelégate to the Eastern Ontario] . Henderson Camphell, Cald-|provincial meeting of The King's| 13th. A hearly welcome is extend Cyclopedia? Valuable suggestions. | women's Institute convention in 3 : i oods | Ru @il Mills, Is spending a few weels | Daughters and will be with the eq to all, Alans, one J» anes tree | Ottawa, to assemble early in, No. her daughter, Mrs. Peter Gray, | Misses Fowler. Broek street. i copy of Color Craft, a big, iflustrated Yamuer. A Sisquenags gany wi ho ton. oes book sent postpaid--address, DIA- | a aight i ls b.2 . Mr and Mis. M, G-Udhanten were The Edit H MOND DYES, Dept. N13, Windsor, | 'ommunity Hall. The happy meet. Mrs. Jesse Graves, Picton, is vis *alled is Pudvs tougay awids to ; itor fiears Ontario. ' | ing Coded with Be 3 ion) An-| her sister, Mrs, Martin, King-| the serious condition of the latter's y -- | them. en refreshments were partic! Later she will go on to Brock-|nlece, Miss Gertrude Macdonald, | That the staff of the public lib- y {served by Mrs. Harvey Shanuon impurities, visible or invisible with ratching the surface. The to visit friends. who wae burt in a motor accident, rary will gi¥s a bridgé and mah Miss Beatrice Hauley, Miss Hagel] eT El a for kit . eo * 2.9 jongg on tire date advertised in this . Sands and Miss Grace Anaerson.| chen utensils, sinks, bathrooms, ete. Cancun Woodcock, who was in| Mrs, Strachan and Mrs. Jones. | issue to make sufficient money to| & Make it NEW for 15 état j | Warm thanks were expressed to the | For cleaning all through the house in for the meeting of the execu-| Ottawa, will Do the guests of Mrs. | provide curtains ete. for the read-f -- ~--en a | gracious hostess. The October mee:-| there's nothing else like Old Dutch. of the flocese of Ontario, has| W. T. G. Brown, Sydenham strest {ing room and to have some of the | ing will be held at the home of Mrs. | Goes further--lasts longer. urned to Brockville. | parsonage, while in town for the fine old prints owned by the ID- { Harvey Dixon. i MADE IN CANADA . s&s \ convention of the King's Daughters. | rary cleaned and framed. The lib- WEDDINGS. i Mrs. B. Gilbert, Cobourg, will bs . . rary staff is an accommodating and guest of Mrs. Donald MacPhail, Miss Edna Booth formerly %:|efticient one and their interest In g street, while in town for Tha | Kingston, has seat cards to her! making the library a credit to King: Third-Macphail. ' Chalmers Church, Kingston, was the scene of a charming wedding -- 8 . the ee That Queen Marie of -Rumania when, ht a Toe ng's Daughters convention, friends from Italy, France and (ston should be seconded by the ci- - . ! Switzerland, where she has been |tizens who enjoy the privileges of Mr. and Mrs. D. 3. Minaker, travelling and enjoying a delightful {that comfortable building. eenbush, have coms to Kingston | trip, 2 spend the winter with the la:- 's sister, Mrs, Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Charter, Ot-| has bobbed hair, but she will not |; ico younger daughter of Mrs. "- 0» tava, announce the engagement of | wear short skirts, Algo she is stick- MacPhail. and the late Reverend | #5. BE. J, B. Pense, West street, | ihelr daughter, Apna | Elizabeth [ing to her custom of showing ori-| ponala MacPhail, became the bride | has been in Seabright, N.J. | Reardon, to Vincent Henry McGarry, | ginality in choosing her costumes| ce nr James Reginald Third. The | Bd in New York with her aunt, Mra. | Perth, the marriage to take place ix for her trip to Canada and the Unit- ceremony = wis performed by 4he| jadwell, returned homé to-day. October. ed States. Reverend George A. Brown, and the | se . SA >". Ar church was beautifully decorated | f . iss Scoley, Toronto, will be with Mrs. J. A. Thompson and Mrs, E. That the Blue Shanty Tea ShoD | yiih sutuma foliage and flowers. | fii - , | . -- Francis King, St. Lawrence | L. Simpson, Gananoque, who will be fon Wellington street, is supplying The bride. who was exquisitely w » W omen s Vl a 1C From the roaster ERE'S a can full of healthful cleanliness. The soft, ig quickly remove | . | In Scotland there are tourteda | 8 monuments to Robert Burns, poet. b AN mt comma on returned to Montreal, after a visit to Winnipeg, where they were the guests of Mrs. Hugh F. Osler, and Toronto, where they spent a few days With Mrs. Henry Osler. Mrs. Osler will spend a nionth with her parents, Lieut. «Col. and Mrs. H. A. Stewart, Sherbrooke street west. fe, while In town for the con-|in town tor the convention of the 2 need and therefore is sure of suc gowned in ivory satin veiled in chif- on of The King's Daughtels, King's Daughters on Tuesday, will cess. The ladies who were sporting |g, ang trimmed with clusters of . be with Mrs. W. Jackson, William enough to launch this new veature| . ..... piossoms entered the church | H. Denton, Cobourg no will | street. : are finding that they have many|o, yng arm of her uncle, Dr. Alex-| Au town for The King's Daugh- $0.0 patrons. ander Primrose to the strains of the | 8 convention, will be the guest of |. Mrs, Thomas Gibson, Beverly -- bridal chorus from Lohengrin play-! : . } Percy Chown, Frontenac street, | street, received for the nrst time | That the leaves are turning at{ 4 .,y pr. Frost, organist of the « + this season on Friday afternoon and |!ast. This year the Virginia eresp-| .,. on Her lovely train of chan. 00 OC Ings | Miss Gertrude Johnston, - King. | her charming, homelike rooms wers er is especially gigrious. Near Dekd | yo 1506, which Délonged to her direct to vacuum % 8. is spending a month's vacation | filled with visitors. Mrs. Prancls Man's Bay there is a glant elm that | o.00¢ srandmother, was lined with | sealed tairers i : th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.| Macnee made tea at the effectively is still green but has given support | pieeon avid was coverdd by her bri- ed con . i . ohnston, Lyn road, Brockville; [arranged table in the cosy 'dining- to a Virginia creeper that has elimb-| 55) voit of tulle, caught to her ret] This is the secret i m a * room: ed the trunk and sent clinging vines | uo o pandeau of real lace. She car- | A Hl Bruce 8. Cairns, Odessa, is Lee s along the great branches. Now the| 4 5 shower bouquet of ophelia | of full-flavored Grey, Camel and Fawn shades, for 75¢. a to-day for Walkerville, to| The members of the Monday ¥ines are deep crimson and the... 4nd ily of the valley, and was | : pair d some time with his brother, | Bridge Club who had planned a whole effect striking. In the ity | ,..ceqed by her only attendant, Miss | a yu EN Ro 1 Caras. ©1%| 487 In the country at Mrs. Joba Car- houses and stone walle have 18 &| Helen Richardson. who wore & ehie - 3 Silk and Cotton Bloomers for Women 8 SON'S summer ome, "Sunny ™ , French frock of primrose georgette 1 : Mrs. H. B. Day and Miss Alice | Knowle," decided to remain in town lovely effect. trimmed with velvet and rhinestones |' U m Cream, Pink, Lavender, Caramel and are spending the week-end in|and Mrs. Carson placed her town ™" he A ey ils Club of with hat and shoes en suite. She car- | | | Tango shades; all sizes for 75c. a pair. er with Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. [house at their disposal to-day for at the Anglican Girls Club off, jog a sheaf of bronze chrysanthe. | COFFEE ! WwW. 's F Ch : + Wacaton wih ree 10 Toon. | Queen Saberity wll wld | mo ie pt was Me | omen's French Chamoisette Gloves > .- sw £ . 0 : o tock. and the ushers Dr. Howard | _------------ 1 3 < riers Boruc. who wiil| | Mrs. William Day, Cataraqui, was | work of the session. Foiger: Mr. John. Tivdn, Momtront | with fancy, embroidered cuffs, very qew. he : the hostess of the Women's Institute and Mr. Charles Mundell. De All sizes for 75¢. a parr. of Westbrooke on Wednesday when . During the signing of the regis. i M » C h d All ] . the monthly meeting was held at her | AUNT HET ter, Miss Harriette Gardiner sang Hi €n s Lashmere an -wool Socks in home. The president, Mrs. J. L. ¥.{ "Because." After the ceremony a 1 i 1 Sproule, was in the chair. Re- | reception was held at the nif of Harold S. Packer Black and colors, English makes. All sizes freshments were served at the closa the bfide's mother, where Mrs. Mac. AT.CM. i for 50c. a pair. of the meeting. . : Phail and Mrs. James Third receiv- " ol aud " re. ed with the bride and groom. eacher Plano Theo - i Mr.-and Mrs. Philip Osler have Later Dr. and Mrs. Third left by| Publis prepared for examinations, N : motor for New York State, the bride STUDIO: 340 Johnson Street. i ® o n on Oe. wearing a crepe dress trimmed with | 'Phone 2050-m. i > French bine, a French blue suede --- | THE IRISH LINEN STORE coat with gray fur collar, grey shoes and a smart blue felt hat. ' BERT F COUPER ET --_--_"., Upon their return they will re- . Be side at 12 Wellington street. The Organist-Choirleader St. Luke's out-of-town guests Included, Dr. and Anglican Church. . ee. 9 - Mrs. Alexander Primrose, Toronto, Teacher of Voice and Plane, or Hac Ful . : je Studio: 776 Princess St. "Phone 1440. I] The Children of Mary held a Wra. Louik Me), Naw York Mr. ind - 1 euchre in the assembly hall on Fri- \ em Arthur Britian, Mr. and Mrs ------ ee eae ee 6 woman who knows what to do | day evening when the ladies prize, ' : Humphey Gilbert, HY 30d Mz od waving her hair doesn't fear the | a pair of silver candle sticks donat- "I had on that madeover taffetad Gus C lvin T oh oo ah - MISS EDITH CRAI et of hot irons. Nor of frequent| ed by Mrs. Menard, was won by Mrs. | yesterday when Cousin Jim come for | o . a Ol . 4g = 0, a coves . 5. A few drops of Danderine | Andre. Mr. Peter Donahue won the| dinner an' had to change quick. I - th 3 3 el David W ke go te 0 oimb ar 10walaid the hair 18 | pian's prize. The convener of this! didn't. know his wife was comin's Susi. a . ates i e- ik and lustrous, and behaves beau- |g. uunt party was Miss Kathleew| until they drove in." + villenr Miss An Ine, ta a4 4 kh iva Brady. Refreshments were served]. " : Danderine rubbed ligh 4] a + the one sure Nanay during the evening. ROYAL WEDDING OCT. 20th. sive every particle of ; dandruff. * a a. : / -------- : 3 drops more make a dressing| The George T. Richardson Chap-! Crown Prince of Belglum asd Prin. marvelous. A sheen mph ter. 1ODE., held a successful. tea cess Astrid's Nuptials, i! Drtiianting, and uo and sale in the Y.W.C. A. on Fr Stockholm, Oet. 7.--The wedding Formerly of Vancouver, B.C. Teacher of Violin, Harmony, ete. Residence Studio: 65 West Street. Telephone 1412. EEN grease Dinderine at|{ aay afternoon. The guests were re- ceived by the viece-regeat, Mrs. Ro- bord Reyndids, in the absence of the regent, Mrs. J. G. Cruse and the ad- mission fee was taken by Mrs. E Holder and Mrs. E. Van Luven, The convenor of the sale was Mrs. W. Bloomfield and the tea was in charge of Mrs. M. Riley with Mra {T. Stewar; and Mrs. J, Armstrong presiding at the table assisted by Mrs. D. Kennedy. The table was {most artistically decorated with {marigolds and dahlias. -A homo- cooking table was in charge of Mri. J. MeGall assisted by Mrs. Stanley Hall, Mrs. Leman A. Guild and Mrs. David Rea. The ¢andy was sold by a committed consisting of Mrs. R €. Ward, Mrs. G. C. Dewar and Mrs. 3. Gi Calvert, . Fa oe =. ® date of Princess Astrid of Sweden and Crown Prince Leopold of Bei- glum has been set for Nevember 20th. in Brussels. Newly revealed details 'of the courtship show that the young couple met oftener than hitherto realized. While the world press was linking. the name of the Prinaess Astrid with the ve of Wales, she was maintaining "frequent corre spondence 'with the Belgium heir. with his mother incognito, and was never recognized staying at public, and the match meets with) overwhelming popular favor. 3 Last winter he came to Stockholm | though the best known hotel of Stockholm. | - Wil take a limited number of velce 107 Gone BEAUTY PARLOR 'Marceling, Waving, Shanrpoo- nent Hair Waving. Yor 185 WELLINGTON ST. | The finest Phonograph the worl has ever seen or heard-- Made by the Famous House of BRUNSWICK And sold by us on easy terms, Catalogues and price lists mailed

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