7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Founded 1647. QUEEN'S SWEATERS CORRECT QUEEN'S % SWEATERS CORRECT COLOURS Queen's University Students Headouariers And we're ready -- ready with the finest stock we've ever shown. The whole over- coat family is represented-all the style, all the colors and all the fabrics -- featuring three great groups. $9050 27% 33% Turnbull's Ceetee Underwear Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear LIVINGSTON'S A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY OVERCOAT UNTIL REQUIRED CITY AND 1 DISTRICT Expected Tuesday Morning. { Car load assorted basket fruit, | peaches, pears, + plums, gages, { quinces, grapes, etc, at Carnov- | sky's. i A ---- Dw. G: W. Bell Very Low. Ls Pr. AG. W. | Wednesday evening. He has not re- | gained consciousness. Fine Feldspar Mine. Fing feldspar is being taken from ia mine near Penih which is being (operated by the Perth Reidepar and | Mining Company. Me. F. H. Cotton, i Tweed, is superintending the work. Anthem At St. Luke's. During the offertory in St..Luke's Church last evening the choir ren- dered the anthem "Even Me." (Warren) in which the bass' solos were effectively sung by Mr. H. w. | Ide. Liberal Ward Meeting. The Liberals of Kingston and] Portsmouth will meet at Gur Hall to-morrow night (Tuesday), at {8 0'dlock, to elect a chairman for each | ward, and every ward is expected to | be represented. | Purchased Business. George Chariton having bought | the tailos business of Mr. Rudeof in| Brockville, will continue the same; us usual, giving careful attention to orders. Mr. Chariton has had thirty | years experience in the tailoring bu- siness. Saw Little Service, On Oct. 10th, 189%, the sloop of war! i8t. Lawrence 100 guns, was launch- ed at Kingston, Upper Canada, and immediately went fmto commiesion under Admiral Sir Jameés Lucas Yeo, but saw Xitle service as the war) ended three mouths latere. Children of Mary Euchre. At the Children of Mary euchre] held Friday night in the Catholic] Assembly Hall, Miss Brady was as- sisted by the following: Misses R.| Menard, B. Kane, I. Martin, M. Lin-| augh, B. Shaw, M, Staley. C. Kehoe, | M. Burke, M. 'Keyes, M. Murphy, F.| Wickham. ey | Who's Missing In Kingston? Since the fatal tragedy at Belle-| ville ' Detective Sergt. Truaisch, o?| that ¢ity, has received scores of ler-| ters from anxious mothers, wonder- ing whether the unknown were: their relatives or sons. No later than Sat- urday, one was received from King- ston about a missing youth. Donald McIntyre to Retire. The Toronto Telegram says that at the expiry of his present leave of absence, when he £3 expected to re- Bros: Ltd. PHONES: Retail 2600 Wholesale 1767 Office 365w fl QUALITY . LARGER MARKET - SERVICE 3 Tuesday's Specials Good Values White Enamel Sauce Pan All 1. pkg. Chipso (large size) 9 cakes Gold or P. & G.-- - 'the White Naptha For '2 cakes Guest Ivory | cake Ivory Soap, 6 oz. | White Enamel Sauce Pan, regular yelue $2.35 | Ib. Falcon Brand Tea, cup and saucer Jams--4 Ib. pails, blended. Special ' AZ. Jelly Powders--a Fruit Nappie with each package of th rc a 25e. ney--new season's white clover. Re lar CW We We Le Toke hoe of ied Choco he. regular price $1. 7. for . - 9c. lof Halladay Brothers, well-known | about Oct. 15th and will conduct the tire, an appointment must be made chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. This position car-| ries with it a salary of $7,000 ner i year, | Lost Thumb and Fingers. 1 very nnfortunate accident oc- curred on Thursday last when Blagohe, Matle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Pringle Bongard's, lost a thumb and two fingers of her left hand, The little girl was in the act of getting wood when a heavy stick tell, crushing the fingers which made amputation BDecessary. To Be Honorary Patrons. Dr. R. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's University, and Bir Rober! Borden, chancellor of Queen's, paid a viet on Friday to the Governor General and the Viscountess WH ingdon et Rideau Hall, and . re- ceived assurance that Their Excel laces will be honorary patrons of the Queen's University Endowment Fuad. Buy St. Lawrence Villa, The St. Lawrence vila, cormer of James and Hugunin streets, Clay- ton, was sold by Mrs. Fred Trueter to Violet and Lessa Halladay, Cape Vincent, N.Y., the consideration be- ing $10,000. The new owners, wives cattle buyers, will take possession place as a rooming house. C8 To Stay in Paris A Year. Prof. and Mrs. Iva KE. Martin, Russell Hill road, Toronto, have fusf returned trom an outing abroad. They were accompanied by Mrs. Martin's son, Mr. Ralph O. Standish, who vemained in Paris, where he will stady the language and take 'some lectures at the Sorbonne for a year, before returning to Canada {0° to a degree in a Canadian Ballo AORLPIOR. XRIN LS | low following a stroke "suffered of en | ago last May, fant, Alfred street. | work and pray, | 80 that the uncivilized races of men | An RM.C. Graduate Dead. * Spe 'death occurred on Saturday at the residence of his sisters, the! Misses Sweeny, Weétmount; ol Lieut.-Col. Roger Campbell Sweeny, | DSO. OBB. M.C.. A.1.8.C: commandant of the Indian pete | Service Corps Training Estqblish-| ment, Rawalpindi, India in his 48th | year. He entered the Indian Army | in 1899 after graduating from the! Royal Military College, and had a! varied and distinguishéd career, { Word has been received from Tor- onto, that W. J. Bryant, well known | to" his many friends in Kingston as) "Bill," who has been confined in} Christie Street Hospital since a year is able to sit up. Mr. | Bryant was severely wounded during | the Great War. He was operated | upon some. time ago, and the opera- | tion, proved successful. Mr. Bryant is | a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bry-| The news of his splendid progress was received by his many friends in Kingston with much pleasure oT : W. J. Bryant Recovering. ! : A Missionary Appeal. Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Brockville | preached in Sydenham street church | {on Sunday His morning address | was missionary in type, forming of ash heaps of vice, sin and | | slavery into beauty i. 3 the influ- {ences of Christ' ", ing His | stories of what had been accomplish-| ed in heathen lands were vivid and | inspiring. He urged bis hearers to to sacrifice and give may have the henefits of christianity | and the ashes of degradation 'and! sin transformed into the beautles of { holiness and true living. } - writ] Succeeds Mrs, Lavell. Mrs. Johan MacGillivray, Toronto, was elected president by acclama- tion, of the Dominion Board of the Women's Missionary Society of. the] { United Church of Canada. She suc- ceeds Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Kingston, | who was unable to continue as pre- | | ¢ dent, In giving Rer-presidential ad-| | dress as the new head of the organi-| | zation, with 'its 200,000 members from coast fo goast, Mrs. MacGilli- i vray pointed out the responsibilities | tacing the W.M.S. in the period of adjustment following the consum- mation of the union of the Metho-| dis€ Presbyterian and Congregation- | al organizations. There was an ex-| tensive missionary work to be ae-| complished. She was confident of the | to take the place of D. M. Melatyre. Lieyaity of-the great Dominion mem: | bership of the W.M.S. T AUTO VICTIMS ARE NOW DOING NICELY -- | They Were Injured in Crash at Corner Earl and Divi- sion Streets. i | Willa, the infant child of Lieut. | and Mrs. W. G. Kear, who was thrown through the windshield of the auto- mobile driven by her mother, on Benet] | day morning, when the car crashed into a house at the corner of Earl and | Division, bad recovered sufficiently | on Sunday to be removed Irom the | General Hospital, to thie home of her parents. The eight-year-old daugh-| ter, who was alse injured in the same | accident, has been found to be suffer-| ing ouly from cuts and bruises, and no! serious results are' anticipated She'} will probably be allowed ta go home| within a day or two, MARINE__ | The steamer Wianton, of the Ma-|, | : § i | { i { i thews Lime, arrived thie morning | trom Port Colborme, with grain for) Richardson's elevator The steamer Birchion arrived sun | day afternoon and is now une oading | at the elavalor, The tug Dupre, of line, arrived Sunday With four] barges, the Dunmore, Fredon L., Au-! gustus and Bernon lL. to be loaded | of the covancr for the transshipment of the grain to Mowireal. The tug Sinmac passed with the barge Compton for Sodus, Sunday aftermcon. Up--0Out.- 10th, Fordonian, 3.30 p.m.; Oot: 11a, Nisbet, 2.25 am; Taylor, 7.45 am; Calgarian, § am. Down--Oct. 10th, Huntler, 3 am. City of Kingston, 11.15 am. Oct. 11th, Baird, 2.15 am.. Cava dian, 3.16 am; Drumhos, 4.15 am.; Torian, 6.15 am. Lad Had Arm Broken ; While Cranking a Car, -- Gordon Redmond 'the thirteen: year-old son of J. W. Redmond, of the Bath Road. broke his arm on Monday morning, when attempiing to crank | his fathgrls car. The boy was | brought to the General Hospital, where Dr. H. A Boyce bad the arm X- rayed and set the fracture. The contract for "the $1,000,000 0:2 in London has been let to a! Canadian company and work is ex- | - pected to start next week. 3 ~~ i DATLY MEMORANDUM. acne ot House of Providence fay ht wt 8 of clock. : s Dangers Convention, Syden= tan Street church, Oct Ib and 13th, = the trans! the Sinmab | i New Silks and : Drees Goods ar , are being shown in our fabric section, "apd so important are materials in the mode, fashions for Fall will be smarter and brighter than ever. 0 8 O Heather Mixed Silk and Wool Balbriggan ~ $3.00 yd. FOR SUITS AND ONE OR 2 PIECE DRESSES So popular has this wonderful mixed Silk and Wool material become that we are showing a few of the very newest shades: WERT ETT Tomato and Powder Blue Sand and Blue Black and White Pansy and Silver EXTREME WIDTH, 56 INCHES. Powder and Silver Supple Crepe de Chenes 40' INCHES WIDE $1.50 No Silk enjoys the popularity that Crepe de Chene does for frocks of Afternoon or Evening occasions. The range of shades is large. VERDIGRIS DUCK BLUR POPPY RED JUNGLE GREEN " ROSEWOOD ORCHID FRENCH ROSE . POWDER BLUE COCOA BLACK BUFF MIST PINK FOG NAVY COPEN 39 in. Flat Crepe $2.50 yd. A heavy quality; 39 inch; Flat Crepe, with lovely, lus trous finish. Suitable for frocks of afternoon or evening wear. Shades: POWDER BLUE ZINC GREY BLACK ALMOND BUFF NAVY F ancy Floral Printed Fuji Silks $1.75 yd. These Fujis in exquisite flow- er pattems and colors are very for coat linings. The col- ors are. PENCIL BLUE AUTUMN BROWN PERIWINKLE FLAME SAND | Rippling Panels at Sway Gracefully IS lovely evening frock, designed in Paris, is now avail- able for you thiough Butterick. And the making of the frock is ly explained in the Deltor, a wonderful dressmaking guide in-- cluded with the pattern. After you buy this BUTTERICK PATTERN buy suitable materials at our Piece-Goods 4 Department Soft materials of ex- quisite texture, espe- NAVY JUNGLE GREEN FRENCH ROSE SAPHIRE For Street Dresses and Sport 5 Attire Colored Dress Flannel 85c¢ yd. ; The all-important fabric for "warm frocks, suitable for street or for sports wear. Thé shades are: BLACK, NAVY, HENNA, ROSEWOOD, SAND, BUFF, CASTOR, BIEGE, POWDER BLUE, SAPHIRE BLUE, JADE GREEN, RUST, STEEL GREY. suited to a frock Full 31 inches wide. of £ is type, are now ' on display. JIAIDLAV & SON =e IAMITED 170 Princess Strest ra. | [EC]